Wednesday`s Handout - Highland View Church of Christ

July 1st, 2015
BILL OLSEN had an appointment with a cardiologist today to have some testing done for a
possible heart attack in the past. The tests showed good results and he will have an ultrasound on
July 15th as a follow up. If it is good, then he will not need to see the doctor again. Pray for good
CINDY MAUGHAN, the sister of a friend of Phil Watson, has an ulcer covering 70 percent of her
cornea and a laceration on the cornea. She will see the Ophthalmologist every day for 3 days now.
Her family is taking turns putting two special compound antibiotic drops in eye every 30 minutes.
Please pray that she won't lose her eye.
Prayers are requested for EMILY KELLEY, niece of Teresa and Kevin Reaves, and her husband,
DREW, following the loss of their newborn son, Brody, last Thursday night. Emily is now in ICU
with kidney failure and started dialysis. Please keep the Kelley and Hall families in your prayers.
LEWIS JONES continues to stay at St. Mary’s. He is feeling better but, please, no visitors. His white
blood count is still very low. He received another unit of blood on Monday. Please pray for
everything to be at the right levels and for complete healing. Also pray for DOT, that her health
will not go down as she cares for Lewis.
GAVIN STUBBS, son of Justin and Lensey (Johnson) Stubbs, will have surgery at Vanderbilt
Children’s Hospital on July 14th for a premature fusion of the opening in the front of the skull.
Please keep this family in your prayers.
PAULA TACKETT had laser eye surgery last Thursday. It went well. Pray that it will continue to heal
without complications and help to restore her sight in the left eye.
Continue to pray for a successful heart surgery and a good recovery for ALEX CROSSLIN, 12-year
old friend of the Olsen’s that has Asperger Syndrome. This will be his second surgery.
Be praying for the Mission Team as they prepare to leave for Nicaragua on July 24th.
Pray for those that are traveling for the July 4th holiday. Also for those dealing with fireworks,
that they will be kept from harm.
Pray for continued healing for all those that are recovering from surgery.
Remember to pray for comfort and peace for those that are homebound or in nursing homes.
Remember to pray for the upcoming VBS at Highland View.
The Church Office will be CLOSED on Friday, July 3rd in observance of the July 4th holiday.
CONGRATULATIONS to JENNA ESTES, granddaughter of Tracy & Loretta Rollins. She has been
baptized into Christ. You can send cards of encouragement to Tracy & Loretta’s address.
POWER! For ages 2 years through 6th grade. From 10:30am until 4:30pm. It will be a 1 day, all day,
blowout extravaganza with meaningful and encouraging lessons from scripture. There will be
games, arts and crafts, snacks, lunch and Giant Water Inflatable’s! If you want to be involved in
helping with preparations, teaching or anything else that is needed, please see Rodney Griffin or
Levi Dodd NOW. Pick up an information sheet in the foyers and invite others to come!
HARDIN VALLEY CHURCH OF CHRIST VBS - July 8-10. Time: 9am to noon. Ages: 4 year-olds to
students leaving fifth grade. Cost: Free. Snacks: A light snack will be served each morning.
Address: 11515 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville, TN 37932. There will be Bible stories, songs, crafts,
and, most important, FUN! You will learn about the fruits of the spirit -- peace, love, joy, patience,
kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Please register by going to: or feel free to contact the church office if you need additional
information (865-824-3078 or [email protected]).
KNOXVILLE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL is in immediate need for a Music teacher and a Preschool
teacher. Applicants can find the application packet online at
KNOXVILLE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL has received a great blessing from an individual who has offered
to provide up to 30 scholarships to church of Christ families. The scholarships are available. This
scholarship opportunity covers half the tuition for the 2015-2016 school year up to $3,250. The
family will be responsible for the $150 application fee, the $450 registration fee, and remaining
tuition. You can check the church office bulletin board for additional information, or you
can contact KCS at (865) 966-7060.
THE TENNESSEE CHILDREN’S HOME is opening 2 new Group Homes. The first of July is the target
date and it’s here! Thank you Highland View members! As always, you have been
generous again! The Highland View list of items needed for the Children’s Home has been filled.
Thank you for all you do and more!
OPEN HOUSE - You are invited to the Open House and Dedication on Friday, July 24th from
3:00pm to 5:00pm for the Tennessee Children’s Home - East, located at 8550 Harold Duncan Way
Knoxville, TN 37931. The new buildings will serve 16 more at-risk youth just as they do with the
programs in Middle and West Tennessee. Refreshments will be served. RSVP to Loy Molchan
ADFAC's 2015 School Supplies program will begin distributing to over 2,600 local students soon!
They are still in need of donations. You can pick up a list in the foyers if you would like to help with
donations. There will be an address and times for you to take your donations on the information
list. For any other questions, contact the Development Director, Jamie Olson LaRose 425-0256
ext. 107; (865) 385-8771 (mobile); email: [email protected].
July 5th, 2015
AM Opening
Communion Prayers
If you are unable to serve
Contact Phil Watson
Phil Watson
Bruce Latham
Norman Allmon, Mike Henley, Bruce
Latham, Matt Mitchell, David Morgan, Jim
Roper, Tom Rubright, Mark Taylor
AM Closing
Johnny Moore
Small Groups
CHILDREN’S CHURCH: --- 10:45AM-11:30AM – Room 10
NURSERY: For your convenience, there is a nursery on either side at the back of the auditorium.