Document 128366

Kimball Union Academy
The Claw
Kimball Union’s Student Newspaper
Bringing you the catch of the day
22. May 2011
Review of Student Senate! 2
2011-12 New Proctors!!
Music Review:
Miami Horror! !
Blind Pilot!!
Essence: Max Abendroth! 5
Photos from:
Kimball Union Academy
The Claw
Review of STUDENT SENATE 2011
by Nico!e Moore
The Kimball Union Student Senate had a very productive year under the leadership of All
School President Ian Gagnon. It took many initiatives, accomplished much, and had many
productive discussions about controversial topics that were brought before the senate. The Senate
even organized exciting events, such as the Winter Carnival. The members of the senate were
both productive and dynamic, representing their areas of the student body with amazing vigor.
The members of the KUA 2010-2011 Student Senate include:
Ian Gagnon: All School President
Nicolle Moore: All School Secretary
Clare Menzel: Girls’ Head Proctor
Sam Herrmann: Boys’ Head Proctor
Kellie Joyce: Senior Class President
Hannah Schafer: Junior Class Co-President
Peter Prendergast: Junior Class Co-President
Gretchen Schissel: Sophomore Class Co-President
Ian Gregory-Davis: Sophomore Class Co-President
Victoria Pipas: Freshman Class Co-President
Marc Maggiore: Freshman Class Co-President
In the course of the year, the Student Senate passed a number of proposals that positively
affect the student life of the school. One of the topics that was brought before the student senate
was the miscommunication involving the school’s dress code policy on hats. Ian and Marc
volunteered to write a proposal in order to clarify the restricted areas where hats are not allowed.
Another successful proposal involved the town trips that run on Sundays. A new system has since
been put into action that allows students to board a “shuttle” that drops students off at various
locations in West Lebanon, Lebanon, and Hanover. Students also expressed qualms about the
process of signing out on weekends while there is an Administrator on Call (AOC). The negative
feelings towards the sign-out procedure led to the purchase of an AOC iPhone. With this new
device, it is possible to reach the AOC with greater ease on the weekends.
The Senate had many constructive discussions about important topics such as: the current
dress code at KUA, the hours of the school store in the student center, and the future of the
senate (such as the election process). These conversations were deemed necessary in order to
contribute to next year’s Senate. The Senate owes much of its success to the All School President
as well as the help of Ms. Wheeler and Mr. Williams. It is hoped that next year the senate will be
even more successful and will continue to work hard and produce positive effects on the school.
Kimball Union Academy
The Claw
Eva Saenz de Ugarte Bacaicoa
Sarah Porter
Inseo Hwang
Every year at KUA, when the the spring term winds down to a close, we see wonderful
people leave. Whether we’re saying goodbye to a student or to a faculty member, it’s a sad time.
Don’t get too caught up in the sadness though. This is a really exciting time. We get to see our
classmates and ourselves rise to fill the places of the people we once looked up to. As students
take on these roles, a handful are chosen to work with the faculty to help bridge the gap between
the students and the administration. We at the Claw would like to commend these students for
their hard work and commitment to this school.
These STUDENTS do have some power at this school, but don’t be discouraged if you
ran and didn’t get elected. While they may have more CONNECTION with administrative heads
like Mr. Williams or Mr. Hyjek, that doesn’t make them any more capable of doing things at
Some of you may HAVE tried to present your ideas to the school and they’ve just been
shot down. Some ideas just can’t happen. It’s not because the administration wants to be mean,
and it’s not that they DON’T WANT TO implement change. When you have an idea that will
work, they’ll tell you. If you have one that can’t work, then they’ll dismiss it. That’s how any
society works.
So if you have an idea, like something fun to do, a trip a concert, a policy suggestion, or
anything else, don’t just sit on it. Even if you’re not a proctor, not all-school president, or not on
the student senate, you can still bring it forward. So just do it. You might actually affect the
whole community for the better.
Kimball Union Academy
The Claw
While the name “Miami Horror”
may conjure images of Scarface
massacres or seasons of Dexter,
the Australian electronic pop/
dance group offers a much less
bloody and more joyful
experience with their first album
Illumination. Miami Horror is
difficult to categorize, blending
electronic with physical
instrumentation, and retro ‘80s
synth sounds with irresistible, Cut
Copy style basslines. While their
genera may be tough to put a
finger on, every song on
Illumination can be put into one
of two categories. First is the
psychedelic, ‘80s synth tribute
portion of the album, consisting
mostly of spacy instrumentals
like Infinite Canyons, Illuminated
or Grand Illusion. Forget this part
of the album. If the first half is
by Bryden Nugent reminiscent of weird, ‘80s
psychedelic music, the second half is is the 21st century’s answer to disco. The animated
basslines and carefree vocals of songs like I Look To You or Holidays give this album a buoyancy
that reminds you of oversized, bright colored sunglasses or beachside summer days. With the
possible exception of Sometimes don’t expect any great depth or profundity from this album.
Instead, use this lightweight album to kick off your summer, or to bring you back to summer any
other time of the year.
Song of the Month: America
from Team America (Explicit)
For no particular reason, this
issue’s song of the month is
the theme song from the
terrorist-fighting puppet
movie “Team America.”
Download here
Kimball Union Academy
The Claw
3 ROUNDS and a SOUND by Aaron Mitche!
Blind Pilot’s songs are soft, acoustic, and probably best called indie folk. Their album 3 Rounds
and a Sound is actually their only album, but it’s definitely something you should listen to. If
you like Jack Johnson, The Weepies, The Shins, or Noah and the Whale, you’ll probably love
Blind Pilot.
The first track, Oviedo, has a very mellow feel, and basically sets the album up to be
something good for driving on a rainy day. The Story I Heard is more energetic, with some vocal
parts just at the top of the lead singer’s range, but it’s a nice change of pace to break up the
album. Skipping ahead, Poor Boy slows things down a bit, but it’s not boring at all. Actually,
there are some great vocal harmonies about halfway through the song, which develop all through
the end. Go On, Say It is pretty cool because it’s got upbeat drums but some sad chord changes.
Their most popular track, (According to iTunes) is One Red Thread. It has a similar mix
of major and minor chords, and also has a cool sort of B section that slows way down. If you’re
going to listen to one song on the album though, I wouldn’t pick that one. Stick with Go On, Say
It or Oviedo for sample tracks.
The whole album is really kind of sorrowful. The title track 3 Rounds and a Sound
finishes up the album on a bittersweet note, tying the whole thing together with some inventive
vocal crossing. You’ll know what I mean when you hear it.
These guys do unfortunately pull a major Jack Johnson. A lot of their songs sound really
similar, but because this is their only album so far, there’s still hope that they’ll mix it up in their
next project.
by Hannah Schafer
Max Abendroth, a 3-year junior on the hilltop, plays varsity football and lacrosse. Max
announced to the community that he would be traveling from his home in Sunapee, New
Hampshire to the poorest country in the world, Haiti. Just weeks later Max was walking out of
his small plane in Port Au Prince, the capital of Haiti. For ten days Max worked on a
construction site, building a house for a family. He says he was very moved by the trip and that it
was the most emotional and rewarding trip of his life. The people were in great need of help, for
after the infamous earthquake, there was a hurricane, followed by a drought and on top of all the
devastation there was the onset of cholera. Max said though 2010 was one of the most
catastrophic years for the small Caribbean nation, the people of Haiti still found a way to just
celebrate living. By then end of the trip Max had made many friends and was inspired by their
ability to live life to the fullest no matter the circumstances. Max hopes to travel back to Haiti
next winter with the same program.
Kimball Union Academy
The Claw
Kimball Union Academy
The Claw
Kimball Union Academy
The Claw
Editorial Staff
Chief Editors: Clare Menzel; Harry Lee
Layout & Photograph Editors: Jiang yu Rong; Inseo Hwang
Staff Writers: Nicolle Moore; Hannah Schafer; Bryden Nugent; Aaron Mitchell
Faculty Advisor: Ms. Lord
Technical Support: Mr. Creeger
Photo Credit: Ms. Lord