Family Matters Holy Family Primary School 7 May 2014…………………………………….Issue 02 DATES TO REMEMBER EDUCATING IN FAITH FOR TOMORROW’S POSSIBILITIES Event 1 Principal’s message 2016 ENROLMENT OPEN DAY TOURS today 9:30am-12:30pm and 4pm-6pm Mrs Anne-Marie Marek Dear parents, Event 2 ENROLMENT PERIOD A reminder to parents that the Catholic Schools’ Enrolment Period commenced on Monday 4 May and runs to Friday 22 May. Our Open Day is today from 9.30am to 12.30pm and then will be 4pm to 6pm. Enrolment Packs are now available from the Front Office. If you have a younger child who is commencing school in 2016 please submit an application form, or if you have friends at preschool and childcare who are interested in enrolling in Holy Family, please let them know. Please ensure that the enrolment application forms are returned to the school within the Enrolment Period. Catholic Schools 2016 Enrolment Period Monday 4 May – Friday 22 May 2015 Boys and Girls K -6 at Holy Family LET’S COMPLETE THE JOURNEY TOGETHER All welcome Holy Family (Corpus Christi Parish) Early Learning & Care Centre Enrolling now for 2016 – Preschool Please feel free to contact Nicole Doherty (ELCC Director) on 02 6292 7932 Last of three Information sessions– next Thursday 14 May at 6pm SCHOOL PHOTOS TOMORROW– full School Winter uniform WELCOME We have welcomed two new families to our community. Wesley (3B) and Ryan (3R) and Molly (4R). We hope that the children make new friends quickly and the families feel ‘at home’. I’m sure the parent network will be in touch shortly to further welcome you to this wonderful school. SCHOOL PHOTO DAY TOMORROW Event 3 MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST Friday 8 May from 7:45am Presentation Hall Event 4 NAPLAN Next week…... Event 5 LAST PRESCHOOL INFORMATION EVENING Thursday 14 May, 6.30 pm FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 02 2 MOTHERS’ DAY BREAKFAST On Friday morning, a breakfast will be held for all mums, grandmothers and families. Invitations have been published in both the P & F newsletters and Family Matters for the past couple of weeks. The Breakfast is being organised by the Parent Network and will begin at 7:45am in Presentation Hall. I thank Angela Ryan for organising this mammoth event. TESTING WEEKS Weeks 3 and 4 (starting next Monday 11 May and Monday 18 May) are TESTING weeks at Holy Family. During these weeks all students in Years 3 and 5 will sit the NAPLAN government tests. Children in Kinder, Year 1, Year 2 and Years 4 and 6 will be individually tested for Reading comprehension, and Maths. All students in Year 3 will also be individually tested for Reading Comprehension and Sena Maths. In Week 4. Teachers and Learning Support Assistants will be released from class to test their children. If your child will be away from school during this time, could you please let your child’s teacher know ASAP. CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL Our Cross Country Carnival was held across the road at Fadden Pines last Wednesday. What a fabulous morning. We congratulate the winning House, Brennan and also Gallagher House who won the Father John Armstrong House Spirit Award Here are some photos…. Many thanks to David Bugden and Cain Holgate for organizing such a great event. Thank you to the many parents who came along to support their children or who offered their assistance–THANK YOU! CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to the Zingohume family on the birth of little Joel. Big sisters Angel (KR) and Grace (2R) and brother Elijah are very proud. HATS In Canberra, we have already started to witness daily UV levels take a nose dive, to what is considered "low" levels (under 3), during the morning and afternoon periods. Cancer Council ACT does not generally recommend sun protection behaviour (ie hat wearing and sunscreen application) when UV levels are under 3 due to the low risk of potential UV skin damage. In Canberra UV levels drop and remain under 3, all day, around the June and July period and so the end of May is usually Hats Off Day! It’s takes a long time to have 660 children rountined into wearing hats. If you would like your child to not wear a hat during this time, please provide them with a beanie to wear instead– no hat or beanie = no play at Holy Family. SICK STUDENTS – WHOOPING COUGH There has been a recent case of pertussis (whooping cough) of a student at Holy Family. The student was infectious during the school holidays and has been medically cleared to return to school. Whooping cough is highly contagious, more information on whooping cough can be obtained from the front office If your child is ill please keep them at home for their own benefit but also so as not to spread it to other students and staff. Please make sure that your emergency contacts are up-to-date so that we can contact you quickly if your child becomes ill or is injured at school. FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 02 3 Mothering is different to parenting. Being a mum is emotional, instinctive and a job for life! There’s a massive difference between being a mum (or dad) and being a parent. ‘Parenting’ is a twentieth century term that suggests that raising kids is a gender neutral activity. It’s a managerial, almost scientific term that has given rise to a huge industry. In Western countries, millions of parenting books and magazines are sold each year, parenting columns appear in most newspapers, and new television series appear every year focused on the modern notion of parenting. The problem is that when we refer to ‘parenting’ we tend to remove the heart and emotion from the task. We obscure the fact that it is mothers and fathers who are doing the child-rearing, rather than mere parents. Parenting means different things to different people. For many people the term ‘parenting’ is code for behaviour management – particularly taming toddlers and their close cousins, teenagers. A broader and more thoughtful definition includes teaching kids positive values and attitudes, developing a range of skills that equips them for adulthood, and ultimately preparing kids to be parents themselves one day. Michael Grose from ‘Parenting Ideas’ states that being related to our kids can stop us from being great parents. We all know how our neighbour’s kids should be raised, but somehow it’s harder to raise our own. That’s because the hopes and dreams of motherhood (and fatherhood) can somehow get in the way of rational decision-making. Mothering is emotional and instinctive. And that’s the thing. Being a mother is not always rational, as parenting is often made out to be. There is a great deal of emotion attached to the role of mother. This emotion drives you to fight hard to protect your children, work assiduously to right any wrongs on their behalf, and exhaust yourself looking after their physical and psychological well-being. Being a mother is instinctive. In the information age we need to be careful we don’t deny the intuitive nature that mothers bring to their child-rearing. The nature of mothering infers nurturance, protectiveness and longevity. Mothering is relational rather than rational. You may grow out parenting by making yourself redundant but mothering is something you never grow out of. You are a mum for life. Kids want their mothers, not their parents Kids of all ages say, “That’s my mum!” They don’t say, “That’s my parent!” (They may say that when they are annoyed or embarrassed by you, but that’s another story.). Boys and girls of all ages generally love their mothers unconditionally, whereas they merely put up with their parents, particularly during adolescence. They can live without their parents, or so they think, but deep down they know they can’t live without the one person who has a blind spot for them, overlooking all their faults. That person, of course, is their mother. When kids of all ages get into emotional difficulty or their life becomes too hard, they generally go looking for their mums. They only look for their ‘parent’ when they want some money, or want someone to get them out of a jam! Raising kids is about mothering (and fathering) ... rather than parenting. That’s why we have Mother’s Day (and Father’s Day) rather than Parent’s Day. From Michael Grose’s “Parenting Ideas” HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY TO ALL OUR SPECIAL MUMS AND GRANDMOTHERS AT HOLY FAMILY I pray for God’s blessing on you and your homes Anne-Marie Marek Principal [email protected] FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 02 4 Assistant Principal News NAPLAN 2015 I am certain that you are very much aware that next week our Year 3 and 5 students sit the NAPLAN tests in Literacy and Numeracy. I wish to thank all our teachers for assisting these students prepare for the NAPLAN testing by familiarising them with the format of the tests and the structure of the week. Parents are able to assist their child/ren during the testing time, as they do every day, by ensuring that your child/ren have plenty of sleep during the week and a hearty breakfast of ‘brainfood’ and that they arrive at school punctually before the morning bell. This will give them the best possible conditions in which to sit the tests. Although it is an important testing period and provides both the school and parents with a snapshot of achievement, It must be kept in mind that the NAPLAN tests are just one aspect of the school’s assessment and reporting process, and do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments undertaken by teachers about each student’s performance. Along with other valuable information gathered on a regular basis teachers are able to formulate and communicate to parents a more rounded view of the holistic development of each student. To give you an idea of what the tests look like, sample questions and a sample writing task can be accessed on the NAP website: Date Item Test time Tuesday May 12 Language Conventions (covering spelling, grammar and punctuation) 9.40am -10.40am Tuesday May 12 Writing 12.00pm – 1.00pm Wednesday May 13 Reading 9.40am – 10.50am Thursday May 14 Numeracy 9.40am – 10.50am Working with you celebrating learning and life. Lina Vigliotta Assistant Principal Security Roster Thank You Thank you to the wonderful families who kept an eye on our school over the holidays. We had no vandalism and we do feel the extra presence around the school contributes to this. We also thank those who have volunteered for the Term 2 Weekend Security Roster. We had a great response and rosters are going home tomorrow. We welcome some new families to the roster which has meant I have been able to give some of our regular helpers only one session...thank you one and all! FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 02 5 Religious Education A Litany for Mothers (Women of the Bible) Eve our first mother – thank you for stepping out and being the first to understand the complexities of life. Sarah, Hannah and Elizabeth – thank you for your patience and courage in waiting for a miracle. May all people longing for children be strengthened by your stories and comforted in their pain. Hagar – thank you for your resolve in the face of exile. May all mothers who are forced to flee or are forgotten be given hope in you. Rebecca – thank you for your flexibility. Let us remember all mothers who have to raise their children in a different country or far from their relatives and who feel isolated. Rachel – you carried the burden of grief and wept for your children. Hold the hands of all those mothers who weep for their children – children who have gone missing, who have died or are lost to them in other ways. Jochebed – you used wisdom and insight to protect your children. Give to all mothers this wisdom and insight in the bringing up of their children, especially in vulnerable times. Naomi and Ruth – you showed that love can conquer all trials. Help all mothers to love constantly when life seems impossible and despair weighs hard upon their souls. Mary – the new Eve whose ‘yes’ to God changed our world forever. Thank you for sheltering the Holy One all those years ago, for your faithful love and tender care of God’s most precious Son. May we never forget that in your giving is our greatest receiving, the gift of life wrapped in a manger and in a tomb. May we know the true cost of relationship by holding our faith in Christ deep within our hearts as you once held him deep within your womb. Amen FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 02 6 Leaving Holy Family? If you are planning for your child to leave Holy Family at the end of this year, could you please notify the Front Office? This includes those who have applied for Marist or St Edmund’s Colleges – please let us know as we need to begin planning for staffing and class configurations for 2016. Naturally Year 6 need not respond to this request. STUDENTS LEAVING NOTIFICATION (excluding the present Year 6) To: Mrs Anne-Marie Marek (Principal) Holy Family Primary School Return date of Friday 19 June 2015 My child/children have an Enrolment Application pending at another school. My child/children will not be returning to Holy Family Primary School in 2016 Child’s name: ………………………………………………………….………...………...Class: …………………….…….……… Destination school: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……. Parent/Carer’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Canteen News Canteen is open this week and from now on Wednesdays, Thursday and Fridays. an you come in and lend a hand for 10 mins, half and hour or longer? Please complete the slip below and return to the front office or alternatively email your availability to [email protected] We thank Patricia El-Badawi managing the Canteen during Eleni’s absence over the next few weeks. ————————————————————————————————————— Name:________________________________ Phone number_____________________ Weekly DAY Wednesday Thursday Fortnightly Monthly TIME 9:00-11:00 12:30-2:00 9:00-11:30 12:30-2:00 Friday 9:00-11:30 12:30-2:00 Other……………………….. NAME FAMILY MATTERS | Issue 02 HOLY FAMILY PRIMARY SCHOOL ENROLLING NOW FOR 2016 4 May-22 May 2015 Enrolment packs available at the front office If you have a child starting kindergarten in 2016 you must complete an enrolment form and submit it to the office by Friday 22 May OPEN DAY Wednesday 6 May 2015 9:30-12:30 & 4-6pm 7
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