HERNHILL NEWS APRIL 2015 PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 25th March. Present: Mrs H. Figgis (Chairman), Mr G. Morsman, Mr M. Cooper, Mrs J. Geliot, Mr A. Bowles, Mr G. Bobbin, Mrs S. Muteham (Clerk). Also present were ten members of the public. There were apologies from Mr A. Chapman, Mr M. Woodcock & Mr M. Woods. The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 25th February were taken as read and signed by the Chairman Matters arising: Millie Stevens made a brief presentation on horse and rider awareness at Staplestreet following an accident last year. She made a request for road signs to highlight the fact that there are lots of horse and rider users of the road. All councillors present were in support of the project and the clerk will seek consent from KCC for the project to progress. Mr A. Bowles agreed to partially fund the cost of the signs, with the remainder to be provided by the Parish Council and local fund-raising by Millie Stevens. Planning: Paul Cohen of Warrens Stores (Holdings) Ltd gave a presentation on the proposed housing development on the old Silversands site. A planning application for the site has not yet been submitted. Members of the public had concerns about road safety to the site, the ongoing cost of maintenance at the site (to be covered by management company fees), consideration of the method and frequency of sewerage disposal and the need for a wildlife survey on the site. 15/501135/FULL - Proposed industrial building comprising four units with associated parking at Lamberhurst Farm. Local residents highlighted their concerns over the size and location of the proposed development. After discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would object to the application on the following grounds: The proposed building would be sited approximately 5m from the boundary fence of the neighbouring residential property. With a proposed height of approximately 7m it would be overshadowing the neighbouring property, thus creating an adverse impact on the property. The proposed building would occupy a prominent position on the hillside against the backdrop of Victory Wood and would be visible from a significant distance. The development would be contrary to the Swale Planning Document which recommends that developments in the area should, “avoid inappropriate large-scale or obtrusive Chairman: Helen Figgis 01227 751149 e-mail [email protected] Clerk: Sarah Muteham phone 07740 706189 e-mail [email protected] Swale Representatives: Andrew Bowles; phone 01227 752840 and George Bobbin; phone 01227 751388 KCC Representative: Andrew Bowles elements on the visually sensitive high ground”. The proposed application suggests a change of use from B8 to mixed use including B1/B2, however there is currently no planning application to support that proposal. The Parish Council are concerned about the business hours and vehicle restrictions for operations at the site and would seek to ensure that the site is subject to the same restrictions that apply to other industrial premises at the complex. The Parish Council would prefer to see an application for a smaller, lower building in a location that is further away from the neighbouring residential property. 15/501084/FULL – Erection of two single storey extensions and internal alterations to the Village Hall. Mr P. Rawlins gave a brief presentation on the proposed extensions. After discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council recorded no objection to the planning application but would like to see a few revisions to the internal plans. 15/501597/FULL – Two storey front extension, removal of existing rear balcony and side conservatory, increase in roof height to include three dormers, Greenacres, Monkshill Road. The Parish Council recorded no objection to the application. Reports: Mrs H. Figgis reported a large pothole at the bottom of Godfreys Grave. It was also reported that the local authorities are aware of the problems at Thirwell Farm, and that Swale Borough Council Planning Enforcement team are dealing with planning issues surrounding the Pit-Stop Cafe at Dargate and the Environment Agency are continuing to be made of aware of the problems with the digging on the land behind the Pit-Stop Cafe. Mrs J. Geliot reported that the water at the bottom of Fairbrook hill continues to be a problem and the Clerk is to request a site meeting between KCC drainage team and Councillors to highlight the problems of apparently blocked drains at Fairbrook, Godfreys Grave, Kemsdale Road and Plumpudding Lane. Administration: The Clerk commented that Parish Council election forms are available and need to be delivered by hand to Swale Borough Council by Thursday 9th April. The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be on Wednesday 29th April at 8:00pm. YOUR COUNTY COUNCILLOR February has been very busy with some real highlights. I spent the first weekend in Warwickshire at the Conservative Councillors Annual Conference. We had a really good turnout of speakers from the Cabinet including David Cameron and Theresa May the Home Secretary. At the end of the Month members of Faversham & Mid Kent Conservative Association met to both listen to and question the final four candidates who were hoping to follow Sir Hugh Robertson as the Conservative candidate for the General Election in our Constituency. Helen Whately emerged from a strong field to secure the nomination. Helen is a Management Consultant specializing in the Health Sector and is already hard at work across the Constituency. As I forecast last month, the Annual Budget setting meetings resulted in a 1.99% increase in the KCC share and a 0% increase for the fifth year running 2 There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50pm. from Swale Borough Council. Swale Borough Council have had a reduction in their grant from Central Government of some 40% over the last five years. The ability to hold down the rate of Council Tax has been achieved by the judicious use of new homes bonuses on new housing developments, the retention of business rates, raising fees in line with inflation and most especially by increasingly delivering services such as human resources (personnel), audit, parking wardens, close-circuit television and environmental health inspections in collaboration with adjoining boroughs. Kent County Council had to find over 83 million pounds worth of savings for the forthcoming year. This comes on top of the 350 million pounds worth of savings already made by Kent County Council. These savings have been found by developing and transforming the way that adult and children’s social services are delivered and by buying in more services from the private and voluntary sectors. Among the many meetings I have attended this month are Parish Council meetings in Selling, Doddington, Boughton, Ospringe, Newnham, Dunkirk and Hernhill. I have secured another meeting with the Leader and Cabinet Members of Kent County Council to discuss the vexed question of home to school transport. I still believe the current policy is unfair to those children (and their families) who strive to pass the Kent test and achieve acceptance for a Grammar School Education. Sittingbourne & Sheppey Conserva- tive Association held a well attended Annual Dinner at Hempstead House where the guest speaker was Euro sceptic Conservative M.E.P. Daniel Hannan who spoke with great knowledge and passion. His speech was very well received by local members who included many candidates for this May’s upcoming local elections. An interesting and different style of meeting was the Joint Scrutiny Meeting held at Maidstone. Here, back bench members of the three Mid Kent Improvement Partnership Authorities, Swale, Maidstone and Tonbridge Wells quizzed the three leaders and three chief executives on the new joint planning ‘back office’ service. Although this service suffered severe teething troubles mainly related to the IT services for registering and scanning new registrations, the figures for the turnaround time of new applications are almost back to where we would like and expect to see them. The last Sunday of the month I attended Sittingbourne Scouts where I judged their ‘arts and crafts’. Tremendous effort and no little skill had gone into the entries. I was pleased to see that Teynham Scouts, who not so long ago were successful in bidding for a grant from my local member’s fund, were prominent amongst the entries and prizewinners. After the judging, I joined them for a ‘Founders Day’ service around the flagpole followed by a welcome bowl of hot soup. You can follow me on twitter ‘at Lambert Leese’. Andrew Bowles PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS at the same time as the General ElecThere will be elections for the Hernhill tion. Parish Council ton Thursday 7th May, If you are interested in local matters 3 and would like to stand for election in the Village Hall. Sarah Muteham at please get in touch. The Parish [email protected] or teleCouncil meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 8.00pm phone 07740 706189. VILLAGE FETE There are a number of new attractions this year including a demonstration from ‘Joe’s Bows’, the YSM Steel Band and ‘Cloud 9’ to provide you with entertainment whilst browsing at the bookstalls and enjoying a pint from Ben’s outside Bar. Hernhill School will be giving us their traditional Maypole dance and we hope to be able to run a fun dog show along with Tug-o-War, if sufficient numbers can be gathered together. We have decided not to have stalls for “nearly new” or childrens’ used toys; so no donations are required this year, thank you. As ever, the organization, set up and running of the event relies on a few (and it’s getting fewer) souls. If there are some strapping lads to help with the building of the stalls in the morning or breakdown in the afternoon or if you feel able to help with the event even for just half an hour or so, then we’d be delighted to hear from you. Contact: Rob Ward 01227 751252 CHURCH URBAN FUND The fund is a non-profit organisation working with local men and women for the good of others in their community. A very big thank you to all who emptied their loose change into Church Urban Fund boxes...and to those who didn't have any small change but gave notes instead. Nearly £206 was the splendid total. Well done and again very many thanks for your help. Barbara Taylor WANTED - 100 SINGERS As part of the celebrations to mark the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215, the Town Council in collaboration with Faversham Music Club are setting up 'Faversham Voices'. We are looking for singers of all types and all ages. If you're a sing-in-the-shower enthusiast or a seasoned choral singer, we'd like to hear from you. You don't have to read music, but there will be an oportunity to learn if you wish. The choir is the brainchild of David Knotts who moved to Faversham two years ago and has 20 years experience of working with choirs and singers of all types and from all backgrounds. David works with choirs of young voices at the Royal Academy of Music and succeeded Gareth Malone as music director of London Symphony Orchestra's prestigious Community Choir. Rehearsals will be held on Thursday evenings in Faversham's Assembly Rooms from 7.00 to 9.00pm. The Magna Carta Gala Concert will be in St Mary of Charity Church on Saturday 6th June. If you'd like to join 'Faversham Voices' send an email to [email protected] If you don't have access to a computer, you can sign up in The Hat Shop, 110, West Street, Faversham. FROM THE VICAR rules for calculating the date of Easter Easter is a movable feast, sometimes Sunday are complex. Easter falls on it’s early, sometimes it’s late. The the first Sunday after the first full 4 moon after the spring equinox. The equinox can fall on March 21st so Easter could be as early as March 22nd or as late as April 25th. However the full moon is an ecclesiastical moon which occurs in either a 29th or 30-day cycle, not the astronomic moon we can all see in the heavens! Some people don’t like Easter moving around; it makes life unpredictable and hard to manage. It makes the school spring and summer terms vary in length. Sometimes Easter falls at the end of the school holiday, sometimes it has to be at the very beginning. Easter’s shifting around gets in the way of our attempts to make life predictable, manageable, and subject to our human power to organize. For this reason we sometimes hear pleas to fix the date of Easter. This would make life more straightforward, we’d know when to book holidays or weddings without worrying if they clashed with Easter, school terms would be more even. Maybe the movable date of Easter reminds us of God’s unpre- dictability, sometimes we may want to tie God down, know exactly what he is up to, how he will act in certain situations but God isn’t a pet that we can tame and cage. In C S Lewis’ Narnia books the character who is the Christ figure is Aslan, a lion. Mr Beaver told the children that Aslan isn’t a tame lion, but ‘he is good’. When we make the commitment to follow Christ we are opening ourselves to God who is far bigger than we can ever dream or imagine, that may seem scary, it involves risk, but we can also know, through Jesus, that ‘he is good’. God is love and God loves us. Life as a Christian is unpredictable, exciting, through God’s Holy Spirit we are being slowly changed into God’s image rather than us trying to form God in our image. Maybe this Easter will be the time when you discover for the first time, or discover afresh, God is not tame but ‘he is good.’ A very happy Easter to you all. Revd Jean Burrows EASTER EGG TRAIL The annual egg trail will be run at Mount Ephraim Gardens on Sunday and Monday 4th and 5th April. There will be a mapped trail around the gardens with an Easter treat for those who finish. The Gardens will be open from 11.00am until 5.00pm. The Crafts Centre and the Topiary Tearooms will also be open. DOVE DOINGS We still have some tables available for Easter Sunday 5th April. On Monday 6th April we are holding the first of our 2015 ‘Classic Car’ events, with our garden bar/barbecue open if the weather is OK. The refreshments will be inside if it’s not. Just a reminder for local artists that we have our outdoor stage area. We would love to showcase local talent there; musical, poetic or even theatri- cal! ‘Pie and a Pint’ is every Thursday evening, featuring Ben’s wonderful homemade pies and, of course, a good pint to wash it down. (Other beverages are, of course, available too.) If you are looking for a cosy venue for your party or reception, why not come along and see what we can offer, both inside The Dove and in our lovely garden for which we have a canopy should the weather try to dampen your spirits. 5 LILY BEETLES My name is Richard Bucknall and I am a researcher with ‘WyeBugs’. We are a small company who specialise in the rearing and supply of predatory and parasitoid insects to botanical gardens and producers of glasshouse crops. As part of our work this year we have again been asked to carry out some research on the scarlet Lily beetle (Lilioceris Lilii). At present no cultures of this pest species are available in the UK and we therefore need, as a matter of some urgency, to build up a stock of several hundred beetles for work to be carried out this summer. I wondered if it would be possible to request for the collection of any adults that you may come across. The adult beetles will most likely be appearing in gardens towards the end of March and will start to produce eggs at the end of April. We would ask that anyone finding adult beetles collect them into a jam jar with a small amount of lightly moistened kitchen paper and a paper lid fixed with a rubber band and then contact us. Please keep the jar in a cool shaded place e.g. a shed. We could then arrange either to pick up the beetles or to send a pre-paid package for postage. Thank you for any help you may be able to provide. Richard Bucknall 01233 813130 or 07754 069139 GOOD FRIDAY Boughton Parish church 3rd April at 7.30pm. The Boughton and Hernhill Festival Choir's traditional Good Friday concert this year is a little different. Instead of just one work, they are presenting a number of beautiful anthems appropriate to the occasion and for congregational participation. MORE LIVE MUSIC Village Hall, Tuesday 12th May Following a fantastic evening with Steve Knightly, ‘The Band Company’ now brings you Miranda Sykes and Rex Preston, one of the most sought after duos on the English folk & roots scene. Miranda is known as the stand-out double bass player and spine-tingling vocalist who has brilliantly enriched the ‘Show of Hands’ sound for the past nine years while former ‘Scoville Units’ band member Rex is recognised as one of the finest young mandolin players in the UK. For just a few dates on their 2015 tour Miranda and Rex will be joined by American guitarist, the internationally acclaimed Grant Gordy. For further information and tickets please contact us; Liz or Gabi at [email protected] THE SPRING SHOW The show was held on Saturday 21st March. Entries were down on last year, with 17 participating compared with 22 last year. Entries last year were 235, this year 161. Prize Winners: Mark James - Daffodil Shield, Violet Croll - Vegetable Cup, Violet Croll - Best Bloom, Alison West - Home Economics Cup, Photography Cup - Kath Stone, Floral Art - Sally Bryce, Children’s Prize - Eve Wallis. The Horticultural Society would like to thank the new members who support- Admission will be free but a retiring collection will be made in aid of organ repairs. 6 ed the show and put in entries and won prizes. Don't forget to bring any plants you have spare to our stall at the fete on Saturday 2nd May. Please ensure that they are labelled. Forthcoming Events: Friday 10th April at the Red Lion Hernhill at 7.00pm, there will be a talk by Mark James, head gardener at Mount Ephraim. He will be speaking about the estate through the ages. Please try to attend as Mark has put a lot of effort into collecting all the information for this evening. Sunday 10th May there will be a visit to Sandling Park Gardens. Details will be in the May news. Peter Bentley 01227 276032 BIT AND PIECES I’m afraid that I forgot to remind you in the March issue. So! Who forgot that the clocks ‘spring forward’ at the end of March.? Having buried a skeleton in Leicester Cathedral with great ceremony, there are still those who argue that it is not King Richard at all. Even if you accept that it is the king, there is still the argument about whether he was a good king or a bad one. It just goes to show that you can put the bones to rest but you will not be able to put the arguments to rest with them. After 530 years it is all rather academic. Far from academic are the terrible problems in the Middle East. Just now they seem to be getting worse and now there are fears that horrific terrorism may spread even further. Europe is not immune and there are real fears that the isolated events in Paris and Denmark may spread. We too are at risk. The other worrying trend is the rise of anti-Semitism throughout Europe and in the UK too. Living where we do we can at least find peace in the countryside around us. The spring flowers are with us in profusion with colour and scent to help ease the stress of modern living. Enjoy them as much as you can. What does spoil one’s peace of mind are the thefts that persist locally. Between 17th and 18th March, items including a 'Henry' vacuum cleaner were stolen from outhouses at Courtenay Road, Dunkirk. Between 20th and 21st March, two Bosch strimmers with a charger were stolen from a shed in the Fostall. If you can help in any way please contact the police but in any case be alert to any unusual activity. ADT To book the Village Hall go to www.hernhill-bookings.net A copy of the Hernhill News and other local information can be found on the Village website. www.hernhill.net Alan D. Taylor Yew Tree House, Dargate near Faversham, Kent ME13 9HG 01227 751293 e-mail [email protected] 7 NEXT ISSUE Mon 27th Apr Thurs 2 Apr 7 00pm St. Michael’s Ch Maundy Thursday Fri 3 2.00pm St. Michael’s Ch 'Last hour’ Service 7.30pm Bought P.C. 6 10am St. Michael’s Ch Easter Day 11.30am Mount Ephraim The Crafts Centre starts Tues 7 —--------- —--------- Green Bin Collection Fri 10 7.00pm Red Lion Horticultural Soc - Talk Sun12 8.00am St. Michael’s Ch Holy Communion Tues 14 —--------- —--------- Blue bin collection Sun 19 10.00am St. Michael’s Ch Tues 21 —--------- —--------- Sun 26 8.00am St. Michael’s Ch Holy Communion Tues 28 —--------- —--------- Blue bin collection Wed 29 8.00pm Village Hall Parish Council Sat 2 May 2 00pm Village Hall VILLAGE FETE Sun 3 10.00am St. Michael’s Ch Tues 5 —--------- —--------- Green Bin Collection Thurs 7 —--------- —--------- ELECTION DAY Sun10 8.00am St. Michael’s Ch Holy Communion —--------- Sandling Park Tues 12 —--------- —--------- Blue bin collection Sun 17 10.00am St. Michael’s Ch Sung Communion 7.30pm Village Hall Tues 19 —--------- —--------- Sun 24 8.00am St. Michael’s Ch Tues 26 —--------- —--------- Wed 27 8.00pm Village Hall Sun 31 10.00am St. Michael’s Ch Sun 5 Choral concert Sung Communion, Church Meeting Green Bin Collection Sung Communion Horticultural Soc Visit Live music Green Bin Collection Holy Communion - Pentecost Blue bin collection Parish Council Holy Communion - Trinity
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