HENNEPlN “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” WORSHlP

Where + is indicated, standing or sitting, we praise God.
You are invited to read aloud the bold text.
Festival of Hennepin Choirs
May 17, 2015
10:00 AM
The chimes tell us that worship is beginning.
The prelude helps us prepare to bring our praise,
hear God’s word, and respond in love and service.
Please stop all conversation so those around you can have this time of preparation.
Hennepin Chime
that has
praise the
-Psalm 150
Psalm 24
Sandra Eithun
Bryan Carter
O Lord, open our lips,
and our mouth will proclaim your praise.
It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O
Most High,
to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the
Rock of our salvation.
Let us come with thanksgiving and extol God with hearts and
Warren Martin
+ HYMN NO. 68
St. 1 – all
St. 2 – choirs
St. 3 – congregation
St. 4 – choirs
St. 5 – all
When In Our Music God is Glorified
Bless, O Lord, us thy servants who minister in thy temple. Grant that what we
sing with our lips we may believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our
hearts we may show forth in our lives;
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Creator God, because you make all that draws forth our praise
and the forms in which to express it,
We praise you.
Prayer Continued →
avenue united methodist
511 groveland avenue
minneapolis, mn 55403 phone 612-871-5303
In Our Prayers This Week
Miriam Gunnarson
Gregory Steele
Elizabeth Cox, mother of Cece Cope
Mother of Elaine MacIntosh
In Hospital
Kay Sommers
Arlene Williams
Outpatient Surgery
Deb Green
Marie Cross
Francis Glineberg
Richard Good
Blanche Holtz
Recovering at Home
Jill Johnson
Care Centers
Beulah Johnson
Tom Ludlow
Joe Uemura
Prayer Requests
Skip Webster
Melissa Toavs
Durwin, brother of Sharon Christopher
If you would like your name added
to this public prayer list, email
[email protected]
or call the church (612-871-5303)
and ask for the Pastoral Care line.
Your name will appear for four
Sundays. Please contact us if you
have another preference.
Because you make artists of us all, awakening courage to look
again at what is taken for granted, grace to share these insights
with others, vision to reveal the future already in being,
We praise you.
Because you form your Word among us, and in your great work
embrace all human experience, even death itself, inspiring our
resurrection song,
We praise you. Yours is the glory! Amen.
Everyone is encouraged to
wear red for Pentecost.
Rev. Paula Colton
Feed My Lambs
Carol Choir
Natalie Sleeth
Psalm 150, Hymnal pg. 862
Children in Preschool - Kindergarten are welcome to join their families in worship,
or go to Room 105-107 for God’s Children Sing.
One Meal, Many Tastes
Rev. Nate Melcher
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
setting by Gilbert M. Martin
Jacy Demcisak
We give thanks for all we have received, O God: gifts of love
and time, money and abilities. Into these plates and in this
place we return a portion of these gifts. Bless those who
receive them, just as we are blessed in the act of sharing
them. Amen.
Please join to sing on cue:
Day of Pentecost
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 2:1-21
C. Hubert H. Parry
The Prayer of the Children*
Hennepin Chamber Singers
Altar Choir
I Was Glad
Sanctuary Choir
Psalm 122
Kurt Bestor
Lenten Love Song
Helen Kemp
Too Splendid for Speech but Ripe for a Song
Rev. Sally Johnson
Thomas Troeger
The Rhythm of Life
Cy Coleman/Richard Barnes
Prayer of the Children
Can you hear the prayer of the children on
bended knee, in the shadow of an unknown
Empty eyes with no more tears to cry,
turning heavenward toward the light.
Crying, “Jesus, help me to see the morning
light of one more day,
but if I should die before I wake, I pray my
soul to take."
May the Peace of God be with you.
And also with you.
The congregation may greet each other with a sign of reconciliation and peace.
Singing Your Praises†
Libby Larsen
Please join to sing on cue:
Can you feel the hearts of the children
aching for home, for something of their
very own.
Reaching hands with nothing to hold onto
but hope for a better day.
Crying, “Jesus, help me to feel the love
again in my own land,
but if unknown roads lead away from home,
give me loving arms, away from harm."
Can you hear the voice of the children
softly pleading for silence in their shattered
Angry guns preach a gospel full of hate,
blood of the innocent on their hands.
Crying, “Jesus, help me to feel the sun
again upon my face?
For when darkness clears, I know you're
near, bringing peace again."
Dali čujete sve dječje molitve? (SerboCroation)
Can you hear the prayer of the children?
Singing Your Praises was commissioned
from Ms. Larsen for Hennepin’s 125th
anniversary in 2000. The poem is by
Thomas Wright:
Singing Your praises, our many voices
become one. A servant band of caring
people, of mothers, fathers, daughters,
sons; of laughing children, dancing youth,
of guiding parents and teaching elders.
Singing your praises, our many voices
become one. Embracing one, You are the
God of generations past and to come.
May the blessing of God, the giver of every good and perfect gift;
and of Christ, who summons us to love and service;
and of the Holy Spirit, who inspires imagination, generosity, and love;
be with us all.
Bless the Lord.
The Lord's name be praised.
Please be seated.
The Lord Bless You and Keep You
Peter Christian Lutkin
A servant band of caring people, laughing
children, dancing youth, guiding parents
and teaching elders, glowing campfires,
calling loons.
Ringing bells, shimmer and peal,
Chanting children, straight and tall,
Sturdy pipes, soft lute and strings,
Lifting hands, sweet voices ring.
Singing your praises, our many voices
become one. Embracing one, You are the
God of generations past and to come.
You've made us greater than we alone
could be. Day by day, week by week,
season turning into season, generation to
generations, we magnify your holy name,
that they may know the faithfulness of your
Word, the love of your people, the
graciousness of your work in all the earth.
Celebrating opera music in their own
unique way, The Copper Street Brass
Quintet and Minnesota Opera are
collaborating for two concerts in June to
deliver an operatic “covers” show like no
other. A fabulous quartet of Minnesota
Opera singers will bring opera arias,
spirituals, and Great American Songbook
tunes to life, all while The CSBQ will make
their brass instruments sing like Pavarotti!
Music ranges from Mozart to Verdi, Bizet to
Gilbert & Sullivan, and Gershwin to
June 16, 7:00pm, Bemis Hall at the
Minnesota Opera Center, Minneapolis, MN
June 19, 7:00pm, Sundin Hall at Hamline
University, St. Paul, MN
Get tickets in advance before they’re all
gone! Tickets available at www.csbq.org or
by calling (612)722-3667.
Every member of Hennepin Church.
Paula Colton, Youth & Families; Sally
Johnson, Worship & Spiritual
Formation; Jim McChesney, Pastoral
Care/Visitation; Kent Millard, Interim
Lead Pastor; Nate Melcher, Associate
Pastor; Richard Waggoner, Music Emeritus.
Program Staff
John Cole, Dignity Center; Kevin
Dahlen, Koinonia; Jack Fistler, Legacy
Giving; Liz Gagnon, Finance; Andrew
Hackett, Organist; Bryant Holmstrom,
Facilities; Mary Martin, Dignity Center;
William Mathis, Music & Fine Arts;
Dana Neuhauser, Children’s Ministries;
Mark Peterson, Koinonia; Jodi Standke,
Interim Administrator
Twin Cities District
Judy Zabel
Minnesota Area Bishop
Bruce Ough
Hennepin is a Reconciling
Congregation, welcoming the full
participation of all persons,
including the LGBT Community.
Overture to Die Meistersinger
Richard Wagner, arr. Tim Bradley
Today's Sanctuary Flowers are given in loving memory of
wife & mother, Cleon, son & brother, Scott, and others of our family
by Jim Anderson and Nancy Goodhouse.
were given in celebration of the life of Della M. Lauridsen.
We Welcome You!
Welcome! If you’re a visitor, know that we’re glad you’re here, and that we’d
love to get to know you better. Please leave your contact information in the
Friendship Folder found in each pew. Hennepin Avenue United Methodist
Church has a place for you. If this is your first visit, welcome. If you are
returning, welcome back.
Do you have any questions about Hennepin, any at all? Just look for folks
wearing a Matchmaker badge! Our Matchmaker program exists to welcome
you and to help you connect and engage within this wonderful church. You
can also reach out by email: [email protected].
Welcome Bags are available at each entrance for guests to receive if you’d
like more information about Hennepin Church.
Nursery for infants – age 3 is available on Sundays until 12:30 PM in the
Longfellow Room off the SW corner of Carlson Hall. Any usher would be
delighted to help you find the nursery.
Coffee is available each Sunday in Carlson Hall. Our thanks to Jim Cone of
Coffee and Tea, Ltd. for supplying our Sunday coffee.
A Farewell from
Dana Neuhauser:
It is with a mixture of both
sadness and joy that I share
with you the news that I have
accepted a position as
Director of Children, Youth
and Families at Living Spirit
UMC in S. Minneapolis. While
I will dearly miss the children
and families of Hennepin whom I have grown to cherish over the past 5 1/2
years, I am excited for new opportunities and challenges as I help build
new ministries with children, youth and families at Living Spirit. My last
Sunday will be May 31st.
Thank you for the opportunities for professional and spiritual development
that you have provided me during the past five years. I have especially
appreciated the support and encouragement in my journey as a seminarian
and candidate for ordination. I trust that I will remain in Hennepin's prayers,
as Hennepin will remain in mine.
There are many ways to serve at
Hennepin Church. From one-time,
rollup-your-sleeves-get-somethingdone projects to ongoing groups
and committees, there is bound to
be a fit for your interests and gifts.
To find out how to volunteer,
please call 612-435-1337 or go to HennepinChurch.org/Get-Involved.
Want to get involved right away? Use the Get Involved Card in the pew rack
(sanctuary) or as you enter other worship spaces. Fill it out and place in the offering
plate, or hand to an usher.
➡ Adults are needed to lead and assist with Pray and Play which happens
the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month during 10 am Traditional
Worship. Pray and Play is for ages 3 through Kindergarten who are not
yet ready to sit through worship. A story, game, and craft is planned for
their time together. Anyone can help, and no special training is needed.
Please email [email protected] or call 612-435-1304.
8:00 - 8:30
8:00 - 12:30
8:00 - 12:30
8:00 - 12:30
8:30 - 9:30
9:00 - 12:00
9:30 - 10:30
10:00 - 12:30
10:00 - 11:00
10:00 - 1:00
11:00 - 12:00
11:00 - 12:00
11:00 - 12:00
11:00 - 12:00
11:15 - 12:45
11:15 - 12:00
12:30 - 3:00
1:00 - 5:00
3:00 - 5:30
5:00 - 6:00
The Hospitality Team needs people
with friendly faces to greet first-time
guests at the brand-new Welcome
Wagon. You'll give each family a
Welcome Bag with info about the
church and its ministries, plus a Swag
Bag for any children who are first-time
guests, too. Please sign up for a
Welcome Wagon shift this spring or
summer! You can contact Pastor Nate
at [email protected].
May 17 – Today at Hennepin
Sabbath Beginnings (Communion)
Border Chapel
Mother’s Lounge
Room 101
Coffee Fellowship
Carlson Hall
Longfellow Room
Sacred Journey Worship (Creation Spirituality) Art Gallery
Hennepin Marketplace
Carlson Hall & East Entry
Seeds of Celebration
Harrison Room
Breakfast at Hennepin
Social Hall
Traditional Worship (Organ, Choir)
UMW Project Assembly
Dorcas Alcove
Flat Jesus Party (children of all ages) Church of Youth
Young Adult Study: Animate
Conference Room
Peace through Justice Forum
Art Gallery
Parent-Child Relationships
Harrison Room
Chamber Singers
Choir Room
Many Voices Worship (Celtic Christianity) Border Chapel
St. Theresa’s Mass
Border Chapel
EOY Student Piano Recital
Art Gallery
Bach Cantatas
Border Chapel
Sunday at Five (Recovery)
Gratitude Campaign Concludes/2015 Budget Set
As we conclude the Gratitude Campaign and finalize the 2015 Budget, we end with
a $21,000 shortfall in anticipated pledges. We forecasted $1,630,000, which was flat
with 2014. The Gratitude Campaign committee, Finance Committee and Clergy believe
we have made our best efforts to reach all pledging households through letters, calls
and appeals to the congregation.
To all who pledged generously, we thank you.
SPR and certain ministry areas made cuts and adjustments to cover the shortfall and
a balanced budget was presented and approved by Ad Council at its May meeting.
Any questions you may have about the Budget and the Gratitude Campaign are
Rodney Bacon - Finance Chair
[email protected]
Marla Tipping - Gratitude Campaign Chair
[email protected]
Wednesday, May 20
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
1:00 PM
5:30 PM
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
7:15 PM
Knotty Quilters
Hamdon Investment
Steeple People Board
Open Yoga
Hospitality Committee
Sanctuary Choir
Thursday, May 21
11:00 AM Tom Savereide
3:00 PM Dignity Circle
6:30 PM Morning Star Singers
7:00 PM Hennepin Chime
7:00 PM GLBT and Friends
Friday, May 22
7:00 AM Men’s Fellowship
10:00 AM Alanon
Saturday, May 23
10:00 AM Saturday Women’s
11:00 AM Open Yoga
Please send calendar information
or room requests to
[email protected]
or call 612-871-5303.
Hunger Offering: 1 in 8 people worldwide goes to bed
hungry every night. Your gift to the Hennepin Hunger
Offering will help us to respond by supporting
ongoing programs that address hunger among those
who are poor and address global issues of
sustainability and appropriate technology.
Community Meals: What makes Hennepin’s Community
Meals different than the Sunday meals served at the
other churches? Unlimited servings, table service, a
free vet clinic and a giveaway shelf! Because of these
differentiators we serve more families, seniors, and
persons with disabilities. It’s a joy be in ministry to
many grateful neighbors!
Thursday Bible Study meets weekly at 11:00 AM in the
Longfellow Room. The spring study will use A
Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by W. Phillip Keller to
add insight to our understanding of this beloved
psalm. New participants always welcome.
Men’s Bible Fellowship: At 7:00 on Friday mornings a
group of men gather for Bible study, conversation and
fellowship (homemade cinnamon rolls included!). All
men are invited to attend this lively discussion.
Science and Religion Roundtable. May 28: Science
and Spirituality: Making Room for Faith by Michael
Kjerringsleppets, a women’s book group, meets the
1st Wednesday of the month from 5:30 - 7:00 PM in
the Longfellow Room, is open to women of all ages
and welcomes new people. Contact Sally at
612-435-1328 or [email protected].
June 3: Summer Party and future book selection. July
1: Her Honor: Rosalie Wahl and the Minnesota
Women's Movement by Lori Sturdevant.
Hennepin Apparel Returns: After the successful fall
sale, the Hospitality Team presents a new spring sale
of apparel for all ages and a few other items, too.
Proceeds benefit the many ministries of Outreach
United. Check out the great selection in Carlson Hall
the first three Sundays in May.
Koinonia Retreat Center
FAMILY RETREAT COMING! What are you doing the
weekend of June 26 – 28? Hennepin Avenue UMC
families have been asking for a summer retreat
including canoeing, fishing, pontoon boat rides, bike
riding, campfires, games and Koinonia’s famous
cuisine. This retreat is for people of all ages including
singles, couples and families, so go to
www.hennepinchurch.org/register or stop by the
Reception Desk to reserve your spot for this summer
WORK DAYS: Thanks to everyone who helped with
Spring Work Days at Koinonia. We cleaned, we raked
and we built a shed for firewood! Plan a trip to
Koinona this summer to see the handiwork of these
great volunteers. Good News: the tent campsites are
@ Hennepin
Sunday Spire (Bulletin) Breakfast
Final brunch today.
The deadline for the Sunday Spire Join us today for our final brunch
is 10:00 AM on Monday for the
of the season in the Social Hall
coming Sunday. Please send to
from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
[email protected] or (including the men’s breakfast at
drop off at church, attn: Ben. 11:15). Thank you to everyone who
Suggested article size is about 50
has helped make Breakfast @
words. All articles are subject to
Hennepin such a successful
editing for space and content. ministry. Enjoy the summer, and
Thanks for sharing your stories!
we will see you in the fall!
We are a Caring Community
Pastoral Care: Please notify the church
office if you, a family member or any other
church member are experiencing illness,
hospitalization, or are in need of pastoral
care. Please call 612-871-5303 and ask for
Pastoral Care, ext. 771 or email
[email protected].
Congregational Joys and Concerns are
posted each week in the Pastoral Care
area of the kiosk in Carlson Hall. Cards for
members in need of cheer are available to
sign at the reception desk.
Pacem Singers are available to sing to
Hennepin members and friends, bringing
comfort of favorite hymns and songs to
your surroundings.
Downtown Grief Support Group:
www.mplsgriefsupport.com This is a cooperative effort of downtown churches.
Please see their website for the most
current information.
Book Signing
Today in the East Entry
Our very own Bob Janssen will join us
at the to sell and sign his recently
published book, Birds of Minnesota
State Parks, from 9:30 - 11:30 AM.
He will sell his book for $15 (retail
price $19.95). We will accept either
cash or personal checks.
Koinonia Wish List
Spring cleaning at your house? Consider Koinonia as a
place to donate your gently used items. We will send
you a nice letter acknowledging your gift! These items
are needed:
Electric Golf Cart (you have one if these in your garage, right?)
Laptop !(for Conference!Room presentations)
Garden Tools (shovels, landscape rake, leaf rakes, etc.)
Retreat Center appropriate wall art (for bedrooms in Retreat
House and Sumac)
Flat screen televisions and wall brackets (for conference
rooms and lounges in lodges)
Pressure Washer (gas)
Garden Tiller
Landscape shrubbery (call Kevin for specifics)
John Deer Gator (next to the golf cart and garden tiller in
your garage)
Binoculars (suitable for bird watching)
Digital Camera (suitable for bird photography)
Aluminum dock for the waterfront
Water bicycle
Snow shoes
Life Preservers (jacket type)
Call Program Director Mark Peterson with your
questions, or to arrange pick-up (612-871-5303).
Why is the UMC organized the way it is?
Sunday, June 7 at 7 PM - Led by Rev. Bill Mate
Back in 1784, when the Methodist Episcopal
Church was formed in Baltimore with some
early adjustments in the early 1800’s, where
did the organizational ideas come from?
We will explore this structure and look at
similar organizations. The second part of
the discussion is about whether they are
serving us as effectively as they could in this day
and time. Bill Mate, a retired United Methodist minister
in our church will initiate this conversation.
Sunday School: Summer Schedule
We had a wonderful year of children's Sunday school!
Thank you so much for sharing your children with us as
we all grew in faith together. Starting May 24th, there
will not be children's programming at 11am on Sundays.
We will resume Sunday school in September. We will
continue to have Pray and Play for children in preschoolkindergarten during the 10am Traditional Worship
service all summer.
June !nspire Deadline Tomorrow
Please send any stories, announcements, or other
information that you would like to submit for the June
issue of the Inspire newsletter to [email protected] by the
end of the day tomorrow (Monday, May 18).
Hennepin Reads: Jonathan Odell
Thursday, June 18 at 7 PM
Join author Jonathan Odell for an
evening of Hennepin Reads. These
experiences invite authors to read
from their work and to reflect on how
writing has shaped their own spiritual
journey. Jonathan Odell is the best
selling author of The Healing and a
new rendering of his debut novel,
The View from Delphi, entitled Miss
Hazel and the Rosa Parks League. Mr.
Odell will share from this new look at his story set in preCivil Rights Mississippi. He will be joined by Steven
Marking and Joann Funk, who will provide music.
UM Day at Target Field
Monday, June 8 at 7:10 pm
Join United Methodist's from across
the state at Target Field. Cheer for
the Twins as they face off against the Royals. Tickets will
be mailed to you after payment is received. $31 per
person per ticket. No Tickets will be held without
p a y m e n t . To p l a c e y o u r t i c k e t o rd e r g o t o
www.hennepinchurch.org/register or you can sign up at
the welcome desk.
Contact [email protected] with questions.
Elizabeth Gilbert at Hennepin
Tuesday, September 29 at 7 PM
Hennepin is delighted to host author Elizabeth Gilbert
reading from her latest book Big Magic: Creative Living
Beyond Fear at a Twin Cities exclusive event co-hosted
by Magers & Quinn Booksellers and Wisdom Ways
Center for Spirituality. Save the Date! You don’t want to
miss this evening with the author of Eat, Pray, Love.
Pentecost Jazz Service
Sunday, May 24 at 8:30 AM in the Art Gallery
The Spirit moved among the
people on that first Pentecost
and there was a mighty wind,
tongues of flame and an amazing
energy of Spirit. Sunday, May
24th, Sacred Jour ney will
celebrate all that wildness with a
Jazz Pentecost service. Come join in the music, the energy,
the fun and the Spirit. 8:30 in the Art Gallery.
Love Offering Today
God’s Vision, Our Mission
On May 17, Hennepin will take
a Love Offering for Missions.
The Love Offering for Missions
is collected within Minnesota
United Methodist Churches and
delivered to Annual Conference
session. The 2015 Annual
Conference theme is "God's Vision, Our Mission—
Unleashed" and funds from this year's Love Offering will
to go three projects that will help us answer God's call
to heal a broken world. This years recipients are Grace
Children’s Center in Vietnam, Church-School Partnership
Grants, Volunteers in Mission Scholarships.
Parent-Child Relationships
Today at 11:00 AM - Harrison Room
Do you need a power sharing
agreement with your kids?
New research on parents with kids
ages 3 to 13 unpacks what happens in
parent-child relationships that make a
difference in kids’ learning, growth, and
development. Reflect on your own
relationships with your kids, and identify
ways your relationship is growing and changing as kids
grow up.
Parents with kids of all ages are welcomed! Led by Dr.
Gene Roehlkepartain, a Hennepin member and vice
president of research and development at Search
Flat Jesus Party
Today at 11 AM in the Church of Youth
Children of all ages are invited to our
Flat Jesus Party. We will color a picture
of Jesus, cut it out and laminate it in
preparation for your summer
adventures. Take Jesus with you to the
park, on a bike ride, camping, or trips
across the country and around the
world. Families will be encouraged to
take a picture of Flat Jesus on these adventures and
send them to the church, so we can see all the places
Jesus visits this summer.
Hennepin Marketplace
Today – Carlson Hall & East Entry
Wander through Carlson Hall and
the East Entry before and after
worship to peruse the offerings in
the first ever Hennepin Marketplace!
Crafts, books and goodies from
across the world are offered by
the United Outreach Ministries of Hennepin. Purchase
unique and interesting items—some exotic and some
familiar—all beautiful. All sales impact the lives of many
near and afar, as they support the united outreach
ministries of Hennepin, reaching those in need in
Minneapolis, Haiti, Russia, India and Zimbabwe.
Peace Through Justice Forum
Today at 11:00 AM – Art Gallery
The Middle East continues to
explode. The conflict in PalestineIsrael continues after 67 plus years.
This forum aims to share how the
occupation of the Palestinian
Territories effects both Palestinians
and Israelis with documented history,
information and resources in printed
form, some verbal input, and ample
time for discussion. Dwight Haberman, a Hennepin
member, has traveled to the Holy Land nine times and
has, with his wife Debra Ricci, lived and volunteered in
the West Bank for 13 months. One of the many
experiences was the opportunity to meet with Yasser
Arafat. Dwight continues to receive current information
from Palestine and Israel. Find out what you can do to
promote peace there.
Young Adult Study Group
Sundays Through June 7 at 11:00 AM - Conference Room
Our weekly young adult study
group returns this spring with
Animate: Bible. Pastors and
scholars speak about how to read, wrestle with, and find
meaning in scripture. See sample videos at
youtube.com/wearesparkhouse. Sessions will end in time
for parents to pick up children from Sunday School and
eat Brunch in the noon hour. Contact Pastor Nate to learn
more at 612- 435-1301 or [email protected].
ALLELUIA! Christ is Risen, Indeed! ALLELUIA!