Century House Number Plaque Application

Plaques and Markers
Century House Plaques
You are invited to apply for a Toronto's Century House Plaque!
The Century House Plaque Program looks to Torontonians living in houses 100 or more
years old to apply for a Century House historical marker, which will mark the street address
in addition to noting its status as a century house.
The Century House Plaque Program is the most recent addition to the Heritage Toronto
Plaques and Markers Program. The Plaques and Markers Program recognizes key people,
places and events in the city's past. One of the ways we are now doing this is through the
commemoration of houses that have been a part of this city for over a century.
Torontonians living in houses that are 100 or more years old are invited to apply for a
Century House Plaque. Century House Plaques are enamel, 11 ¼ inches x 9 ¾ inches in
size, and include street address number, the house's status, and 'Heritage Toronto.' A fee
of $250, payable to Heritage Toronto, covers the research, fabrication, and shipment of the
marker (Please note that receiving a plaque does not mean your house is automatically
listed or designated on the Inventory of Heritage Properties).
This historical marker will serve as an official recognition of your home's contribution to the
establishment of your community and to the greater built heritage of the city of Toronto.
A charitable agency of the City of Toronto with origins dating back to 1949, Heritage
Toronto works to promote Toronto’s archaeological, built, cultural, and natural heritage.
Through the Historical Plaques and Markers Program, we encourage and facilitate
community involvement in the commemoration of Toronto’s past. We hope that you'll join
us in our first initiative to commemorate century houses in Toronto. If you have any
questions, please contact Heritage Toronto's Plaques and Markers Program Coordinator at
416-338-0679 or [email protected].
Historic St. Lawrence Hall
157 King Street East, 3 Floor
Toronto, ON, M5C 1G9
T: 416-338-0684
F: 416-392-1772
Plaques and
Markers Program
Century House
Plaque Application
A. Contact Information
Name of Applicant
Mailing Address of Applicant
Telephone (Daytime)
How did you hear about the Century House Plaque program? (Please check one or more)
Letter in my mailbox about my home's anniversary
Letter in my mailbox explaining the program
Word of mouth
Century House Marker Information
Proposed Address – Street Name and Number (if different from Applicant's Mailing Address)
Year House Was Built (if known – that the residence is a Century House will be confirmed by Heritage Toronto)
The cost of the marker is $250. This is inclusive of research, production and shipping. A detailed installation guide will
be provided.
Enclosed is a cheque for $250 payable to Heritage Toronto.
I am providing my credit card information and authorizing Heritage Toronto to process payment of
Type of Card: ___Visa ___Mastercard
Card #_____________________________ Exp Date _____/_______
Signature of Applicant
Please submit your completed application to:
The personal information on this form is collected under the
authority of Chapter 103, Article II of the Municipal Code.
The information is used to process your application for a
heritage plaque or marker. Questions about this collection
can be directed to the Coordinator, Historical Plaques and
Markers Program, Heritage Toronto, Historic St. Lawrence
Hall, 157 King Street East, 3 Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5C
1G9 or by telephone at 416-338-0679.
Heritage Plaques and Markers Program
Heritage Toronto, Historic St. Lawrence Hall
157 King Street East, 3 Floor
Toronto, ON, M5C 1G9
F: 416-392-1772
E: [email protected]
Sending personal information by fax or email may not always be a
secure means of transmission. It is recommended you complete and
return the form by regular mail.