† WORSHlP Where + is indicated, standing or sitting, we praise God. You are invited to read aloud the bold text. April 19, 2015 10:00 AM SANCTUARY Eastertide If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things. – René Descartes † HENNEPlN We Come to Worship TRINITY BELLS The chimes tell us that worship is beginning. The prelude helps us prepare to bring our praise, hear God’s word, and respond in love and service PRELUDE An Wasserflüssen Babylon Johann Pachelbel CALL TO WORSHIP LYRA LYRA is a vocal ensemble from St. Petersburg, Russia, and today is their third visit with Hennepin. These professional musicians sing in various churches and theaters and their performances introduce the enormous heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church and traditional Russian folk music. They have a full concert at Normandale Lutheran Church next Sunday afternoon. ENTRY INTO CELEBRATION Kristin Zinsmaster Christ’s words to the disciples ring loud to us this day. Peace be with you. May the Peace of Christ warm your heart and dry your eyes. Peace be with you. May the Holy Spirit fill your lungs and rattle your bones. Peace be with you. Turn to your neighbor, and offer Christ’s blessing upon them! Peace be with you. Together We Praise God + HYMN NO. 702 Sing With All the Saints in Glory HYMN TO JOY + MORNING PRAYER O Holy One, we worship you realizing our need for you. You open the door to your kingdom, you open our eyes to see, you open our hearts to feel. Only you can restore our faith. Give us faith enough to move the mountains of despair that separate us from you and from one another. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen. church.org avenue united methodist 511 groveland avenue minneapolis, mn 55403 phone 612-871-5303 In Our Prayers This Week Hospice Marie Cross Francis Glineburg Richard Good Tom Savereide Care Centers Anderson Todd Beulah Johnson Gerhard Weiss Joe Uemura Deborah Richardson Ginny Krause Recovering at Home Ken Lippin Jean Vanselow Jim Mattison Linda Wilkins Prayer Requests Skip Webster CeCe Cope’s parents, Liz and Breezy Cox Arlene Slagle Luann Wolf Dorothy Ann Williams’ brother, George Workman Jewel Mayer If you would like your name added to this public prayer list, email [email protected] or call the church (612-871-5303) and ask for the Pastoral Care line. Your name will appear for four Sundays. Please contact us if you have another preference. WELCOME AND CELEBRATION OF COMMUNITY Rev. Sally Johnson TIME WITH CHILDREN SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Rev. Sally Johnson & Rev. Nate Melcher O God, bless Evelyn Jane with the gift of your life. Bless their parents with the gift of your love. Bless us all, your followers, with the Christ Spirit of life and love and peace. May we learn from one another and live into the covenant we have made together to walk on this journey of faith with you. Evelyn Jane Vikander, daughter of Jessica and William Vikander Children 3 - 6 years old are welcome to join their families in worship, or go to Room 105-107 for God’s Children Sing. We Hear God’s Word ANTHEM SCRIPTURE CONTEXT + GOSPEL READINGS JOHN 20:19-31 (NRSV) When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.” Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name. SERMON Being There Rev. Nate Melcher We Respond to God’s Love Upcoming Preachers at 10 AM Traditional Service RESPONDING WITH OUR TITHES AND GIFTS MUSICAL OFFERING + PRESENTATION OF OUR GIFTS LASST UNS ERFREUEN Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts; Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! + PRAYER OF DEDICATION PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Dana Neuhauser LORD’S PRAYER Our God, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. SHARING THE PEACE May the Peace of God be with you. And also with you. The congregation may greet each other with a sign of reconciliation and peace. The Children may meet their Leaders at the Sanctuary door to go to Sunday School. We Take Our Worship Into the World + HYMN NO. 303 The Day of Resurrection The Acolytes, Jordan Maddaus and Noah Guy, carry the light of Christ into the world. LANCASHIRE May 3 – Rev. Kent Millard May 10 – Rev. Kent Millard May 17 – Rev. Nate Melcher May 24 – Rev. Nate Melcher May 31 – Rev. Paula Colton June 7 – Rev. Kent Millard June 14 – Rev. Kent Millard June 21 – Rev. Nate Melcher June 28 – Rev. Nate Melcher July 5 – New Lead Pastor Ministers Every member of Hennepin Church. Clergy Paula Colton, Youth & Families; Sally Johnson, Worship & Spiritual Formation; Jim McChesney, Pastoral Care; Kent Millard, Interim Lead Pastor; Nate Melcher, Associate Pastor; Richard Waggoner, Music Emeritus. Program Staff John Cole, Dignity Center; Kevin Dahlen, Koinonia; Jack Fistler, Legacy Giving; Liz Gagnon, Finance; Andrew Hackett, Organist; Bryant Holmstrom, Facilities; Mary Martin, Dignity Center; William Mathis, Music & Fine Arts; Dana Neuhauser, Children’s Ministries; Daniel Pederson, Communications; Mark Peterson, Koinonia; Jodi Standke, Interim Administrator. + BENEDICTION BENEDICTION RESPONSE POSTLUDE Fugue in A-flat major Andrew Hackett Today's Sanctuary Flowers are given in loving memory of Clark O. Plummer, husband of Marian Plummer, father of Lori Plummer, Lance Plummer, Linda O'Leary, and Leslee Plummer Roach. There are still dates available! See the Flower Calendar in Carlson Hall. Twin Cities District Superintendent Judy Zabel Minnesota Area Bishop Bruce Ough Hennepin is a Reconciling Congregation, welcoming the full participation of all persons, including the LGBT Community. SUNDAYS at HENNEPIN ~ Worship Services ~ Sabbath Beginnings 8:00 AM Rev. Nate Melcher Sacred Journey 8:30 AM Sally Howell Johnson Traditional Worship 10:00 AM Rev. Kent Millard, Interim Many Voices 11:15 AM Rev. Nate Melcher Sundays at Five 5:00 PM (Recovery) Leslie Ball ~ Education for All ~ Sunday School 11:00 AM Adult Education 11:00 AM Are You Curious About Hennepin Church? Following this worship service, at about 11:05 AM, meet at the communion rail in front of the Sanctuary for a Church Tour. Welcome to Hennepin Church today! We Welcome You! Welcome! If you’re a visitor, know that we’re glad you’re here, and that we’d love to get to know you better. Please leave your contact information in the Friendship Folder found in each pew. Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church has a place for you. If this is your first visit, welcome. If you are returning, welcome back. Do you have any questions about Hennepin, any at all? Just look for folks wearing a Matchmaker badge! Our Matchmaker program exists to welcome you and to help you connect and engage within this wonderful church. You can also reach out by email: [email protected]. Welcome Bags are available at each entrance for guests to receive if you’d like more information about Hennepin Church. Nursery for infants – age 3 is available on Sundays until 12:30 PM in the Longfellow Room off the SW corner of Carlson Hall. Any usher would be delighted to help you find the nursery. Coffee is available each Sunday in Carlson Hall. Our thanks to Jim Cone of Coffee and Tea, Ltd. for supplying our Sunday coffee. † There are many ways to serve at Hennepin Church. From one-time, rollup-your-sleeves-get-somethingdone projects to ongoing groups and committees, there is bound to be a fit for your interests and gifts. To find out how to volunteer, please call 612-435-1337 or go to HennepinChurch.org/Get-Involved. GET involved Want to get involved right away? Use the Get Involved Card in the pew rack (sanctuary) or as you enter other worship spaces. Fill it out and place in the offering plate, or hand to an usher. ➡ Do You Know ASL? We have ministry opportunities that require people who have ASL interpretation skills. If you’d like to learn more about how you can use these skills to serve God at Hennepin, please contact Pastor Nate at [email protected]. April 19 – Today at Hennepin 8:00 - 8:30 8:00 - 12:30 8:00 - 12:30 8:00 - 12:30 8:30 - 9:30 9:30 - 10:30 9:30 - 10:45 10:00 - 11:00 10:00 - 12:30 10:00 - 12:30 10:15 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:30 11:00 - 1:00 11:15 - 12:45 11:15 - 12:00 2:30 - 4:00 5:00 - 6:00 5:00 - 7:00 6:30 - 8:30 7:00 - 8:00 Sabbath Beginnings (Communion) Border Chapel Mother’s Lounge Room 101 Coffee Fellowship Carlson Hall Nursery/Childcare Longfellow Room Sacred Journey Worship (Creation Spirituality) Art Gallery Seeds of Celebration Harrison Room Let Your Life Speak Conference Room Traditional Worship (Organ, Choir) Sanctuary Breakfast at Hennepin Social Hall Knotty Quilters Sale Dorcas Alcove Pray and Play (3yr old – Kindergarten) Room 105/107 Sunday School for Children and Youth Preschool Sunday School Room 105/107 PreK and Kindergarten Sunday School Rooms 1/3 1st and 2nd Grade Sunday School Rooms 5/7 3rd and 4th Grade Sunday School Room 8 Club 56 (5th and 6th Grade Sunday School) Room 9 7th Grade Confirmation Church of Youth 8th – 12th Grade Sunday School Church of Youth Peace Through Justice Forum Room 205 New Member Class Conference Room Urban Graze: Faith and Food Art Gallery Chamber Singers Choir Room Many Voices Worship (Celtic Christianity) Border Chapel Salon se Leve Art Gallery Sunday at Five (Recovery) Border Chapel Youth Fellowship Church of Youth Staff Parish Relations Harrison Room Journey Rehearsal Choir Room March 29 Church Conference On Sunday, March 29, District Superintendent Judy Zabel authorized Rev. Kent Millard to conduct a special Hennepin Church Conference. The Hennepin Trustees propose selling an unused parcel of ten acres of Koinonia Retreat Center property, proceeds of which will re-establish the Koinonia maintenance fund. The motion was adopted with 25 affirmative votes, zero “no” votes and zero abstentions. Wednesday, April 22 9:30 AM Knotty Quilters 1:00 PM Recyclers 4:30 PM UMW Meeting 5:30 PM Open Yoga 7:00 PM Trustees Thursday, April 23 11:00 AM Thursday Bible Study 5:30 PM Foundation Board 7:00 PM Science & Religion Friday, April 24 7:00 AM Men’s Fellowship 10:00 AM Alanon Saturday, April 25 11:00 AM Open Yoga Please send Calendar Corrections or Room Requests to [email protected] or call 612-871-5303. Hunger Offering: 1 in 8 people worldwide goes to bed hungry every night. Your gift to the Hennepin Hunger Offering will help us to respond by supporting ongoing programs that address hunger among those who are poor and address global issues of sustainability and appropriate technology. Community Meals: When spring temps rise, so does our guest attendance as families more easily walk or navigate public transportation. Won’t you joyfully volunteer and serve your grateful neighbors in need? We love showcasing ministry opportunities for families to serve families. We’re an amazing love ministry to teach and demonstrate Christian gratitude!! Thursday Bible Study meets weekly at 11:00 AM in the Longfellow Room. The spring study will use A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by W. Phillip Keller to add insight to our understanding of this beloved psalm. New participants always welcome. Men’s Bible Fellowship: At 7:00 on Friday mornings a group of men gather for Bible study, conversation and fellowship (homemade cinnamon rolls included!). All men are invited to attend this lively discussion. Science and Religion Roundtable. April 23 at 7 PM: The Entangled Trinity: Quantum Physics and Theology by Ernest Simmons. May 28: Science and Spirituality: Making Room for Faith by Michael Ruse. Kjerringsleppets, a women’s book group, meets the 1st Wednesday of the month from 5:30 - 7:00 PM in the Longfellow Room, is open to women of all ages and welcomes new people. Contact Sally at 612-435-1328 or [email protected]. May 6: He’s Gone by Deb Caletti. June 3: Summer Party and future book selection. Hennepin Heritage Tour Deadline Approaches. Join the group that will tour historic English sites that have influenced what Hennepin is today. Contact Larry Dunbar at [email protected] or 612-598-5775 for additional information. Payment deadline is approaching! See www.eo.travelwithus.com/tours/en15-55972#eotours Koinonia Retreat Center Noun 1: Birder – a person who identifies and studies birds in their natural habitats. Is this you? Sign up for the May 14-16 Birding Retreat at Koinonia by going to HennepinChurch.org/register, or sign up at the Reception Desk. Don’t miss this annual Springtime outing! Please pray for successful retreats for these groups that will be at Koinonia this week: Institute of the Himalayan Tradition Spring Retreat; Celebrate Yourself Retreat; Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation Healing Retreat; King of Kings Lutheran Church Women’s Retreat. We are a Caring Community Pastoral Care: Please notify the church office if you, a family member or any other church member are experiencing illness, hospitalization, or are in need of pastoral care. Please call 612-871-5303 and ask for Pastoral Care, ext. 771 or email [email protected]. Congregational Joys and Concerns are posted each week in the Pastoral Care area of the kiosk in Carlson Hall. Cards for members in need of cheer are available to sign at the reception desk. Pacem Singers are available to sing to Hennepin members and friends, bringing comfort of favorite hymns and songs to your surroundings. Downtown Grief Support Group: www.mplsgriefsupport.com This is a cooperative effort of downtown churches. Please see their website for the most current information. Sunday Spire (Bulletin) Breakfast @ Hennepin 2015 Pledge Update The deadline for the Sunday Spire Our breakfast fellowship is is 10:00 AM on Monday for the supported by a free-will offering coming Sunday. Please send to and help of volunteers! Go to [email protected] or HennepinChurch.org/Outreach drop off at church, attn: Daniel. and click on “Volunteer” under Suggested article size is about 50 Breakfast at Hennepin. Come to words. All articles are subject to editing for space and content. the Social Hall from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM for food and fellowship! Thanks for sharing your stories! 2015 Pledge Goal $1,630,000 Pledged to Date $1,605,865 Number of Pledges to Date 482 % of Goal Met to Date 98.5% If you would still like to make a 2015 Pledge, please stop at the front desk for materials or call the church at 612-871-5303. Walk to Emmaus Ingredients: A Film About Food Men – April 23-26. Women – Apr. 30-May 3 11:00 AM, April 26 – Art Gallery Ponder your Spiritual Journey and consider joining in an Emmaus Walk at Camp Koronis in Paynesville, MN. This is a special time to experience the love of Christ which lives in our heart daily. For information and assistance, contact Nancy Sjoquist at 612-741-1872. Food and faith go hand in hand. Inspiring and rich, 'Ingredients' unearths the roots of the local food movement and digs into the stories of the chefs, farmers and activists transforming our food system. This upbeat, beautifully-photographed film introduces us to the verdant farms and pioneering restaurants where good food is produced and served. Excerpts of the film will be shown with time for reflection and conversation. Foundation Scholarships Application Deadline is May 1, 2015 Hennepin Foundation is inviting applications for 2015-2016 scholarships. Application forms and guidelines are available at the reception desk, or by contacting Jack Fistler at 612-435-1321 or jack.fistler@ hennepinchurch.org. Sundays with Bishop Spong 11:00 AM Sunday, May 3 This class led by Bob Janssen NOW meets on the first Sunday of the month! Each week Bishop John Shelby Spong sends an email sharing insights on the church, religion, the state of the world and his thoughts about what it means to be a person of faith in the 21st century. All are welcome. Compass 180 Annual Dinner Prison Ministry Celebration – 6:00 PM, May 13 Compass 180's annual recognition event celebrates the work of our scholarship recipients. A light dinner is followed by an inspirational program of stories. To sign up, please email [email protected] or see Deb Roberts, Rita Lyell or Larry Olson at church. Life Adventures Dr. Josie Johnson – Friday, May 15 at 12 Noon Hennepin Seniors and friends are encouraged to come to hear Dr. Josie Johnson, who is known as the First Lady of Minnesota Civil Rights. She was the first black woman to serve on the University of Minnesota's Board of Regents, was an advocate for fair housing and employment opportunities, and recently received the first-ever Lifetime Local Legends award. She will share highlights of her amazing life and observations on civil rights issues today. Pre-paid reservations are due by mid-morning May 13. Lunch cost is $12. Sofas & Spokes May 16 Furniture and Bicycle Drive Do you have an unused adult bike in your garage? Do you have furniture you are no longer using? The Downtown Congregations to End Homelessness invites you to donate Adult Bikes and gently used furniture for our neighbors in need! Donate them on Saturday, May 16th at Hennepin Church Parking Lot between 9 AM – 12 Noon. Adult bikes only. All donations are tax deductible. Worship “Dance Cards” New Schedule Allows Attendance at All Services One of the gifts of shifting the times of all four Sunday morning worship services is now one can attend all four in one Sunday. Choose the Sunday that’s right for you to experience all four diverse worship services at HAUMC and join the ranks of your fellow worship superstars! Here’s how it works: 1. Pick up your Dance Card at our first service, the 8:00 AM Sabbath Beginnings worship service in the Border Chapel. 2. Have a clergy/worship leader sign your Dance Card at all four worship services that day. 3. Turn in your completed Dance Card to a Hospitality Team member and get your picture taken for the Worship Superstars Wall. Knotty Quilters New Member Class Quilt Display and Sale – April 19 Class from 11:00 AM – 1:30 on April 19 The Knotty Quilters will have their quilts on display during Sunday brunch, many items will be available for purchase. All proceeds help to support this ministry. We’ll share a meal together, learn about United Methodism, and engagement in the life of the church and community. We’ll take questions and explore the membership vows together. Contact Rev. Nate Melcher at [email protected] or 612-435-1301. Peace Through Justice Forum 11:00 AM, April 19 – Stephen Young, CRT Director The Caux Round Table (CRT) is an international network of experienced business leaders, who work with business and political leaders to design the intellectual strategies, management tools and practices to strengthen private enterprise and public governance to improve our global community. Stephen Young, Executive Director will speak about moral capitalism. Reggie Smith at Hennepin April 26 at 10:00 AM Worship, 4:00 PM Concert Baritone Reginald (Reggie) Smith is an artist at Houston Grand Opera and a finalist in the Metropolitan Opera auditions this season. When he sang at Hennepin three years ago, he led us in worship in the morning in a grand style, and wowed us in the afternoon in a fabulous vocal recital. In this return visit on April 26, his schedule will be the same – He'll sing alone and with the Sanctuary Choir at 10 AM, then give a concert at 4 PM in the Art Gallery. Young Adult Study Group Urban Graze: Faith and Food 11:00 AM, Sunday, April 19 Liz Talley has joined with Amish farmers in southern Minnesota to help them distribute the food they grow out of their faith to folks in the Twin Cities through Community Supported Agriculture shares called Urban Graze. This year, in addition to purchasing a share for an individual or family, shares can be purchased to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to clients of the Dignity Center. Please join us for this inspiring and informative experience. Fashion Show Benefits DC 11:00 AM, April 25 – Mt. Olivet Lutheran Support the Dignity Center by being a part of this most anticipated annual event! Tickets cost $18 and have sold out...but we still have a few available! Reserve your ticket at HAUMC’s Reception Desk or contact Mary Martin or John Cole. Your support enables the Dignity Center to serve the Twin Cities by helping people in poverty achieve stable lives. Soul Cafe - Breathing Lessons Sundays April 26 - June 7 at 11:00 AM RESCHEDULED to May 10 at 7:00 PM Our weekly young adult study group returns this spring with Animate: Bible. Pastors and scholars speak about how to read, wrestle with, and find meaning in scripture. See sample videos at youtube.com/ wearesparkhouse. Sessions will end in time for parents to pick up children from Sunday School and eat Brunch in the noon hour. Contact Pastor Nate to learn more at 612435-1301 or [email protected]. A hint of Spring has Minnesotans feeling giddy. Yet, while the weight of winter may be lifting, the world can still feel heavy on our shoulders. Breathing helps. Beauty helps. Lighten your load relaxing with an hour of jazz and poetry. Rest in the images and the music. Re-attune to the natural rhythms of breath and heartbeat. Soul Café jazz, poetry and the spirit Breathing Lessons Toward a Lightness of Being Steve Blons - guitar Dave Graf - Trombone Daryl Boudreaux - drums Brad Holden - sax Sunday, Apr 19, 2015, 7-8PM In the Art Gallery $10 Requested Donation ALLELUIA! Christ is Risen, Indeed! ALLELUIA!
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