YAHRZEIT SHABBAT ANNOUNCEMENTS These souls of Blessed Memory are reverently recalled on the occasion of their Yahrzeit. NORMAN BENSLEY ROBERT G. BLAUNER ABE CHARNES ANN M. COHEN SYBIL DICKOFF BEATRICE FRIEDLAND ISAAC GOODMAN STANLEY HAUSNER SAMUEL HECHT SHIRLEY HOLDER ERICA JOSEPHS ISIDOR JOTKOWITZ JOHN KELVIN BEN KETOVER HOWARD KLEIN MEYER KOPELL November 15, 2014 - 22 Marheshvan 5775 LEAH LANFELD LEAH LESHEFSKY BERTHA LEWIS FELICIA NEWMAN PHILIP SALANT HYMAN SAPOSH FRANK SQUIRE DAVID WOLF CONDOLENCES HAYYE SARAH TORAH READING Genesis 23:1 - 25:18 pp. 127-141 HAFTARAH I Kings 1:1- 31 pp. 143-145 SHABBAT SHALOM Welcome to Temple Israel Center Within the past month we have been bereaved of: KITTY ABRAMS, aunt of Cantor George Mordecai IRENE SILFIN, mother of Ira Silfin EVELYN GOULD, mother of Ken Gould ROSALIND PAGE, long time TIC member SIDNEY KAYE, long-time TIC member and Days of Awe Hazzan GEORGE MONROE HARTMAN, father of Ron Hartman JO AMER, mother of Lori Amer Winston EMANUEL SALZMAN, father of Debra Klein JOYCE KLENOFF, mother of Heather Brumberg MAY THEIR MEMORY BE A BLESSING DAILY SERVICES November 16-21, 2014 / 23-28 Marheshvan 5775 Sunday: Morning services at 9:00 am and evening services at 6:00 pm; Monday to Friday: morning services at 7:10 am; Sunday to Thursday: evening services at 8:00 pm. Individuals reciting Kaddish appreciate your participation in the daily Minyanim. The Or Hadash commentary on the prayer book is available under the Memorial Boards in the Sanctuary. It can also be purchased in the synagogue office. TEMPLE ISRAEL CENTER 280 Old Mamaroneck Road • White Plains, NY 10605 Phone: (914) 948-2800 Fax: (914) 948-4755 Website: www.templeisraelcenter.org Please visit our website for additional programming information and to make online donations. Minhah Bat Mitzvah ALYSSA SCHWARTZ SHABBAT MORNING BIMAH OFFICER: Renana Rosenbloom GABBAI: Marc Kalikow USHER: Adele Lewis SHABBAT MINHAH BIMAH OFFICER: Magan Schain GABBAI: Morty Weinstein GORDON TUCKER GEORGE MORDECAI MICHAEL GOLDMAN RABBI DINA SHARGEL RAMI SCHWARTZER BRUCE WEXLER MIRIAM MASSEN NANCY PARKES LISA SCHWARTZ PATTY GOLDSTICK ERIN BESER MICHELLE STEINHART BETH GRAFMAN RICHARD FREIBERG ARNOLD TURETSKY z”l JACOB MENDELSON WILLIAM WOLFF Senior Rabbi Cantor Assistant Rabbi Ritual Director Rabbinic Intern President Executive Director Director of Congregational Learning Director, Shorashim Religious School Nursery School Director Director of Youth and Family Education Director of Student Special Services Sisterhood President Brotherhood President Rabbi Emeritus Cantor Emeritus Cantor Emeritus TODAY THIS WEEK UPCOMING SHABBAT SERVICES Minhah services this evening at 4:10 pm in the Milstein Sanctuary celebrating Alyssa Schwartz becoming a Bat Mitzvah. YOUTH EVENTS THIS SUNDAY RUAH (Grade 3-5) 10:00-11:30 am Wacky pre-thanksgiving Olympics KADIMA Pizza & Lounge Night, 5:00-7:00 pm Grades 6-8. in the TIC Youth Lounge. For cost and to RSVP contact Alex Schostak, [email protected] FRIDAY, November 21 4:30 PM: Minhah / Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv; and 6:00 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv in Reception Hall 3 with Cantor Mordecai. Mazal Tov to Charles and Leslie Schwartz, and to Jared and Eden, on the joyous occasion of Alyssa’s Bat Mitzvah at Minhah services. Congratulations as well to grandparents Howard and Roni Harmetz. FAMILY SHABBAT SERVICES at 10:45 AM Tot Shabbat in Tot Shabbat Prayer Space; Shabbat B’Yahad for K-2 in Room D & E; Shabbat Experience for grades 3– 6 in the Lower Level Conference Room. Havurah Minyan: TODAY and November 29, 9:30 am in the Gym. Rabbi Tucker’s Contemplative Service: November 22, 10:30 am in the Chapel. Mishnah for Teens Grades 8 & up with Rami Schwartzer, November 22, at 1:00 pm in the Youth Lounge. Parashat HaShavuah Class: 12:45 pm, Room E. CO-SPONSORING IN THE KIDDUSH FUND Robert and Ellen Salant in memory of Robert’s father Philip Salant. PARTICIPATING IN THE KIDDUSH FUND Harry and Elissa Bromer in honor of Harry’s birthday. To co-sponsor or participate in the Shabbat and Festival Kiddushim Fund contact Rachel Jurisz, [email protected], or call her at ext. 111. TECH (Teenager Elder Computer Help) Sundays, at 10:30 am, four-week course to help you learn skills for computers, iPad & smart phones. RSVP to Nancy Parkes, ext. 143, [email protected] HAZAK GROUP (USY for Seniors Who are Young at Heart) This Monday, November 17 meet us at TIC at 8:45 am to join us for a trip to the Museum of Tolerance (East 42nd Street in Manhattan). See flyer outside for cost and details. For reservation contact Nancy Parkes by tomorrow: ext. 143, [email protected] . LEARNING INSTITUTE Tuesdays at 9:30 am in RH 2. SACRED ENCOUNTERS CLASS WITH CANTOR GEORGE MORDECAI This Tuesday, 11/18, 8:15-10:00 pm in the Library. Study texts, and explore chanting and meditation techniques. Alternate Tuesdays. PARASHAT HASHAVUAH WITH RABBI GOLDMAN This Wednesday, 7:00-7:45 pm, in Room C downstairs Modern takes on the weekly Torah Portion. All welcome to attend. BREAKFAST & LEARN WITH RABBI SHARGEL The Book of Esther. Fridays, Nov. 21 & Dec. 5, at 7:50 am, Room 21. SHABBAT, November 22 9:00 AM services in the Milstein Sanctuary celebrating Lisa Burg becoming a Bat Mitzvah and Jonathan Ziman becoming a Bar Mitzvah. HALUTZIM (K—2nd Grade) Youth Event 1:00 pm in the Gym. Come dressed up as a famous pair with a friend or family member. SHABBAT AFTERNOON CAFÉ 1:45-3:30 pm. Family-friendly, intergenerational afternoon of food and fun & organized children’s sports in the gym. 2:45-3:30pm, optional learning session on the concept of Jewish ritual and memory. All are welcome. Dessert and coffee to follow. UPCOMING EVENTS RABBI TUCKER’S MISHNAH CLASS Tuesday, Nov. 25 & Dec. 16, 8:15 pm in the Library. LATKE VODKA 12/13/14 Join the new YOUNG COUPLES group, Saturday, December 13, at 8:00 pm in RH 1 for cocktails, latkes, music and great conversation. See flyer outside for more information. COMMUNITY EVENTS TONIGHT: A NIGHT OF MUSIC & JOY Westchester-wide celebration of community. Tonight (Nov. 15) at Temple Israel of New Rochelle. Pay Master of Ceremonies: Cantor Jack Register on line www.wjcouncil.org music and 7:30 pm at at the door. Mendelson. ART & TALKS at JCC of Mid-Westchester Wednesday, November 19, 7:30pm. Q&A with Martin Fletcher, interviewed by Joseph Berger; Tuesday, December 9, 7:30 pm. Ask the Rabbis: Current State of Judaism in America, with participation by Rabbi Tucker. Please see flyer outside with more details. MAZAL TOV to TIC members Dr. Dan Costin who was honored this week by the Westchester Region of Hadasshah. The Honorable Judge Samuel Fredman who this week received the Learned Hand Award from the American Jewish Committee. Vivian and Lee Podair, honorees at the Camp Ramah in the Berkshires annual dinner, at Park Avenue Synagogue on Sunday December 7. Jacques Brand, recipient of The Gustave L. Levy Award at the UJA-Federation of New York’s Wall Street & Financial Division dinner, at the New York Hilton on Monday December 8. JOIN TIC’S FACEBOOK GROUP THIS WEEK'S HIGHLIGHTS: TIC 7th Grade Shorashim Zakhor Program; TIC 7th Grade and Nursery School & Nursery School moms Hesed activities. TIC BRANDT FAMILY MIKVEH For appointment, leave message at ext. 116. WE INVITE YOUR MEMBERSHIP For info please contact Executive Director Miriam Massen e-mail [email protected] ext.119; or Rachel Jurisz, ext. 111, [email protected]
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