May 31, 2015 1 Feast of Most Holy Trinity W Gavin Paul Millon, Clare Karl & Mary Lindsay, Mark Campbell, E William & Bertha Owen, Christine Owen, Dennis Owen, Deceased Members of Gerwolds Family, Edwin Schodorf, Jacob When we PRAY R Spolarich, Andrew Donnelly, God hears more Mafalda & Angelo than we say, E Vallecorsa, MacDonald & answers more than we ask, Fedewa Families, BernalDino gives more M Carrasco, Christiana than we imagine. Carrasco (baby), Hal Harper, in His own time & His own way. E Peter & Pearl Joy, Deceased M Members of the Jobbagy Family, Margaret Schopieray, Carl B Schopieray, Families of C.H. Gibbs, Gerald Berryman, James Ceno, The Racine Family, The Luokka Family, E Departed relatives, friends, benefactors & holy souls of M. W R Sabong & M. Singson, Joseph, Tracy, & Thomas Rothley, E Vicky Jardenil, Jack Sharp, Abelardo Jardenil, Timothy D. Roche, Deceased Members of the Wright & Foss Family, Ann Selke, Deceased Members of the Malinich Family, Beeler Family, Stanley F. Nemecek, Tony Tomassilli, Guadalupe Trujillo, Thomas B Joseph Newcomb Sr. & Thomas Joseph Newcomb, Jr., Joseph Michael Newcomb, Harold Hood, Josephine & John Hood, Isabel E & Fred Hood, Deceased Members of Bienlein, McAuliffe, Frisbie, Major, & Rowland Families, Deceased Members of the Garrett & L Schmitt Families, Dinilo & Florence Bonani, Rudolph & Adeline I Polakiewicz, Deceased Members of Bede & Wodwaski Families, Jacqueline Withey & Intentions of Duane Withey, Rosemary E Walker, Members of Marchesi & Walton Families, Stephen & V Mary Behil, Anthony Skipper, Deceased Members of Myers & Fortune Families, Tom & Ida Woycik & Family E HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH 1227 East Bristol Road, Burton, Michigan, 48529 810.743.3050 Holy Redeemer, Burton 2 810.743.3050 May 31, 2015 – The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Dt 4: 32-34, 39-40; Ps 33: 4-6, 9, 18-20, 22; Rom 8: 14-17; Mt 28: 16-20 Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. It is worth reviewing what a “Solemnity” is to us. In our Church year a Solemnity is the highest-ranking Holy Day possible, followed by a Feast and then a Memorial. Although we may not perceive it, the word “solemnity” comes from the Latin word for “festival.” The most important events on our Church calendar are “Solemnities.” All Solemnities are not Holy Days of Obligation, but those like Holy Trinity Sunday that always occur on Sunday are indeed Holy Days of Obligation. The Holy Trinity was firmly established in the Bible, even in Genesis. Throughout the Old Testament God refers to Himself in both the singular and plural. In fact, in Genesis He declares “Let us make man in our image.” Note both the “us” and the “our.” Nevertheless, these semantical supports are secondary to the reality of the Holy Trinity as explicated and explained in our readings for this Holy Day. St. Athanasius, who lived in the 300s, said “We acknowledge the Trinity, Holy and perfect, to consist of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is a wholly creative and energizing reality, self confident and undivided in its active power. Accordingly, in the Church, one God is preached, one God who is above all things and through all things and in all things.” Our first reading from the Book of Deuteronomy speaks of our need to serve God. Moses tells the people, “The Lord is God in the heavens above and on the earth below, and there is no other.” This is the preface to our understanding and belief in the Holy Trinity. In the second reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, Paul makes the point that we are all children of God if we are “led by the Spirit of God.” It is the Triune God who leads us through the Holy Spirit to repentance, to truth, to love, to holiness, to stewardship. It is through pursuing this life in the Spirit that we are able to serve God and one another. The Gospel from Matthew, even though not lengthy, contains Jesus’ complete call to us to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Disciples are made through teaching and through conversion. To be a Christian steward involves a conversion of the heart and mind. As indicated in our U.S. Bishops Pastoral Letter on Stewardship, “Jesus’ call is urgent. He does not tell us to follow Him at some point in the future but here and now, at the moment, in our present circumstances.” The Bishops later say in that letter, “The life of a Christian Steward, lived in imitation of the life of Christ, is challenging, even difficult in many ways. But both here and hereafter it is charged with intense joy.” On this day when we glory in the Holy Trinity, when we again declare, “I believe,” we need to commit ourselves to our Triune God; we need to answer the call to discipleship and stewardship. We need to be generous out of love. Jesus sends us, guides us, and empowers us. Catholic Stewardship Reflection Feast of the Holy Trinity “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…” - Romans 8:16-17 If we are heirs to the kingdom of God, shouldn’t we work to build up His kingdom? Shouldn’t we be good stewards of our inheritance, using our time, talent and treasure to care for the Church that God has left to us? Our Church is a treasured heirloom from God. Do we treat it that way? source unknown May 31, 2015 3 Feast of Most Holy Trinity ATTENTION ALL 2015 GRADUATES! Sunday, June 7, 2015 at the 5:00p.m. Mass We will be honoring all Graduates. Please try to be here! We are proud of all of you ! Summer Bible School will take place the week of June 22-25 in the school at Holy Redeemer. If you would like to help as a teen leader or adult leader this year please call: Marlo in the Religious Education office at 810 742-9460 or Paul at 810-240-7879. It is a lot of fun and the children have such a great time, so plan to help out this year. You will be glad you did. If you have a child/children who wish to attend, please call Marlo or Paul. Class of 2016 High School Seniors / College Seniors and Parent’s You are invited to Ave Fest 2015 Hosted by Tom Monaghan Thurs, June 25, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Join us for a Summer Picnic & Learn about Generous Scholarship Opportunities at the Monaghan Residence in Ann Arbor Ave Maria School of Law Michigan Full-Tuition Scholarship & Generous 1st yr stipend Ave Maria University AMU Southeast MI Diocesan Scholarship $28,000 over 4 yrs For more information, visit PARISHIONERS WHO HAVE DIED THIS WEEK Stephanie Priess ( Deacon Ken’s Mother) May 27, 2015 John Gach May 30,2015 Larry McCown Arrangements Pending (Dates reflect the date of the funeral service) Church Festival: Remember the CCW is heading the book and bake sales at the church festival. All moneys collected go directly to the parish and all members of the parish are encouraged to help. Used books and CD's can be dropped off at the church office. (Please no text books or encyclopedias.) Baked goods can be dropped off at the FLC on the morning of May 30th. Please have the baked goods wrapped up ready to sell, and labeled. (Please include if they contain any common allergens: nuts, peanuts, etc.) MEMORIAL CANDLES WEEK OF May 30, 2015 Anna M. Meraglio by Your Family Catholic Charities welcome you to visit the Shrine to Mary Queen of the Golden Heart in their courtyard, behind what was once St. Michael‘s Convent at 901 Chippewa Street. The shrine has recently been restored to its original location. For more information, or to volunteer to become a Mary Garden Volunteer: or to reserve for an event, please call 810.232.9950, ext.228/325 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY… “The bathroom scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That’s it. It cannot measure your beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength of your love” Author Unknown. Holy Redeemer, Burton 4 810.743.3050 Mass Intentions for the Week of May 30 The Week Ahead in our Parish Sunday 700p.m. Monday 6:00p.m. Tuesday 6:00p.m. 6:15p.m. 7:30p.m. Wednesday 5:00p.m. Thursday 6:30p.m. 6:30p.m. 7:30p.m. Friday 7:00p.m. Saturday 8:00a.m. Sunday May 31, 2015 Last day of Festival Grand Prize Drawing June 1 Divine Mercy #4 Convent Rm. 104 June 2 Cursillo - Convent Rm. 104 Prayer Shawl Ministry Convent Dining Room K of C - Family Life Center June 3 St. Vincent de Paul - Convent Room 104 June 4 Choir Practice Women Divine Mercy #2 4th Degree K of C - Family Life Center June 5 Praise & Adoration - Church June 6 St. Joseph Covenant Keepers June 7 May 30 TRINITY SUNDA Anniversary of Death, Dr. William Henige by Wife, Rita Sunday May 31 9:00a.m. Dante & Catherine Ragnone by Children 11:00a.m. Intentions of the Parish 5:00p.m. 2015 Graduate Mass Monday June 1 8:30a.m. Rita Christenson by Maureen Bates Tuesday June 2 8:30a.m. Carlo Lubiato by Dwight & Pat Thomas Wednesday June 3 6:30p.m. Peter & Helen Lengyel by Dave Lengyel Thursday June 4 8:30a.m. 2nd Anniversary, Rogelio Luna, Sr. by Luna Family Friday June 5 First Friday 8:30a.m. First Friday Intentions Saturday June 6 First Saturday 5:00p.m Intentions of the Parish Sunday June 7 9:00p.m. Living & Deceased Members of CCW 11:00p.m. Edwin & Dona O’Brien , Wedding Anniversary by Popadich & Gates Family 5:00p.m. Robert Ragnon by Julie Vanivelt Saturday 5:00p.m. Readings for the Week of May 31 Sunday The Most Holy Trinity Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33; Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 Monday Saint Justin, Martyr Tb 1:3, 2:1b-8; Ps 112; Mk 12:1-12 Justin travelled to Greece, Egypt, & Italy, gaining many to Christ. At Rome he sealed his testimony with his blood, surrounded by his disciples . "Do you think," the prefect said to Justin, "that by dying you will enter heaven, & be rewarded by God?" "I do not think," was Justin’s answer; "I know." Tuesday Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs Tb 2:9-14; Ps 112; Mk 12:13-17 Little is known about the two martyrs' lives. Marcellinus, a priest, & Peter, an exorcist, died in the year 304, during the Diocletianic Persecution. Pope Damasus I claimed that he heard the story of these two martyrs from their executioner who became a Christian after their deaths. Damasus' account is the oldest source concerning these two martyrs. Wednesday Saint Charles Lwanga & Companions & Martyrs Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Ps 25; Mk 12:18-27 One of 22 Ugandan martyrs, Charles Lwanga is the patron of youth and Catholic action in most of tropical Africa. He protected his fellow pages (aged 13 to 30) from the homosexual demands of the Bagandan ruler .When Missionaries returned after King Mwanga's death, they found five hundred Christians and one thousand catchumens waiting for them. (without priests or educators). The twenty-two Catholic martyrs of the Uganda persecution were canonized. Thursday Tb 6:10-11, 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a; Ps 128;Mk 12:28-34 Friday Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr Tb 11:5-17; Ps 146; Mk 12:35-37 He is the patron saint of Germany, the first archbishop of Mainz and the "Apostle of the Germans". He became such a well-known teacher that students circulated notes from his classes. Patron of brewers; Fulda; Germany; World Youth Day Saturday Saint Norbert, Bishop Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20; Tb 13; Mk 12:38-44 A sudden flash of lightning split the dark & his horse bucked, throwing Norbert to the ground. When he awoke his first words were, "Lord, what do you want me to do?" God’s response , "Turn from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it." Liturgical Ministers: June 6 & June 7 5:00p.m. Liturgy for Saturday, June 6 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson Mass Captain: Allan Karl Lectors #1: Dorothy Grizzle, #2: Kathy Bede Eucharistic Ministers: Vita Guajardo, Deborah Irvin, Judy Perkins, Dottie Pillen, Larry Pillen, Fran Rowland, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: Jackson Doyle, Garrett Snider, Meaghan Snider 9:00a.m. Liturgy for Sunday, June 7 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson Mass Captain: Raymond Ranville Lectors: #1: Elaine Campbell, #2: Dinia Fox Eucharistic Ministers: Barb Butler, Jim Butler, Thao Paris, Jon Paris, Connie Ranville, Juliann Voiles, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: Patrick LeBlanc, Joshua Sherman, Michael Sherman 11:00a.m. Liturgy for Sunday, June 7 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson There will be an Interpreter at this Mass Mass Captain: Judith Peto Lectors: #1:Annette Cook, #2: Dennis Kutchey Eucharistic Ministers: Karen Barnes, Matt Howe, Monica Howe, John Mott, Robert Neumann, Joe Wargo, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: Kathleen Bradford, Jake Bradford, Thomas LeBlanc 5:00p.m. Liturgy for Sunday June 7 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson Mass Captain: Cathy Adamson Lectors: #1: Paula Androsky, #2: Keith Williams Eucharistic Ministers: Tony Androsky, Laura Fulco, Gabriella Garland, Paula Paul, Kevin Pilon, Vickie Sturges, Steve Clark, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: Anna Hill, John Hill, Abbey Pinder May 31, 2015 5 First Saturday MORNING OF PRAYER AND REPARATION FOR WORLD PEACE The World Apostolate of Fatima Diocesan Morning of Prayer and Reparation for World Peace will be held at Holy Rosary Parish, 5199 Richfield Road, Flint on June 6, 2015 at 9:00a.m. The morning will include Divine Liturgy, Investiture in the Brown Scapular, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Hour of Prayer and Rosary. Please call Suzanne at 810.742.0773 with any questions or concerns. THANK YOU! As this bulletin goes to the publisher, the Festival set up is being completed. We would like to take this opportunity to thank ALL Volunteers and Sponsors who have given their time, money & talent to make this fundraiser a success. We also pray that everyone attending will have a wonderful time, and experience fellowship with our community and parishioners. SEE YOU ON THE MIDWAY! Feast of Most Holy Trinity Holy Family Catholic School in Grand Blanc is accepting resumes for two full-time 5th/6th grade teachers and a full-time kindergarten teacher. Candidates should be practicing Catholics and possess a valid Michigan Teaching certificate. A cover letter, references, resume, and copy of a Michigan teaching certificate should be emailed to [email protected]. Deadline is Friday, June 5, 2015. St. Mary, N. Franklin Ave., Flint, is looking for an organist/pianist to provide music accompaniment Saturday Evening & Sunday Morning. One weekly rehearsal is required from September through June for Choir Practice. Extra rehearsals Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Holy Week (with additional compensation) Call Joe Darnell at 810.577.6154 for details and interview. St. Pius X Catholic School in Flint is accepting resumes for an upper elementary school position in Language Arts and English at the 5th through 8th grade level. We are looking for a faith-filled and energetic person who is self-motivated and loves working with children. Applicant should be a practicing Catholic, and hold a valid elementary Michigan certification. Successful candidates must be enthusiastic, hardworking, and possess strong communication skills with students, parents, and staff alike. The ideal applicant will be a teacher who is able to embrace enrollment management initiatives, differentiate curriculum, and use technology as a tool to enhance their teaching through Smart boards, laptops, and iPads. Interested candidates can email their cover letter, resume, and a minimum of 2-3 letters of recommendation [email protected]. Applications will be accepted through *Wednesday, June 10, 2015. R.J. Kaplan, St. Pius X Principal New Calvary Cemetery in Flint would like to hire a seasonal groundskeeper throughout the summer. The position may work up to 40 hours per week depending on the vacation schedules and the current workload. Anyone interests may contact: Karen Beamer, Cemetery Manager at 810.732.2620 or email : [email protected] Holy Redeemer, Burton 6 Prayers for Those in Need of Healing Christine Ackerman Sherry Adams Cindy Anderson Marvin Anderson Fr. Ron Anderson Tyler Arwood Edna Azanza Nick Abbott Jerry Amrich Mark Anthony Mike Ames Joy Baker Frank Bajus Marilyn Bartkowiak Suzanne Berry Pat Blais Aline Bourque Jose & Amelia Brao Char Bratton Peggy Brown Gary Burger Carol Linda Callahan Linda Carroll Steve Carroll Ruth Cassidy Donald Chevalier Gerry Chisholm Chris Vi Clark Dee Cooke Pamela Cooper Crystal Corcoran Jacob Anthony Corsi Jeannine Crowder Jolene Dean Andrea Desmarias Ken Dillon Patrick Donoghue Jim Dryfuse Betty Dziczek Cecelia Eagan Ed Ecker Fred Fabris Catherine Fechik Chris & Ray Fejedelem Nancy Folaron Fila & Family Ruth Flint Patricia Foster Ed Giedrojc Madeline Graham Teresa Grant Lois Grizzle Ignacio Guerra, Sr. Robert Guiles Julia Haynes Margaret Head Maurice Hollis Stefanie Hopkins Christopher Humble Cherie Kelly-Hunter Beverly Johnson Pamela Johnson Tammy Joubran Chris July Shirley Kage Kayla Kamego Kotarski Boys Phyllis Kotowicz Barbara Klauss Peter Kurncs Constance Kutchey Katherine LaVanway Norah Leitz Dianne Lewis Madison Lewis Jill Lich Rosa Lopez Gregoria Luna Jr Jerry Lynch William Malinich Louise Mallette Micheal Marshall Sue Marshall Donna Marzonie Larry McCowan Shayla Merinsky Janet Metz Brenda Miller Irene Morgan Robert Neumann Shirley Neminski Melissa Newcomb Norman & Virginia Neustedt Ella Ocampo Leo Olivo Ed Osorio Jayden Osorio Katherine Pacyne Chris Palid Joseph Palid Brett Piggott Renee Pillen Brad Pilon Mark Pilon Art Pratt Mikey Raborne Veronica Raborne Douglas Racine Jean Rao Christine Rejniak Larry Rejniak Ruth Richards Sophia Rider John Rubel Craig Robbins Theresa Robbins Carolina Robinson Joan Roche Neal Roche Jr. John Rubel Wray Russ Mila Sabong Robert Scanlon Sr Deborah Scott Jessica Scott Jane Sessions Corazon Singson Eddie Skoczylas Pam Skoczylas Helen M. Smith Kelsey Smith Eric Snyder Brenda Taylor Doris Thompson Chris Thornton Courtney Thornton & Baby Shirley Thornton Donald Venturino Dale Walters Geraldine Walters Jean Wargo Sharon Weeden Angie Weston Sharon White Cohen Witten Margaret Wilson Barb Winfield Deanne Woody Mary Zuwala ALTAR CARE TEAM SCHEDULE Team A Team B Team C June 6 June 13 June 20 810.743.3050 STEWARDSHIP FOR May 24, 2015 Sunday Weekly Tithing: Envelopes: Loose: Total: $ 12,710.00 994.00 $ 13,704.00 75th Anniversary Trivia Did You Know? Since becoming a parish, Holy Redeemer has had 8 Pastors, 4 Administrator, 44 Pastoral Associates, 6 Transitional Deacons, 3 Permanent Deacons and 4 Pastoral Ministers. WE, AS A PARISH, HAVE BEEN BLESSED. Parish Directory Office: (810) 743-3050 Fax: (810) 743-4381 website: Eucharistic Liturgies Saturday, 5:00p.m. Sunday, 9:00a.m., 11:00a.m., 5:00p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30a.m. Wednesday, 6:30p.m. Anointing of the Sick First Thursday Mass at 8:30a.m. Reconciliation Friday, 8:00a.m. Saturday, 4:00p.m. Fr. Steve Anderson, Pastor [email protected] Deacon Kenneth Preiss, (810) 244-1691 [email protected] Paul Schlegelmilch, (810) 240-7879 Pastoral Associate & Director Religious Education [email protected] Ken Jubar, Business Manager, (810) 244-1683 [email protected] Fran Rowland, Office Manager & Bulletin Editor (810) 244-1681, [email protected] Emily Arthur (810) 244-1687 RCIA & Adult Faith Formation, [email protected] Daniel Schmit, (810) 244-1685 Youth Minister & Director of Music [email protected] Nancy Elledge, Bookkeeper, (810) 244-1684 [email protected] Beth Clark, Assistant Bookkeeper (810) 244-1692 [email protected] Patricia Weatherly, (810) 244-1695 [email protected] Sharon Webster, Outreach, (810) 743-8530 [email protected] Bill Beem (810) 275-2269 Family Life Center Rentals
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