April 2015 HaKol Herzl-Ner Tamid 3700 East Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040 HaKol is the monthly newsletter of Herzl-Ner Tamid Nisan/Iyar 5775 Herzl-Ner Tamid’s Day of HERZL-NER TAMID Day of Service Service SUNDAY, APRIL 26 9:15 AM CO M M UN ITY OUTREACH PROVIDING NEEDED SERVICES IN THE GREATER SEATTLE COMMUNITY - Birthday Dreams (Renton) - Mother's Day Cards at Council House (Seattle) - Personal Needs Pouches (HNT) - Ryther Center (Seattle) - SAFE: Save a Forgotten Equine (Woodinville) - Sandwich Making for the Homeless (HNT) - Union Gospel Mission Men's Shelter (Seattle) - Eastside Baby Corner (Issaquah) - Gardening for JFS Clients (Bellevue) - Green Kirkland Habitat Restoration (Kirkland) - Handy Helpers (HNT) - HNT Gardening (HNT) - Holy Rollers Torah Scroll Cleaning (HNT) - House of Hope (North Bend) - Mitzvah in a Bag (HNT) See pages 8-9 for project descriptions and other important details! 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org T’Filot A MESSAGE FROM RABBI ROSENBAUM Make Me a Kohen The story is told of Mr. Schwartz who approached his rabbi with an unusual request. “Rabbi,” said Mr. Schwartz, “I’d like you to make me a kohen.” Said the rabbi, “But, Mr. Schwartz, you know that I cannot do that.” “Please, rabbi, if you were able to do it, I’d make a generous contribution to the shul’s endowment fund.” Still, the rabbi demurred. To make a long story short, Mr. Schwartz offered to donate $100 million dollars to the synagogue. The synagogue would never have to fundraise again. Off went the rabbi to check the traditional sources. Several weeks later, the rabbi came back to Mr. Schwartz: “My friend, I have found an unusual loophole in the law. If you will sign these documents, you will be a kohen.” When all was said and done, Mr. Schwartz thanked the rabbi profusely. “Rabbi,” he said, “you cannot imagine what this means to me. Because, you know, my father was a kohen, and so was my grandfather!” Many Jews today view the whole idea of a kohen with suspicion. True, the role of the kohen is modest today. We offer the kohen the first Aliyah. In Conservative congregations, once in a while the kohen gets to officiate at a pidyon haben (redemption of the first born). But, we live in a democracy. The notion that any privilege should be conferred by mere birth is anathema to us. So, when the Cantor and I suggested bringing back the ancient custom of duchening (the kohanim bless the congregation), it raised a few eyebrows. What next? Are we going to revive the Israelite monarchy? I don’t think so. Long ago, the rabbis democratized Judaism by transferring the task of blessing the Jewish people to Jewish parents on Friday night. But, several times a year, we get a chance to re-enact a piece of our past the way it looked in Biblical times. It’s actually pretty remarkable that our kohanim have survived, identity intact, despite the fact that we’ve had no Temple for 2,000 years. That’s a testament to our passionate attachment to our history. Until recently, the priestly ritual was known to most Jews from Leonard Nimoy, zichrono livracha, who adapted it to create the Vulcan hand sign. Nimoy witnessed the blessing of the kohanim in his synagogue when he was a child and it made a deep impression on him. We have a rich and beautiful tradition. We can appreciate the trajectory of our people through history even more if we have a vivid picture of how we began. So, we invite you to join us on April 4, the first day of Pesach, as we celebrate the ancient ritual of duchening, the Priestly Blessing. And, to our kohanim, we say: Live long and prosper! 2 Senior Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum DAILY MINYAN: WEEKDAYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 AM SUNDAYS AND SECULAR HOLIDAYS . . . . . . . 9:00 AM PRESHABBAT ONEG: FRIDAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 PM Friday, April 3 - 6:00 PM – Services in Upper Foyer • Erev Pesach Saturday, April 4 – 9:30 AM - Services in Feinberg Social Hall • Pesach Day 1 Sunday, April 5 – 9:30 AM – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • Pesach Day 2 Friday, April 10 • Services in Feinberg Social Hall - 9:30 AM • Services in Upper Foyer - 6:00 PM • Birthday Shabbat • Pesach Day 7 Saturday, April 11 – 9:30 AM - Services in Sanctuary • Yizkor • Pesach Day 8 Friday, April 17 – 6:00 PM – Services in Sanctuary • Third Space Third Friday Shabbat - 6:30 PM in Youth Lounge Saturday, April 18 – 9:30 AM – Services in Sanctuary • Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Lazarus • Shabbat Minyan - 10:00 AM • Shabbat For Kids - 10:30 AM Friday, April 24 – 6:00 PM – Services in Sanctuary • Anniversary Shabbat • B’Yachad/Simchat Shabbat Services & Dinner Saturday, April 25 – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • Parasha Study – 9:30 AM • Services – 10:00 AM Bat Mitzvah Everyone is invited to share services & the kiddush following our Bat Mitzvah April 18 Sophia Mariel Lazarus will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on April 18th, the same date her father celebrated his Bar Mitzvah some years ago. Sophie is the daughter of Patty and Jonathan Lazarus, and the sister of Jake and Micah Lazarus, as well as Duffy, her Labradoodle. She is the granddaughter of Joseph and Maryellen Eastern of Woodinville, WA, and Earl Lazarus of Mercer Island, WA, and Merielle Eastern z"l, and Lucille Lazarus z"l. Sophie is in the 7th grade at Seattle Academy where she plays on the SAAS tennis and basketball teams. She also plays on the USTA tennis team for Mercer Island Country Club. Sophie is a volunteer at the Friendship Circle on Mercer Island and is a volunteer aide after school at Mercy Vet because of her love of dogs. In her spare time, she enjoys skiing, snowboarding, wake boarding, biking, swimming, and traveling, as well as hanging out with her friends and texting. Sophie is donating a portion of her gifts from her Bat Mitzvah to the Wildlife Conservation Society (www.wcs.org) reflecting her concerns after learning about wildlife in danger of extinction during her visits to Kenya and Tanzania last summer. 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org Teen Feed Women's League Sunday, April 26 • 5:30 PM Meet at UW Hillel 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle Volunteers are needed during two shifts to help prepare, cook, and serve food. Shifts start at 5:30 PM, and we need 10 or more volunteers for a successful event. RSVP to [email protected]. Thanks to Nathalie Bentov for leading January Teen Feed and our volunteers: Noam Bentov, Michael & Leah Drucker, Leslie & Denise Klaff, Elaine, Dan and Jacob Mintz, Laurie & Jonah Powazek, Debbie, Carly and Joelle Tudor, and Gail Wiener. Thanks to Julie Katz for leading February Teen Feed and our volunteers: Nathalie & Achinoam Bentov, Michael & Leah Drucker, Andrew & Elie Hess and Julie Katz, Jonah & Laurie Powazek, Mark, Sophie and Isaac Rosenkranz, and Peter, Tina and Alex Weiss. Jewry Duty One of the most important collective privileges/obligations of our synagogue community is to support the daily formation of a minyan (quorum of 10 Jewish adults). Why, you ask? • It enables people in the various stages of mourning and annual remembrance to say Kaddish. • Participating in the formation of the minyan is a sacred act that will set the tone for your entire day. • Your enjoyment and understanding the Shabbat will increase and deepen, elevating your experience. • Oh, and there’s schnapps if you’d like a wee nip after the service. Thank you to Elaine Mintz, Donna Peha and all of the great volunteers who baked thousands of delicious Hamentashen for our community Purim Shpiel. Yum! Join us next year! Two great programs to choose from on April 14! Sisterhood Book Club: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM in the Frankel Library. The book to be discussed will be a continuation of The Family: A Journey into the Heart of the 20th Century by David Larkin. On May 5 we will discuss The Henna House by Nome Eva. Sisterhood Hot Topics: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM at Starbucks Coffee in Eastgate. Hot Topics is informative and provides stimulating conversation about current events that affect us all. Bring your choice of current event, enjoy a beverage and join in the discussion. Rosh Chodesh Club: Monday, April 20, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Enjoy ritual ceremony, lively discussion and inspirational learning with Rabbi Yarkin. You do not need to be a member of Women's League to take part and attend this popular FREE event. Snacks provided in an informal spirited and communal celebration. Don't miss out! Save the date June 28 for our end of year volunteer celebration and annual meeting. Join us to find out what's happening next year and to honor our fabulous volunteers. For more information about these and other programs, please contact Kari Haas: 206-719-2224 or [email protected]. 2015 Legacy Brunch Thank you to these additional donors to the Legacy Brunch: Look for a notice in the mail informing you that “You’ve Been Summoned” for Jewry Duty—a request for a member of your household to attend a single weekday minyan this year. Just like jury duty, we'll be issuing Jewry Duty summons throughout the coming year until the entire congregation has been invited to participate. When you received your summons, pick a date that works for you and go to the HNT website or www.minyan10. com/hrzlnt/signup.php to sign up for one or more days (7:00 AM M-F, 9:00 AM Sundays and major secular holidays). CONTRIBUTING • Judy & Joe Schocken • ADDITIONAL DONORS • Leiba Husock • Nancy Geiger & Michael Krasik • Miriam & Pip Meyerson • Barbara & Norman Walker Thank you for supporting the minyan and responding to your Jewry Duty Summons when it arrives! In an age of increasing polarization and demonization of those who don’t agree with us, we are looking to have an open, honest, and menschlich conversation with HNT members across the political spectrum. We seek to understand each other’s positions on Israel better, to eliminate misconceptions, and to find a common vocabulary to discuss our passion for Israel. RSVP required to [email protected]. Details and cost for optional light supper to follow. Directory Updates Please use the updates below to keep your HNT Congregational Directory current. For privacy reasons, we have omitted directory changes in the online version of HaKol. To obtain directory changes, please contact the office for a hard copy of HaKol at 206-232-8555 Upcoming Israel Event Israel Left, Right and Center: Seeking Common Ground With Rabbi Rosenbaum Sunday, May 3 • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM • Skolnick Board Room 3700 E. Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040 HaKol is published monthly, except June/July/August. Production by HNT staff. The deadline for HaKol is the first of the month preceding the month of publication. Tuesday - Thursday.........................9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Friday................................................9:00 AM - 3:00 PM 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org 3 A Message from Rabbi Yarkin ‘Dayeinu! Dayeinu!’ I think I was about 9 years old. My brother, Matt, was 6 or 7. He had been learning the “dayeinu” prayer with its catchy tune in Hebrew school and was SO excited for first night Seder as he would get to sing it with our entire extended family. It was his favorite tune, which he reminded us by singing for the entire month before Pesach. Seder night finally came around for him. As we poured the first cup of wine, my brother asked: “is it time for dayeinu?” It wasn’t. “Not yet, son,” dad said. We got to the ma nishtana. “Can I sing dayeinu?” “No. It’s not time.” We started to read through the four children and have a great conversation about symbolism. But my brother was one-track minded. “Is it dayeinu time yet??” “Please be patient!” was the reply. “Will dayeinu be next?” “No.” “I WANT TO SING DAYEINU!!!” And… he lost it. He started screaming and kicking: a full-on tantrum. The waiting, and the excitement was too much. He was yelling so much that mum took him out of the room and into his bedroom to calm down. We continued for the next several pages with his screaming ‘dayeinu! Dayeinu!’ in the background. An epic screamer, he was not one to back down (just like his big sister). Finally, it was time to sing dayeinu. We called him down. But he was so worked up and furious he refused. We asked again – we told him that he’d miss it if he didn’t come down. He would not. So, we had no choice but to start singing dayeinu, (which I sang a little bit too gleefully, to tell the truth), the entire way through, without him. Thirty minutes later, he came downtairs and said he was ready to sing it. My dad, a stickler for the correct order, said that alas, he’d missed it. The ensuing tantrum dwarfed the first. It was barely over by the second night of Pesach. There are many morals to glean from this story, and you can take away whatever most speaks to you! I recount this story because the retelling of this incident has now become canonized into my family’s Seder night. That next year, we reminded Matt of his little ‘scene’, partly to warn him to not miss dayeinu again, and partly because it was funny. Every year, when we get to dayeinu, we can’t help but recall this memory. Matt is now expecting his first child, but there will always be a trace of his 7 year old self in the pages of the hagaddah, yelling for dayeinu. The word dayeinu means ‘enough!’ It is never enough, though, to stick to the script. There are always more minhags to create. Magic occurs when we participate in regular family rituals around a table. We gather together to remember the stories of earlier families, and speak ourselves into the ongoing narrative of the Jewish experience. This year, what will you recall from previous Seder nights? What stories will you lovingly tell your guests? What will you add that will be talked about in the years to come? Rabbi Jessica Yarkin 4 Welcome to Third Space, a vibrant space in between work and home where you choose to connect with community! Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/ThirdSpaceHNT Third Friday Shabbat Dinner • Friday, April 17 at Herzl Ner Tamid 6:30 PM happy half-hour 7:00 PM short sweet services 7:40 PM decadent delicious dinner All 20 to 30 somethings are welcome to celebrate monthly third Shabbats at HNT. Early bird price: $10 (RSVP by April 13, do it, do it, DO IT!) Regular price: $15 • RSVP at h-nt.org/thirdfriday Happenin’ Round The Sound: 2nd Friday Shabbat, April 10: JConnect (jconnectseattle.org) 4th Friday Shabbat, April 24: Tribe (tdhs-nw.org) HeBrew Trivia! • Thursday, April 30 At Bellevue Brewing Company (1820 130th Ave NE #2, Bellevue) where we’ve reserved a massive private room! 6:30 PM - Arrive in time to order drinks, great food, and round up your team mates 7:30 PM - Let the EPIC rounds of trivia created especially for Jewish Young Professionals commence. (We guarantee no obscure “which film won best animal stunts in 1935?” type questions). Suggested donation: $5 for the pot. Winning team will get to choose the charity where the money goes… and receive some quality prizes! RSVP on our Facebook event. HNT/Third Space Softball Team Third Space is putting together a co-ed Softball Team for the first time in many years. We will be playing in the JCC league's D-Division with the season starting the 1st Sunday in May and running through mid-July (followed by double elimination playoffs). Most/all regular games will be on Sundays on Mercer Island at the South Mercer Island Playfields. All levels of play are welcome, but please know that even though one of the goals is to be competitive... the real goal is to have fun, meet new people...and not get injured. For additional information please reach out to Bryan Levy ([email protected]), Adam Droker ([email protected]) or Rabbi Jessica and Brent Yarkin ([email protected]; [email protected]). 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org Children & Teens Garinim FRS Calendar Preschool meets April 19 this month Saturday, April 4 - Sunday, April 12 School closed for Passover Break. Have a wonderful Passover! Shabbat for Kids • Saturday, April 18 • 10:00 AM We will host our Mini Minyan for students in K-2nd grade led by Rachel Yedidia, and Junior Congregation for 3rd-5th grade led by Jamie Schwartz. Both programs this week are from 10:00-12 and include a snack. We hope to see FRS and JDS students there! Parents of 3rd - 5th graders B’Yachad Class Sunday April 19 • 10:00 AM Come meet other school parents while learning with Rabbi Rosenbaum! What a great way to start the week! No RSVP, just show up… We provide the coffee and treats. B’Yachad Family Service and Dinner Friday, April 24 • 6:00 PM Join the other 3rd-5th grade families for the last B’Yachad Service and Dinner of the school year! We offer the food, the children offer their amazing leadership in the sanctuary, and you bring the smiles, family and friends! We hope to see your family there! Day of Service • Sunday, April 26 This is an out-of-the-classroom-school-day. Children participate in a variety of volunteer options with their families as a mitzvah opportunity. They can apply classroom lessons about tikkun olam (repairing our world) with their families. We look forward to seeing our school families on this special and meaningful day! SAVE THE DATE 6th Grade Open House and Student-Lead Shabbat Service Saturday, May 2 • 9:30 AM -12:15 PM Our 6th Grade students will honor their families’ time and devotion to their Jewish studies by leading a Shabbat service and reading from the Torah! Families will be honored at their child’s reading with an Aliyah. Snacks and other activities included in this memorable morning. FRS BRUNCH & OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, MAY 3, • 10:00 AM End of the year brunch to honor our parents and wonderful volunteers who help our school shine! Register at h-nt.org/frsbrunch • $9.00 for adults age 12+, complimentary for children under age 3 • Classroom showcase begins at 11:15 to visit your child’s classroom! • Raffle of High Holiday valet parking for anyone who registers for the 2015-2016 school year before the start of the Brunch! Playground Minyan/Shabbat for Kids Saturday, April 18 • 10:00 AM Shabbat morning + wonderful Michelle Younker = a great way to share Shabbat! Enjoy this Shabbat morning program for toddlers and preschoolers. We meet in our Gan Danny classroom for free play, stories, songs, prayers, and a Shabbat Oneg. Bring your friends – guests welcome! Simchat Shabbat • Friday, April 24 • 6:00 PM Join other Garinim for this last Friday evening service and dinner together this school year. Families meet in our Gan Danny classroom for a short and child-friendly service, and then go to the Board Room for a delicious dinner together. Theme: Crazy hats! Teen Programming USY Seattle Achim (For all 9th -12 graders) Shabbat Dinner and Games! • Friday, April 17 • 6:30 PM LOCATION: The lovely home of a USY member. End the week right! Unwind and celebrate Shabbat with a short and sweet Kabbalat Shabbat service, and an excellent veggie potluck dinner, followed by games, desserts, and shenanigans! Location disclosed upon RSVP to: [email protected] J-Serve • April 26 • 1:30 PM at the SJCC Join youth groups from across the community! High school teens can choose which project site they want to go to, and middle school age group will stay at the SJCC where the teens will lead 3 different projects. The high school options are Teen Feed, Kline Galland (playing BINGO with Seniors) and Seattle Tilth (environmental project at Rainier Beach). CHOOSE YOUR CAUSE! There will be an opening ceremony with teen representatives from each of the area's teen groups: NCSY, USY, NFTY and BBYO, and then teens will get on buses to go to their project sites at 2:00 PM. Registration is open! www.jserve.org/serve/projects/?country =US&state=WA&city&zip Save the date! USY Shabbaton • May 8-9 at HNT Kadima (For 6th & 7th graders) 6th Grade after-school Pizza Party & Jewish Trivia Part 2! Monday, April 13 • 6:00 PM -7:30 PM Dinner and games, fun galore! (JDS students are welcome!) 7th Grade after-school Pizza Party & Jewish Trivia Part 2! Tuesday, April 14 • 6:00 PM -7:30 PM Dinner and games, fun times galore! (JDS students are welcome!) IMPORTANT INFO FOR ALL 7th GRADERS Tuesday, April 14 is 7th grade PICTURE DAY!!! Dress nicely and we will take a class photo of you to hang on the Wall of Fame for all future generations to see! Even if you don’t come to school on Tuesdays, if you are in 7th grade and want to be included in this picture, please turn up at 5:30 PM for this. JDS students, too! (there is a Kadima pizza party afterwards at 6:00 PM!) 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org 5 DAYTIMERS SPRING 2015 FILM SERIES April 15: Orchestra of Exiles - A 2012 film - This film is presented in honor of Yom HaShoah, being observed at this time. It tells the story of Polish violin prodigy Bronislaw Huberman’s attempt to relocate the finest Jewish musicians (and their families) who had been banned from teaching, studying and performing music in preWWII Germany and Austria to Palestine. He is credited with saving over 1000 people. With the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, Huberman’s Palestine organization became the Israel Philharmonic. May 20: The Jewish Cardinal – A 2012 French film with English Subtitles - This film tells the true story of Jean-Marie Lustiger, the son of Polish Jews living in France, who maintained his cultural identity as a Jew even after converting to Catholicism at a young age, and later joining the priesthood. Rising quickly within the ranks of the Church, Lustiger was appointed Archbishop of Paris by Pope John Paul II - a new platform for his dual identity as a Catholic Jew, but earning him both friends and enemies from both groups. When Carmelite nuns planned to build a convent within the walls of Auschwitz, Lustiger found himself a mediator between the two communities - and was forced at last to choose his side. June 17: Re-emerging: The Jews of Nigeria - A 2012 film- This film tells the story of a fascinating subculture of people who believe that they are descendants of lost tribes of Israel who made their way to Nigeria many generations ago. Numbering several thousand, they make a strong case for it as they maintain dozens of village synagogues and joyfully subscribe to such Jewish rituals as keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath, and circumcision. Like other African tribes we have seen, they love to sing; but their singing is the prayers and rituals that we all are familiar with as Jews. ALL FILMS ARE AT HNT $7.00/PERSON FOR LUNCH Daytimers Creative Writing: Everyone has a story. What's yours? Join us at HNT once a month for an hour and a half to gather as a writing group. Explore ways of expressing and preserving your own stories AND/OR simply come for inspiration and an opportunity to stir up your creative juices using prompts and other ways to just start writing. Let's start a new community. This program is sponsored by Daytimers of Herzl Ner-Tamid and open to all. Tell your friends. Wednesdays April 29, May 27, June 24, July 22, and August 26 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM $25 for all five workshops Register at h-nt.org/story Carol Barnett, writer, poet, teacher, and filmmaker will help you discover the possibilities. Any questions? Contact her at 206-922-3236 or [email protected] Films follow lunch, served 11:30 AM -12:30 PM Reserve by the Friday before the event For more information or to make reservations, call 206-232-8555 Register at: h-nt.org/daytimers Registration Form - HNT Daytimers Spring 2015 Jewish Film Series Name(s)__________________________________________________________ Phone #:________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________________ Number of Participants: ______________ _____ April 15: Orchestra of Exiles - $7.00/person _____ May 20: The Jewish Cardinal- $7.00/person _______ All three films - Only $18/person _____ June 17: Re-emerging: The Jews of Nigeria- $7.00/person } Choose form of payment: Name and address as it appears on credit card statement: q Bill my HNT account q Enclosed is a check to HNT for $________________________ ______________________________________________________ q Please charge my credit card for $________________________ ______________________________________________________ q Visa q Mastercard Credit card #:___________________________ Exp. Date:_________ 6 ______________________________________________________ 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org Celebrate t h e 5 0 t h a n n i v ers a ry of the founding of Congregation Ner Tamid Saturday, May 9, 2015 10:00 AM Join us for a special Shabbat service & festive Kiddush luncheon honoring the passion that ignited the Ner Tamid flame and keeps it burning bright To request an honor, help co-sponsor the luncheon, or make a tribute, visit www.h-nt.org/NerTamid or call the synagogue office The original Ner Tamid logo (above) was created by Roberta Corets z”l 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org 7 HNT DAY OF SERVICE 2015 SUNDAY, APRIL 26 • 9:15 AM HERZL-NER TAMID Day of Service Register now at h-nt.org/DOS to secure your spot! Herzl-Ner Tamid is proud to announce our fourth annual Day of Service! We had a successful event in 2014 with 230 volunteers providing assistance on 15 different projects for Seattle and Eastside agencies. This is HNT’s biggest opportunity of the year to provide needed services in the greater Seattle community - help us make it to 250 volunteers! Come share our passion for community outreach and tikkun olam! Sign up for the project that interests your family by calling the HNT office or registering online at h-nt.org/DOS by Wednesday, April 12. You will be notified via email with your project assignment on Sunday, April 19. After an early morning minyan start at 8:30 AM, we will all gather in the Feinberg Social Hall on Sunday, April 26. Check-in with team captains begins at 9:15 AM including a light continental breakfast. At 10:00 AM (unless otherwise noted) we will depart for our service projects or begin them in our designated rooms. For Frankel Religious School students this is an all-school day for families to spend together doing mitzvot. Parents and siblings are encouraged to join students, who must each be accompanied by an adult. The entire family will join us in the Feinberg Social Hall to meet in groups, eat, and caravan to chosen volunteer activities. Be sure to plan with your friends and family to work together and sign up early! Families with young children may either sign up for projects listed as "all ages" or for any of our indoor onsite (at HNT) projects. At onsite projects, teens who sign up for Handy Helpers will do coloring projects with your kids in the same room you are volunteering in. Children still cannot be dropped off without a parent. All projects are first-come-first-volunteering via RSVP. Spaces for many projects are limited, so sign up as soon as you decide on the top three projects that suit you and your family best. Register now to secure your spot! PROJECTS FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN OF ALL AGES Birthday Dreams (Renton): A dream is a wish your heart makes! Help make Birthday Dreams come true by assembling goody bags for birthday parties for homeless and foster children. 20 spots available! Gardening for JFS Clients (Bellevue): Put your green thumb to work for a good cause! Assist homebound, elderly and disabled JFS clients with yard work and household chores. Bring your gardening gloves and some tools. Only 5 spots available! Green Kirkland Habitat Restoration (Kirkland): Help restore the habitat at Cotton Hill Park! Join Green Kirkland in removing invasive blackberry plants and mulching to help restore Cotton Hill Park to hits natural habitat. Dress weather appropriate with sturdy shoes, bring gloves, a water bottle and lunch. 20 spots available! House of Hope (North Bend): Volunteers will depart at 9:45 AM. You can make a difference in someone’s life! Volunteers will help with indoor and outdoor maintenance projects at a home where families in crisis reside while getting counseling and other services. 20 spots available! Mitzvah in a Bag (HNT): It is a mitzvah on demand! Help continue a special HNT tradition by assembling bags which will be available for everyone in the HNT community to keep in their cars and distribute to those in need. PLEASE NOTE: this is not a good project for those with nut allergies. 25 spots available! 8 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org HNT DAY OF SERVICE 2015 SUNDAY, APRIL 26 • 9:15 AM HERZL-NER TAMID Day of Service Register now at h-nt.org/DOS to secure your spot! Mother's Day Cards at Council House (Seattle): Treasure the wisdom of age, learn from our elders, and be wise! Visit community elders at Council Hoise retirement home. Join them in making Mother's Day cards, playing card games, and socailizing. 20 spots available! Personal Needs Pouches (HNT): Seize the opportunity to lend a helping hand when it is needed most! Come assemble pouches filled with toiletry items that will be donated to Harborview Medical Center for distribution to families in the ICU. 25 spots available! Sandwich Lunches for the Homeless (HNT): Must be age 7+ to make sandwiches, but younger kids are welcome to come decorate paper bags. Grab some gloves and help make PB&J sandwiches for the residents of Tent City 3/4. Drivers needed to deliver completed sandwich lunches to Tent City locations. PLEASE NOTE: this is not a good project for those with nut allergies. 25 spots available! PROJECTS WITH AGE REQUIREMENTS Eastside Baby Corner (Issaquah): Ages 14+ or ages 7-13 with 1:1 adult supervision. Volunteers will depart at 9:45 AM. Help us help children! Your expertise is needed to sort and organize donations of baby items/gear and fill bins with clothes! 20 spots available! Handy Helpers (HNT): Ages 14 - 18. Those with babysitting experience are encouraged to sign up - this is a great project for high schoolers looking for community service hours! Assist parents by helping our youngest community members be part this year’s Day of Service! Help kids under 5 decorate lunch bags and draw pictures in one of our four indoor onsite projects. Note - Parents will be in the same room assisting with other projects. 12 spots available! HNT Gardening (HNT): Ages 7+. April showers bring May flowers! Grab your gardening tools and gloves and roll up your sleeves to help beautify our campus. We'll be weeding and pruning to help prepare for spring. Dress in weather appropriate attire. 25 spots available! Holy Rollers Torah Scroll Cleaning (HNT): Ages 13+. Our Torah Scrolls need some of your attention, help keep them in good condition for generations to come! It’s fun, easy to do and we will provide all the tools and training you need. A Torah Scroll should last hundreds, if not thousands of years! However, regular maintenance and cleaning is needed to keep scrolls in usable condition. Take advantage of this unique opportunity! 24 spots available! Ryther Center (Seattle): Ages 18+. Make a difference in a child’s life! Spend the morning engaging in activities and playing games with kids ages 6-14. Bring your ideas for activities and games. 10 spots available! SAFE: Save a Forgotten Equine (Woodinville): Ages 6+. Every horse needs a SAFE place to call home! Help SAFE in its mission to rescue, rehabilitate, and retrain horses facing neglect or abuse by assisting with a variety of outdoor project around the stables and grounds aimed at creating a healthy, happy environment for rescued horses. There will be some meet and greet time with some of the horses on site. 20 spots available! Union Gospel Mission Men's Shelter (Seattle): Ages 18+. Sometimes a person's most basic needs must be satisfied before they can imagine a different life. Help serve these hungry men a hot meal and have your heart transformed in the process. Seattle Union Gospel Mission requires volunteers to pass a background check. Please sign up by April 13 to allow time for this check. Only 7 spots available! 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org 9 Volunteer Appreciation & Annual Meeting Tuesday, May 19 Complimentary dinner for the family! Dinner - 6:15 PM Annual Meeting - 7:15 PM RSVP at h-nt.org/appreciation or call 206-232-8555x204 The Muppets Take Shushan We had a packed house for a Muppet-ful Purim on March 4, filling the sanctuary with creative costumes, yummy treats, clever tunes and lots of ruach! Our Purim Shpielers and band did not disappoint with their spot-on Muppet voices and rockin’ music. Big thanks to our cast, crew, singers, writers, and band members: Leanne Berkenwald, Michael Berkenwald, Leonard Berman, Jacob Bloom, Albert Ceccacci, Mimi Fisher, Barbara Goldberg, David Goldberg, David Harris, David Isenberg, Jeff Kay, Abbey Marcus, Daniel Marcus, , Rabbi Bob Maslan, Chava Mirel, Eric Popowicz, Susan Rosen, Lucas Waggoner, Adam Younker, Michelle Younker, and Uri Younker. HNT would like to give a big todah rabbah to Elaine Mintz and Donna Peha for doing such a great job again this year organizing the hamentashen baking! This is a huge project and we are glad to have you both at the helm! Special thanks to our entire crew of hamentashen bakers who put in many hours to provide us with those tasty treats during and after the show! 10 High School Shabbat Friday, May 29 • 6:00 PM Chaired by Sandy Samuel Join the entire HNT community as we celebrate this year’s graduating high school seniors with a special Shabbat Service and festive dinner. Please RSVP at h-nt.org/HSS-RSVP & fill out our survey at: h-nt.org/HSS-Booklet by May 21 Please RSVP and fill out our survey by May 21. Make the celebration even better by getting involved! Know a name we missed? Want to volunteer? Like to make a donation to help keep this event affordable for everyone? Email [email protected] or call (206) 232-8555 x207. Our Graduating High School Students: Sari Brashem Matthew Lipsen Michael Sidell Michael Chanen Jeremiah Michel Lily Taub Michael Drucker Noah Mogil Ana Vincenti Jordan Gonchar Mikayla Nudelman Jamey Vinnick Danielle Katsman Ryan Ottinger Olivia Waggoner Noam Kurland Joshua Powazek Richelle Willner-Martin Juliette Levy Nathan Rosenstein Roark Wolloch Let us know please if your graduating high school senior is not listed. 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org 11 IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER These generous tributes were made through February 28, 2015 Amy Mackoff Campership Fund In Honor of Ann Lee & Joe Rogel’s Anniversary Lore & Marvin Coe In Memory of David Coe Lore & Marvin Coe Cantor’s Discretionary Fund In Appreciation of Cantor Kurland Howard & Nancy Isaacs Larry & Bev Lemchen In Memory of Jane Strasburg Ron & Devorah Weinstein Shmuel Toker Ella Toker Louis Silverstein Irwin Silverstein Refuah Shelemah to Hilary Abramowitz Jeffry Bean & Elaine Kraft Danny Lewis Fund In Memory of Joyce Stratiner Steve & Jan Lewis & Family Eileen Mintz Kitchen Fund In Honor of Ann Lee and Joe Rogel 60th wedding anniversary Marv & Lore Coe In Memory of Roz Mintz Herzl Walking Group Ruth Simon Neil & Sari Schneider Larry Schmidt Mason & Diane Lilly Maurice Epstein Muriel Epstein and Family Frankel Library Fund In Memory of Ethel Teichman Ed & Elaine Epstein 12 General Fund In Honor of Jane Boman and Erik Hammerstron’s engagement Jonathan Albert Sytman’s birth Allie and Joseph Shamash’s marriage David and Sarah Heber’s wedding Bruce Florsheim Rabbi & Janine Rosenbaum Philip & Audrey Chanen In Memory of Jane Strasburg Alvin Martin & Muriel Dance Hannah Sholl Harry Israel Chanen Philip & Audrey Chanen Memorial Fund In Memory of Jack Menashe Albert & Bette Menashe Marilyn Boden Allan, Tamar, Hannah and Alyssa Boden Louis Katsman Alvin Katsman Rose Ziontz Alvin Ziontz Richard Willner Andrew & Nancy Willner Julie Marlowe Aytan Stromberg Larry Kaner Barbara Kaner Alvin Jacobson Barbara Leon Seymour Weinberger Beth Lippman Rebecca Kay Betty Kaminoff Ida Silverberg Bob & Becky Minsky A. (Avram) Gray Brad Rind & Janet Gray Myer Pollock Brian Pollock Robert Donin Carol Barer Charlie Brenner Darlene, Dennis & Danielle Fague Benjamin Hartman David Hartman Ethel Rudin Dr. Abby Franklin Alexsandr Dernis Ella Dernis Eleanor Tat Roslyn Bear Esther Lipsen Jacob Pressman Esther Mednick Michael Chestnut Evelyn Chestnut Nellie Blum Florence Katz Burstein Jean Rosenbaum Fred & Esther Kahn Rebecca Tobis Fredric Tobis Samuel Berch Shirley Berch Gena Gorasht, Bonnie Berch, Gary Berch Siegbert Wehl Hans Wehl Ethel Jaffe Harold & Kim Jaffe Hyman Lerner Hylan Moises Norma De Mers James & Esther Toney Vicki Ashberg Jay & Rachel Ashberg Thelma Matt Jay Matt Bessie Adam Jerome Adam Norma Zall Judy Neuman Sophie Lemchen Larry & Bev Lemchen Anne Guralnick Lenore Ziontz Jacob Klaff Leslie & Denise Klaff Esther Kiviat Mark Kiviat Phyllis Goldin Mark Luster Heinz Schwartz Jewish Club of WA Ruth Lerner Novick Michael & Tina Novick David Levy Mike & Cheri Levy Harry Kraft Mimi & Ron Abrams & Family 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org Moe Schwartz Mimi, Jeff, Ryan & Lauren Rubenstein Leo Bojman Nicole Elbling Miriam Neuman Nissim Neuman Ada Ash Phillip & Judy Koppel Frances Lewis Randy Pollock Franz Wenger Ricardo Wenger Edward DuBey Richard & Lynn Du Bey William Panick Richard Panick Charles Glowitz Robert & Pam Glowitz Noralee Weinstein Ronald Weinstein William Cordova Sandra Feinstein Myrna Flory Sara McGregor Beatrice Fishman Scott Reiter & Rachel Weintraub Margaret Handler Joseph Handler Sheila Zambrowsky Bedrich Lowenbein Jenny Bernthal Shimon & Marta Lowy Sophie Lemchen Sonny Putter Leo Kirstein Tracy Schlesinger Guta Esther Sentner Vivian Rankin Cutler Solie Cohen Warren Cohen Mitzvah Corps Fund In Honor of Ann Lee & Joe Rogel’s 60th anniversary Helaine Goldstein Muriel Epstein Elisabeta Lascu’s great grandchild, Jonathan Sytman Muriel Epstein In Memory of Jane Starburg Cheryl Cohen Marilyn & Chuck Caplan IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER These generous tributes were made through February 28, 2015 Irvin Brown Muriel Epstein Hanna Shulman Rita Katz Morning Minyan Fund In Memory of Miriam Dahukey David & Judy Benami Bennett Blum Dr. Robert & Mrs. Talby Gelb Miriam Dahukey Michael and Debbie Kovsky Paul & Launa Winegrad Refuah Shelemah to Ruth Bovarnick Michael Spektor Ilyse & Greg Wagner & family In Memory of Bennett Blum Robert Gelb Rabbi Rosenbaum Discretionary Fund In Appreciation of Anita & Arny Reich Greg & Ilyse Wagner In Honor of Rabbi and Janine Rosenbaum Jeff & Judy Ziedman In Memory of Jane Strasburg Alex & Lucy Sytman Barbara Shulman Michael & Shainie Schuffler Irvin Brown Ron & Devorah Weinstein Nissim Israel Bronca Sytman Pavel Sytman Alex & Lucy Sytman Gary Schmidt Mason & Diane Lilly Jeanne Lipshitz Chanen Philip Chanen Rachel Trager Memorial Fund In Memory of Babe Lehrer Cheri & Michael Levy Frankel Religious School Fund In Honor of The birth of Meira Ivy Saltzman Ilyse & Gregory Wagner and family In Memory of Elizabeth Bradley Sandra Sherman Bradley Youth Activities Fund In Appreciation of Rabbi and Janine Rosenbaum Larry and Fortun Azose BELOVED DEPARTED MEMORIALIZED WITH YAHRZEIT PLAQUES AT HNT SHABBAT OF APRIL 3/4 Apr. 4 Gerda Yuval Apr. 5 Lorraine Himelhoch George Ginsberg Sonia Bender Frank Harris Herman Schocken Apr. 6 Wolfe Warshal Melanie Lowinger Eddie Miller Max Tover Abraham Lebow Morris Weiser Adam Yuval Apr. 7 Fanny Burian Edward Sternoff Ilse Herrnstadt Emma Ostroff Irving Burian Cyril Fink Apr. 8 John White Richard Pintus Gerald Lancaster Apr. 10 Jacob Karp SHABBAT OF APRIL 10/11 Apr. 11 Zlata Silver Abraham Samuelson Morris Adler Apr. 12 Rae Cohen Bessie Cohen Apr. 13 Toby Sigman Benjamin Jaffe Martha Atlas Apr. 14 Henry Kubey Rose Ringold Nettie Cohn Vera Petrow Apr. 15 Jack Grund Suse Rosenstock Joseph Kanoff Sophie Block Winnie Rosenbaum Apr. 16 Rebecca Shulman Sarah Vyborny Sol Kay Apr. 17 Martin Landweber Nat Antler Bessie Garaway Helen Lott Max Finegold Frieda Levinson Leon Garrie SHABBAT OF APRIL 17/18 Apr. 18 Franklin D. Roosevelt Apr. 19 Sherwin Losk Apr. 20 David Leib Silver Sadie Keisler Apr. 21 Anna Sternberg Fanny Horowitz Selwyn Cohen Apr. 22 Etta Brown Morrie Schulman Mark Corets Laura Berch Apr. 23 Rochel Lupowitz Melvin Wener Benjamin Maslan Anna Masin Apr. 24 Ben Joseph Velvel Lupowitz Taube Lewin Rose Reiter Rosa Adler Sylvia Weiner Benjamin Brown Roberta Corets Rachel Calof SHABBAT OF APRIL 24/25 Apr. 25 Elizabeth Lewis Betty Litt Tillie Fischler Ida Fischler Yosef Avraham Gilan Abraham Polsky Apr. 26 Avron Canty Lena Kirschbaum Hilda Levey Apr. 27 Morris Plotkin Maurice Rosenfeld Jack Levy Apr. 28 Rose Caris Rachel Bender Apr. 29 Annie Cohn Apr. 30 Arthur Lesch Jay Miller May. 1 Alex Mesher Yetta Shapiro Koppel Lentzer April ANNIVERSARIES 1 2 6 8 14 Alex & Dalya Will. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Wayne & Nancy Morse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Michael & Ana Tischler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Alan Weinstein & Susan Amira-Weinstein. . . . . . . . . 29 Larry & Shelley Bensussen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Jeff & Kit Cohn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 19 20 22 27 Dean & Gwenn Polik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Larry & Linda Granat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Lester & Keiko Permut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Steven & Ariel Novick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 David Pulda & Amy Glick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org 13 Gardening at HNT Within the Shul Family We Celebrate. . . • The engagement of Jessica Salo to Barak Schriger • The engagement of Maya Yeyni, daughter of Kathy & Josh Yeyni, to Matthew Stratiner Sunday, April 12 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Come help beautify HNT. We will work in the entry garden and parking lot. We weed, prune roses, remove blackberry vines, etc. We will weed/clean up the terrace beds as well as the entry garden. RSVP to Lana via email lanafinegold@msn. com or 425-747-5742. Cell is 425-445-5742 on that Sunday. We Welcome to the World... Avi Yaacov Sandler, grandson of Sharon & Mark Sandler We Wish a Refuah Shelemah to Congregants. . . Jerry Adam, Hilary Abramowitz, Marion Aronson, Ety Askenazi, Arny Barer, Astrid Bloch, Ruth Bovarnick, Marvin Coe, Simon Dadoun, Valerie Epstein, Paula Feldman, Lana Finegold, David Gilman, Yosefa Kouse, John Livingston, Al Lott, Carol Maslan, Robert (Bob) Minsky, Carrie Rosenfeld, Susanne Rosenkranz, Kelly Schreer, Carter Wax, Alan Weinstein, Sam Zarkin We Offer Condolences to the HNT Families of. . . • Judy Reynard z”l, mother of Bonni Alpert • Ben Delson z”l, husband of Eleanor Delson • Miriam Dahukey z”l, mother of Benjamin Dahukey • Susan Furman Allina-Ostrer z”l, the sister of Ron Furman (Cathie) and the aunt of David Furman There will be a gardening project as part of the HNT Day of Service on Sunday, April 26. Sign up for this project at h-nt.org/DoS For both dates, bring a hand trowel, container for weeds, pruning shears and if you prune blackberry plants bring heavy gloves. If you want to volunteer on a different day or time, let Lana know. We are gardening on second Sundays plus Day of Service. Help us make a beautiful difference. Cheers to the gardeners who helped groom HNT grounds in March: Alex Sytman, Aileen Okrent, Ettie Davis and Lana Finegold. Judaica shop April Sale: Save 20% on Metal Trays If our hours don’t fit your lifestyle, please make an appointment. From artisan to adorable, we have what you need to “do” Jewish. Proceeds from the shop fund camperships ($3,000), youth programs ($1,500) and more. Buy Judaica and give twice! To special order items, contact Iris Schwartz at [email protected] and allow 6 weeks for special orders. To volunteer to help: contact Manager Lana Finegold at 425-747-5742. Thank you for being our customer. April Hours Wednesdays: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Sunday April 19, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Or call for an appointment: Kari Haas: 206-719-2224 - Sue Solomon: 206-232-8480 Herzl Memorial Park, 16501 Dayton Avenue North, Shoreline, WA 98133 If there is a death in the family, call the Seattle Jewish Chapel at 206-725-3067 For information, call Elaine Weinstein at 425-455-4703 The Cemetery Committee: George Siegel, President . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-363-2196 Elaine Weinstein, Vice President . . . . . 425-455-4703 Peter Michel, Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425-788-3249 Steve Burns, Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-9427 Shirley Sidell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-801-7009 Harris Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-2026 Jay Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-5730 Small rocks to leave at graves are available under the reader board on the north side of the chapel. 14 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org April 5775 2015 See T’filot for PreShabbat oneg, Friday, Saturday, and Holiday service times & locations. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 DAY OF SERVICE SUNDAY, APRIL 26 9:15 AM 5 Nisan Iyar 16 Nisan 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org PESACH NO FRS Pesach Services: 9:30 AM 6 17 Nisan 7 Judaica Shop: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 PM Third Space Beer Tasting: 7:30 PM (offsite) 18 Nisan PESACH NO FRS PESACH NO FRS 12 Nisan 8 19 Nisan PESACH NO FRS Judaica Shop: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Thursday 2 13 Nisan Saturday Friday 3 14 Nisan PESACH (FIRST SEDER) Services: 6:00 PM 4 15 Nisan PESACH (SECOND SEDER) NO FRS Services: 9:30 AM 9 20 Nisan 10 7:23 PM 21 Nisan PESACH OFFICE CLOSES AT 3:00 PM PESACH OFFICE CLOSED Ritual Committee Meeting: 7:00 PM Pesach Services: 9:30 AM Shabbat Services: 6:00 PM Birthday Shabbat 16 17 11 22 Nisan PESACH NO FRS Services: 9:30 AM 7:33 PM 12 23 Nisan 6th Grade Kadima Pizza Party: 6:00 PM NO FRS Judaism’s Big Ideas: 10:00 AM 19 Hebrew: 9:30 AM 30 Nisan B’ Yachad Parent Class: 10:00 AM Kids Choir: 12:15 PM Judaica Shop: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Muslim/Jewish Dialogue: 6:00 PM 26 13 24 Nisan 7 Iyar DAY OF SERVICE: 9:15 AM J-Serve for teens: 1:30 PM at SJCC Teen Feed: 5:30 PM 20 1 Iyar Rosh Chodesh Club: 7:00 PM 14 25 Nisan 7th Grade Kadima Pizza Party: 6:00 PM Women’s League Book Club: 7:00 PM Women’s League Hot Topics: 7:00 PM (Offsite) 21 2 Iyar EREV YOM HA’ZIKARON 15 26 Nisan Judaica Shop: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Daytimers Lunch & Film: Orchestra of Exiles: 11:30 AM Hebrew: 7:00 PM YOM HA’SHOAH Hebrew: 7:00 PM Membership Committee Meeting: 7:30 PM 28 Nisan Services: 6:00 PM Third Friday Shabbat for Young Professionals: 6:30 PM USY Dinner & Games: 6:30 PM (offsite) 22 3 Iyar Judaica Shop: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Hebrew: 7:00 PM 23 4 Iyar YOM HA’ATZMAUT Hebrew: 7:00 PM Shabbat Singers: 7:00 PM 24 5 Iyar Services: 6:00 PM Anniversary Shabbat B’Yachad & Simchat Shabbat Services & Dinner: 6:00 PM 7:53 PM 27 8 Iyar 28 9 Iyar 18 29 10 Iyar 30 15 Hebrew: 7:00 PM Judaica Shop: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Daytimers Creative Writing: 1:00 PM Hebrew: 7:00 PM Third Space HeBrew Trivia: 7:30 PM (offsite) 11 Iyar Yizkor 29 Nisan Services: 9:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Sophia Lazarus Shabbat Minyan: 10:00 AM Shabbat for Kids: 10:00 AM 7:43 PM YOM HA’ZIKARON EREV YOM HA’ATZMAUT Board of Directors Meeting: 7:00 PM 27 Nisan 25 Shemini 6 Iyar Parasha Study: 9:30 AM Services: 10:00 AM Tazria-Metzora LAG B’OMER WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 6:00 PM Beshalah 4:49 PM Wednesday, May 6, 6:00 PM Annual Lag B’Omer BBQ, Bonfire & Maccabia RSVP: h-nt.org/LBO Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 3700 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040 P.O. Box 574, Mercer Island, WA 98040 Phone: 206-232-8555 • Fax: 206-232-0283 [email protected] • www.h-nt.org Senior Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum / [email protected] Cantor Bradlee Kurland / [email protected] Director of Congregational Learning, Rabbi Jessica Yarkin / [email protected] Executive Director, Nadine Strauss / [email protected] Program and Events Manager, Rebecca Levy / [email protected] FRS Principal, Leslie Mickel / [email protected] 2014-2015 Executive Committee Dan Mintz, President Jonathan Langman, Exec. Vice President Billy Pruchno, Treasurer/Financial V.P. Donna Peha, Membership V.P. Chuck Friedman, Secretary Julie Ellenhorn, Immediate Past President 2014-2015 Board of Directors Sharon Constantine Marilyn Corets Benjamin Diament Antony Egnal Ricki Gafter Michele Glasser Kari Haas David Isenberg Brenda Luper Steven Novick Scott Perry Aaron Rosenstein Leah Saltzman George Siegel Ilyse Wagner 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org NON PROFIT ORG. 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