We welcome all who are visiting with us today. Please take a few minutes and fill out a visitor’s card. We would like to have a record of your visit. Deacon of the Week Alex Carney — 345-3324 Nursery Workers: May 24—AM—Callie McAnally & Jeni Honeycutt PM—Cindy Durham & Jeni Honeycutt May 31—AM—Wanda Shockley & Rhonda Chandler PM—Jeni Honeycutt & Rhonda Chandler Children’s Church Workers: May 24—Patsy Hurd & Helper Please arrive no later than 9:15 a.m. Greeter & Security Teams: May 24: Cleo McLain, David Cuthrell, & Ken White May 31: Jim Turnmire, Bob Palmer, & Becky Dinkins May 24: Ed & Liz Cuthrell & Jim Ailshie May 31: Clayton Honeycutt May—Ondrea Dye & Rhonda Chandler Van Ministry: May 24—AM/PM—Tony Dye & Linda Williams May 27—Ronnie Chandler May 31—AM/PM—Melissa Johnson For a Ride, call 423-272-7676 ext.8 & leave your name and number. Men’s Conference— June 19th & 20th Men’s Conference: There will be a men’s conference on June 19th & 20th. This year’s theme is “All In” with speaker Dr. Roc Collins. A Sign-Up Sheet is now available on the Organ. Help us locate our “Lost Sheep.” These are people who are part of our church that we do not have current contact information on. We will list the name and any information we have on them, if you know them or know someone who knows someone who knows someone who might know where they are or how to contact them please contact the Church Office. By phone, email or write it down and put it in the Secretaries box outside her door. Here is this week’s Lost Sheep! Please Help Us! We are still looking for information on: 1. Howard Rush 2. Jason, Johnny, Linda, & Vickie Rutledge 3. Eddie Samsel 4. Christopher, Kerri, Annete, & Betty Seals HENARD’S CHAPEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH ‘At the Top of the Hill’ 145 Henard’s Chapel Rd. Rogersville, TN 37857 423-272-7676 www.henardschapel.org Church email - [email protected] If you can help us with any more details or know of someone who might can, Please let us know. Thanks to your help we have information updates on several of these lost sheep, Please keep up the Good Work! Mark your calendars moms!! Callie McAnally is starting a bible study/ encouragement group for mothers of all ages, working moms, and stay at home moms and moms that just need to be encouraged. This Study/Group will meet on Thursdays starting June 11th. The tentative time is 6:30PM-7:30PM. The location will be at the church property off of Hwy 11W. Bring your own lawn chair for comfort! Looking forward to letting God lead and encourage each of us!! Sunday 9:45 am - Sunday School / 11:00 am - Morning Worship 6:00 pm Discipleship Training / 7:00 pm Evening Worship Wednesday Schedule: Worship at 6:00 pm Adult Choir Practice: 7:00 pm 1st Wednesday: Missions 2nd Wednesday: Business Meeting 3rd & 4th Wednesdays: Prayer Meeting Ministry opportunities for the children and youth NEW KIDS ON THE ROCK Children’s Schedule Sunday School 9:45 am Worship 11:00 am Discipleship Training 6:00 pm for 1st - 6th Grades Worship 7:00 pm Wednesday 6:00 pm All Programs “NEW BEGINNING” Youth Ministry Sunday Bible Study—9:45 am Morning Worship—11:00 am Youth Small Group—6:00 pm Evening Worship—7:00 pm Wednesday “NEW BEGINNING” Youth Group 6:00-7:00 pm Rev. Rick Dinkins - Pastor Home phone - 272-3111 & Cell phone 754-0750 Email - [email protected] Wesley Vaughn - Music Director (423) 358-0389 William & Madelene Horton - Custodians May 24, 2015 Welcome To Henard’s Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Sunday, May 24, 2015 Sunday School 9:45AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM THIS WEEK ON THE HILL CHURCH NEWS: *Today, May 24th:* **All VBS Teachers and Helpers, please meet here at Henard’s Chapel At 5:15PM this evening** The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree. ~Thomas Campbell. News From The Library: MaryLu Tyndall, A new writer in our Library features a book of Three Adventures from the War of 1812 titled, “Surrender to Destiny.” Come by and check us out. *Monday, May 25th:* **NOTICE!! VBS & Backyard Bible Club Outreach:** On the last Thursday in May (28th), we will be having a VBS & Mission Outreach to invite all people to come to VBS and the Backyard Bible Clubs. Our VBS theme this year is Journey Off the Map. Flyers will be made available for hand out. For more information please see Pastor Rick Dinkins. Welcome & Announcements *Wednesday, May 27th:* Altar Prayer Call To Worship “Leaning On The Everlasting Arms” Worship In Song “Because He Lives” Worship With Tithes & Offerings Special Music Worship In Song Message “There Will Be A Day” “It Is Well” Pastor Rick Dinkins “An Unshaken God In A Shaking World” Romans 15:5,13, & 33 Invitation / Benediction Discipleship Training 6:00PM Evening Worship 7:00PM Welcome & Announcements Altar Prayer Call To Worship Worship With Tithes & Offerings Worship In Song Message Pastor Rick Dinkins “DEUTERONOMY—PRIVILEGES AND RESPONSIBILITIES” Deuteronomy 7 Invitation / Benediction Worship is a special time of reverence and respect. Please reverence God and respect those worshiping with you by not running in and out during worship service. The Holy Spirit may be working with the person you distract by your leaving and they may leave lost! Thanks for your cooperation, Pastor Rick **Prayer Meeting 6:00PM** **Choir Practice 7:00PM ** *Thursday, May 28th:* ** 7:00PM Branch 1: Holston Hills with Clayton Honeycutt & Ed Roy Cuthrell** Block Party & Bible Book Club: Henard’s Chapel Baptist Church in conjunction with FBC Forest Park, GA Mission Team, invite you to “Jesus Loves Me this I know,” block party on Sunday, June 7th from 5:00PM—7:00PM on the church property on Hwy 11W below TRW. *Saturday, May 30th:* **Cleaning / Work Day At The Property** *Coming Next Sunday, May 31ST:* **Vacation Bible School (May 31st—June 4th) 6:00PM—8:30PM Nightly with meal at 5:15PM** Happy Birthday: On June 8th—11th from 10:00AM to 12:00PM there will be two Backyard Bible Clubs available for you to attend. The locations for these Bible Clubs are as follows: 05/28—Kathy Wright 05/29—Randol Burton Happy Anniversary: 05/24—Jim & Niki Ailshie 05/29—Freddie & Edith Robbins 05/30—Gene & Kim Cobb Upcoming Events In June: June 4th— 6:00AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Price Public Community Center; 7:00PM Branch 1 June 7th—4:30PM Deacon’s Meeting; 5:00PM—7:00PM Block Party at church property June 8th—10:00AM—12:00PM Backyard Bible Clubs at By His Hands Mission Center & The Church Property June 9th—10:00AM—12:00PM Backyard Bible Clubs at By His Hands Mission Center & The Church Property June 10th—10:00AM—12:00PM Backyard Bible Clubs at By His Hands Mission Center & The Church Property; 6:00PM Business Meeting; 7:00PM Choir Practice The Flag still floats unblotted with defeat! But ah the blood that keeps its ripples red, The starry lives that keep its field alight. ~Rupert Hughes. Follow-Up Cards are available for those willing to help reach out to those visiting our church! By His Hands Mission Center (located on Big Springs Road) The Church Property (located on Hwy 11W below TRW) Classes for both of these locations are for Ages 2—Adult For more information call 272-7676. And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. ~Lee Greenwood. I want to take this space and time to share a heartfelt thank you for those who came to work this past Tuesday night. Many hands showed up making the work lite and the fellowship was very enjoyable. The work in the flowers has added beauty to the house of God which deserves our best care and attention. Again Thank you all for your help and labor of love. May 17, 2015 Sunday School………..…… 88 For The Record: Graduate Recognition & Kids Emphasis HCBC, Creating a church people love to attend.
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