HOLY FAMILY CHURCH 3 R D S U N D AY O F E A S T E R , Ap ri l 1 9 , 2 0 1 5 WHAT’S INSIDE INSIDE WHAT’S RCIA CONTACT NUMBERS NUMBERS.............2 .............2 CONTACT ADMINISTRATION.................2 ADMINISTRATION.................2 WORSHIP................................3 ................................3 WORSHIP Vigil Highlights... EDUCATION/FORMATION ...5 ...5 EDUCATION/FORMATION COMMUNITY LIFE LIFE .................7 .................7 COMMUNITY OUTREACH............................9 ............................9 OUTREACH ADVERTISING .......................16 .......................16 ADVERTISING LITURGYMINISTERS’ MINISTERS’SCHEDULE SCHEDULE.19 .19 LITURGY PARISH CALENDAR CALENDAR...............19 ...............19 PARISH DISCIPLE’S REFLECTION REFLECTION......BC ......BC DISCIPLE’S Welcome to to Holy Holy Family Family Church Church Welcome If you are visiting, or new in our comIf you are visiting, or new in our community, we are blessed that you are munity, we are blessed that you are here to worship with us. here to worship with us. Our Parish Parish Life Life Director, Director, priests, priests, and and all all Our our parish family extend to you the our parish family extend to you the hospitality of of Jesus Jesus Christ. Christ. IfIf you you would would hospitality like more information about our parish like more information about our parish or wish wish to to join join our our faith faith community, community, or please visit the Welcome Center on on please visit the Welcome Center Sunday mornings or contact the Sunday mornings or contact the Pastoral Center. Center. Pastoral Holy Family Family Mission Mission Statement Statement Holy Holy Family Church is a welcoming Holy Family Church is a welcoming Catholic Eucharistic community of Catholic Eucharistic community of disciples of Jesus Christ connectdisciples connecting faith with life ing faith with out life to and reaching out and reaching those in need. to those in need. Easter Vigil 2015 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH 1501 FREMONT AVENUE SOUTH PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91030 Cambria Tortorelli, Parish Life Director Reverend Jose Parathanal, Priest Minister Fr. Bob Folbrecht, Priest Minister Monsignor Clement J. Connolly, Spiritual Director Reverend Anthony Scannell, Capuchin, Weekend Presider PASTORAL CENTER (Parish Offices) 1527 Fremont Avenue South Pasadena, CA 91030 Phone: 626.799.8908 Fax: 626.799.0423 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon. – Thurs, 7:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m., Fri. 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Sat. 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Sun. 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil – 5:00 p.m. Sundays – 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 12:45 p.m., & 5:30 p.m. Weekdays – 6:20 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. Saturdays – 8:00 a.m. only SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturdays – 3:30 p.m.-4:45 p.m., or by appointment, please call the Pastoral Center. VOCATION OFFICE Fr. Rick Viveros Phone: 626.330.2269 Assisted listening headsets are available at weekend Masses, please see an usher. Visit our website at www.holyfamily.org. CONTACT NUMBERS ADMINISTRATION BOOKSTORE Parish Hall, lower level. . . . 626.403.6133 CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS & REMEMBERING CHURCH SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN & VULNERABLE ADULTS Director of Music and 11:15 a.m. Choir: Andrew Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6124 9:30 a.m. Choir . . . . . . . . . . . 626.799.8908 Sunday 5:30 p.m. Youth Choir: Ben Coria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323.491.8951 VIRTUS® Training Sessions VIRTUS® “Protecting God’s Children” is a three-hour training for adults which teaches the five basic steps of child sexual abuse prevention. This program is mandated for all adults who work with or around children or youth on a regular basis. Please pre-register online www.virtus.org and click on “Registration.” If you need assistance with registration, contact the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908.This certificate is VALID for four years. Upcoming session at Holy Family: May 5, 2015, 6:30 p.m. VIRTUS® Keeping the Promise Alive ™ Refresher Program Four-years from the date of completing “Protecting God’s Children” you must attend “Keeping the Promise Alive” which provides ongoing awareness for the prevention of child sexual abuse. A list of locations can be found on www.virtus.org. Call the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908 for more information. Live Scan Fingerprinting View the complete fingerprinting schedule at the Welcome Center or at http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/hr/Pages/fingerprinting.aspx. Call the location to schedule an appointment. Upcoming sessions: Wednesday, April 22, St. Robert Bellarmine, Burbank 818.247.2222 Wednesday, April 29, All Souls, Alhambra, 626.281.0466 If you have any questions regarding our Safeguard the Children program please contact Kelly Watson at [email protected]. Did you know? Administrative Handbook for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles For the first time, the Archdiocese has a Handbook that integrates a wide range of pre-existing resources, guides, manuals and other publications to offer a single comprehensive source of information on archdiocesan administrative policies and procedures. This new resource also includes Chapter 9, a special section which provides detailed information about all of the Safe Environment policies, procedures, programs, forms and other resources utilized by the archdiocese of the protection of our children and young people. Go to: http://handbook.la-archdiocese.org/chapter-9/section-9-1. PASTORAL CARE (Ministry to the Elderly & Sick) CELEBRATING GRACE, GRATITUDE, AND GENEROSITY IN 2015 Dawn Ponnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6128 EDEN CENTER – 1520 Fremont Ave. Youth Ministry & Youth Confirmation: Dawn Ponnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6128 EDUCATION CENTER – 1301 Rollin St. School: Dr. Frank Montejano . . . . . . 626.799.4354 Religious Education: Colette Villegas . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6118 FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Call the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908. Assistance with funeral, music, liturgy and other needs is available. Funerals are scheduled from Tuesday through Friday mornings. LITURGY AND ADULT FORMATION Frank Ponnet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6116 MUSIC Continued thanks to you, our generous parishioners and friends, for your support of Holy Family Church, her ministries and community efforts. The generous giving of your valuable time, your unique talents, and your personal resources are truly PRE-BAPTISMAL PREPARATION making a difference for our parish. “Giving” happens all year long at Holy Family, Parents are asked to inquire at the and is graciously received in many different ways. Whether it’s an hour at the Pastoral Center prior to the child’s birth. Giving Bank, visiting the sick and homebound, or delivering the Word at Mass, we value your time. In the same way we value your gifts and talents, whether delightST. JOSEPH CENTER – 1524 Fremont Ave. ing our ears with your musical talent, or in decorating our parish at Christmastime. Giving Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6140 Additionally, we value and appreciate your precious resources, and thank you for making Holy Family an important part of your philanthropic giving. Should you Community Services: questions about Giving at Holy Family, whether immediate or for the longCarrie-Ann Lue Sue. . . . . . . 626.403.6140 have term, please contact Mary Hatton, Director of Parish Stewardship, at 626.403.6138 or at [email protected]. VIDEO MINISTRY . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6128 Mary Ternan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6115 VOLUNTEERING Mary Schimmoller. . . . . . . . . 626.403.6113 WEDDINGS One party must be a registered parishioner for one year before booking a wedding. Call the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908 at least 6 months prior to proposed date of marriage. 2 BULLETIN MAKEOVER- WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are looking to re-design our beloved bulletin in the near future. Do you have any thoughts or ideas about how you would like the bulletin structured? Do you have an interest in communicating the strengths of our parish to a broader audience? We welcome your participation in a short term team that will meet a handful of times during the summer to reevaluate our existing structure. Please contact Karen Whitney if you are interested at 626.403.6108 or [email protected]. Thanks! PANTONE BOOK NEEDED! We are in need of a Pantone color swatch book. Any of our dear parishioners who are designers, printers, or other vendors who might have an extra Pantone (pms color) book to spare, it would be greatly appreciated! Older versions are just fine! Please bring it to the front desk at the Pastoral Center or contact Karen Whitney at [email protected] or 626.403.6108. Thanks much!!! WORSHIP THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER April 19, 2015 “Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.” -Luke 24: 35-38 If you are interested in bringing up our gifts of bread & wine, please see an usher before Mass begins. SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK MASS INTENTIONS THIS SUNDAY: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 Ps 4: 2-4, 7-9 1 Jn 2: 1-5a Lk 24:35-48 MONDAY: Acts 6:8-15 Ps 119: 23-24, 26-27. 29-30 Jn 6:22-29 TUESDAY: Acts 7:51-8:1a Ps 31: 3cd-4, 6, 7b8a, 17, 21ab Jn 6:30-35 WEDNESDAY: Acts 8:1b-8 Ps 66: 1-3a, 4-7a Jn 6:35-40 THURSDAY: Acts 8:26-40 Ps 66: 8-9, 16-17, 20 Jn 6:44-51 FRIDAY Acts 9:1-20 Ps 117: 1bc, 2 Jn 6:52-59 SATURDAY: 1 Pt 5:5b-14 Ps 89: 2-3, 6-7, 16-17 Mk 6:15-200 For a reflection on the Sunday readings, please go to: http://www.usccb.org/nab/today.shtml MONDAY, APRIL 20 6:20 a.m. – Ken Moore † 8:00 a.m. – Amelia Raymundo † TUESDAY, APRIL 21 6:20 a.m. – Dr. Rolando Vasquez † 8:00 a.m. – Francis & Mary O’Donnel † WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 6:20 a.m. – Raymond Costales † 8:00 a.m. – Susan Marie T. De Jesus † THURSDAY, APRIL 23 6:20 a.m. – Patricia Wright McDonald † 8:00 a.m. – Rose Mary Johnston † FRIDAY, APRIL 24 6:20 a.m. – Marianne Heydorff † 8:00 a.m. – Joseph Baring-Pablico † SATURDAY, APRIL 25 8:00 a.m. – Santos Gallardo † d EASTER ENVIRONMENT THANK YOU In order to create the beautiful Easter environment which enhances our worship so greatly, it takes the time, talent and kindness of a group of kind, fun and loving volunteers. From the bottom of my heart, I extend my deepest gratitude to Natalie Duran, Carlotta de Francisco, Jay Kruger, Pam Kennington, David Lyman, Rosemarie Martinez and Judy Skitek. I would also like to thank Mikki Heydorff, and the Huntington Library, for providing us with our beautiful and fresh-cut decorative palms for Palm Sunday. Lastly, I would be remiss without thanking our hard-working, and oft-overlooked support staff of Jose Mena, Eddie Barragan and Franco Capodici for all of their hard work and flexibility in assisting with our Easter environs. May God Bless each of you, and your families, abundantly! Bill Chapman Environment Coordinator YOUTH CHOIR Students are graduating and the youth choir needs more members! Specifically, we need accomplished: guitarists bass players keyboard/piano players singers string, woodwind or brass players drummers and percussionists sound engineers Adults of any age are welcome! We meet on Thursdays from 7:30PM-9PM at Eden Center and on Sundays from 4:30PM-7PM in the church. PRAYER GROUPS Blessed Mother Prayer Group meets on the 1st Saturday of the month, 1:00 p.m., Eremos Chapel, in the Pastoral Center. Contact: Margie Jaramillo, 323.257.1935 FCA Block Rosary & Divine Mercy Prayer Group meets on the 2nd & last Sundays of the month. Contact: Ramon Lacson, 323.257.1017 Prayers for Children no meetings, just the power of prayer. We pray for all of God’s children on the 15th of each month. Contact: Donna Gibson, [email protected] DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help after Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Mass, followed by the rosary. Immaculate Heart of Mary after 8:00 a.m. Mass on the 1st Saturday of the month, followed by the rosary. Sacred Heart Devotions after 8:00 a.m. Mass on the 1st Friday of the month, followed by the rosary. LITURGY OF THE HOURS Liturgy of the Hours provides psalms, hymns, readings, intercessions and meditations for the day, to inspire us to pray unceasingly. Come, join us in church for Morning Prayer 7:20am-7:40am M-F and 7:30am-7:50am Sat.&Holidays. For more info, email: [email protected]. CENTERING PRAYER GROUP Meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays for meditation, 7:00.-7:20 p.m., in the Guadalupe Room. Sharing/discussion follows, 7:30 .-8:30 p.m. Contact: Brian O’Neill, 626.482.9239 or [email protected]. ROSARY Join us in the church to pray the rosary after 8:00 a.m. daily Mass. We have a wonderful step-by-step guide to praying the rosary, which has all the prayers and their sequence, including the new Luminous Mysteries. Come and pray with us and get reacquainted with this powerful tool. FCA/BLD HEALING MASS The Filipino Catholic Association, in participation with BLD Los Angeles, invites all parishioners to a special healing mass every first Friday of the month held at 8:00 p.m. in the church. Contacts: Jun & Alice de Guzman, 626.372.4522 or 3 [email protected]. WORSHIP LITURGY MATTERS PRAY FOR THE SICK Please remember the sick in your prayers: Janet Mitchell Michael Salinas Peter Dolan Celine Wedemeyer Kay Martens Sr. Elvira Pelleterri FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE Chuck Castelli Michael Card Carmen Perez Michael Messina Anne Estes Jose Larios Recent deaths in our Holy Family community are posted on our website. With the consent of the family, funeral arrangements are also listed and updated according to the most recent information that we have received. Go to holyfamily.org and click on “Recent Deaths in our Holy Family Community” under “Mass”. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of Christ, rest in peace. Amen. Names received after 3:00 p.m. on Friday will go into the following week’s Prayers for the Faithful. ANNIVERSARIES OF DEATH Joseph E. Baring Pablico Bill Fosselman Carmen Perez EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION Tuesday, April 28, 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. All are welcome on the 4th Tuesday of the month. BAPTIZED BABIES’ BLESSING May 5, 9:30 a.m. Anyone who has recently had a baby baptized is welcome to receive a special blessing. Please call in advance to celebrate with us for the Baptized Babies’ Blessing. Contact: Pastoral Center, 626.799.8908 ANNIVERSARY BLESSING May 17, 9:30 a.m. Couples celebrating an anniversay this month are welcome to receive a special blessing. Please call in advance to celebrate with us. Contact: Pastoral Center, 626.799.8908 ENGAGED COUPLES BLESSING June 20, 5:00 p.m. Newly engaged couples are welcome to receive a special blessing. Please call in advance to celebrate with us. Contact: Pastoral Center, 626.799.8908 EXPECTANT PARENTS BLESSING April 26, 9:30 a.m. Couples expecting a baby are welcome to receive a special blessing. Please call in advance to celebrate with us. Contact: Pastoral Center, 626.799.8908 ANOINTING OF THE SICK July 19, 9:30 a.m. The Sacrament of the Sick is for Catholics who have reached the age of reason and whose health is seriously impaired by illness, accident, or old age, and for those facing surgery when seri4 ous illness is the reason. The Bells Sacred Space: Advent is everywhere! You might have noticed that Easter, our Alleluia time, is also a time when we ring more bells. Bells have been a part of Catholic worship for centuries. The altar servers once rung the hand bells, or “sanctus bells’ twice during the liturgy, at each elevation. Now they are rung at the Gloria during the Great Easter Vigil. From the sixth century until the reforms of the liturgy, bells were rung five or six times during Mass. The hand bells used at Holy Family seem to be original. Holy Family also has bells for the community. Three Carillion Chimes were installed as a gift to honor our nation’s bicentennial celebration by three anonymous donors. They are used on some Sundays and at other appropriate occasions. The speakers for the bells are found in the bell tower. Traditionally the swinging bells (ding dong) call people to church. The Pealing Bells, (two or more swinging bells) are synonymous with celebration. It produces a random pattern and a beautiful sound. We usually use the pealing bells at the conclusion of Mass. The tolling bell is a stationary bell struck by a heavy clapper that produces a stately, solemn sound. We have used this bell through the days of mourning following the September 11th tragedies. This is part of a yearlong series about our Sacred Space. SACRED SPACE CORNER Sacred Space Renewal at Holy Family. Our original baptismal font from 1928 has been used as our holy water font in the main vestibule for the last 25 years. It was returned to the church in time for Holy Week after much needed repair. It has gone from leaking and cracked to repaired and renewed and beautiful! The statue of St. Joseph, previously housed in the Our Lady of Guadalupe alcove, was moved to the pillar at the front of the Church, next to the Choir area, opposite the statue of Mary. A third pedestal was built, and the original two pedestals were stripped, stained and restored so that they look like new! St. Joseph is temporarily outside the Sacristy for the Easter Season. Sculptress Theresa Cardinali finished the current phase of the Stations of the Cross repair just in time for our Holy Week services. They have been painstakingly repaired and primed and are ready for the next phase - painting and restoration of the figures. She has photographed the entire process and we look forward to seeing it in the EDUCATION/FORMATION HOLY FAMILY TODDLER CO-OP If you have a walking, or soon-to-be-walking, toddler through the age of 3, please consider having them join us at the Toddler Co-Op. The Co-Op meets most Sundays from September through May during the 9:30 am Mass in the St. Joseph's Center. We, the parents, take turns watching our kids play, engage in crafts, and faith-based circle time in a fully cooperative environment. Feel free to leave us a voicemail at 626-403-6121, email us at [email protected], or get a copy of the application and more information at bit.ly/hfcoop. Please remember, a complete application must include completion of Virtus Training and LiveScan fingerprinting. SUNDAY PRESCHOOL (CO-OP) Sunday Preschool is a cooperative preschool experience for 3, 4, & 5 year olds. Classes meet weekly, during the 9:30 A.M. Mass on most Sundays in the Education Center building, from September 28th through May 3rd. The curriculum is developmentally appropriate, designed to introduce preschoolers to God and their faith community. The children are also introduced to our Christian community through special donations to the Giving Bank and other activities. Multi-Age Early Spanish Immersion Sunday Preschool ¡Clase de inmersión en Español para todas las edades! ¡¡Saludos!! Sunday Preschool hosts one multi-age class of Spanish Immersion Sunday Preschool. This class will run concurrently with the other Sunday Preschool classes, during the 9:30 A.M. Mass. Our curriculum will be identical to the other classes, only it will be full Spanish-immersion, including religious lesson, crafts and music. The Sunday Preschool Registration Form 2014-2015 is available for download at [email protected]. Go to the website and click on http://holyfamily.org/wp-content/uploads/Sunday-Preschool-Form-2014-2015.pdf. Also available at the Welcome Center, Pastoral Center Building, and Religious Education office. For more information contact Donella Sotelo, Director of Administration at [email protected], or Onica Cole, Director of Curriculum at [email protected]. Voicemail (626) 403-6112 or Email: [email protected]. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education is a fun, engaging, active process of formation that intends to convert the learner to the religious tradition of the Catholic Church, with the explicit goal of passing on the beliefs, history, rituals and ethical code of our tradition. We invite all children grades 1-8 to participate and journey together to become disciples of Jesus. For more information contact Colette Villegas, DRE at 626-403-6118. For regular updates see our website: re.holyfamily.org. Registration packets for RE will be available at the beginning of May! New families: Please stop by the RE office to pick up your packet or visit our website at re.holyfamily.org to download the Pdf. EDGE: MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY EDGE is a fun and welcoming youth group for 6th-8th graders in the parish. During the school year we meet weekly on Wednesday nights from 7pm-8:30pm in the Eden Center for formation, friendship and service. We also repeat the session on Thursdays from 3:30pm-5:00pm in the Eden Center for those unable to join us on Wednesday nights. For more information please visit our website at: youthministry.holyfamily.org/edge or contact Angelina Duell at [email protected]. DIVORCED AND SEPARATED GROUP The group meets on Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Pastoral Center. There will be 7 sessions ending on May 28. We will be using the text, "Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends" by Bruce Fisher. The book is available in the Holy Family Bookstore. Bill Metzdorf facilitates the group. If you are interested in joining us, please call Terri Lynn Doubet (818-729-0577) with any questions you may have. All are welcome! HOLY FAMILY BOOKSTORE Books for all ages! Religious Items Gifts Fine Art Jewelry Greeting Cards Sacramental Gifts Bookstore Hours Tuesday – Saturday...10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sunday .................9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. CLOSED MONDAYS Lower Level – Parish Hall – Elevator Access Contact: 626.403.6133 First Communion Season is in Full Swing Our shelves are overflowing with great gifts for boys and girls. Medals, Rosaries, Bracelets, Bibles, Crucifixes, & Frames are all in good supply. GAY AND LESBIAN OUTREACH Many gays and lesbians feel disconnected from their Church. Holy Family’s Gay and Lesbian Outreach, in the spirit of ALL ARE WELCOME, provides a confidential, safe environment for discussion, education and socialization every Wednesday evening. Gays and lesbians, as well as their parents, are welcome. For further information please contact Elizabeth S. Taylor, Ph.D., Ministry Chair at 626.792.1103. We also have cards, veils and communion sets. 5 EDUCATION/FORMATION MEN’S READING GROUP April 21, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m., in the Guadalupe Room of the Pastoral Center. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month to discuss books concerned with religious, moral, and ethical issues. We are reading Big Russ & Me: Father & Son: Lessons of Life by Tim & Luke Russert. Even if you don’t read the books, you’re welcome to join us for good fellowship! Contact: Ron Piccirillo, 626.993.5563 WOMEN’S READING GROUP May 11 , 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m., in the Pastoral Center. Please join us on the second Monday of the month in the Cardinal Manning room for a provocative and animated discussion. We are reading The Known World by Edward Jones. Don’t worry if you don’t get a chance to read the book, come anyway, the discussion is always lively and fun. Contact: Mary Miasnik, 323.222.7944 JESU XPI PASSIO Women’s Retreat /::ZORWSaO`SW\dWbSRb]Sf^S`WS\QSO TOWbVTWZZSR`Sb`SObeSSYS\R^`SOQVSR PgbVS^OaaW]\WababOTT1]\dS\WS\bZg Z]QObSRW\AWS``O;OR`SObbVS;ObS` 2]Z]`]aO>OaaW]\Wab@Sb`SOb6]caS Enjoy Peace, Relaxation and Spirtual Renewal with Jesus. EVS\(;Og& # G]c¸ZZPSV][SXcabW\bW[Sb] QSZSP`ObS;]bVS`¸a2Og ;OYSbVWaO;]bVS`¸a2OgUWTb BVS[S(µ6]ZgEOWbW\U7\/ E]`ZRBVOb1O\¸bEOWb¶ 1]ab(AcUUSabSRR]\ObW]\]T #W\QZcRW\U#RS^]aWb T]`be]\WUVbaO\R4WdS[SOZa <]]\SWabc`\SROeOgPSQOcaS]TTW\O\QWOZ W\OPZWZbgb][OYSbVSacUUSabSRR]\ObW]\ 4]``SaS`dObW]\a]`[]`SW\T] Q]\bOQb]c`^O`WaVQO^bOW\( AVSZZgAb]YSa%"!#$&$# ]`RSaWU\PgaVSZZg.gOV]]Q][ HOLY FAMILY YOUTH MINISTRY Annual Mission Trip: Grub for Grenada Dinner “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25: 35 All Holy Family families are invited to join us for a casual, family-friendly fundraising dinner on Saturday, April 18th. Come support our teens and learn about their mission to share God's love and serve the poor of Grenada. Prices include: $25 - adults, $20 - students, $1 - soft drinks, $5 - beer & wine. Contact our office at 626-403-6148 for more information or if you would like to purchase tickets. We appreciate your support! CONFIRMATION NEWS youthministry.holyfamily.org Confirmation 2015: Year-Two Family Final Interviews are underway! Please use the SignUp Genius to schedule your slot! Celebration of Confirmation Dates: Family Reconciliation Service: today, April 19 after 5:30 p.m. Youth Mass • Rehearsal with Sponsor: Tuesday, April 21 at 7:00 pm • Confirmation Celebration: Friday, April 24 at 7:00 pm • Confirmation 2016: New Candidates for Year-One Session 6 is on Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 pm or Sunday, April 19 at 3:45 pm. Both sessions will be held in the Eden Center (teens) and the St. Joseph Center (adults). We kindly request that one parent accompany each teen for this session. EMBRACING THE BEGINNING OF LIFE Embracing the Beginning of Life seeks to build awareness within our parish in accordance with Vatican II's Charter on Rights of the Family 'Human Life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.' Meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the Pastoral Center. Contact Rafael Flores [email protected] or Natalie Duran [email protected] for more information. Holy Family Adoption Services: (800) 464-2367 Free and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and options counseling: (877) 3987734 Pregnancy Center of the San Gabriel Valley: (626) 309-0788 East Los Angeles Pregnancy Center: (323) 838-0204 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats: (626) 309-0788 Our next Life Rosary will be held on Tuesday, April 21st in the Eremos chapel located on the bottom floor of the Pastoral Center. Join us as we pray beautiful Pro-Life meditations on the Sorrowful Mysteries. All you need to bring is a rosary. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION The Spiritual Direction Ministry provides an opportunity to those who seek guidance, affirmation, and/or enrichment in their spiritual experience. Each spiritual journey is a personal path and all are welcome to discover a deeper relationship with God. Contact: Mary O’Brien, 323/550-8394, Veronica Hurd, 626/627-6022 or [email protected] Elwia Beaudette, 626.831.2462 or [email protected]. BIBLE STUDY We will continue our study in the Book of Hebrews this Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. in the Galilee Room. We’re looking forward to breaking open the Word with you. Bring a Bible and bring a friend! RCIA Wondering about the Catholic Way of Life? Would you like to learn more about the process of becoming Catholic? We begin by gathering likeminded seekers. Would you like to join us as we explore Catholicism? To prepare for these sessions please call Dawn 626 403-6128 for an appointment. 6 COMMUNITY LIFE HOLY FAMILY 50 + CLUB Our regular meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 1:30 in the afternoon, followed by light refreshments. Our next meeting is Thursday, May 7, at 1:30. For more information about our Club, call our president Julie Smith, 626.796.2859. DUES for the 2014-2015 year of $15.00 are due. If you wish to join, make checks payable to Holy Family 50+ Club (write Membership on the advise line) and send it to Dolores Koutnik, 1630 Camino Lindo, South Pasadena 91030 or mark your envelope “50+ Club Membership” and leave it at the parish office. GAME DAY Our next dining out will be Saturday, April 25, at 11:00 a.m. at Colonial Kitchen. Call Vestina Vargas, 323.255.2460, for reservations. For bulletin submission, contact Bette Gillette, 626.799.6487. AUCTION 2015! Holy Family Church invites you to join us for All Together, All Divine – Holy Family Auction 2015 Saturday May 16, 2015 at Holy Family Church 5:00 Silent Auction 7:30 Dinner 8:30 Live Auction & Raffle 9:30 Dancing The Auction provides more than vital support for Holy Family and its 90+ ministries – it provides an invitation for us to be “All Together” and demonstrate that we are “All Divine.” Please take this opportunity to participate! Become a Volunteer Become an Auction Volunteer! We are especially seeking volunteers to contribute with • decorating/set-up • silent auction preparations • day of (help at the Auction) • tear down and more! Please contact Mary Schimmoller, [email protected]. Raffle Tickets The grand prize winner of the raffle will receive $10,000 cash! Two runner-up winners will each receive $500 cash. Raffle tickets are only $100 each. Only 350 tickets will be sold! Please contact Jennie McNulty, [email protected]. Donate Auction Items Great auction items come from Holy Family’s amazing and generous parishioners! Do you have season tickets to the Lakers? A condo in Mammoth? Connections with local businesses? Please contribute a special getaway, sporting event, concert or shopping experience to be auctioned off this May. Great auction contributions include: • Getaways (airfare, accommodations, etc.) • Entertainment (sports, concerts, special events) • Children’s Activities (summer camp, dance/music lessons, amusement park tickets) • Beauty Items/Services (spa packages, treatments, beauty products) • Wine & Dine (restaurant gift certificates, catering, private parties) • Jewelry (you get the idea!) Please contact Mary Schimmoller, [email protected]. Auction 2015 Committee Chairs Armand & Heather Adkins – Event Chairs Valerie & Paul McAndrews – Patrons & Sponsors Chairs Trip Thomas – Marketing & Communications Chair BEREAVEMENT MINISTRIES Care, Prayer, in Remembrance of … CPR is a once-a-month gathering of those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This support group offers an opportunity to meet with others who are going through a similar experience and share a common faith. These one-hour sessions are on the last Tuesday of each month at 6:30 in the Pastoral Center. In Remembrance of ... Eight week sessions occur on Thursday evenings, between 6:30-8:00 p.m. Contact Frank Ponnet, 626.403.6116 CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS Toastmasters: 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m., in the Pastoral Center. Want to improve your communication and leadership skills? Be more effective in meetings? Get your point across more concisely? Join us and learn how membership can help you succeed. Contact: Mary Elizabeth Ohde, 323/257-8989. SERRA CLUB The Serra Club of Los Angeles invites guests and prospective members to join them for fellowship and affirmation. First established in 1934 in Seattle, Washington, and now world-wide with 20,000 members in 36 countries, the Serra Club is the lay vocation arm of the Church. Their mission is simple. They promote, foster and affirm vocations to the priesthood and religious life. They meet from 12:00-1:30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, at Taix Restaurant, 1911 Sunset Bl., Los Angeles. KINDRED SPIRITS Parish life can be strongly marriage and family oriented with few opportunities for single adults to feel comfortable at social gatherings or in volunteer capacities. Kindred Spirits was formed to create comfortable ways for single adults, over 40 to get to know each other, and to build supportive friendships that enhance their participation in parish life as well as create meaningful connections in their lives outside of church. Truly great friendships have evolved through sharing in social events, volunteer projects, and spiritual enrichment activities together. We attend the Saturday evening vigil Mass each first Saturday, followed by going to a different local restaurant. Other potential activities are discussed and plans made during these First Saturday gatherings. If you would like additional information, please email [email protected]. 7 COMMUNITY LIFE HOLY FAMILY 50+ CLUB Our regular meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. followed by light refreshments. OurCorner next meeting is HF School Dear members of the Holy Family School Community, Thanks to the valuable input and hard work of our parents, faculty, administration, and school board, our 2015-2020 Strategic Plan is complete! Please visit our school website and click “About Us” to find the Strategic Plan, or enter the following URL: http://school.holyfamily.org/wp-content/uploads/2015-2020-StrategicPlan-FINAL.pdf to read the goals and strategies that will guide our school leaders through the exciting years ahead. HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL REUNION Class of 1965 It has been 50 years since the 1965 class at Holy Family School graduated and it’s time for a reunion. The reunion is scheduled for Saturday, June 7, ENVIRONMENTAL MINISTRY 2015. Many of our classmates On the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker in have beenFrancis located, but help is 2013, Pope said, “Work is fundamental to the dignity of the person.” But in still needed to locate the followcountless places around the globe, working ing individuals: conditions and organizational practices do Robert very little toAbbate, honor the Shelley inherent dignity of workers. Edwards, John Hax, Mary Ann Grant, Quigley, Suzanne Now is theDorothy perfect time to make or renew a commitment to purchasingvan fair trade Tasnady, Elizabeth der prodPas. ucts. Whenyou you know buy items thatwhereare fair trade Should the certified, you support: abouts of and these folks, for ● Safe healthy work and conditions information on the reunion, ● Payment of a fair price for the pleaseexchange contact Jeanne Alcorn, of goods 626 975-2761 jalcorn56@hot● An end to child labor and forced mail.com, labor or Theresa Sabatella Shaw,Respect [email protected]. ● for the environment ● Skills and growth for marginalized producers 2015 Pilgrimage with The simple act of choosing fair trade prodFr. Jose Parathanal ucts creates opportunities for the economi- cally disadvantaged, allowing them to move out of poverty and into self-sufficiency, according to the World Fair Trade Organization. The words of the Holy Father continue to resonate: “Work, to use an image, ‘anoints’ with dignity, fills us with dignity, makes us similar to God who has worked and still works, who always acts. … I (make) a strong appeal that the dignity and safety of the worker always be protected.” Curious about Fair Trade products? Visit the Holy Contact: Family Bookstore, which offers a selecCorpuz tion of FairBernadette Trade items for sale yearCellFor 323.547.6618 round. information, email [email protected]. or8Email: [email protected] In the Land of the Bible: Israel and Jordan October 1 - 14, 2015 HOLY FAMILY ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION At the April 12th Mother Cabrini Chapel and Library open house visitors enjoyed hearing the story of Mother Cabrini's life and career with the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. They were also amazed that they were walking on the same ground and visiting the same Chapel that Mother Cabrini used to use when she walked up the hill to pray for inspiration and guidance from Our Lady Help of Christians. Also on April 12th, members Congratulated Gina Sabatella, Tommy LaFarelli and Kathy Crimo who celebrated their March and April Birthdays at the meeting. On Sunday, May 3rd come join members for Bocce (1:00 to 2:30 pm) on the childrens field followed by the ICF Branch 108 Lunch Social and General Meeting (3:00 to 5:00 pm) in the Parish Hall. On Monday, May 4th, from 4:00 to 9:00 pm, come with friends and family to Jakes Roadhouse BBQ in downtown Monrovia. This semi annual fundraising dinner brings members, families, and friends together to "Feed the Soul" while eating "outstanding BBQ!" If you are thinking about giving back to your community, come join ICF Branch 108 and meet an organization of culturally-diverse, communitybased members who enjoy their faith, food, and friendship while helping their church and community. If you have any questions or are interested in the ICF and would like information on membership, events or volunteer opportunities, please call Carmelo Sabatella at 626 372-7812 or Theresa Shaw at 626 403-6102. For more information on ICF go online to ICF.ORG. Students need community service hours? Call 626 372-7812 for more information. Carmelo Sabatella, Past President - ICF Branch 108 Email: [email protected]. Save The Date May 30, ICF LAADC Board Meeting at Saint Cornelius Catholic Church, Long Beach 9:00-11:30 am. May 30, 2015 - ICF CC Strategic Planning Leadership Development Workshop at Saint Cornelius Church in Long Beach 12:00 to 3:00 pm. All Branch and District Board Members are requested to attend. Call 626 372- 7812 for more information. FILIPINO CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION Upcoming Events: April 26 - The Block Rosary/Divine Mercy Prayer Group will meet at the Cavestany residence at 3 PM. Please call Francis Cavestany at (323) 258-3416 for details. May 1 – Healing Mass at 8 PM. Please call Jun & Alice De Guzman at (626) 372-4522 for details. May 6 - Working Group Meeting at 10 AM at the Pastoral Center. Please ask the receptionist for the location of the meeting room. This meeting is open to all FCA members. Mission: Preserve and Share the Filipino Culture Religious activities: Block Rosary/Divine Mercy Prayer Group - meetings on the 2nd and last Sundays of each month; Healing Mass in partnership with Bukas Loob sa Diyos (BLD) on the 1st Friday of each month; Divine Mercy Celebration on the second Sunday after Easter; Filipino Saints Day Mass (San Lorenzo de Manila and San Pedro de Cebu); and a Simbang Gabi Evening Mass as part of a traditional nine-day novena preceding Christmas). Both masses are celebrated with a Tagalog choir. Humanitarian activities: Support the Giving Bank and Holy Family Church and Filipino charities. Social/fund raising activities: Trip to San Manuel Casino/Santa Anita Racetrack, Annual After-dinner Barrio Fiesta Party and Fellowship, the Annual Rummage Sale, and Filipino Story Time and Crafts Sunday. FCA’s Contact Information: For more information and volunteer opportunities, please call Jack Abrera at (323) 258-9326 or Jessie Ivins at (310) 367-5698 to provide input/announcements for future bulletins. OUTREACH MISSION HAITI Drilling Rig Hands Together under the direction of Fr. Gerard has drilled over 350 water wells throughout Haiti, mostly in remote villages or on farms to give the people potable water for crop irrigation. Fr. Gerard has worn out a couple of drilling rigs in the process. Recently, Fr. Gerard acquired a new drilling rig. Well, it is not really new, but it is new to Haiti. Now Fr. Gerard desperately needs someone to train his drilling team on how to use the new rig. He remembered a casual remark from one of our delegates during our parish visit to Haiti in February. The remark came from Jose Corona, the business manager of Resurrection Parish in Escondido, California, who accompanied our parish delegation on that trip. Jose is not only a business manager, he is also an engineer. Jose had said to Fr. Gerard, “If ever you need some help with one of these drilling rigs, get in touch.” When Fr. Gerard reminded us of Jose’s remark, we immediately put Fr. Gerard in touch with Jose. Jose remembered the offer, and is pushing ahead. Fr. Gerard furnished the information on the make and model of the drilling rig and Jose hopes to get familiar with the workings of the rig during the next couple of weeks. If all goes well, Jose could travel to Haiti toward the end of this month or the first week of May to train the Haitian team. How about that!!! The Mission Haiti Committee SHOWER OF ROSES LUNCHEON Carmelite Nuns Annual Benefit Luncheon The Cloistered Carmelite Nuns Auxiliary invites you to attend their “Shower of Roses” Annual Benefit Luncheon featuring special speaker Mary Poplin, PHD, speaking on “What Mother Teresa Taught Me About Meaningful Work and Service” on Wednesday, April 22, 2015. The details are: 10:30 am Social Hour 12:00 noon Luncheon Tickets: $65 each Please RSVP by April 17th to: Kathy Cardoza (626) 657-9012 [email protected] HOLY FAMILY CAREER NETWORKING GROUP We focus on job search skills, networking, resume reviews, and interviewing techniques. We are no longer meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Please contact Bruce McIntosh to arrange for an individual and personalized meeting one-onone. Group meetings will be held as warranted by the number of interested participants dictates. Contact info: 626.201.6717 or email at [email protected]. Here is a special volunteer opportunity, families are welcome! Holy Family is partnering with the St. Francis Center to feed the hungry on the fifth Saturday of the month You can help: •Serve breakfast to the homeless You can help provide the homeless with warm meals. • Work in the Food Pantry St. Francis Center is located at 1835 S Hope St, Los Angeles, CA 90015 May 30, 2015 -9:30 am to 1:00 pm, Food Pantry August 29, 2015- 9:30 am to 1:00 pm, Food Pantry Would you like to help? Please contact Mary Schimmoller, Volunteer Coordinator at 626403-6113 or e-mail her at [email protected]. 9 OUTREACH OPTIONS FOR SENIORS We are very fortunate and blessed to have the Carmelite Sisters in the San Gabriel Valley. They are able to offer many options for people, especially seniors. They are the ONLY Catholic religious community in the area that is able to offer independent living, assisted living, and a skilled nursing facility for seniors. They provide excellent quality of care, but they also are part of a loving, supportive, spiritual, and compassionate team that cares for the residents and family members. They offer Mass on a regular basis. Please call if you have any questions and/or are thinking about senior housing for yourself or a loved one. Contact: The Manor’s Admissions Coordinator, 626/256-3055 LEAN INTO THE WIND Our CD is available on Amazon and iTunes! Please help us spread the word... Amazon: http://ow.ly/uWQrC iTunes: http://ow.ly/uWPCH You can also listen to samples and purchase at www.leanintothewind.com ...May God bless and reward you! Also available in the Holy Family Bookstore. ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUPS Free support groups for families dealing with Alzheimer’s. Adult Children’s Support Group (for those who care for a parent or a grandparent with Alzheimer’s) meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Spouse’s Support Group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Meetings are held at the Mission Lodge, 824 S. Gladys Ave., San Gabriel, CA. Contact: Larry Schulte, Ph.D., 626/795-8681 Please leave your telephone number and various times that he may contact you with more information about the support group. 10 PASTORAL CARE (MINISTRY TO THE ELDERLY AND SICK) Monthly Mass Schedule Prospect Manor: 1st Wednesday of the month, 2:00 p.m., 800 Prospect Ave., South Pasadena To notify us of someone in the parish who is sick, please follow these procedures: 1. Call the Pastoral Center, Monday to Sunday if the sick person needs to be visited by a priest. 2. You will be asked a few important questions by the staff person answering your call, as a form must be filled out. Hospital? Home? Communion? Person’s home address and phone? Parishioner or not? Elderly? Name on intercessions? 3. Please ask the staff person to notify Mary Ternan. Water Color and Drawing Art Class Offered Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at The South Pasadena Senior Center at 1102 Oxley St. in South Pasadena. For questions and or information, please call Lorrie at 626.799.4215. THE GIVING BANK at ST. JOSEPH CENTER (SJC) – 1524 Fremont Avenue Contact: Carrie, Marlene, or Franco, 626.403.6140 Our volunteers are assured of fun, fellowship, and a friendly atmosphere. Donations are accepted Tuesday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Press the buzzer so that we know you are there, and our staff will be happy to help you carry the items in from your car! Please do NOT leave any items outside St. Joseph Center after 4:30 p.m. or on weekends. St. Vincent de Paul offers FREE PICK-UPS; call 1-800-9743571. Giving Bank: Monday Distribution 9:00-10:45 a.m. (Volunteers are needed 7:0011a.m.) Bagging Sundays: 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Lunches for the homeless: Monday through Friday, 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. GET ON THE BUS Get on the Bus Needs your Help!!! We are collecting backpack items for our Mother's Day trip! Please stop by your local Dollar Tree or 99 cents store and help us stuff those bags!!! We need the following items: IF YOUR LAST NAME STARTS WITH A-I please donate: 4x6 frames unisex notecard stationary packages of 8ct. forever stamps packages of new pens packages of pencils and colored pencils packages of stickers IF YOUR LAST NAME STARTS WITH J-R please donate small packages of wet wipes/baby wipes individual packages of tissues new pairs of socks (various children & teen sizes) kids activity books (crossword, Sodoku, etc.) kids/teens magazines coloring books crayons & markers puzzles, games, activities (appropriate for a moving bus) IF YOUR LAST NAME STARTS WITH S-Z please donate travel size hand sanitizer travel size hand lotion lip balm appropriate adult magazines (People, Ladies Home Journal, Redbook) ear plugs Mother's Day cards adult activity books (crossword, Sodoku, etc.) Please drop off your items with us after Mass or at the Pastoral Center. Questions and to volunteer, please contact [email protected] THANK YOU!!!!!!!! PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 1 invites you to A MORNING REFLECTION FOR WOMEN OF FAITH Sacred Space: Discovered & Created with Jody Berges, M.A. ON TUESDAY, MAY 5TH 9:30 AM – 12:00 P.M. GALILEE ROOM 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. - Refreshments & Fellowship Jody will awaken our awareness of Sacred Space and focus on: t Becoming mindful of Sacred Space that already exists t Creating our own Sacred Space tExploring the use of art, music, journaling, poetry and collage to express ourselves Jody Berges is an artist who has facilitated women’s retreats throughout southern California and is a frequent presenter at the Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino. She is a graduate of 3DFL¿F2DNV&ROOHJHDQGKDVZRUNHGDVDPDUULDJHIDPLO\ and child counselor for over thirty years Presented by: The Women’s Connection Donations accepted PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 2 Holy Family Bookstore 1519 Fremont Avenue, South Pasadena, CA 91030 April 19, 2015 . Bookstore Hours TUESDAY thru SATURDAY 10:00 to 5:00 p.m. SUNDAY 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. CLOSED MONDAY (626) 403-6133 City of Angels Jewelry Trunk Show TODAY, April 19 ONLY 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 3 Page 2 Holy Family Bookstore Reading Group Selections in Stock at the Holy Family Bookstore :RPHQ·V5HDGLQJ*URXS April 2015 Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption By Laura Hillenbrand April 19, 2015 Confirmation Gifts and Cards In good supply at the Bookstore Shop Early for Best Selection Raised in a happy, atheist home, Jennifer had the freedom to think for herself and play by her own rules. Yet a creeping darkness followed her all of her life. Finally, one winter night, it drove her to the edge of her balcony, making her ask once and for all why anything mattered. At that moment everything she knew and believed was shattered. 0HQ·V5HDGLQJ*URXS April 2015 Big Russ and Me: Father and Son: Lessons of Life By Tim Russert Over two decades, before his death in 2008 at the age of 58, Tim Russert had become one of the most trusted and admired figures in American television journalism. Throughout his career he spent time with presidents and popes, world leaders and newsmakers, celebrities and sports heroes, but one person stood out to him in terms of his strength of character, modest grace and simple decency-Russert's dad, Big Russ. We appreciate your support of the Bookstore Ministry by making your book group purchases from us Recommended by Msgr. Connolly In words as wise as they are inspiring, Between the Dark and the Daylight, a new book by prolific author, Sister Joan Chittister, explores the concerns of modern life, of the overworked mind and hurting heart. These are the paradoxical--and often frustrating--moments when our lives feel at odds with everything around us. Only by embracing the contradictions, Chittister contends, may we live well amid stress, withstand emotional storms, and satisfy our yearnings for something transcendent and real. By delving into the chaos, this book guides us through the questions that seemed easier to avoid and enlightens what has been out of focus. PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 4 Fam Fa mily Church H llyy Family Holy F ly Church Ch h urchh cordi ddiaally ally lly invites invititetesess you oin us cordially cordia y ou to join jojoin foorr our our premier bbeennefefit efffitfiiitt ffor p remieer benefit benef Together,A Divine A l To All Al T Toge Together,All ogggeteththe her,A he r,Al A l Div All D Divi vin inne rday Saaturd atuurrda d y May M y 16, 16, 2015. 0 S Saturday Saturd day 220 01 A Divin Divine ine Ev Evening veni e ing en i g Together 5:00 pm Cocktails C & Silentt Auction 7:30 pm Dinner 8:30 8:3 30 pm Live Auctio Auction on 9:30 pm m Live Music & D Dancing ancing at Holy Family Church 1527 Fremont Avenue South Pasadena, CA 91030 91 1030 Complimentary Complimenta ar y Valet Parking on Rollin R Street H O LY FA M I LY H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 5 An Invitation What does active leadership look like in a dynamic 21st century parish like Holy Family Church? How do you begin to discern if you are called to parish leadership? And what do we mean by leadership? Pope Francis defined leadership in the following manner: “For God, ‘authority’ is always synonymous with service, humility, love. It means to enter into Jesus’ logic, one who bends down to wash the feet of the Apostles.” The notion of “leadership” can be intimidating. However, if we follow the logic of Pope Francis and the example of Jesus, we are all called to some form of leadership by virtue of our Christian baptism. Leadership means to serve each other as an act of Christian love. With the multiple ministries, five Commissions, and the Pastoral Council here at Holy Family there is a role for you. You are needed. Come and learn more about Leadership at Holy Family and what role you might fill in our leadership team. Please feel free to invite anyone in the parish who you think might have the gift or desire for parish leadership. This promises to be an interesting and dynamic event. Open Leadership Meeting Tuesday, April 28, 2015 7:00 to 8:00 pm Holy Family Church -Connolly Hall Please RSVP to Mary Schimmoller, Director of Volunteers, call: 626-403-6113 or e-mail: [email protected]. Cambria Tortorelli, Parish Life Director David Sanchez, Chair, Pastoral Council Oak Knoll Barber Shop Medical monitoring by professionals & RN’s Rehabilitation therapy MIKA• FullCOLOR Color to B / W PRINTING & GRAPHICS The Best Haircut In Town Since 1932 • Lithography & Digital Output • Custom Printed Plastic & Paper Bags 1615 Chelsea Road, San Marino, CA 91108 (323) 254-4116 TEL. • (323) 254-5303 FAX 626.282.6976 www.OakKnollBarbershop.com 6000 MONTEREY RD., HIGHLAND PARK OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & INFERTILITY SHAUN P. GRADY, M.D. DOROTHY C. HONG, M.D. CINDY H. CHOU, M.D. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. (Parishioners) (physical, speech, occupational) Coordination of discharge planning Wound care • Infusion therapy Home health aide • Home safety education Diabetic care • Medical social services We accept Medicare, Medi-CAL & private insurance plans. No out-of-pocket costs. 207 S. Santa Anita, Ste. 335 San Gabriel, CA 91776 147 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, CA 91024 SUZY TANASI, Parishioner, Director of Patient Care (626) 576-1214 (626) 355-3443 323.887.2883 • www.ERHomeHealth.com RODENT CONTROL SPECIALIST Following Jesus Every Day: Commercial/Residential Service 818-994-1700 • 888-644-BUGS (2847) 626-836-7000 GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • www.wlp.jspaluch.com/13182.htm PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Ben’s Barber Shop 444 Fair Oaks, South Pasadena $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee 626-441-6084 626-378-2887 Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] www.jspaluch.com Call David Le Brun 800.231.0805 BEARD HAIR ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Tues - Sat 6AM - 4PM 1014 Fair Oaks Ave. South Pasadena, CA 91030 www.swarthys.com Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1175 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. We have a Priest onboard almost every weekly departure with Holland America Cruise Line. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 288500 Holy Family Church (C) www.jspaluch.com an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner COMPUTER PROBLEMS? with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. On-Site Home & Office Repairs • Upgrades Troubleshooting • Installations Custom Computers Built Data Recovery • Speed Optimization Internet Problems • Error Correction Virus Removal Degreed, Experienced, Certified Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com (626) 792-7772 STATE FARM INSURANCE Marcia Bleifer • (626) 441-6700 1008 Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena Next to Wells Fargo • Lic. #0751482 Your ad could be in this space! Serving all areas Riverside County San Bernardino County Los Angeles County Orange County NILDA DELA CRUZ (626) 297-8520 www.hnchospice.com POLENZANI BENEFITS & INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, INDIVIDUAL HEALTH. MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS, LIFE AND DISABILITY LIC. #OG00839 (626) 792-4219 Find and Compare Assisted Living for FREE! • 100% FREE • Experience Care Advisors • We Answer Your Questions • 1 on 1 Personal Assistance Optimal Senior Living Choices for your Loved Ones Find Assisted Living Independent Living, Memory Care, And Senior Living Communities (909) 305-3475 [email protected] Helping families find Assisted Living, Memory Care and Home Care Call for FREE assistance 1-800-434-0324 A Free Community Service www.HomeForGrandma.com Frank J. Cunningham Senior Care Consultant ITALIAN FASHION SCHOOL LEARN: PATTERN MAKING, DRESSMAKING Life Insurance • Long Term Care • Retirement Products JEFF STOREY, FICF (626) 281-5572 or [email protected] AND TAILORING 18 N. M ENTOR AVENUE PASADENA, CA 626-319-9613 WWW.ITFSCHOOL.COM Available for Dine in Delivery or To Go. bucadibeppo.com Scott A. Hancock STATE LICENSED FD 341 Attorney At Law Probate.Estate Planning.Corporate & Business Law Real Estate 27 CHESTNUT STREET PASADENA, CA 91103 626-793-7159 • 323-681-0776 RECEPTION CENTER & CHAPEL 288500 Holy Family Church (B) Law Offices Of Snyder & Hancock, A professional Corporation 1112 Fair Oaks Avenue, South Pasadena, California 91030 Phone: (626) 799-7156 Facsimile (626) 799-7393 www.cabotandsonsfh.com SE HABLA ESPAÑOL In South Pasadena since 1940 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Tree & Landscape G d ar ening Service Since 1978 AFFORDABLY PRICED! • Weekly Service • New Lawns • Lighting • Clean Ups & Hauling • Ornamental Tree Pruning • Water Efficient Sprinklers & Drip Systems RUDY’S PLUMBING 626.460.8870 www.rudysplumbing.com (626) 359-0194 or 358-1490 (626) 398-6799 Local Parishioner Caring, Compassionate, Experienced Caregiver Light Housekeeping, Reliable, Dependable, Trustworthy 626-458-1805 626.390.0511 [email protected] SarahRogersEstates.com Professional Real Estate Services since 1994 Parishioner JOHN AAROE GROUP Keeping You In Control Of Your Finances Business Appraisals & Development Tax & Financial Planning Psychiatrist Specializing in the treatment of depression and anxiety Located in Old Town Pasadena 1414 Fair Oaks Ave., Ste 6 • South Pasadena, CA 91030 Parishioner [email protected] www.JGarciaMD.com SARAH ROGERS MBA, GRI, e-Pro BRE 01201812 VICTOR ROBINETTE, CPA, CFP, C.V.A. St. Lic. #917340 FREE ESTIMATES ST. LIC # 897989 C-27, D-49 (626) 799-4761 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal ANTI-AGING CREAM 626-379-2949 Cell 626-281-2324 Home Designed to be Lynda Harris [email protected] Stanislawski & Co., Inc. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS For Businesses and Individuals 626-441-0330 729 Mission Street al mpanion o Person Your Prayer C through 2030 Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com $39.95 FINNERMAN HOMES Senior Home Care • Light Housekeeping • Bonded and Insured • Errands and Shopping - Affordable Hourly Rates • Joyful Companionship - Up to 24-hour Care • Respect for Family - Meal Preparation • Personal Hygiene Serving Glendale • Pasadena • Surrounding Areas 818-549-1400 / 626-799-0872 / www.visitingangels.com Committed to South Pasadena & Its Neighbors DENNIS FINNERMAN REALTOR® Parishioner Vince Farhat, Parishioner • Personal • Professional • Positive Partner, Holland & Knight LLP THE FIRM REPRESENTS CLIENTS IN BUSINESS, REAL ESTATE, LITIGATION & GOVERNMENTAL LAW 213-896-2400 • www.hklaw.com I N T E R N A T I O N A L Gloria López Manager • Parishioner 119 West California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91105 Tel: (626) 796-4448 [email protected] www.protravelinternational.com [email protected] 888-FINNRMN (346-6766) 400 S. Hope St., L.A. 90071 www.finnermanhomes.com Mission is different today . . . . . . check us out with FREE VIDEO LOAN Write: Columban Fathers Box 10 St. Columbans, NE 68056 TO U R S , C R U I S E S , P I LG R I M A G E S Michael L. Tom Attorney at Law LIVING TRUSTS - WILLS - POWER OF ATTORNEY - FAMILY PLANNING PRENUPTS - POSTNUPTS - LEGAL DOCUMENTS • Will Travel 626.975.2064 [email protected] South Pasadena South Pasadena 940 East Main St., Alhambra, CA 91801 WWW.DARRELLDONE.COM REDEFINING REAL ESTATE Breakfast: 626.844.2255 Parishioner 288500 Holy Family Church (A) CABRE01233781 M-F 5:30 - 10:30 S & S 5:30 - 11:00 Lunch / Dinner: Until 11:30 pm (626) 799-9242 PASADENA • 600 S. LAKE AVE. #308 www.jspaluch.com Fine Foods & Celebrations Brasserie; Food Emporium Mon-Fri 7:00 - 6:30 Sat 8:00-5:00 2649 Mission St. San Marino (626) 441-2299 Parishioner free yogurt of equal value up to 10oz. Minimum 10oz. yogurt purcahse required. good only at menchie’s south pasadena menchie’s south pasadena 1040 mission st. south pasadena, ca 91030 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE POWERED BY iFaith If you are able to cover a spot that is not filled, please contact Erin Lima at [email protected] or 626/403-6143. WELCOME CENTER PODCASTING AND VIDEO STREAMING SUNDAY, APRIL 26 8:00 a.m. – Nancy Madden 9:30 a.m. – Franklin Villamil 11:15 a.m. – Benny Ramones 12:30 p.m. – Maria Demarzzo, Patricia Palmer Did you know that you can watch the Mass live from your computer? Go to http://www.holyfamily.org/podcasts-and-videos/ and watch our 9:30 and other special Masses live. Did you miss the gospel and homily? We have pod casts as well as video streaming on our web site. Please visit www.holyfamily.org and select “podcasts” or “Video Mass” from the menu on the right side of the home page. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS VIDEO MINISTRY If you would like to join our hardworking video ministry staff, please SATURDAY, APRIL 25 5:00 p.m. – Marty Carmack, Catherine Coleman, Kevin Coleman, Ana Cordero, give us a call at 626 403-6128. Carrie Diaz, Leo Dos Remedios, Diana Eshom, Henry Eshom SUNDAY, APRIL 26 VISIT OUR WEBSITE 6:30 a.m. –Wendy Abbate, Rich Morrissey, Anne Morrissey, 3 NOT FILLED It is more than just the Mass schedule! We have a 8:00 a.m. – Roxanne Basso, Kathleen Dooling, Laura Escobedo, Norma blog, an online prayer book, links to our Facebook Ferriols, Dora Lee, Margaret Morales, John Sanchez, NOT FILLED page, volunteer opportunities, information about 9:30 a.m. – Mary Rose Caras, Carol Chiodo, Diane Collison, Chris Conte, Karla Domier, Steve Domier, Rose Marie Martinez, David Motte, Toni Motte, Kathi Smithupcoming events, and more! 11:15 a.m. – Tina Forrestel, Ericka Giordano, Sally Hinckley, Cecilia Kappos, Linda Lim, Teri Nash, Karen Noyes, Joni Valencia-Magat LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! 12:45 p.m. –Carolina Cisneros, Haeya Kim, Ron Mutuc, Warren Romberger, Libby Vracin, 3 NOT FILLED Go to: http://www.facebook.com /holy.family.south.pasadena 5:30 p.m. – Rhonda Anawalt, Angela Fernandez, Matthew Fernandez, Bergen Onufer, Margit Onufer, Paul Onufer, Jaime Sullivan, Leon Victor, Dayna Victor, NOT FILLED LECTOR SATURDAY, APRIL 25 5:00 p.m. – Lorraine Garcia, Roland Simpson SUNDAY, APRIL 26 6:30 a.m. – Ernest Arboles, Vince Tricarico 8:00 a.m. – Rob Figel, Ben Handelman 9:30 a.m. – Vic Robinette, Rick Ursitti 11:15 a.m. – Kerry O'Hara, Jeff Rollert 12:45 p.m. –Bernice Hernandez, Helen Pekny 5:30 p.m. – Danny House, Christopher Warren ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, APRIL 25 5:00 p.m. – Alyssa Adriano, Kayla Adriano, Emily Casciani, Felix Diaz SUNDAY, APRIL 26 6:30 a.m. –Cicero Aschieris, Joseph Broderick, Peter Evans, Lucas Filippone, Teddy Terrill 8:00 a.m. – John Hoffman, Katherine Hoffman, Devin Panconi, Francesca Puccinelli 9:30 a.m. –John Paul Freese, Jocelyn Matranga, Amanda Wagner, Erik Wagner 11:15 a.m. – Giovanni Butteri, Charlie Casani, Tharon Garber, Joan Giordano 12:45 p.m. –Madeleine Brousseau, Bridget Byrne, Emma Condit, Matthew Dannemann 5:30 p.m. –David Anawalt, Daniel Fernandez, Thomas Mix, Charles Ward, Trevor Ward HOSPITALITY MINISTER YOU TUBE We have a You Tube Channel!!! Visit us at http://www.youtube.com/user/holyfamilyvideo. On this channel we feature the homilies from our 9:30 masses. Tell your friends and subscribe! INSTAGRAM COMING SOON! We are launching our our Holy Family Instagram. Are you an Instagrammer? Know someone who is? Would you like to help? We are looking for IG savvy teens & adults. Eligible for service hours! Please contact Karen Whitney at [email protected] or 626.403.6108. Thanks! UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS THE YEAR AHEAD Girl Scout Pancake Breakfast April 19 Confirmation April 29 Auction May 16 Teen Mission Trip to Grenada June 13-20 SATURDAY, APRIL 25 5:00 p.m. –Mary Miasnik, Janet Moore, Judy Skitek SUNDAY, APRIL 26 8:00 a.m. –Judi Schwab 9:30 a.m. –Oralia Gomez, Ana Maria Nicholls (Gutierrez), Kevin Randall, Diane Sternal 11:15 a.m. –Fran Buckingham, Matt Gardner, Patricia Lomeli, Lydia Zeigler To schedule or cancel an event on the master calendar, please contact Camille, 626/403-6107 or [email protected]. 19 DISCIPLE’S REFLECTION CALL TO PRAYER Begin by calling upon God: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Let us pause for a moment, and listen attentively to this week’s passage. THE WORD OF GOD Luke 24: 35-48 The two disciples recounted what had taken place on the way, and how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread. While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” But they were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost. Then he said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.” And as he said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. While they were still incredulous for joy and were amazed, he asked them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of baked fish; he took it and ate it in front of them. He said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. And he said to them, “Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.” FAITH SHARING Children: The disciples thought Jesus was a ghost when he came to them in the room. But then He asked them for something to eat. Do ghosts eat? If you were there and watched Jesus eat a piece of fish would you have believed He was raised from the dead? Why? Teens: The disciples needed to see and hear Jesus before they would truly believe in His resurrection. Do you believe in the resurrection without having seen Jesus personally? If you are in doubt, at Mass today ask Jesus to open your eyes so that you can see God’s plan more clearly. Once you see and understand God’s plan, how will you help others to know and understand it? Adults: Jesus explains to the disciples in the room how everything that happened to Him was meant to be as it had been foretold in Scripture, in order that the disciples would believe that He had risen from the dead. We can’t sit in a room with Jesus as the disciples did, so how have you come to believe that Jesus was resurrected to save us from our sins and bring us the promise of eternal life? In grace: At the end of today’s Gospel, Jesus states to the disciples that “they are witnesses” to God’s plan regarding the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Their mission has become to spread this message to all people. Are we also charged with the same mission? The second reading tells us that we must keep Jesus’ commandments – to love God, and to love one another unconditionally. How can you carry that message today to just one other person? Or more, if you want! GOSPEL WORD SEARCH P R O P H E T S E S M O S E S N C D J N F O R G I V E N E S S B K R S Q B E O E P U T T A S N L E C A E P S P R Y T Y T F S E S H N P Y S U O L U D E R C N I T AMAZED ANYTHING ARISE BREAD BREAKING CHRIST DISCIPLES EAT FEET POPE FRANCIS ON CARING FOR CREATION FISH This coming Wednesday, April 22nd, we celebrate Earth Day, marking the 45th FORGIVENESS anniversary of the modern environmental movement which began in 1970. HANDS From the beginning of his Papacy, Pope Francis has pledged to make the environ- HEARTS ment a priority. He has spoken numerous times about the importance of caring for creation, and is planning to release an encyclical on ecology in June or July of this year. His hopes are that it will be read and absorbed prior to the next round of climate change negotiations, which will open in Paris in November. Environmentalists are hopeful that Francis’ encyclical will be a spring-board for the talks, as well as his scheduled speaking engagement at the United Nations in New York in September. In his audience on May 21, 2014, Francis called on all Christians to become “Custodians of Creation”, and argued that respect for the “beauty of nature and the grandeur of the cosmos” is a Christian value, also going so far as to say that failure to care for the planet risks apocalyptic consequences. “Creation is not a property, which we can rule over at will; or, even less, is the property of only a few: Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has given us, so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all, always with great respect and gratitude”. He also stated that humanity’s destruction of the planet is a sinful act. “Safeguard Creation, because if we destroy Creation, Creation will destroy us! Never forget this!” On April 22, 2013, in his meeting with the President of Ecuador, the Pope stated, “Take good care of Creation. St. Francis wanted that. People occasionally forgive, but nature never does. If we don’t take care of the environment, there’s no way of getting around it.” I E A O D I Y U L N A M G A A D A U W I F M W L C I S T H I P Z K M K A R O H R L E I S M E M I H A R I O A I E I C S W D B I M J S X E X I N A X Z N R S E I S K D S T R A E H A G N D M E G B E R F R S N O I T S E U Q T W G S D C H R I S T INCREDULOUS JESUS JOY MIDST MOSES PEACE PROPHETS PSALMS QUESTIONS RECOUNTED SHOWED SPEAKING WRITTEN 20
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