USER GUIDE SolidFire Active IQ User Guide Version: 2.4 6/29/2015 SolidFire Legal Notices The software described in this user guide is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. Copyright Notice Copyright © 2015 SolidFire, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any technical documentation that is made available by SolidFire is the copyrighted work of SolidFire, Inc. and is owned by SolidFire, Inc. NO WARRANTY: The technical documentation that is made available by SolidFire, Inc. is delivered AS-IS, and SolidFire, Inc. makes no warranty as to its accuracy or use. Trademarks SolidFire is a U.S. registered trademark. SolidFire, Element, SolidFire Helix and the helix design are U.S trademarks of SolidFire, Inc. Notices Certain items of software included with the Software are subject to "open source" or "free software" licenses ("OpenSource Software"). Some of the Open Source Software is owned by third parties. Each item of OpenSource Software is licensed under the terms of the end-user license that accompanies such Open Source Software. Nothing in this statement limits your rights under, or grants you rights that supersede, the terms and conditions of any applicable end user license for the Open Source Software. In particular, nothing in this statement restricts your right to copy, modify, and distribute that Open Source Software subject to the terms of the applicable end user license. Patent Pending U.S. Patent and Trademark Office SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 4 Getting Started 5 Enabling Active IQ Reporting 5 Setting Up the connection.json File for Active IQ 5 Changing Your Password 6 Using Filters 7 Exporting List Views and Reporting Data 7 Clusters 8 Reporting 9 Cluster Capacity 11 Cluster Efficiency 12 Cluster Performance 13 Error Log 15 Events List 15 iSCSI Sessions 16 Nodes 17 Drives 18 Volumes 19 Viewing Volume Performance Graphs 19 Viewing Snapshots 20 Replication 22 Viewing Cluster Pairs 22 Viewing Volume Pairs 22 Notifications 24 Adding a Notification 25 Viewing Active Notifications 26 Viewing Notifications 26 Deleting Notifications 28 Resolving Active Notifications 28 Viewing Resolved Notifications 29 SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 3 Introduction Introduction Information about how to use the SolidFire Active IQ user interface (UI) is provided in this guide. The SolidFire Active IQ UI includes a full set of features that enables the following functionality: l l l l l Cluster Access — Access to one or more clusters can be established by connecting with the management node. System Monitoring — Information about the health of your clusters are provided in list formats and graphical formats that allow you to visualize the state of the clusters you are connected to. Notifications — Notifications can be set up to send emails when an important event occurs in the system. Error Logging — Immediately see errors as they occur in the system. The Error Log format is the same format used in the Web User Interface. Event Logging — Identify the key events that are occurring on the cluster. The Events List format is the same format used in the SolidFire Web User Interface. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 4 Getting Started Getting Started Active IQ from SolidFire is a web-based tool that provides continually updated historical views of cluster-wide statistics. Volumes, nodes, drives, and entire cluster data is stored for five years and is updated at regular intervals depending on the data being monitored. Notifications can be set up to alert you about specified events, thresholds, or metrics on a cluster so that they can be addressed quickly when they arise. The Active IQ tool makes monitoring capacity and performance, as well as being informed about cluster health, easy and accessible from anywhere. Enabling Active IQ Reporting The management node is new in Element 8. This replaces the FDVA (Ubuntu-based format) virtual machine and has these benefits: l It is based on Element OS. l It provides a UI with some functionality. l Collection of support bundles is easier, which translates into faster and better support. l It provides security improvements. Active IQ reporting capability must be enabled on the management node before the Active IQ server can connect to a cluster and receive cluster information. When the connection has been successfully set up, the cluster sends information to the Active IQ server. The cluster can then be viewed in the Active IQ UI, which displays cluster information. Follow the instructions in Setting Up the connection.json File for Active IQ. NOTE: For information about enabling reporting in previous versions of Element OS, contact SolidFire Customer Support. For further details about the management node including detailed instructions about creating support bundles, refer to the Element 8 User Guide. NOTE: Google Chrome and Firefox browsers are supported to run with Active IQ. Setting Up the connection.json File for Active IQ Setting up the connection.json file is required when connecting to SolidFire Active IQ from behind a proxy server. Parameters listed are generally self-explanatory. You may choose to leave out the proxy and certificates steps if they are not needed. For further details, refer to the Element 8 User Guide. Procedure Become "root" user with sudo su 1. Open a terminal window and SSH to your management node. 2. Change directory: cd/solidfire/collector 3. Change the modification to 755 on with the following command: EX A MPLE: chmod 755 4. View the help to see the options that can be used to set the connection.json file: EX A MPLE: sudo ./ --help The following list of optional arguments are displayed: -h, --help - show this help message and exit --config CONFIG - Collector configuration file to manage (default: ./connection.json). SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 5 Getting Started --save-config - Save the configuration to the collector configuration file. This option is not necessary when calling any of the set commands, the config is saved automatically when using those commands. --set-username - USERNAME, Set the cluster username in the collector configuration file. --set-password - Set the cluster password in the collector configuration file. NOTE: new password will be captured at the prompt. --set-mvip - MVIP, Set the cluster MVIP in the collector configuration file. --set-remoteHost - REMOTEHOST, Set the remote host in the collector configuration file. --set-customerUID - CUSTOMERUID, Set the customerUID in the collector configuration file. --get-all - Get the all parameters from the collector configuration file. --get-username - Get the cluster username from the collector configuration file. --get-password - Get the cluster password from the collector configuration file. --get-mvip - Get the cluster MVIP from the collector configuration file. --get-remoteHost - Get the remote host from the collector configuration file. --get-customerUID - Get the customerUID from the collector configuration file. --debug - Enable debug messages. 5. Use the following example to set the username, mvip, and customerUID for the collection configuration in the connection.json file. The password will need to be set separately. See the next step. EX A MPLE: ./ --set-username <username> --set-mvip <mvip> --set-customerUID <customerUID> The connection.json file will be auto-saved for you. NOTE: When you enter a password using the set-password command, you will be prompted to enter the password, and then enter it again to confirm the password. 6. Restart the collector service with the following command: EX A MPLE: restart sfcollector 7. Verify the connection is working with the following command: EX A MPLE: tail -f/var/log/sf-collector.log Changing Your Password For security purposes, it is recommended that you change your initial password. Prerequisites A registered Active IQ user name. Procedure 1. Above the tabs, click your user name and select Change Password from the list. The Change Password dialog appears. 2. Enter your old password. 3. Enter and re-enter your new password. 4. Click Submit. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 6 Getting Started 5. Click OK. Using Filters Data in each list view can be filtered to show the data you want to see. Filtering is available on all list views in the user interface. Procedure 1. Click Show Filters. The filter fields appear above each column. 2. Click Hide Filters to clear the filter and hide the filter fields. Exporting List Views and Reporting Data The export feature allows you to export an entire list view or graph data to comma-separated values (CSV) format. Only the information displayed in the list view or graph is exported. If there is a certain sort order or if a filter is used to limit the displayed entries, that sort order and filter are preserved in the exported file. Procedure In a list view or graph, click either Export or Export Graph Data. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 7 Clusters Clusters A cluster is the hub of a SolidFire Storage System and is made up of a collection of nodes. You must have at least four nodes in a cluster (five or more nodes are recommended) in order for SolidFire storage efficiencies to be implemented correctly. A cluster appears on the network as a single logical group and can then be accessed as block storage. Cluster Overview: displays the basic cluster information, such as the ClusterID, Cluster Name, and Location. NOTE: If the date/timestamp in the Last Update column is red, then the cluster has not reported in more than 60 minutes. Cluster Stats: displays performance statistics for each cluster that has a connection to the remote server. NOTE: Each cluster that is available for performance monitoring appears in the Clusters pane under the Reporting, Nodes, Drives, and Volumes tabs. The Clusters pane displays the Cluster Not Reporting symbol ( reported, go back to Clusters > Clusters Overview. ) to indicate that the cluster is not reporting. To see when it last SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 8 Reporting Reporting The Reporting tab provides information about cluster performance. Each category of cluster information is presented in either a table format or a graphical format. Cluster Capacity: displays the overall cluster space that has been provisioned into volumes on the cluster. Cluster Efficiency: displays the effects of thin provisioning, deduplication, and compression on the cluster. Cluster Performance: displays the overall cluster utilization, IOPS usage, and the cluster bandwidth in three separate graphical views. Error Log: displays errors that have been reported by the cluster are posted in the error log. Events List: displays key events that have occurred on the cluster are posted in the event list. iSCSI Sessions: displays the count of active sessions on the cluster and the number of iSCSI session that have occurred on the cluster. In the graphical format, the default time frame displayed for each graph is one month. You can adjust the time frame using the buttons and sliders to increase or decrease the time interval. Each graphical view can be changed to show data for a specified period of time in hours, days, weeks, months, years, or for all periods of time available since the cluster has been logging through the management node. Each time frame can be zoomed in or out to see a broader or narrow interval of the data. The illustration below provides more details about how to zoom on a graph. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 9 Reporting Figure 1: Using Graphs in the Active IQ UI Select the duration time line - default is 1 month. Drag the graph line to zoom into the data in the view. Drag the tabs to adjust the dates that are displayed. Data Granularity The granularity of each cluster and volume graph is listed here. Chart Current 24-hour Period Granularity Historical Granularity Cluster Provisioned Space 5 minutes 1 hour Cluster Block Storage 5 minutes 1 hour Cluster Metadata Storage Space 5 minutes 1 hour Cluster Efficiency 5 minutes 1 hour Cluster Utilization 10 - 15 seconds 1 hour Cluster IOPS 10 - 15 seconds 1 hour Cluster Bandwidth 10 - 15 seconds 1 hour Volume Bandwidth 1 minute 1 hour Volume IOPS 1 minute 1 hour Volume Latency 1 minute 1 hour Volume Queue Depth 1 minute 1 hour Volume Average IO Size 1 minute 1 hour Volume Capacity 1 minute 1 hour SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 10 Reporting Cluster Capacity The overall cluster space that has been provisioned into volumes on the cluster is displayed under Cluster Capacity in three separate graphical views. Cluster Provisioned Space This graph shows the amount of space that has been provisioned on the cluster. The default time frame displayed for each graph is one month. You can adjust the time frame using the buttons and sliders to increase or decrease the time interval of the display. The longest period can display all transactions recorded since the cluster has been logging through the management node. Figure 2: Cluster Provisioned Space Cluster Block Storage Space This graph shows the amount of space used by data written to block storage and used by the data stored in the volumes on the cluster. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 11 Reporting Figure 3: Cluster Block Storage Space Cluster Metadata Storage Space This graph shows the amount of space used by data written to metadata storage and used by the data stored in the volumes on the cluster. Figure 4: Cluster Metadata Storage Space Cluster Efficiency The effects of thin provisioning, deduplication, and compression on the cluster is displayed under Cluster Efficiency. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 12 Reporting The following describes each of the SolidFire features: l l l l Overall Efficiency: Shows the global efficiency of thin provisioning, deduplication, and compression multiplied together. From the image below, the numbers would look like this: (1.75) x (1.49) x (1.43) = 3.73. These calculations do not take into account the double helix feature built into the SolidFire system. Compression Efficiency: Shows the effect of data compression on stored data in the cluster. Different data types compress at different rates. For example, text data and most documents easily compress to a smaller space, but video and graphical images typically do not. Deduplication Efficiency: Shows the ratio-multiplier of amount of space that was saved by not storing duplicate data in the cluster. Thin Provisioning Efficiency: Shows the amount of space saved by using this feature. This number reflects the delta between the capacity allocated for the cluster and the amount of data actually stored. Figure 5: Cluster Efficiency Graph Cluster Performance The overall cluster utilization, IOPS usage, and cluster bandwidth is displayed under Cluster Performance in three separate graphical views. Cluster Utilization This graph shows a history of low and high cluster usage. The default time frame displayed for each graph is one week. You can adjust the time frame using the buttons and sliders to increase or decrease the duration of the display. The longest period can display all transactions recorded since the cluster has been logging through the management node. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 13 Reporting Figure 6: Cluster Utilization Cluster IOPS This graph shows a history of Read IOPS, Write IOPS, and Total IOPS recorded during a period of time. Figure 7: Cluster IOPS Cluster Bandwidth This graph shows a history of Read Bytes, Write Bytes, and Total Bytes recorded during a period of time. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 14 Reporting Figure 8: Cluster Bandwidth Error Log The Error Log displays information about errors that have been reported by the cluster. This includes error codes, details about the error, and whether or not the error has been resolved. Many of the errors are handled by the cluster operating system and do not require manual intervention. Figure 9: Error Log Events List The Event List displays information about key events that have occurred on the cluster. This includes event types and details about each event. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 15 Reporting Figure 10: Events List iSCSI Sessions The number of active sessions on the cluster and the number of iSCSI sessions that have occurred on the cluster are displayed under iSCSI Sessions. The SolidFire features are: l Active Sessions: shows the number of iSCSI sessions that are attached and active on the cluster. l Peak Active Sessions: shows the maximum number of iSCSI sessions that have occurred on the cluster in the last 24 hours. NOTE: This data includes iSCSI sessions generated by SolidFire Fibre Channel nodes. Figure 11: iSCSI Sessions SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 16 Nodes Nodes Each node is a collection of solid state drives (SSD). Each storage node comes with CPU, networking, cache, and storage resources. The storage node resources are pooled into a cluster of nodes. The Active Nodes List under the Nodes tab displays information about each node in a cluster. Figure 12: Active Nodes List SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 17 Drives Drives Each node contains one or more physical drives, which are used to store a portion of the data for the cluster. The cluster will utilize the capacity and performance of the drive after the drive has been successfully added to a cluster. Information about each drive in a cluster appears in the Drives tab. Figure 13: Active Drives List Active Drives: displays information about each drive that is in a cluster. Available Drives: displays drives that are available to add to the cluster. Failed Drives: displays drives that have failed and need to be replaced on the cluster. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 18 Volumes Volumes Storage is provisioned in the SolidFire system by way of volumes. Volumes are block devices accessed over the network via iSCSI. Information about each volume that is in a cluster is displayed in the Active Volumes List and Snapshots List under the Volumes tab. Figure 14: Active Volumes List Active Volumes: displays basic information about the active volumes, such as the Volume ID, Account ID, and Volume Size. Snapshots: displays information about the snapshots, such as Snapshot Name, Snapshot Size, and Volume ID. Viewing Volume Performance Graphs Performance activity for each volume can be viewed in a graphical format. This information provides real-time statistics for bandwidth, IOPS, latency, queue depth, and average IO size for each volume. Procedure 1. Click the Volumes tab. The Active Volumes List appears. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 19 Volumes 2. Click the graph icon ( ) to the left of the Volume ID column. A separate window opens to display these performance graphs: l Volume Bandwidth l Volume IOPS l Volume Latency l Volume Queue Depth l Volume Average IO Size l Volume Capacity NOTE: For information about the granularity of the data, refer to Data Granularity. 3. (Optional) If you want to export each list as a CSV file, click the Export Graph Data button. Viewing Snapshots A point-in-time replica of a volume's slice drive metadata is displayed in the Snapshots List. Procedure 1. Click the Volumes tab. 2. Click Snapshots. The Snapshots List appears. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 20 Volumes 3. (Optional) If you want to export the list as a CSV file, click the Export button. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 21 Replication Replication The Replication tab provides information about clusters and volumes that are connected and replicated on a second cluster for the purpose of data protection. Clusters must be paired before the volumes on each cluster can be paired. Cluster Pairs: displays all clusters that have been successfully paired. Volume Pairs: displays all volumes that have been successfully paired. Viewing Cluster Pairs Real-time status information about cluster pairs is displayed in Cluster Replication. Cluster Pair ID: ID number given when the cluster pair was created. Remote Cluster Name: Name of the remote cluster of the pair. Remote MVIP: Management Virtual IP of the remote cluster. Replicating Volumes: Represents the number of volumes that are replicated on the paired cluster. Status: State of the cluster pair. UUID: Universally unique identifier Viewing Volume Pairs Real-time status information about volume pairs is displayed in Volume Replication. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 22 Replication Volume ID: ID number given when the volume was created. Volume Name: Name given to the volume when it was created. The volume name can be up to 223 characters consisting of a-z, 0-9 and dash (-). Account ID: ID of the account assigned to the volume. Status: State of the replicating volume. Direction: Indicates the direction of the volume data: Source indicates data is being written out to a target. Target indicates data is being written in from a source. Async Delay: Length of time since the volume was last synced with the remote cluster. If the volume is not paired, this is null. NOTE: A target volume in an active replication state always has an Async Delay of 0 (zero). Target volumes are system-aware during replication and assume async delay is accurate at all times. Remote Cluster: Name of the remote cluster on which the volume resides. Remote Volume ID: Volume ID of the volume on the remote cluster. Remote Volume Name: Name given to the remote volume when it was created. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 23 Notifications Notifications Notifications are used to generate an email message to an identified recipient when a certain condition is reached on a SolidFire cluster. In this way you are notified immediately when an important event occurs on your cluster. Notifications are generated based on the type of notification that is selected for the notification. Notification types such as Upgrade, Cluster Fault, or Failed Drive, for example, generate and send an email to an email address based on the severity level selected for the notification. Several notification types and severity levels are available to choose from in the UI. For more details about setting up notifications with the correct type and level of severity, see Adding a Notification. NOTE: When a notification is defined, an email address is specified for that notification; therefore, only one alert is generated per fault and only one email is generated per fault. Active Notifications: displays all notifications that are still active in the system. Active notifications continue to be listed until the notification is resolved. Notifications List: displays all notifications that have been created in the system. Resolved Notifications: displays a historical list of notifications that have been resolved. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 24 Notifications Adding a Notification To add a notification, use the Add Notification dialog box. The dialog box presents the fields applicable to a notification type when a notification type is selected. NOTE: You cannot edit a notification once it has been added. Therefore, you must delete the notification first and then add it back to Active IQ. Procedure 1. Click the Notifications tab. 2. Click Notifications List. 3. Click Add Notification. The Add Notification dialog appears. 4. Select a notification type from the Type drop-down list. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 25 Notifications 5. Enter the notification information such as the title of the notification, what severity level should generate the notification, and who the notification should be sent to. NOTE: Notification titles should describe the condition the notification is being created for. Descriptive notification titles help identify the notification easily. Notification titles are displayed as a reference elsewhere in the system. 6. Click Save Notification. Viewing Active Notifications Information about notifications that are active in the system can be viewed in the Active Notifications List. Active notifications continue to be listed until the notification is resolved. Once a notification is resolved, it is moved to the Resolved Notifications list. Procedure 1. Click the Notifications tab. 2. Click Active Notifications. The Active Notifications List appears. 3. (Optional) If you want to filter the list, click Show Filters. 4. (Optional) If you want to export the list as a CSV file, click Export. 5. (Optional) If you want to resolve a notification, see Resolving Active Notifications. Viewing Notifications Each notification created is visible in the Notifications List. Each entry in the list has information about the conditions used to create each notification. Procedure 1. Click the Notifications tab. 2. Click Notifications List. The Notifications List appears. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 26 Notifications 3. (Optional) If you want to filter the list, click Show Filters. 4. (Optional) If you want to export the list as a CSV file, click Export. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 27 Notifications Deleting Notifications You can delete notifications you no longer need from the Notifications List. Deleting notifications removes them permanently from the system. Prerequisites At least one notification must be defined. Procedure 1. Click the Notifications tab. 2. Click Notifications List. The Notifications List appears. 3. Click the delete ( ) button to the right of the Conditions column. A confirmation message appears. 4. Click Delete Notification. The notification is permanently removed from the system. Resolving Active Notifications Notifications that have been resolved appear in the Resolved Notifications list. Resolving a notification discontinues notification emails only if the issue has been resolved in the system. NOTE: Notifications can be marked as resolved without fixing the condition that caused the notification. In this case, notification emails continue to be generated and the notification is posted to the Active Notifications List. To stop the emails and posting to the Active Notifications List, you must either delete or resolve the issue. Procedure 1. Click the Notifications tab. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 28 Notifications 2. Click Active Notifications. 3. Select one or more notifications (optionally, you can select them all by clicking select all). 4. At the bottom right, click Resolve Notifications. The notification is moved to the Resolved Notifications list and is no longer listed in the Active Notifications List. NOTE: If an unresolved issue is marked resolved, you will continue to receive notification emails. If you want these emails to stop, you must delete the notification or resolve the issue. Viewing Resolved Notifications The notifications that have been resolved are displayed in the Resolved Notifications window. Notifications that have been moved to the Resolved Notifications list are kept for historical purposes. For that reason, they cannot be deleted. Prerequisites At least one notification has been resolved. Procedure 1. Click the Notifications tab. 2. Click Resolved Notifications. The Resolved Notifications window appears. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 29 Notifications 3. (Optional) If you want to filter the list, click Show Filters. 4. (Optional) If you want to export the list as a CSV file, click Export. SolidFire Active IQ User Guide 30 1600 Pearl Street, Suite 200 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Phone: 720.523.3278 Email: [email protected] Web: SolidFire Support: 6/29/2015
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