• IWLKir, Sunrtotf. A M / F M radio. - H4J0. Call 141 7 4 » . '74 CHEVY Van converted for c a m p i n g . Stove, sink, * . , taelt, bod. 543 SOU. DODGE V A N - 1973. GOOD E N G I N E * TRANSMISS I O N . $1,000. 5 * 1 1 0 1 5 , 1H3 CHEVY Supor Sport. Ex ctllont cond. AH option*. Btstoffor. 541 2421. AMHMUIK fv Salt FOR Sale: 1979 4*or. .sooan. 903 engine* new paint. $1395. 594 3209. 1979 FO9tO Granada Coupe, 302 V I , P/»tg., 4 auto, like Great Values 1974 OATSUN B-410 wagon. 55,000 ml. Excellent running cond. Now muffler 4 tires. Rutty. $275.541 2714. FOR SALE: I9t2 Pontiac J2000 hatchback. 4 speed with A M / F M cassette player. 35,000 miles. $3400 FIRM. Call 173-4499. r m$ FORD Escort 2 dr., very low miltago. Chozy Orchords, 144-7171. $1700. 197i P L Y M O U T H Horizon, s t d . , A M / F M sttroo, roof rock, oood mpg. Con bo soon ot Pittsburgh Hordworo or coll 543*113 oftor4p.m. '79 DATSUN 210 WoQOn. Rtbuilt tngint. Good mpg. Somo door rust. $1750. 173 1979 COUGAR XR7. P/itg., p/brks., A/cond., cruist, p/windows. $2000. 543-0909, 545-5200. REAL BEAUTY Whitt, Sporty took 2 dr., rtd bucktt soots. No ryst. Good coro. 1977 Ford Gronodo.t34-9141. I9W S U t A t U GL. 2 6r. hotchbock. 70*000 mi Its. TIH, crvist. $4500. 541*975. 1901 PLYMOUTH Horizon 4 6r., 4 spd., 34,000 mi. $2500. 54M170OT543 2993. '79 MAZDA RX7. Excellent condition, no body rust. Coll 543 0W4. '75 CORVETTE. Immaculate must soo to opprociott. $10400.543-5449 after 5. 1979 CORVETTE. Silver^grey w/rod loothor interior. T top, alum. m«o wheels. Loaded. 19,000 original owner miles. Mint cond. Must be seen. $11,500. Anxious to sell. Call 541-4951 after 5 p.m. FORTALE 1973MustangMach I. $1000.543 4991 '82 Chevy Cavaiitr 4 door wagon with automatic trans,, p/stg. andbrks. Guaranteed Used Cars Oduttt. « / c o M - . 4 «>d.. -blu* finish, cloth Mats. Exctlltnt! '82 AMC Eagle Wagon BhM. 319 Cornelia, Pittsburgh 563-7686 2 whl. dr., small I . Auto., only 31,000 milts. Room for thtfamily. Nict! 92 Escort. 4 spd. $2695 82 Cavalier. 4 spd. $3295 78 Bobcat Wagon. Std. $895 '82 Dodge 024 Peru Auto Exchange Chargtr, automatic. 38,000 . milts, cloth stats, vtry wtll cartd for, maroon finish. Rte.22 1970 C O N V E R T I B L E Olds Cutlass Supreme. Runs excellent • good interior. Top needs repair. Some rust. $900 or make an offer. 5*3-6*65,20 Sandra Ave. Automatic, p/stg., F M casstttt, nict! Sptcial 14.495 '85 Plymouth 1944 R E D & White Corvair conv. Looks good • runs good! $1M0or best offer. t34 9794. 1947MGBGT. Good shape. $1500firm. Call»44-7ft6S 1940 RAMBLER. Automatic, nice shape. Runs good. $1400 or best offer. 492*2237. '72 PONTIAC Catalina. 400 engine, p/stg., p/brks, new snowtires. U7S. 541 4«34 • 1 beforeip.m. '72 AMC Matador. 76 engine. Asking $250, runs good. Call 5421204. 1979HONDAACCORD 5 spd., A M / F M , All Season tires. Good, clean transportation. 541 0582 anytime, ask for Jake. 1947 INT. Scout 4 whl. dr. High/low range. Runs good. Come and drive if ? Only $400. 543-0441. '74 DATSUN 240Z. Black with sunroof. 4 spd. Runs well. $1000 or best offer. Call 541 7334. 1991 DODGE Omni. Air cond., p/stg., new tires. $1000 less than book • S44-7SQ0. FOR Sale: 1979 Olds 99 Regen cy LX. 40,000 miles. Full power, in li*e new cond. Call 299-8112 after 5 p.m. '77 DODGE v*rt. 318, headers, captains chairs, carpet, paneling, bed, vent, teardrop windows, baby moons, new radials, 45,000 miles. $1200. 5*3-5172 or 541 4318. 1990 VW Dasher Wagon. Auto., 1 owner. Excellent cond. $2500. 425-9957 1979 TOYOTA Corolla Liftbeck. 5 spd. Excellent gas mileage. No rust. 543-4156. 1977 CADILLAC Fleetwood Brougham. Ail equipped. M e c h a n i c a l l y excellent, body good. $999.643 6*07. Reliant L E 4 dr., auto. p/stg., cruise, tilt & F M casstttt. 9,000 mi. Traded in on new Dodge Pickup. 1990 C H E V E T T E 2 dr. Auto., 4 cyl. Good cond. Needs little work. $1,300 under book value. 891 5836 after 4:30. '84 Dodge V? ton Pickup. 21,000 milts. 4 cyl., auto., p/stg.. t ft. box. Blue finish. Like new. . '82 Dodge Ramcharger 4 wheel drive. 24,000 milts. 318, auto., p/stg., 1 owner. Extra nict, has aluminum road wheel*! 1980 CHEVY Monza Spydtr. Auto., V / 4 . p/stg., p/brks., stereo casstttt. Sharp look ing. $2450.541 7937. '83 Buick Skylark Durocher Auto Sales Elizabeth St. 23,000 miles. Mint cond. $9000 firm. 543 1145. '41 PONTIAC Catalina 4 dr. 33,000 mi. Excellent cond. $1250. Stored winters. 543 4479. '79 OLDS Delta 99 Royate 1979 motor w/90^00 mi 4 dr., full vinyl roof, vetoor interior, p/stp... p/brtcs., p/windows. Air cond., cruise control. Has a Httle rust (just sur face) NADA bookS2400, ask ing $1950 543-1097 HONDA Accords, 4 d r '81 4 '82. Loaded, must sen. Best offer McGee's Service Ste tion, 543 1717 _ _ _ _ _ 1992 4 dr sedan 5 spd., stereo, p/stg. White PLATTSBURGH DATSUN 317 Margaret 54M210 '81 Olds Cutlass LS Auto., V/6, a/cond., cruise control, stereo/tape Pl«m0urgh 563-3587 '84 Mazda 626 '76 VOLARE 4 dr. Good cond. $700 or best offer. 5*1*8970, ask for Tracy. A/cond., cruise control, tutwhee I, power everything. Less than 11,000 miles '71 VW 4 dr. Auto. 65,000 original miles. S600 293-8173. 19*9 LINCOLN Continental 4 I dr. Auto.,p/stg., p/brks. $600 I firm 643 8775. '82 VW Quantum GL A/cond., 5 spd., front wheel drive, stereo/tape. Roomy 4 door. '85BUICK SKYLARK 4 door, 4 cyl., auto., p/stg , p/brks., A/cond. & only 12,000 miles. Factory Ex ec. car with 4 year/50,000 mile warranty. F.E.NEVERETT Keeseville 834 7879 2 to choose from. 1 with air, 1 without. Both in great shape. For the Economy minded A/cond., auto., stove, sink, refrig., sleeps 4 adults. You supply the T V . ! •82 Chevette 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto., tilt wheel, cloth interior, 25,000 miles. Red w/tan interior. '81 Citation 4 dr., 4 cyl., ! 1974 PONTIAC. Good mech. auto., air cond., light blue ; cond. 8125 or best offer. 543w/dark blue inferior. f 3477, ask for John. Lee's Auto Sales I nc. 447 5325 1977 NOVA. 350 auto., 2 dr. Good condition. Asking $475 Call 293 7544. 1982Z 28Camaro '83 Olds Cutlass* (2)'83RabbitGTI's '80 VW Camped Northway VW Porsche-Audi "Home of t^€ Car of the Year" 290 Cornelia St. 5*14433 Filion McGee, Inc. •SALES • SERVICE • E X T E N S I V E PARTS INVENTORY •INSURANCE 1-87 39A. Rt 9 North. North I Country Shopping Ctr. Of j f ice 3 doors down from A & i P, PlafHburgh, N.Y. 12901 YO92 LYWX RS model 7 Or . *m*9* ttJttm* S3S90 Call 54V3423 FOR S*te 1979 2S9 t n e * * , a pe*« Ex 3X9 f*>SJtl t+H FOJtD AM/FM LTD w tape. Lone* 2*7715 O~y S4> *" OOOCC O X W ~4*~4» E Ga** cm <m nm tfJM m BRYAN LaPIERMTRS. R t t . 3 t Military Turnpike Dial 5*3 1413 BUY SELL TRADE Avion Travel Trailers - the finest in the world. 25', 30' I 34* models now in stock. See them today! MEKKEL5EN Trailer Sales 81 Rentals Inc. E. Montpelier, VT 05651 1802-223 3684 9 So Peru St. 5*t4i82 ; 1981CHEV Pickup. * cyl., stani dard shift. S3300. Call 9*2 TRUCK Parts New Used Rebuilt. Special Clutch Of fer. NEW 14" or 15VS" 2 plate clutches complete 50% off. 297 4491 or 299-9706. interest available 563-6250 Open9to9Mon. Fri. 9 to 5 Saturday Bank Repo 71 Newport 12x60 2 bedroom, take over payments $140 a month 443 2479 . Quality fimps,tip*i« Mobil* Horn* Sato. Inc. Exit M, PHttib 561-3391 IMPORT DOCTOR Gray's Supply 20% Off inventory reduction on all Items not already sale priced. 5*17*71 MUST Sell Beautiful 14x70 2 bedrm mobile home. 1 year old. partly furnished, set up (can bo moved). See to appreciate. $19000. 5*18473, 543-8111. 12x*5 F L E I T W O O O mobile home - 3 bedrms., front porch> back dock/ iftstHevoo. skirting included- Already sot ^tp In park approx 1 mi. outside city or may be mov ed. $*,590.5*i^ii*evofiin«s. Limited time only Peru Auto Exchange ft*. H 1900 GMC * ton 32,000 miles, $3995 1976 Ford y% ton, $1295 1974 F 100, $995 Cedyvllle Auto 4 Truck 293-8299 Dick Cook Auct4oneer Licensed Real Estate Salesman Chateeu«ay,N.Y. Dlal5*3-4475or4f7-*OS1 TOBYHEVERETT Complete Auctioneering Services 541 4448 An ally for your Alliance 443 6629 Schuyler Falls 17 '90 TOYOTA 4 passenger. Customized, air, cap. No rust. 22,000 mi. Best offer. 5*13942 CASH FOR YOUR USED MOBIt-6 H O M E C»H 5*3-1 K». 1970 FORD 250 pkkup. Custom 1*' camper. 3 M 0 » original mi. $4,000.991 5499. Big New WW Big New 14 Wide '75 CJ5 Renegade Jeep. 304 v/8, 3 spd., A M / F M cassette radio, new top, paint, tires, battery, shocks & brakes. Low mileage, excellent cond. $2,900. 834 7054. 3 Bedroom House Type • • • • 1971 CHEV. New clutch 9nd ex haust, radial tires. $800. Call 84*719*. Shingle roof Vinyl siding Carpet throughout Furnished $15,900 1980 TOYOTA 4x4. Excellent shape. Custom paint, wheels, body lift, roll bar, K.C lights. Best offer. 298 45*1 1975 CHEV. pickup, cap 1 rack. Runs very good. S943330. $1500 or best offer. Guaranteed park space Quality Mobile Home Sales, inc. Exit 3*. Pittsburgh 561-3391 TRIMS MOBILE HOME I 1981 FORD Courier pickup j1 w / c a p . Excellent cond. MOVING 81 REPAIRS 1981 VW Rabbit Pickup L X , S4,100.84*7175efter5p.m. Plumbing, heating, elec., dlesel. 4 spd., A M / F M . 58,000 carpentry. 24 hr service, 1974 CHEVY Blaxer 4 whl. 6r. mi., new tires. Excellent fully insured. *43-8940. 50,000 miles. S700. Cal 297 cond. S2S00.425 9957. 2954. REDUCED For Quick Sale: '7* J E E P Wagoneer. A/cond., 1983 New Haven 14x70 2 ! '77 GMC Pickup. Short box. p/stg., 4 whl. dr. Good mech. bedrm., 2 full baths, oak kit| Std., * cyl., Scottsdaie Pkg. cond. Body is very rusty. chen with built in | S1595.493 2*33.5*1 3174. Asking 81*00. 5*3 1097 or see dishwasher. • " walls. 2 large at Tedford's garage Rt. 3 sundecks & storage shed. Set i 1984 J E E P Cherokee. 4 whl. Saranac. 293 8585. 4 dr., p/stg., p/brfcs., A M / F M up on nice lot 2 miles from cicassette, plush interior, roof OLDER Motor home, '67 inter ty. $23,900,10% down, bal. 13 rack, other extras. 15,000 mi. yrv 5*3-0511. national. New tires, brakes, Excellent cond., 891-1418. exhaust, misc. parts. $2300. ATTRACTIVE 13'x*0', custom 493 2334. : MACK Tractor. 1973 cabover. interior, porch, clean, must Excellent cond. 5*1*449 1979 DATSUN King Cab. 5 spd. see to appreciate. Reduced after,4. price from $7,400 to best of Very good cond. New paint, for. Must sell. 398-3359. undercoated. 83400.891 5*91. 1979 'JEEP Cherokee. 55,000 mi. Good cond. 13,000 518 1959 1 TON Chevy pickup, * Save Hundreds ! 873*999* after 5 p.m. cyl FleetHde. 4 spd., needs MOBILE HOME MOVING restoration. $250 or best of , 197* FORD Pickup. DonAkey5*3-*3S» for. 391-8131, if no answer, ! . * cyl., standard, Fully B o n * 492-2377. 3 speed. 83+7028 19*5 FAN Travel trailer, 2V tandem, with shower. Good cond. $1400 946 2479. COACHMEN Deluxe, present ly on srte overlooking Lake Champlain. $5200. 492 2425, (514)482*4443. 1978 COACHMAN Camper, 23 ! ft. long. Self contained, ; stove, refrigerator, furnace ; Also, some extras. New kit chen. tent, etc. Clean. $4800. Most see to appreciate. 834 7634. 1982 AVION Trailer .34' Fully equipped, with microwave. Used 4 months. No road . milts. Asking $22,000, was I $31,000 new. C«M owner 9)4 : 278-9081, some info at 834 7845 mmmmmmm^mi^mt^mma^^m^^^^m^m^^i^mmmm^^mm^m^^^^mm Quality Used Cars and Pickups , 12 P I J M * fcriw IS dm H Itow4i4 12Mck2#.lhriinC«p O P M T W 73CHiHatEllinii m 12Mcllipl4<r.Wipi liattTfi C. Wayne Motors,Inc. S73-*3«0orS73-63S9 Rout* 9 Elizobcthtown Purchase A New Mercury Grand Marquis, Marquis Or Cougar In Stock And Receive $500.00 In Cash Towards Your Vacation. Enjoy Your New Mercury And Vacation At The Same Time. <rt AHO MAtQUIS Came and Visit us at the Essex County Fair Westport, N.Y. Super Deals! Home For Your Ford Since 1910 EKLEFELft BROS., 1 C . COUGAt Us* I TO-4551 Eli FREE During Month of August 1985 On Purchase of 1985 Lynx 3 Year/30,000 Mile Extended Service Plan Your Home of Supor Service DUROCHER MERCURY :e$fcoreKd. 5*1-4400 1216% 1990CHEVYLUV 4 wheel drive. Good cond. 563-5395 81 GMC. 4 Std. 13995 79E!Camino.Auto. 13195 80 Ford, 4 Std, 12995 78 Chevy. 4 std. 8995 1969 IN. Reefer with Stanley unft. Excellent cond. Has new motor. $3,000. 561 64*9 1978 CASUAL Dodge Motor Home. Fully self contained, sleeps *. $8,000.94* 7767. VACATION MONEY SPECIAL* $$ LINCOLN FOR SALE: 1974 * ton Chevy Pickup truck. $1300.561 6619. 1991 TOYOTA truck. 4 spd., longbed with or without camper top. Low mileage. One owner. Excellent cond. 5*15150 1977 CHEV. C 20 Pickup truck. New tires. $1500 5*3 4403 or 5*345*7. 1 «»• FOR SALE: 1979^ ton Dodge Van. $1900. 5614619. BRESETTE HOMES All Homes including Double Wides Drastically Reduced '79 CHEVY C 20 44 ton pickup. Ed D a g u e Chevrolet, Keeseville, N.Y. 834 77**. STORAGE VANS Daily weekly - monthly. We Deliver. Champlain TruckTrailer Rental. 297-6481 or 298-8706. 1973 STARCRAFT p eel lent cond. Sleeps 6, fur- '70 CHEVY v» ton, w/insuiated nace, new tires. $1000 firm. cap & '** Chevy, excellent 561 2436. eng. for parts. $*50.873 4553 Pittsburgh Spring Inc. *.$etup(15yrs.*xp ) 563 3013. F/S 23' FAN. (Alum. body). Camper-trailer. Sleeps 4. Self contained.. 518-236 7774. WINTER RAT, 1974 cyl . e v e , V-9 $059 or best offer 541-0219 >973 IMPALA 2 dr hardtop 45409 erigtfuri mi $1399 Ex 541 1839 RentA Wreck We rent Pickup Trucks I all size Vans. 5*3 5400 B4G Mobile Homo Moving 563-2440 Sola Ends Aug.15/1985 197? MUSTANG. 4 cyl , *• Runs weft S U M or offer 541-0219 bSstof SEPT -92 D e f t t * 29OZX 2 - 2 30J9C mi Puny loaded E* ceilent cond $10,959 or nearest offer 543 339» V I K I N G FOLD DOWNS 1971 J I C P CJ5. 4 cyl., 3 spd. New Mack paint }ob. All good rubber, hard top. $1200. 5*1 2970. GMC TRUCK*. We specialize In trucks and suburbans for campers and trailer towing. Ready for I m m e d i a t e delivery. Broderkk Motors, 10 So. Pom, 561 3130. INTERNATIONAL Truck Sales & Service M A . JERRY I . CO. INC Pittsburgh, N.Y. 561 6770 Rowe Bros., Inc. Eltenburg Depot, *594 3914 •Not long distance from Pittsburgh 1979 SCOUT II 4 wheel drive. 49,090 mile*. $3500 Call 94* 2541. BAILEY FORD, INC. Ford Truck Dealer Ma!one,N.Y., 483-5500 Pkk-up Caps Tracks * Sak • BAR B-QUE GRILL BOTTLES F I L L E D A/cond., stereo, cruise control. Only 25,000 mi. Winnebago MUST SACRIFICE '84 Franklin 35 ft. with 1 tip up. Park Model. All deluxe, air, roll out awning, patio door, twin beds, full bath w/tub. Many extras. Used a short time. Must be sold by Aug. 16. Can be seen anytime, Lot 52, Northway Exit 29 Campsite, No. Hudson. Ab soJutety no calls. • CONSIGNMENT '78 CAMARO LT, V/8. auto., SALES i p/stg.,' p/brks,, *\r, new ! tires. $3000 or best offer 543 • YOUR COMPLETE 3443. RECREATIONAL V E H I C L E CENTER Wagon, auto., p/stg., F M . Only 24,000 milts, cloth stats, vtry nict! '79 THUNDERBIRD. Real good shape. No rust. A/cond. Call 543*0199 1975 TOYOTA Corolla Deluxe Good cond. Southern car, 1 owner. 75,000 mi. A/cond., radio. $1300.543 2971 6432479 1975 MATADOR. Auto., 6 cyl. Excellent body & good interior. Engine needs some work. 891-5936 after 4:30. v JUST 12 MILES OFF INT 87 EXIT 38 ON RTE 374-2 MILES EAST OF DAN NEMORA. 1982 WINNEBAGO Warrior motor home, 23'. in good cond. Air cond. & 13' owning* P 9 > 4 4 » r :; Bill Morgan Honda '82 GMC Jimmy Wagon Hitch I wiring installation, Service Dept., Large accessory store, LP Gas Fill, Dumping station, Consignment lot. Phono 492-7007 Mon.Fri. 8:30-5, Sat 9-3, Sun. closed. W A N T E D : Used 9' truck camper. Refrig., heater, stove. Must be 9'. 973 6584. More Fine Cars Available... 4 whl. &., 4 cyl., auto., p/stg., air cond., cruise, 1972 VW Camper. Sleeps 4. Icebox, sink, rebuilt engine. Good body. 991 2143 after 4. 24* CAMPER, duel axel, selfcontained, holding tank, 12 volt, 120 volt A/cond. volt, propane.$2500.5*1 0219. Citation 4 door with 4 cylinder, automatic trans, and A M / F M cassette stereo. 4 dr.. 4 spd., p/stg., 4 passenger, well maintained car. Nice! TRAVEL TRAILERS t 5TH W H E E L S PROWLER, PROWLER REGAL, RESORT. TRUCK CAMPERS SVNLINE THIUCK CAPS COMPLIMENT FOLD DOWN CAMPING TRAILERS COLEMAN M I N I MOTOR HOMES MIDAS OLDER Motor home, '47 Inter national. New tires, brakes, exhaust, misc. parts. $2200. 493-2324. '80 Chevy '81 Plymouth Reliant 1900 PROWLER camper, 3V w/awning. Sleeps 4 Ex v c e i l e n t c o n d . 293 7309 anytime. 1973 COUNTRY Squire 29' 5th wheel camper trailer. $5390. Excellent cond. Refrlg., free tor, microwave oven, built-in radio & tape player, full bathrm. May be seen at 96 Pine St., Pittsburgh, 5*1* 7275. 1970 W O L V E R I N E truck c a m p e r . Self-contained. Good cond. $900. 299-9193. Omega 4 door with automatic trans., a/cond.. p / s t g . . p / b r k s . , and AM/FM stereo '81 Plymouth Colt '84 Plymouth Horizon 4 dr. WaltonH. Bull, Inc. MUST sell: 1995 travel trailer, fully self contained. Very deluxe, 32 ft. Many extras. 5*1*532. '82 Olds Press-Republican—Monday/ August 12,1985 2 7 TnctoftrS* 17 17 Tricks* S * M POLANO'S USED CARS Keesevllle 834-7104 ' M Toyota Corolla wagon. 4 cyl., 5 spd., Stereo. 45,000 miles. Mint cond. $3995. ' • 0 Plymouth Volaro Premier wagon. 4 cyl., auto., p/stg. Real nice cond. $2295. RICK'S AUTO SALES Morrlsonvllle 543-9140 1974 V I O A Cocworttt. Factory h l h ptrformaoco p*ck««o. 5»3 7 4 » ftordtovAutoSotos So. Ptru St., Pittsburgh 543 2995 1974 Lincoln Continontol BottoHor tokos It i 443-4*41 botwoon 6-11 p.m. AfltaoMhilAefar( * ! * •S FLffTWOOO MOUCHAM 4 door Demo (1 only) $2J,7t7 SAVE $3792 •Speool focto*> Us To Self Th4 Cor Below Invoice 34th Anniversary $ale Continues! USED '85's 'ttFordltdwogon '15 Ford Rongtr Pkkup •5FordEKOrt4door PLUS 8.8% A LARGE SELECTION OF USED '84s Comm in todoy... Cumberland APR Financing on Dodge 2 Whl. Dr. Pickips, Aries ami laicers 8.5% APR Financing on Motor Solos, Inc. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1985 SAFARI VAX 4 cyl w 4 spd., p/brakes, p/steering, AM/FM radio, many extras. BIG SAVINGS Hog. $9995 $ 1000 OFF Renault Alliances awl Encores Best Trade Prices Given Anywhere Best No Trade Prices Anywhere Best Warranty 5 Year/50,000 Protection Plan (518)561-3130 Great looks! Great price! « exciting new Subaru G i *-~ Door Sedotv Trodft»ooot Suboru with on up6o**d contem- We Are Dealingl M#w Cmn and Trucks See »t 11 SUftAftlTS IN STOCK AtYEARENDPIttCES!! DUROCHER Coditbc-OUsmoHb, Auto S9i«s Inc. 5*3-35*7 U
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