Morning Worship - The Lord’s Day Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Independence Day Weekend July 5, 2015 - 10:30 AM “The LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him.” Habakkuk 2:20 *Fill out your prayer request insert and prepare your heart to worship* Gathering – Prelude Announcements Greeting Call to Worship: I Will Call Upon the Lord (2x) 2002 Hymn of Praise: God of the Ages 698 Act of Praise: Psalm 72 795 Scripture Lesson: Sermon: Deuteronomy 10:12-13, 17-21 Galatians 5:13-26 St. John 8:31-39 the Rev. Barry Andrews Hymn of Faith: America (My Country, ‘Tis of Thee) 697 Affirmation of Faith: Apostles’ Creed 881 Gloria Patri: Glory Be to the Father 70 Invocation Giving our Tithes and Offerings: Offering Prayer: Offertory: Doxology: Thomas Garrett the Wesley Choir Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow 94 Morning Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer Holy Communion: A Service of Word and Table II 12 America the Beautiful 696 Benediction Hymn of Dedication: Stewardship Week of June 28, 2015 General Fund $ 2,152.00 Facilities Imp. Fund T. Garrett Scholarship 215.00 Sunday School Hispanic Service 6/21/15 355.00 Trustees 75.00 30.00 235.00 Cuba Mission Trip Report by Donna Glasner - I was blessed to have the opportunity to visit our Sister Church-Martin Perez Methodist Church in Havana. I appreciate all the support – finances and prayers. My 3-point summary is: I was surprised at how primitive their living conditions were – we take for granted that we will have hot running water, internet access, air conditioning, and a car in the driveway. I was amazed by the overall culture of happiness, regardless of their circumstances. I was impressed by how they lived their faith daily – the focus was always on caring for each other and reaching others for Christ. Everyone was so welcoming and hospitable – they did everything to make me feel at home. I met so many wonderful people. They were very grateful for the monies, vitamins, OTC medications, medical supplies, personal hygiene items, clothing, and shoes we sent. They enjoyed the photo album of Faith UMC that I gave them. There is room for more photos, so please let me know if you have some you’d like to share. I have a week’s worth of memories and relationships I’d be glad to share with your small group. Please let me know if you are interested. Pastor Rigoberto Felico Ministry Update by Marcia Soto: Pastor Rigo and his family are in Ecuador working at Iglesia Metodista El Carmen, in El Carmen, Manabi. His church has a strong ministry with abandoned children and their families. Sad to say, many of these children live in abject poverty. The church ministers to some 334 children and adolescents. Please keep Pastor Rigo, his family and ministry in your prayers. To God alone be the glory! The food pantry has several urgent needs this week, including all breakfast items. We are completely out of all breakfast foods and need cereal, grits, pancake mix, and oatmeal. We are also extremely low on dry beans, instant mashed potatoes, and soup. Monetary donations have also been down significantly and all amounts are appreciated. Please help us spread the word on an exciting fundraising opportunity that is coming up in July. Join us on Saturday, July 18, 2015 from 2:00-4:00 PM at Painting with a Twist in San Marco. For only $35, each person gets to create a beautiful one-of-a-kind painting that is perfect to hang or gift. Half of the registration costs come back to UCOM to help operate our programs. You must register and pay prior to the 18th and spaces fill up quickly. You can register online at jacksonville/ or call (904) 399-8399 for more information. You can donate online at or send a check to: 3349 St Augustine Rd Jacksonville FL 32207. Follow us on Jax and Twitter @UcomJax Thanks to all who participated in Undie Sundays! We collected 108 pair of undies for City Rescue Mission! Domingo/Sunday: Escuela Dominical / Sunday School 11:00 AM Culto de Adoración / Worship Service 12:00 PM Miércoles / Wednesday: ESOL – Classes de Inglés Gratis/Free English Classes 7:00 PM OPPORTUNITIES THIS WEEK Sunday, July 5th Holy Communion 9/9:15AM En Sunday School 10:00AM Café Fellowship (WH) 10:30AM En Worship Service (S) 11:00AM Sp Sunday School 7:00-10:00PM Zomi Christian Church (S) 7:00-11:00PM Kachin Baptist Church (WH) Monday, July 6th 6:30PM Men of Faith at Bono's BBQ-4907 Beach Blvd Tuesday, July 7th 2:30PM Holy Communion at Taylor Home NO Evangelism/SS meeting in July Illuminate on Summer Break Wednesday, July 8th 6:00-8:00PM Youth Gathering (PMYB) Snack Supper is provided Thursday, July 9th 11:00AM Bridge Bunch (AH) 7:00PM HM worship team practice (S) Saturday, July 11th 7:00PM Estudio Biblico/Bible Study (AH) Sunday, July 12th 9/9:15AM En Sunday School 10:00AM Café Fellowship (WH) 10:30AM En Worship Service (S) 11:00AM Sp Sunday School 7:00-10:00PM Zomi Christian Church (S) 7:00-11:00PM Kachin Baptist Church (WH) Sabado / Saturday: Estudio Bíblico / Bible Study Rev. Ernesto Hidalgo phone number: (904) 930-7279 7:00 PM (AH) (AH) Asbury Hall, (C) Campus, (En) English,(ESOL – B/I) (English for Speakers of Other Languages - Beginners/Intermediate, (G) Gym, (HM) Hispanic Ministry, (P) P-Wing, (PMYB) Peeler Memorial Youth Building, (S) Sanctuary, Sp (Spanish), (TH) Taylor Home, (WH) Wesley Hall Sunday, July 5, 2015
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