This 2015 Easter Services Week Tuesday, March 31 6:30am—Men’s Bible Study 9:30am—Women’s Bible Study 11:30am—Women’s Prayer Gathering Wednesday, April 1 7:00pm—Nursery / Scooters Pioneer Girls Prime Time Boys Herd Middle School Crash High School Adult Electives Thursday, April 2 9:15am—MOTS Moms of Tots Friday, April 3 12noon—Good Friday Service New Women’s Study Stepping Up – Psalms of Ascent A Beth Moore Study A new Bible study of Psalms 120-134 begins this Wednesday, April 1, at 7:00pm in East Fellowship Hall. Traveling pilgrims sang these psalms both on the way to the great festivals of the Lord and became key elements of their worship. Psalms of Ascent model today how we can voice our own petitions and praises to our God, who is always available and ready to hear us. Elder Board Nominees The Nominating Committee of HPBC has nominated Peter Cuffe and Sam Reddypogu as candidates to fulfill three years terms of service on the Board of Elders. Election by our church membership will take place at the Annual Meeting on Wednesday, April 22, 2015. Please prayerfully consider these men as potential Elder leaders at HPBC. Good Friday, April 3 12:00noon - Good Friday Service - A one-hour service to remember Jesus' death on the cross. Communion will be served. Resurrection Sunday, April 5 8:45am – Traditional Worship Celebration - Praise filled worship joining our voices in celebration of our hope in Christ. Kid City Ministries – Baby Acres, Main Street, and The El will meet at this hour. 10:00am – Middle Hour Gathering - The Atrium Foyer and Café will be a place of gathering to celebrate Easter as a church family, and to meet guests who are attending services on this day. Kid City Ministries will not meet. 11:15am – Contemporary Worship Celebration - Praise filled worship joining our voices in celebration of our hope in Christ. Kid City Ministries – Baby Acres, Main Street, and The El will meet at this hour. Gordon Ainsworth Sue Hoffenbacher Shepherding SCS Superintendent Chris Norman Pastoral Ministries Nancy Baughman Derrick Jackson Sue Reddypogu Early Childhood Worship & Music Elementary Children David Borror David Kuntzman Brent Slater Administration Business & Missions Senior Pastor Jeremy Einem Jimmy Smith Students Young Adults Highland Park Baptist Church 28600 Lahser Road, Southfield, MI 48034 248-357-5464 We are growing disciples of Jesus Christ, committed to worshipping God & transforming our world. Southfield Christian School 248-357-3660 SCS Encore Upscale Resale Shop 12 Mile & Southfield Road 248-552-1555 Today March 29, 2015 8:45am Traditional Service KID CITY All Glory Laud and Honor—#181 Anthem: Procession & Hymn Kids’ Special: Jesus is Lord Baptism Thou Art Worthy Message: The End of Days - Daniel 10-12 One Day 10:10am Middle Hour Ministries KID CITY Student Ministries Adult Bible Fellowships 11:15am Contemporary Service KID CITY Great Things Our God is Love Open Up the Heavens Kids’ Special: Jesus is Lord Baptisms Message: The End of Days - Daniel 10-12 End of Days 6:00pm Awana Disciples for Life Baptisms We celebrate with Joshua Robinson, Denise Alexander, Carlos Oxholm, and Emily Mason who are being baptized in this morning’s worship services. Ministry Welcome The worship of Jesus as King at His triumphal entry quickly turned, within a week, to incessant calls for His death. He didn’t meet their expectations because their expectations were wrong. God never accommodates Himself to what we expect of Him. He is King. He is holy. He alone is Savior. He doesn’t meet expectations, He exceeds them. We must worship Him for who He is. Brent Get Involved Return of Christ As part of the current Disciples for Life Doctrine Series led by Kevin and Cindy Finn on Sunday evenings, Pastor Gordon Ainsworth will be teaching tonight, March 29 at 6:00pm in South Atrium on the topic: “What Will Happen when Christ Returns?” and “What is the Final Judgment?” All are invited to come tonight and attend this teaching session. A brief time of Q/A will follow. Easter Resources A refreshed supply of tract resources and evangelism booklets are now available at the display shelves in the Atrium Café. Please take what you will use to share the Good News of Jesus this upcoming Easter season. Invitation cards with HPBC Worship Service times are also available at this display. Ministry Details Highlights Herd Middle School ministry will meet this week from 7:00—8:30pm in the Elementary Gym and Middle School Student Center. Crash High School ministry will meet this week from 7:00—8:30pm in the Chapel and High School Student Center. Pray for our Jamaica Missions Team of 22 students and 5 adult leaders who will be leaving next weekend for a week of ministry in Mandeville, Jamaica. They will be working alongside Christian Caribbean Centre for the Deaf doing work projects on campus and visiting New Hope Children’s Home. You can follow the team as they travel and minister at Family Financial Update This coming Tuesday, March 31, closes the fiscal year for our church finances. As of this date, we are $67,000 short of our projected giving needed to meet our annual budget. Special over-and-above gifts given today and / or received by the end of the business day on Tuesday will help to accomplish this year’s annual budget of $3,950,000 Military Mailing. After a busy Tuesday afternoon this past week, 82 hand packed boxes were assembled and mailed out to honor those serving us in military service. Special thanks to all who contributed money, donated items, and assisted with packing. Each box included a written greeting from students at SCS, and a New Testament with Christ focused messages for those serving in the military. Play Ball! Registration for Men’s and Co-ed softball continues today - $75 per person. Men’s games will be played on Monday nights and Co-ed on Thursday nights, April through August at Inglenook Park on 12 Mile Road in Southfield. Men and women, ages 18 and older can register in the Atrium Foyer or by downloading the form on the website. April Communion will be served at this week’s noon Good Friday Service. If you wish to give to the Fellowship Fund, please use an envelope to designate your gift. Pray for P. & M. A. as they live in Canada, but travel often to serve in Asia. They are thankful that God brought him through a severe virus infection in his body, as well as a virus attack on his computer. God provided strength to finish filming two series of DVD training materials on the Minor Prophets and some Epistles. Pray for the teams going to China this month as they minister throughout the country. Pray for Dennis & Judy Carlson, retired from SEND and living in Indiana. They are thankful to have passed Dennis’ second anniversary of his fall and fracture, and experienced the Lord’s healing touch - now functioning much the same as before. Judy is thankful to be serving on their church’s Mission Board. Please pray for their 4 year old grandson, Ross, who was born with a hip difficulty and shortened femur, is now in a body cast for several weeks. Welcome Guests. It is always a privilege to have visitors with us for Sunday morning worship. Please take a moment to complete a Communication Card located near your seat, and place in the drop box as you exit the service today. Further ministry information is available at the Welcome Center, or on our church website. Student Women’s Men’s Global Southfield Ministries Ministries Ministries Ministries Christian School Community Secret Church Simulcast Christ, Culture and a Call to Action Friday, April 24 7:00pm – HPBC Chapel How does the call of Christ compel us to respond to the constantly changing and significant challenges in our culture related to same-sex marriage, pervasive racial prejudice, limited religious liberty, and exaltation of prosperity, rampant pornography, and abortion of babies? In this Secret Church presentation, Dr. David Platt applies Biblical truth to help us understand how Christ calls every Christian to engage culture with a firm grip on the gospel and a fervent passion for God’s glory. Registration and further information is available today in the Atrium Foyer. Workbooks will be provided the night of the event to the first 200 registrants. Missionary Care Our church will be hosting the Barnabas International and Great Lakes Member Care in-service on Saturday, April 18. This seminar is beneficial for all who have an interest in learning how to better care for our missionaries. Pastor Slater will be one of the speakers. The theme is Care Encounters Crises: Member Care in the Midst of Suffering. Stop by the Missions Table in the Atrium Foyer for more details.
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