THANKS FOR ENTERING THE NEWCASTLE RUNNING FESTIVAL. The event is shaping up to be another great race for Newcastle and the Hunter. We are expecting to again greet 2500 runners to the start line of the 5 running events. Below is lots of race info and news. We trust it can answer most of your questions, so please take a few minutes to read below. Do more than get to the Finish Line - charity link Get behind your favourite charity available for selection on the My Cause fund raising link. There are a number of local and NSW based charities to raise money for, so if you need a bit more motivation, then get on line and do more than get to the finish line by raising funds for your favourite cause. All you need to do is click HERE to make a donation or even let your friends or family sponsor you. Mile High - Saturday 3pm - Bar Beach Saturday 18 April we will be presenting this new Mile event staged from Bar Beach car park. The event is 804.5m up Memorial Drive footpath and 804.5km down in a time trail format. There is $250 on offer for the fastest male and female, as well as bragging rights for being there for the first one. Entry is just $10 if you are already entered in an event on Sunday. This will be the first of some very big Hill Climb plans as part of NewRun. Course Map - click to download in pdf Course Changes from 2014 Turn points With no access to the sea wall of the 'break-wall', we have extended the course into the Honeysuckle area to make up this distance. If you are doing some local training, the course has been remeasured and the turn points are: 1. Break-wall - 10.4m before the safety sign at the start of the sea wall - there is a pink T on the ground (will be marshal and signage on race day) 2. Honeysuckle main turn point - western edge of the lamp post past the open area next to Crown Plaza Hotel. There is yellow tape on ground. (will be marshal and signage on race day) 3. Honeysuckle 1/2 marathon extended turn to gain extra 550m- adjacent car park in newly opened section - 22.6m west of easternmost parking ticket machine. There is yellow tape on the ground. (will be marshal and signage on race day) 4. The Bar Beach turn point of the half marathon will be the start of the 10km and act as 11km timing point. 5km course This course will be essentially the same at 2014, with the course extended into Honeysuckle as all the 1/2 and 10km's are. The first turn point is now near the Newcastle Baths. Race Start times and locations Sunday 19 April Marathon Tyres Half Marathon - 7.00am from Shortland Lawns, off Wharf Rd Newcastle (on the Beach end) Pure Performance Fort5 -5km - 7.30am from TugBerth Rd off Wharf Rd (near finish) The Newcastle Herald 10km - 8.30am from Memorial Dr, Bar Beach (near the skate park) Hunter Valley Orthodontics 2k4Kids - 10.30am from Shortland Lawns, off Wharf Rd Newcastle (on the Beach end) Late Entries, Race Registration, Race Kit and Shirt collection Note: you can pick up your race kit EITHER Saturday or Sunday. We strongly suggest Saturday. Please bring some form of photo ID. Note: 1. Entries are not transferable. 2. If you wish to collect another persons race kit, please bring a written authority to collect the race kit and some form of photo ID. We will not randomly hand out race kits! Race Kits Saturday (the day before the event) We strongly suggest that if you can, pick up your race kit on Saturday (the day before the Event). Competitors in all events should attend the Shortland Lawns Race Compound off Wharf Rd Newcastle from 10.00am to 4.00pm. Race Kits Sunday (race day) Late entries (only up to 1 hour before race) or race kit pick up will be from the starting point for each race. Allow plenty of time if you want to pick up your race kit on the morning. 5km event will be at Shortland Lawns off Wharf Rd Newcastle (beach end) from 5.30am 10km event will be at Cooks Hill Surf Club opposite Empire Park Bar Beach on Memorial Drive from 6.15 - 8.00am - Please leave enough time and watch for Half Marathon runners after 7.20am when crossing Memorial Drive. Half Marathon at Shortland Lawns off Wharf Rd Newcastle (beach end) from 5.30am Hunter Valley Orthodontics 2K4Kids at Shortland Lawns from 8.30am Note: After feedback from participants across many events we do not supply a free event shirt. We opted to make the entry fee cheaper and give you the option to purchase a cost price cool dry running shirt. These shirts will be available at the race kit collection areas. Timing Chips and Bibs Timing chips will be attached to your race bib number. They are seperate. The bib should be attached with supplied pins to your shirt on the chest. You must unpack the timing chip and wear it on your shoe. (Connected with the shoe lace. See diagram below) If you do not have laces please ask for a cable tie at the registration table. If you have no shoe, then we have some multi-sport chips for your ankle. Please let us know in advance. Note NO chip = no race time. They need to register over the blue mats at the finish. Getting to your start on Race Day The finish for all events is Shortland Lawns at the eastern end of Foreshore Park, off Wharf Rd Newcastle. There will be buses from the FINISH area to the START only BEFORE the race. This will allow you to have your vehicle at the finish and enjoy the finish line atmosphere. Bus to the 10km start from the finish area We are only running buses from the Foreshore Park event compound to the 10km start from 6.30am to 7.45am ONLY. Therefore if you wish to hang around and enjoy the atmosphere after the race, then park in the CBD and catch one of these buses. Note there are three buses who will shuttle during this time and the last bus will leave at 7.45am. Pick up is in Watt St next to Customs House, just near the Harbour and next to Newcastle Station. Half Marathon, 5km and Hunter Orthodontics 2k4Kids Race Day Parking You will be able to park in the Nobby's or Horseshoe car park until 6.30am however must enter via from Scott St and Nobbys Rd. Note you will not get out of this parking area until the whole event is over after 10.30am. If you need to exit before that time then park in the CBD area. DO NOT PARK IN WHARF Rd east past Argyle St. Roads will be closed from 6am and you will need to use Hunter St to access the Foreshore Park compound. Please do not park in NO PARKING ZONES and be aware of Sunday parking limits. Left Bag Security / transport For 10km competitors a ‘left baggage’ truck will be available on Sunday at the race start and gear will be transported to the finish line. A secure bag area will be provided at the Start/Finish area for the Half Marathon, 5km and 2km events. Drink Stations There are drink stations at 2.2, 4.5, 6.5, 8, 9km on the 10km course. Note the old Newcastle Beach station has been taken out, opting for more stations at the end of the course. There will be water and gatorade on all stations. There are stations at the end of the event. Half Marathon Finisher Medals Given the length of the event, we offer finisher medals for the half marathon. We also reward our 2k4Kids competitors with medals. These can be collected at the admin tent after the race. You will need your race bib. First aid We have a professional paramedical team on hand at this event including mobile units around the course. Toilets There are toilets at the start/finish and also King Edward Park and Nobbys. You must leave and enter the course at the same point when using the toilets. Presentation of prizes Will be approx 11.00am at Shortland Lawns. Running, Surf Clubs and Schools on the JOB With the event running straight past most of the cities Surf Life Saving Clubs, you will be glad to know that Nobby's and Cooks Hill Surf Life Saving Clubs are using the event to raise funds for their clubs. Give them a smile as you run past or take a drink from one of the nippers and senior club members helping their clubs raise funds to keep us safe on city beaches. Our friends at the 530 runners and Night Striders running groups are also on the job at the King Edward Park and new western drink station near Queens Wharf. It will be a blur of pink or red as you hit the drink stations. We also have the students of Hunter Valley Grammar helping out and raising funds for an overseas charity project. Hope to see you on race day. Paul and Hanne Humphreys and the H Events Team [email protected]
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