Family Matters Holy Family Primary School 29 April 2015 Issue 01 EDUCATING IN FAITH FOR TOMORROW’S POSSIBILITIES DATES TO REMEMBER Principal’s message Mrs Anne-Marie Marek Dear parents, Welcome to Term 2 - to winter uniforms, shorter days and colder weather. Over the holidays the weather overall was terrific. I hope the children had a chance to recharge their batteries and are ready for hard work this term. We have so much happening: Mothers’ Day breakfast, NAPLAN testing for Years 3 & 5, reading and maths testing for all other students, excursions, Dance classes, Masses, Enrolment period, Open Day, CONFIRMATION ceremonies and retreat day, Reporting, Three-way conferences …. Our calendar is full! I hope that you enjoyed the last two weeks with the children. It’s nice to get away or just be at home and not have to be anywhere at a certain time. If you had to work - I hope you were able to juggle child-care, home and work, without any hassles. ENROLMENT PERIOD Next week we begin the enrolment period for the 2016 school year. The Catholic Schools’ Enrolment period commences on Monday 4 May and goes till Friday 22 May. Our Open Day is NEXT WEEK WEDNESDAY 6 May from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 4pm to 6pm. Enrolment Packs will be available from next Monday 4 May. If you have a younger child who is commencing school in 2016, or have friends who are interested in enrolling in Holy Family, please let them know. Enrolment packs for pre-school will be available from the ELCC office next week…NOT from the School’s Front Office. Pre-school information evenings are: next week TUESDAY 6 @ 6:30pm, WEDNESDAY 7 May at 6.30pm and then THURSDAY 14 May at 6.30pm. If you have a younger child who is turning 4 before the end of April 2016, or have friends who are interested in enrolling in the ELCC, please let them know. We expect demand for places to be very high and urge you to register your application ASAP. Whilst we a increasing enrolments at the preschool from 90 to possibly 130 children, we cannot guarantee a place even for siblings if criteria are not met. We anticipate two full time classes and 4 classes of 5 day fortnights. Enrolments must be received by the due date of Friday May 22. Event 1 ANZAC REMEMBRANCE SERVICE FRIDAY 1 MAY@ 9.30 AM Event 2 2016 ENROLMENT OPEN DAY TOURS Wednesday 6th May 9.30-12.30pm and 4-6pm ELCC Information evenings: Tues 5th, Wed 6th and Thurs 14th May @ 6:30pm Event 3 SCHOOL PHOTOS Thursday 7 May Family Portraits Wednesday 6th May Event 4 MOTHERS’ DAY BREAKFAST FRIDAY 8th May CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL Many thanks to the parents who came along to assist or cheer on their children this morning. What a glorious morning for the Cross Country Carnival. A huge thank you to David Bugden and Cain Holgate for organising this event. It was a great idea to start and end the carnival from our school oval. STAFFING We welcome Kylie Hynes to the Learning Support team. We congratulate Emma Wearn and her husband who await the birth of their first baby in October. ELCC ENROLMENT PERIOD Brendan Mowlam will be taking leave The ELCC will also begin its enrolment from the end of this week for 6 weeks to period for the 2016 year next week. take care of his wife as she undergoes See information later in the newsletter surgery next week. We welcome Mrs Kate Whitehead to the 3G classroom. YOUR PRAYERS PLEASE Last week it was with great sadness that I and several staff members attended Kelli Rushton’s funeral (mum of Brydie in 4G). After 5 years, Kelli lost her battle with Breast Cancer. Ben and their three children symbolically released doves and pink balloons at the end of the ceremony. I ask that you keep the family in your prayers as they journey through this very difficult time. FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 01 SCHOOL UNIFORM Winter uniforms can be purchased from Savvy Tuggeranong, Lowes at Tuggeranong or Personally Yours at Fyshwick or online. (If you order on line with Personally Yours they will deliver your order) Please encourage your child to wear their school uniform with pride. This means: shirts tucked in, buttons on sleeves done up, shiny shoes and the correct hat and colours for hair accessories. Please ensure that hair is tied back, if it is longer than shoulder length. Girls in Years 5 and 6 are able to wear their tunic without the bib. However, they need to ensure that their shirts are tucked in. The clothing pool is open on Friday afternoons at 2:30pm. MOTHERS’ DAY BREAKFAST AND PRAYER ASSEMBLY On Friday morning next week, a breakfast will be held for all mums, grandmothers and families. The Breakfast is being organised by the P&F, especially the Parent Network and will begin at 7:45am in Presentation Hall. I thank Angela Ryan for organising this mammoth event. TESTING WEEKS Weeks 3 and 4 (starting Monday 11 May and Monday 18 May) are TESTING weeks at Holy Family. During these weeks all students in Years 3 and 5 will sit the NAPLAN government tests. Children in Kinder, Year 1, Year 2 and Years 4 and 6 will be individually tested for Reading comprehension, and Maths. Teachers and Learning Support Assistants will be released from class to test their children. If your child will be away from school during this time, could you please let your child’s teacher know ASAP. DANCE PROGRAMME All children Kinder to Year 6 will participate in a Dance lesson each week on Tuesdays. Dance Fever, a Sydney based company, send two dance teachers (this year Antonio and Jacinta) to Canberra for the day to work with each grade level. This will be the fifth year they have worked at Holy Family. The programme commenced yesterday. Out and About “C” Day 2 PRINCIPAL’S PERFORMANCE SURVEY Last weekend I sent out via Skoolbag App the link to the Survey Monkey site. It is the policy of the Catholic Education Office to provide a process for the review of all Principals’ performance towards the end of each contract period. Mrs Anne-Marie Marek will participate in this review process during May this year. A review panel has been appointed by the Moira Najdecki, CEO Director comprising of Stacey Ozanne, Head of Human Resource Services and Bill Maiden, who recently retired as a Principal after 23 years working across all sectors. Bill is also currently a member of the non-government education Counsel. Your assistance with the community consultation part of this process would be appreciated by 1 May 2015. GRADE INFORMATION LETTERS Teachers will sending home the Term 2 Grade information letter tomorrow. (most likely via email) Please look out for it as it will have lots of information about what your child will be doing this term. SKOOLBAG APP If you haven’t already done so please download the Skoolbag app onto your smart phone. This is a wonderful tool for communication from school. You are able to submit absent notes through this app and you will be sent updates and reminders for all school events. PARENT SATISFACTION SURVEY RESULTS Many thanks to the 90 parents who responded to the Parent Satisfaction survey last term. The results can be found at the end of the newsletter. I pray for God’s blessing on you and your homes Anne-Marie Marek Principal [email protected] FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 01 3 Assistant Principal News SCHOOL PHOTO DAY Thursday 7 May 2015 Family portraits Wednesday 6 May 2015 School Photographs will be taken on Thursday 7 May 2015. All students will have their photo taken for our school records. Personalised envelopes to order photographs were distributed to all students today. An extra envelope can be collected from the front office for non-residing parents. We encourage envelopes to be returned on the day of the photos and the children will hand these directly to the photographer when having their photographs taken. Please enclose the correct money as no change will be given on the day, cheque or credit card receipt numbers for those who have paid online. An opportunity to have a family portrait is also available on Wednesday 6 May. A separate note will come home with the photo pack. Please read this carefully as payment must be made in a separate envelope and addressed directly to Holy Family School. Please note these portraits are for children only. On the day students must wear full winter uniforms, and black polished school shoes. Long hair must be tied back as for a usual school day. Working with you celebrating learning and life. Religious Education News Religious Education On the second last day of Term 2 the Faith and Justice Stewardship Team ran a very successful dress up day to raise awareness and funds for the Caritas Project Compassion campaign. The students enthusiastically dressed up in customs starting with the letter ‘C’. We saw lots of Cinderellas, clowns, cats, cows, cowboys and cowgirls, cooks and chiefs. It was a colourful and fun day. Two competitions were run on the day, firstly for the best dressed class which was won by 3 White, and secondly for the class who raised the most money. This class was 3 Green. Congratulations Holy Family School and the Faith and Justice Team on raising $1045.65. It is an overwhelming and generous donation which we will be able to send to Caritas Australia. Thank you to parents and families for your support. SEASON OF EASTER We are presently in the Easter Season, better known as Eastertide, which begins on Easter Day and lasts 50 days, ending on Pentecost. The Ascension of the Lord is celebrated on the fortieth day of Eastertide (a Thursday), except in countries like Australia where it is not a Holy Day of Obligation. In such countries it is celebrated on the following Sunday. This solemnity directs our attention to Christ, who ascended into heaven before the eyes of his disciples, who is now seated at the right hand of the Father, invested with royal power, who is there to prepare a place for us in the kingdom of heaven; and who is destined to come again at the end of time. Yours in Peace Theresa Terry FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 01 4 HOLY FAMILY PRIMARY SCHOOL FUNDRAISER FETE 2015 Permit no: ACT R 15/00088 We are writing to seek support from families within Holy Family Primary School and the Early Learning and Care Centre for donations towards our 2015 fete raffle. Donations can be either personal or business. This year the raffle prizes: 1st prize 2 nd $3,000 prize - $2,000 3 prize - $1,000 rd Our school has a dedicated Parents and Friends (P&F) Association who work hard to ensure our children have access to a vast array of resources and facilities. The school fete is the sole fundraising event for the P&F and in past years proceeds have funded projects such as purchasing computer equipment, updating infrastructure, purchasing learning resources and playground equipment. Our school and the Early Learning and Care Centre have approximately 770 students and your support would be widely acknowledged. If you are able to make a contribution we can discuss appropriate sponsorship/advertising. This could include acknowledgement on every raffle ticket, on fete fliers distributed to the local community, on the school’s fete website, in our fete newsletters and in announcements on fete day. This is a great opportunity for people with a family business to have your business advertised within our school community as we encourage our families to support any businesses that support Holy Family Primary School. Any donations contributing to these raffle prizes is greatly appreciated. If you are interested in making a donation can you please contact us before Friday 29 th May 2015. Thank you in anticipation of considering this request. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or wish to discuss this further. Yours sincerely Reshenda Cochrane Amanda Hall Raffle Co-ordinator Raffle Co-ordinator 0438 127 467 0406 501 245 [email protected] [email protected] FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 01 5 DONATIONS OF $1,000 AND ABOVE WILL RECEIVE THEIR NAME/LOGO ON: All raffle Tickets Fete fliers distributed to the local community Holy Family fete website Printed in a business directory distributed to every family in the school Logo in the Fete Newsletters Announcements on fete day DONATIONS OF $100 - $1,000 WILL RECEIVE THEIR NAME/LOGO ON: Fete fliers distributed to the local community Holy Family fete website Printed in a business directory distributed to every family in the school Business name listed in the Fete Newsletters Announcements on fete day Canteen News Canteen is open this week and from now on Wednesdays, Thursday and Fridays. Can you come in and lend a hand for 10 mins, half and hour or longer? Please complete the slip below and return to the front office or alternatively email your availability to [email protected] We thank Patricia El-Badawi managing the Canteen during Eleni’s absence over the next few weeks. ———————————————————————————————————————Name:________________________________ Phone number_______________________ Weekly Fortnightly Monthly CANTEEN ROSTER – TERM 2 2015 Wednesday 9:00-11:00 Thursday 12:30-2:00 9:00-11:30 12:30-2:00 Friday 9:00-11:30 12:30-2:00 Other ______________ FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 01 6 Mothers’ Day Breakfast 2015 Would you believe that it is nearly time to celebrate another Mothers’ Day? So for all those mothers and grandmothers out there please come along with your family to our wonderful Mothers’ Day Breakfast on Friday 8th May (WEEK 2) from 7.45am in our school’s Presentation Hall. There will be some wonderful artwork on display in the hall made by the children for you to see. Our chosen charity this year is Bosom Buddies ACT. There will be a range of merchandise available at the breakfast. Along with a light breakfast provided, there will also be a raffle at $2 per ticket. The money that we raise from all areas of the breakfast goes directly to Bosom Buddies ACT, which then goes directly to helping Breast Cancer survivors in the ACT region. So if you and your family can make it please fill in the RSVP slip below and return to school by this Friday 1st May. As most of our experienced families from the school know, the P&F put on the breakfast, which won’t be possible unless we have lots of helpers. We will need help on the Thursday afternoon, then on the morning of the breakfast. So please consider helping out, even if only for 1 hour. —————————————————————————————————————— Mothers’ Day Breakfast 2015 RSVP Family Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Numbers attending breakfast: ______________________ (adults) ____________________ (children) I am able to help out on (please circle) Thursday afternoon (7th May) at 2pm-3pm, 3pm-4pm, 4pm-5pm, 5pm-6pm (Food preparation and hall set up) Friday morning 6am-7.30am, service 7.30am-8.30am, service and clean up 8.30am-9.30am Name of helper(s): __________________________________________________________________ Contact number and email: ___________________________________________________________ Eldest child’s name and class: _________________________________________________________ FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 01 2015 HOLY FAMILY COMMUNITY SURVEY RESULTS Question 1 - How well does Holy Family do as a Catholic primary school? Question 2 - Is the Catholic faith evident within the Holy Family community? Question 3 – Is pastoral care evident within the Holy Family community? 7 FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 01 Question 4 – Please rate the education provided by Holy Family Primary School? Question 5 – Please rate the areas of learning at Holy Family Primary School. Question 6 – Do you access the following to gather information from Holy Family 8 FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 01 9 Question 7 – Does Holy Family Primary School address any concerns in a timely manner? Question 8 – What do you value about Holy Family Primary School? Overall the strong sense of Community is highly valued at Holy Family. The following responses have been collated to summarise the feel and responses of our community. There is a real sense of family and community. The principles the school instils in children, with the morals ethics and capacity to teach is all very high. It's a wonderful modern, friendly environment. My children's positive sense of belonging, their relationships and learning is supported. The focussing on children's learning and the values instilled in young people, it is delivered very well. Care taken towards students by teachers. Pastoral care, individual needs provided for, high quality teaching and facilities. The way that the teachers provide support and care toward the children and families. A sense that they truly care for individuals and even in such a big school the teachers and staff know individual students and parents. I do value their emphasis on loving and caring for everyone. The welcoming, caring and supportive approach to education, combined with a solid foundation in our Catholic faith. A caring community and unashamedly Catholic. Empowerment of individual coupled with self-reliance and responsibility. Extra help when child struggling. Focus on the children. Good reputation in the community. The support and encouragement for all children. Children need to feel safe in their school environment. It's comforting to know that children can talk about what happens in class, and feel confident to discuss issues as they arise. Great community with a supportive and wonderful COOSH. I value the nurturing they give to my children. They are learning so much which was very evident today at the Learning Journey. Staff are very approachable and quick to answer any questions and resolve any issues the children have had. I feel the communication is open at all times. Sporting opportunities The extra care and responsibility the children are given. Continued... FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 01 10 High quality education. It is very family and community orientated which I believe is very valuable within a school. Also the facilities are fantastic! The community spirit and the professionalism of all staff including the Principal. Awesome school all round. The best in Canberra. I love the community aspect of everyone feels welcome. The morning line up is a lovely chance to feel involved in the school. My child is always happy to come to school. The excellent facilities in a clean environment. The iPad programme. The regular and consistent communication to families is exceptional! I value the concern shown to my children. I value how the teachers always go above and beyond what I would expect. I value that the Principal and Vice-Principal know my child's name. I value how my children are always encouraged. I value that older students treat my children as if they were their own friends. I value how the children rush to help others when something is wrong, regardless of whether they know them or not. Some teachers and friends we have made through our children. The strong sense of community and School Spirit. It is a large school that manages to provide a nurturing and comfortable "small school" feel.
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