Reflection 1 - HHI Brisbane

Reflection 1
Saved by Grace through Faith
Prepared by Sibangilizwe Ndlovu
Reflection 1
Week 5 [Monday 1 to Sunday 7 June 2015]
In the past four sessions we studied about our position in Christ as New Creation, the new
identity we currently possess, our stand before God and what makes us acceptable before
Him. We also looked at the importance of having Faith in God’s love and how we can
demonstrate that faith to people around us. This week, we want to reflect on the truths
currently learnt, and see how we should practically action them in our lives. This will be a
personal reflection, and then a group reflection. While, deliberately, no scriptures will be
given in this session, you are strongly challenged to dig them up yourself to support your
conclusions. Feel free to go back to previous modules for reference. Study for yourself. Let
this grow you. Also note: This session has NO Model answers.
To make the reflection session exciting, go through this
yourself so that when you meet, you can share responses
and glorify God with those.
Purpose of Study
To bring to practical grasp of the truths of God’s word so far learnt by appropriating them in
our daily life.
1. Identify 3 things that you have been doing regularly that did not demonstrate your
justification by faith (declared innocent and righteous by faith in Jesus Christ)
a) ___________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________________________
After identifying these 3, also come up with 3 ways of demonstrating the truth that
you are justified (declared acceptable) by faith and not works. Make use of scripture.
2. Identify 3 common statements that are used regularly that demonstrate unbelief.
How can you change from that? What statements of faith in the finished work of
Calvary can be used to replace those
a) ___________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________________________
 Note: There are lots of religious statements that do not reflect WHO YOU ARE
in Christ. Such statements, repeatedly said, result in establishing a belief
system that disempowers you as a believer. Just get 3 as a starting point for
the purposes of discussion.
Reflections on Salvation by Grace through Faith | Faith in Action |By Sibangilizwe Ndlovu | |HHI
Brisbane Church 2015
pg. 1
3. God’s love can only be demonstrated to others when we DO something. As a way of
ACTING out who you are in your “born again” spirit man, identify 5 ways in which you
can regularly demonstrate your love to others. God gave us His ONLY Son Jesus.
What about you? Ask the Lord, by His Grace to sustain you as you DO these regularly.
 So, what would you DO (replace with a-e below) _________________ to demonstrate the
love that God has given you.
a) To your spouse/Parents:____________________________________________
b) To siblings/children: ________________________________________________
c) To your local church: ______________________________________________
d) To your pastor/leaders: ____________________________________________
e) To one another/strangers: ________________________________________
Share with one another as a home group the specific things you want to DO as an
expression of your love. Prayerfully bring them to the Lord. To one another, encourage
each other to be accountable to each other as you grow in the grace of transmitting
God’s goodness.
In one accord, pray and worship God for at least 15-20 minutes. Play some worship music
softly on the background. Don’t ask for anything, just pour your hearts to the Lord in Praise,
worship, thanksgiving and more-so appreciation for His Goodness in your life. If there are
any sick among you, identify and pray for them too, quoting the appropriate scriptures.
Note: If there are kids that need minding, consider taking 5 minute turns to separately mind
them while the rest worship in prayer.
Today’s session, when properly and prayerfully done will catapult all of you into a GRACE
realm you’ve never experienced. You’ll find yourself loving, giving, merciful and not easily
angered and condemnation never finding room in you. Right there you are setting a stage of
IMPORTANT – In the coming weeks
## In the coming weeks, we will commence our cell group sessions with
GRACE Moments. This is when each member shares with everyone
something special they did to someone during the week, and left them
overwhelmed. This demonstration of God’s Grace can be to anyone,
including strangers.
 You can use Activity Item 3 as a starting point
Reflections on Salvation by Grace through Faith | Faith in Action |By Sibangilizwe Ndlovu | |HHI
Brisbane Church 2015
pg. 2