Hines Herald News from Hines Middle School Home of the Spartans June 2015 Important Numbers Office: 591-4878, press 5 Principal’s Message Fax: 591-0119 Clinic: 591-4878, press 3 Cafeteria: 591-4878, press 4 Some Points of Interest 6/03 - 8th Grade Class Trip Spirit of Norfolk 6/03 - SOL retake English 6/04 - SOL retake math 6/04 - B&N Bookfair, 6-7:30 pm 6/05 - SOL retake civics/science 6/06 - 8th Grade Dance, 6-9 pm 6/10 - 7th Grade Awards Assembly, 8:30 am 6/11 - 6th Grade Awards Assembly, 8:30 am Early dismissal, 1:25 pm 6/12 - 6th & 6th Grades Field Day Early dismissal, 1:25 pm - 8th Grade Awards and Promotion Ceremony at Warwick HS, 6 pm 6/15 - Last Student Day Early dismissal, 1:25 pm Please remember to sign in in the main office. Thank you! Dear Hines Families, Welcome to the final weeks of the 2014-15 school year! While the end of the school year is clearly in view and summer is on the horizon, there is a lot to accomplish to bring this year to a successful close. Please continue to look for important announcements and notes about end of the year activities taking place in your child’s classroom and our school! Students, you are expected to remain focused and give these final days of the school year at Hines your academic and behavioral best — it is never to late to aim for success! Students, please remember to dress appropriately in accordance with our Hines Dress Code. In our tradition of all things literacy, Hines students are again expected to participate in the Scholastic Read for the World Record challenge. If you are traveling or staying at home this summer, please continue to READ! Sharp literacy skills determine academic success for students and there are MANY exciting young adult book titles to appeal to our middle school students! See the summer reading lists on pages 7 and 8 of this newsletter for suggestions and summer reading guidelines. These lists are also posted on our Hines homepage and the NNPS website. In addition to reading, this summer take advantage of all of the museums, family attractions, summer camp programs, festivals, online learning and virtual fieldtrips, that are available to you. Our area is full of great opportunities to broaden your horizons! Special thanks to Mr. Fred Cheeks who stepped in for me during the last months of school. His hard work on behalf of the Hines community is appreciated! Also, thanks to Mrs. Carol Kelly who filled in for Ms. Poole. Thanks for a great 2014-15 school year! We look forward to seeing you in the fall for two important events at Hines on September 2: Sixth Grade Orientation from 1-3 PM. And Middle School Open House from 4-7 PM. Have a Safe and Sensational Literate Summer! See you when school reopens September 8, 2015! Have a Safe and Sensationally Literate Summer! Contents: Communication…………..2 PTA and News …………..3 Dates and Information…4-5 Focused on HMS……….6-9 Sincerely, Dr. Corbin-Staton HMS Spartans are: Safe Responsible Respectful & Positive Methods of Communication HMS Agenda Use of the HMS agenda is required and serves as the primary method of communication between home/school and school/home. Student homework and notes to and from your child’s teacher can be written in it daily. Family members are expected to check the agenda each night. This year agendas are provided to all students. Replacement agendas will cost $5. Connect 5 Connect 5 is the system that makes computerized phone calls to families about important events. Please provide regular updates of your email addresses, home and cell numbers to the main office so that you will receive Connect 5 communication. Conferences Face-to-face meetings are requested by families and by the school. In addition to an individual meeting with your child’s teacher, conferences are a great way to assemble a group of people to discuss your child’s successes or areas of concern. Contact your child’s teacher, counselor, or administrator to request a conference. E-mail E-mail is an efficient way to communicate about your child’s academic performance or for other reasons. Please allow 24 hours for a return e-mail from your child’s teacher/school staff. HMS Facebook Site Sign-up (a link is on our website) to like us on Facebook and receive updates and information about Hines! Letters/Post Cards Letters and post cards are additional ways a teacher or school staff might communicate about a student’s good behavior, academics, or citizenship. Letters from Hines will be sent home throughout the school year. Current addresses are requested; postage costs for undeliverable or returned mail add up! ParentVue ParentVue replaces Parent Assist. Please sign up for this valuable tool in keeping up with your child success. See page 3 of this newsletter for more information. Telephone Calls We have telephones in our classrooms. When you call to speak with your child’s teacher, you will be transferred to that teacher’s voice mail or a secretary will take a message and give it to the teacher. Please allow 24-48 hours for a return phone call. Hines PTA News and Information PTA NEWS Greetings Hines Families, THANK YOU for participating in our fundraisers and programs this year! 2014-2015 HINES PTA OFFICERS President — Mrs. Recy Hargraves Vice President — Mrs. Lisa Harrell Secretary — Mrs. Jenifer Johnson Treasurer — Mrs. Stacey Bueter Teacher Representative — Mrs. Chanda White 2015-2016 ELECTED PTA OFFICERS We will be preparing for the 2015-16 school year. If you have a particular event that you Congratulations and thank you to the following HMS parents who would like to volunteer to help with or want to know more will serve on our PTA Board next year! about our PTA and where you could serve or help out, Mrs. Recy Hargraves- President please call or e-mail me. We are still in need of a PTA Mr. Leon Hicks- Vice President Council Representative, Volunteer Coordinator, ReflecMrs. Jenifer Johnson- Secretary tions Coordinator, and Fundraising Chairperson. Mrs. Stacey Bueter- Treasurer Thank you so much to our 2014-2015 PTA Officers and volunteers for making sure that we were on task and successful this year! I look forward to working with the returning members and getting to know the new members of our board and committees! Sincerely, Recy Hargraves, HMS PTA President Don’t Forget to Get Your 2014/15 Yearbook Yearbooks are here and will be distributed o students who pre-ordered theirs during the first week of June. After the pre-orders have been distributed, you may purchase a yearbook — first come first serve. PLEASE take your yearbook home so it doesn’t get lost! Thank you! PARENTS — Please make every effort for your child to be in school these last 11 days of school! There is SOL Testing End of Semester/Course Testing And a lot of fun end of the year activities! Representatives and Committee Coordinator Positions PTA Council Rep- Open Teacher Rep- Chanda White Box Top Coordinator- Chanda White Volunteer Coordinator- Open Reflections Coordinator- Open Hospitality- Erika Congress Spirit Wear- Stacey Bueter Fundraising- Open Expanding Chorus 105 The students in room 105, formally known at Chorus Class are now becoming young pianists! Students start at level 1 learning different scales, chords, and beginner songs. Then, each student is allowed to work at their own pace by working individually or in a group of two. This allows for student mentorship and individual critical thinking. This has been a great way for these young musicians to learn a new craft. Did you know that reading and playing of music is a great resource to incorporate math and reading skills ? Way to go Ms. Hopkins! Hines Middle School Dates to Remember · June 2015 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 6 June 10 June 11 June 12 June 15 SOL Retake — English 8th Grade Trip — Spirit of Norfolk SOL Retake — Math Hines Barnes & Noble Bookfair at the Patrick Henry B&N, 6-7:30 PM SOL Retake — Civics/Science 8th Grade Dance at Hines, 6—9 PM 7th Grade Awards Assembly, 8:30 AM 8th Grade Picnic and Field Day 6th Grade Awards Assembly, 8:30 AM 8th Grade Promotion Practice Students Dismissed at 1:25 PM 6th and 7th Grade Field Day Students Dismissed at 1:25 PM 8th Grade Awards and Promotion Ceremony, 6 PM at Warwick HS (tickets are required for this event) Last Day for Students, Students Dismissed at 1:25 PM HMS Notes and Reminders MEDICATIONS AT SCHOOL -Please pick up any medication we may have for your child in the clinic by June 15 th. Any medications not retrieved by that day will be disposed of per NNPS Health Services policy. -Parents of all students that have been alerted as having a chronic medical condition (such as Severe Allergies, Asthma, Seizure, Diabetes) have been mailed medication order forms to be completed by a healthcare provider for next school year. NNPS policy states that the student must have new medication orders every school year. -Students are not allowed to carry medications at school without Permission to Carry forms completed. TDAP SHOT REQUIREMENT FOR INCOMING 6TH GRADERS AND ALL NEW STUDENTS GRADES 7 – 12 Students are welcome to enter the building at 7:55 A.M. daily. Please avoid picking your children up before school dismisses at 2:55 P.M. We want to use every possible minute for your child’s learning! ID is required for all student pick-ups. Safety is first! Please join our PTA-we need you! Your children will benefit from many GREAT PTA sponsored activities this school year! Also, please save and send in Box Tops! Please access our Hines Herald school newsletter @ http://hines.nn.k12.va.us/newsletter.html . Please join our Facebook site (http://www.facebook.comHinesMiddleSchool) HMS Spartans are Always Safe · Always Respectful · Always Responsible · Always Positive Hines Middle News from Hines Middle School 6th Grade Important Numbers Office 591-4878, press 5 Fax 591-0119 Clinic: 591-4878, press 3 Cafeteria: 591-4878, press 4 ——————— Agenda Book A Hines Middle School agenda is required for all students and will be available for purchase at the Open House held in August. The cost will be $5.00. ———————— From PE & Related Arts Rubber soled, closedtoed shoes are required for PE Art Supply Fee $5.00 Drama Supply Fee $5.00 Band & Chorus Fees : Notebook, ,Supplies Fee of $10.00, plus Purchase of Shirt,/ Uniform Fee . Band and Orchestra instrument rental fee. Living Skills/Tech Ed Supply Fees $3.00 GENERAL 2 packs of blue pens 2 packs of pencils (prefer Dearmechanical Hines Families, pencils) We2have packsmade of index it tocards Spring 1 box of journey markersto orthis colored Break! Our pencils point has been long and pro 1 highlighter ductive. Spring Break pro 4the packs of we loose leaftopaper vides time need rest for Glue up thesticks final weeks of the 1 pairschool of safety 2012-13 year.scissors Pair of headphones for Our students recently took computer (headphones/ear assessments of their learning in buds) the subject areas of reading, 2 boxes of tissues math, science, social studies, English language acquisiand ENGLISH tion. We know that results will 1 inch binder indicate that your children have 1working one subject notebeen hardspiral to master book the academic skills and standards upon which they are assessed. Thank you for all you do at home to support their learning! MATH We are already in the plan 4 composition notebooks ning stages for next school 2—3 big erasers year. We have some great id 4 two-pocket folders 1 pack of construction paper or colored paper SCIENCE SPARTAN MOTTO 7th Grade 2 one subject spiral notebooks 4 two-pocket folders GENERAL Pencils Blue or black pens 4 glue sticks or 1 bottle of glue 2 white board markers Colored pencils 2 highlighters Loose leaf paper Erasers Pencil pouch Pair of ear buds 2 boxes of tissues ENGLISH 1 inch binder 1 plastic two-pocket folders with clasps 1 pack index cards on a metal ring for vocabulary 1 pack subject dividers MATH 4 composition notebooks 1 pocket folder w/prongs 1 pack index cards 8th Grade SCIENCE 2 composition books (1 for each quarter) SOCIAL STUDIES 2 composition notebooks SOCIAL STUDIES 2 composition books ENGLISH 1-1/2” inch binder Blue and black pens Index cards 5 tab dividers 1 one-subject notebook or composition book Ear buds MATH 4 college-ruled composition notebooks 1 folder with prongs Algebra and Geometry students also need : 4 “AAA” batteries (for Graphing calculator) Pencils with erasers Dry erase markers 2 composition notebooks 1 three-subject college ruled spiral notebook 2 jumbo glue sticks HMS Spartans are: Always Safe Always Responsible Always Respectful Always Positive GENERAL Pens and pencils College-ruled loose leaf paper 2 highlighters 1 pack of markers or colored pencils 1 pair school scissors 2 glue sticks Pair of ear buds 2 boxes of tissues to be given to you homeroom teacher SCIENCE CIVICS FOCUSED ON HMS HAPPENINGS! WE ARE READING! SPARTANS READ!!! Students self-select their own books but must sample a few books in every genre. They then document how many books they read on a genre challenge graph kept in their notebooks.” (Reading in the Wild, pg. 190) SPARTAN FORTY BOOK CHALLENGE GENRE Non-Fiction Realistic Fiction Novels in Verse/Poetry Historic Fiction Fantasy Fiction Science Fiction Mystery Fiction Biography/Autobiography Graphic Novel Classic literature Your Choice (chapter books) NUMBER OF BOOKS 5 5 2 4 3 2 2 2 1 3 11 Summer Reading List The summer reading lists have been distributed to English teachers to give our to our returning students and our rising 9th grade students. We will continue with our Spartan 40 Book Challenge next year — so if you are returning students, you know what it is all about! Expectations are high that ALL of us will be reading and keeping a reading log of the book title, author, genre, and set your goal to meet and break your record from this year! Reading for the Record Hines students will be participating again this summer in the “Reading for the Record” Scholastic Summer Reading Program. Students will log their daily reading minutes into the database and those minutes will be tallied to see if we can break our last year’s record and possibly break the Guinness World Record! More information will be available on June 4th at the Hines Barnes & Noble Bookfair at their Patrick Henry location. Hines Barnes & Noble Bookfair June 4th, 6-7:30 PM Please join us for a fundraiser at Barnes & Noble’s Patrick Henry Store on Thursday, June 4th from 6-7:30 PM. Come and buy books for summer reading or a book for a teacher’s classroom library. A group of our Hines Orchestra students will be performing so come out and support them. There will also be raffle drawings for B&N gift certificates every 15 minutes! The featured Frappuccino in the café will be the “Vanilla Pazzazzer”, that was developed by Mrs. Harpst’s 3rd core students. When you make a purchase in the bookstore or in the café , please mention Hines so we will receive credit for your purchase. We hope to see you there! NNRC’s Literacy Teacher of the Year! Congratulations Ms. Katie Lantz!!! On May 13th, the Newport News Reading Council (NNRC) held their Spring Banquet at the Waterworks Building in City Center. Literacy ward winners for 2014-2015 were recognized during this meeting. We are proud to announce that Katie Lantz, 6th grade English teacher from Hines Middle School, was honored as NNRC’s Literacy teacher of the Year! Ms. Lantz was recognized and honored for her support and contributions to literacy. Thank you Ms. Lantz for all your hard work for the success of students and teachers. Congratulations!!! Ms. Lantz will also be competing at the state level in the fall. FOCUSED ON HMS HAPPENINGS! VANILLA PAZZAZZER Hines 1st Annual Book Swap Congratulations to Mrs. Harpst’s 3rd core students! There were so many great submissions and the judges had a difficult time. Thank you for your help everyone! The café drink featured on Thursday, June 4th at the Patrick Henry store location of Barnes & Noble will be the Vanilla Pazzazzer. Please plan to join us at Barnes & Noble and encourage your students to come try the Hines Vanilla Pazzazzer! Twenty-four Hines students participated in our 1st Annual Book Swap. They donated books and were able to “swap” another book for their donation at the Book Swap. They also received a poster of their choice as an added bonus for participating. NJHS Induction Ceremony The following members were inducted into the NJHS at Hines Middle School on Friday, May 5th: Sade Burns Erin Gravette Abby Rose Kendall Scrimgeour Rheanna Collins Myanh Le Cheyanne Elam Congratulations! Thank you to all who participated in this event. Special thanks to Sam Cornette for playing guitar. Mrs. Christine Dittmyre is our Hines NJHS Sponsor. VJAS at JMU 13 Students attended presented their Science Projects at the Virginia Junior Academy of Science. David Morgan, Jolie Dunlap, Isabelle Villarreal, Susan Sale, Shannon Murray, Christina Maszczak, Madalyn Motely, Jax Gill, Georgia Danehy, Liz Harrell, Myanh Le, Erin Gravette and Lauren Gravette traveled to James Madison University to present their projects to the Academy. FOCUSED ON HINES MIDDLE SCHOOL FOCUSED ON HINES MIDDLE SCHOOL Hines Music in the Park The Hines Orchestra, Band, and Chorus participated in the Music in the Parks Festival hosted at Busch Gardens on Saturday, May 31st. The students enjoyed a fun packed day at the theme park after performing in the morning for the Music in the Parks Competition. At the awards ceremony, held at The Royal Palace Theater at Busch Gardens, the orchestra and chorus both placed third with a rating of Excellent in their categories. We are so proud of these results and the growing musicianship of our young Spartan musicians.
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