Seattle Children’s Research Institute Summer Scholars 2015 Hosted by the Social Media and Adolescent Health Research Team (SMAHRT) About the Program If you’ve ever been curious about teen health and media use, the research process, or different careers in health and research, then this weeklong scholar experience is for you. Experience is not required. Who: Students entering grades 11 or 12, and recent high school graduates (ages 16-18 years) When: July 6-10, 2015: Daily 9am-3pm Where: Seattle Children’s Research Institute: 2001 8th Ave, Seattle, WA What: This weeklong experience will include a maximum of 25 teen scholars to join us for a unique learning experience. Scholars will work with and learn from researchers from Seattle Children’s. Experiences will include: Understand the steps of the research process Design and do your own research project on teen health and media Understand different types of research that seek to improve child and adolescent health Learn different paths to pursue a career in research or health Practice skills in how to talk with reporters about your research Meet a variety of research team members to learn how they spend their days Tour different laboratories and healthcare settings at Seattle Children’s What’s in it for me? Design and complete a small research project you can use as an experiential learning project for school Understand different potential careers in health, research and media Use the experience when applying for future job or school applications $100 stipend will be provided to students who complete the program About Us Seattle Children’s Research institute includes researchers who study key areas of adolescent health and media with research questions such as: How does Instagram affect adolescents’ well-being? Can you be addicted to the internet? Does Facebook influence health behaviors for college students? Additional Information Adolescents who are accepted to the program may be provided transportation assistance including parking, bus vouchers or additional help. Lunch and a snack will be provided each day. Adolescent scholars who complete the full week of activities will be provided a $100 stipend. Interested adolescents may apply using the application form. Applications include a paragraph describing the applicant’s interest in the program, this information will be used to ensure we meet scholar’s goals. For more information or questions, contact the SMAHRT by email: [email protected] or phone (206) 884-5404. For more information about SMAHRT see our website: APPLICATION for Seattle Children’s Research Institute Summer Scholars 2015 hosted by the Social Media and Adolescent Health Research Team (SMAHRT) Eligibility: Teens who will be juniors or seniors in fall 2015, and 2015 high school graduates (age 16-18 years) who can commit to the full program the week of July 9-12, 2015. No experience required. Please type or print legibly. Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________Email: _____________________________________ Address: ________________________________________City: ___________________Zip: _______ Name of school: __________________________________________Grade:_____________________ 1) Are you able to attend the full 5-day program? Yes___No__ 2) Do you qualify for free or reduced lunch? Yes___No___ 3) Have you notified your parent/guardian you are applying for this program? Yes_____No____ 4) Please provide the name of an adult (teacher, employer, mentor) who can serve as a reference for you: Name______________________Email or phone: ___________________________ 5) Transportation plans to get to Seattle: I plan to drive____I plan to bus____I could use help with transportation____ 6) Please write a paragraph (300 words or less) about why you are interested in the program and what you hope to gain from the experience. Please send applications by one of the following ways: Email: Scan your application and send it by email to: [email protected] Mail: Mail your application to: SMAHRT, M/S CW8-6, PO Box 5371, Seattle, WA 98105-5005 Deadline: June 15, 2015 Scholars will be notified by June 30, 2015 by email or phone Note: Applications will be reviewed and accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. This program is only available to a maximum of 25 scholars, so apply early!
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