March 29, 2015 Church of the Most Holy Trinity 1460 Ridge Road Webster, New York 14580 (585)265-1616 Fax 265-1627 (website) (email) [email protected] Join us for Holy Week EASTER VIGIL: 8:00 pm. (Below you will find a description of the Triduum) HOLY THURSDAY OR MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER: 7:00 pm. With this Mass, begins the Easter Triduum. The Church recalls the Last Supper, when Jesus on the night He was betrayed, displays His love for His disciples (and us) by giving them His Body and Blood, under the species of bread and wine. He commands the apostles to perpetuate this offering, the Eucharist. In this liturgy, through the signs and sacraments of this Mass, we remember that Christ accomplished three major objectives: He instituted the Eucharist; he instituted the priesthood; and He commanded us all to love our brothers and sisters. The Eucharist is celebrated. GOOD FRIDAY OR PASSION OF THE LORD: 3:00 pm. This is a day of strict fast and abstinence. Its liturgy begins and ends in silence. Decorations in the church are sparse. The church is meditating on the Passion of the Lord. Celebration takes place in the afternoon. When the priest and ministers enter, they do so in silence without any singing. A significant part of this liturgy is veneration of the cross, when each person is invited to move up to a cross of wood, displayed or held up for this purpose, and either kiss it, bow or touch it reverently. Usually the cross that is adored is not a crucifix, (with a body on it) because the church is not looking at just a moment in history, and because the acclamation is, “Behold the wood of the Cross.” Holy Communion, which had been consecrated on Holy Thursday is distributed. When postCommunion prayers are completed, the people and ministers leave in silence, with no dismissal or formal ending. The cross itself is left in the church for meditation on the Paschal mystery (Christ’s cross and resurrection). For many people, this is the favorite liturgy of the year. It commemorates the Holy Night when Jesus rose from the dead. This symbol-packed liturgy, which does not take place until nightfall, is full of excitement. The church awaits the Resurrection. The sacrament of initiation (of entrance into the church) is distributed to the catechumens who have been studying and preparing for months for this joyful acceptance by the church. People assemble in church in darkness. At the appointed time they hear the Easter proclamation. Then they participate in the service of the light. A fire is started, preferably outside, but sometimes in a grill within the church, and the paschal candle, representing Christ, is blessed and lighted. A procession into the church is led by the light of the paschal candle. From this candle the small candles held by the people in the pews are also lit, one by one, until the church is a beautiful picture of candles brightening the darkness. During the procession, the “Light of God” is proclaimed and the people respond with, “Thanks be to God.” The implied message is: just as the children of Israel were guided at night by the pillar of fire, similarly Christians follow the risen Christ. The people hear seven readings from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament, all telling of the wonderful works of God. When the “Gloria” is sung, candles on or near the altar are lit, lights are turned on, and church bells are rung to ring out to the world the good news. A homily follows the joyful reading of the Gospel. Excitement intensifies for those who have been waiting to be initiated into the church. Water is blessed by the celebrant by plunging the paschal candle into the water once or three times. The assembly recites the profession of faith, and catechumens are baptized. Standing, the assembly renews its baptismal vows, and is sprinkled with water. The celebration of Eucharist follows. As people leave this uplifting liturgy, they greet each other with “Happy Easter” and smiles of joy. Our Mission We are a Catholic faith community blessed with the joy of God’s love. Together we share this love with all who hunger for God’s presence in their lives. We follow Christ who taught us to find God by giving our lives in service to others and gathering to celebrate a Eucharist that welcomes everyone. Join us on this journey! Page Two Holy Trinity Church, Webster, New York SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Satur day (vigil) 5:00 pm., Sunday 8:30, and 10:30 am. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Call Mar y Haas, Dir ector of Faith Formation at 265-4750. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Satur days fr om 4:00 to 4:45 pm. or by appointment with a priest. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Ar r angements for mar riage for registered parishioners must be made at least 6 months in advance through the Parish Office. Engaged Encounter or Pre-Cana sessions are required, along with FOCCUS inventory. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: The Euchar ist and Sacr amental Anointing are available to the homebound and those in need. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements. HOSPITAL VISITS: Please call the Par ish Office in advance, if possible. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Thur sday 7:00 - 8:00 pm. NEW MEMBERS: We welcome new member s! Please introduce yourself after Mass to the Pastor and stop by the Parish Office to register. Members moving to another parish, changing address or phone numbers, please notify the Parish Office promptly. FAITH FORMATION: Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday mor ning dur ing the 10:30 am. Mass. (September-June) Religious Education Classes Sundays 9:30 - 10:20 am. for Grades 1 - 5 or Summer Program for Gr ades K - 8 - Last 2 weeks of July. Bavarian Verein Alpengrum March 29, 2015 Life Long Faith Formation YOUTH MINISTRY “LIVING OUR FAITH” Middle School Program (Grades 6-8) Tuesday evenings, 6:45 – 8:15. 8th Graders in the First Year of Confirmation preparation meet in this group. Senior High Youth Ministry (Grades 9-12) Sundays, 11:30 am. - 1:30 pm. in the Youth Room. High school students in Confirmation preparation meet at this time. ***Upcoming Youth Events*** MONASTERY ROAD TRIP with Fr. Tim and Anthony! April 19: Leave Mur phy Hall 9:00 am. Senior High Youth Retreat at Abbey of the Genesee Take a road trip. Join other students who want to grow closer to God in a beautiful location. And besides, there’s Monks! Cost: $15 per youth/ $20 per family; Lunch will be provided. Contact Anthony Klosterman for details. On April 11th the Bavarian Verein Alpengrum will sponsor a Bavarian Night at Holy Trinity. This non-profit group began in Rochester to enable immigrants to retain their culture in a new country and continues to this day. All questions regarding Youth Ministry or Confirmation Preparation should be directed to Anthony Klosterman @ 265-1616x311 or [email protected] The doors of Murphy Hall will open at 6:00 pm. and the Almdudler Trio will begin playing at 7:00 pm. Bavarian Folk Dancers will provide the entertainment and Swans’ Meat Market will be the caterer. Tickets are $8.00 for adults, $5.00 for students and children under 13 are free. FROM THE FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Lent is a time to reflect on our relationship with God. We are called to focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in our Lenten stewardship. If we give according to God’s principles, God will give back to us. The young man, who gave his loaves and fishes to help feed the multitude, didn’t have to go without dinner. Some important dates to put on your calendars NOW! Stewardship reminds us to count our blessings, acknowledge God’s gifts to us and express thanks to God by a proportionate giving of our time, talent and treasure. “God can multiply His favors among you so that you may always have enough of everything and even a surplus of good works.” (II Corinthians 9:8) The decision to give has not so much to do with calendars and budgets. Rather, the decision to give is really a matter of putting your life with God into perspective. Stewardship is God’s invitation to a way of life. It helps us to overcome our selfishness and love of things. Tuesday, April 7 – ALL THOSE IN GRADE 2 BEGIN TO PREPARE FOR FIRST COMMUNION Tuesday, April 21 – Meeting for Parents ONLY – First Communion Preparation Tuesday, April 28 – Meeting for Parents ONLY – First Communion Preparation Wednesday, April 29 – CONFIRMATION @ Sacred Heart Cathedral Saturday, May 2 – FIRST COMMUNION RETREAT, 10:00 am. – Noon Saturday, May 9 – RECEPTION OF FIRST COMMUNION – 11:00 am. Saturday, May 16 – RECEPTION OF FIRST COMMUNION – 11:00 am. JULY 20 – 31, 2015 – SUMMER INTENSIVE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM VBS – COMING IN AUGUST, 2015 – DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED! Page Three Holy Trinity Church, Webster, New York Scripture Readings for the Palm Sunday First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24 Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11 Gospel: Mark 14:1-15:47 Please Remember in Prayer Our Beloved Dead Peter Hoysic, father of Janice Hoysic; and those who mourn for him. Altar Candles will burn this week for the following special intentions. The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in loving memory of Sean Curran, req. Don and Derena Turner. Our Blessed Mother’s Altar Candle will bur n for the special intentions of Mary Ann Penlon. St. Joseph’s Altar Candle will bur n for the special intentions of Jim Alessi, req. Legion of Mary If you would like a candle in memory of a loved one or for special intentions, please call the parish office. A REMINDER: If you need a devotional candle lit immediately for a loved one, a special occasion, or special intentions, you are invited to light the small votives that are on the side altars of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. They will burn for about 4-5 hours. Blessing of Easter Food On Holy Saturday at 11:00 am, we will have the traditional Blessing of Easter Food Baskets in the Gathering Space. Holy Saturday begins the transition from the sorrow of Lent, reflective of the sufferings of the Passion and Crucifixion, to the joy of Easter, anticipating the Resurrection and Redemption. Perhaps the first sign of this transition is the traditional blessing of food and delicacies to be eaten at the Easter feast. All are invited to attend this special Easter tradition! Parish Office Closed The Parish Office will be closed on Friday, April 3, in observance of Good Friday. The staff of Holy Trinity wishes everyone a holy and blessed Easter time! Removal of all Wreaths in Cemetery Reminder: All wreaths need to be removed from the cemetery, as soon as the snow and cold are gone, especially before Easter...Thank you. March 29, 2015 The Way of the Cross Usually known as the Stations of the Cross 14 representations of the sufferings of Christ on His way to Calvary as a pious imitation of the pilgrims who traveled to the Holy Land Became widespread in the 12th and 13th centuries as many veterans of the Crusades returned home The Franciscans assumed custody of holy places in 1342 and took control of this devotion Plenary indulgence, i.e., removal of all temporal punishment for all of our sins up to that point in our life, each time we make the Way of the Cross with a contrite heart It's Okay to Be Human . . . An important theme of the Lenten season is the humanity of Christ. In Jesus, God became human and fully experienced the wide range of emotions we all encounter in life. Jesus experienced times of loneliness, sadness, hurt, anger, disappointment, grief and abandonment. That is part of being human. Another part of being human is needing help from each other. God never intended for us to be completely self-sufficient. Part of God's plan is for each of us to turn to others for help when we need it. So, when you are experiencing difficult times, you don’t have to feel alone. Our Stephen Ministers will walk with you, listen to you, encourage you, pray with you, and provide confidential one-to-one care to help you through tough times. Stephen Ministers can bring the love of Jesus back into your life. To learn more about Stephen Ministry, call our Confidential Phone Line 585-586-0674 X130. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you! CRS Rice Bowl We follow Jesus this week on our Lenten journey as he enters into Jerusalem, a community he knew well. CRS Rice Bowl asks us, too, to prayerfully enter into our own communities to find those who are hungry and thirsty, who need our help. How does our Lenten journey motivate us to serve those we encounter in our daily lives? Parish Income Last Week Goal $14,600.00 Offertory Envelopes $10,777.00 Loose Collection $744.40 Children’s Envelopes $2.85 Variance $-3,075.75 Thank you for your continued support! TOTAL ATTENDANCE 1,343 Tithing: Stewardship in Motion It is easy to make your financial contribution to Holy Trinity Church by automatic withdrawal directly from your bank account with no charge to you using our electronic Intentional Giving Program. Holy Trinity Parish Staff Rev. Timothy E. Horan, Pastor………..………..265-1616x303 [email protected] Rev. John Mulligan, (In Residence)…..………...265-1616x314 Linda Remis, Office Manager…...……...............265-1616x337 [email protected] Anthony Klosterman, Pastoral Associate……….265-1616x311 [email protected] Kasey Baker, Bookkeeper/Finance..…...……….265-1616x304 [email protected] Mary Haas, Faith Formation Coordinator……………265-4750 [email protected] Pat Bell, Faith Formation Assistant………..……… 265-4750 [email protected] Pam Schultz, Parish Secretary………...………...265-1616x302 [email protected] Joanne Mix, Receptionist……………...………..265-1616x301 Clare Schreiber, Music Ministry……………………..265-1616 [email protected] Joan Sullivan, Multi-Parish Finance Director………..265-1616 [email protected] Margery Morgan, Director of HOPE Ministry………265-6694 [email protected] HOPE Ministry, Webster Outreach ………………….265-6694 HOPE MINISTRY OPEN HOURS 1450 Ridge Road Monday 6-8 pm. Wednesday 3-5 pm. Tuesday 10-12 Noon Thursday 7-8:30 pm. Legion of Mary: Monday 10:00 am. Mar ian Room. Prayer Chain: Legion of Mary - J im Alessi………………..615-7913 or Traci Garippa…………………………………….. 265-0578 Corpus Christi: (Holy Communion to the Homebound) Jean Wolf……………………………………...1-315-524-8940 Dove Ministry: Provides rides to appointments Carol Ortis……………………………………………265-9409 Men’s Group Coordinator: Will Trout…………..315-333-1098 Meets the 4th Saturday of each month 9:00 - 10:30 am. Parish Council - Judy Cass - Co-Chair Mary Kramer - Co-Chair Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to Noon, and 1:00 - 4:00 pm Summer Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am to Noon, and 1:00 - 4:30 pm, and Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon Mass Times: 5:00 Vigil (Sat.) 8:30 and 10:30 am. Sunday Confessions: 4:00-4:45 pm on Sat. If you wish to listen to the Sunday Homily, please visit If you find that you are unable to attend daily Mass, you may listen to 1460 AM on WHIC at 8:00 am. Station of the Cross Holy Trinity Church is now on FACEBOOK. You can check out our page by typing “ holytrinitywebster” into your internet web browser. Already a FACEBOOK user? You can search “Holy Trinity Church, Webster, NY” on FACEBOOK to find us as well. Victims Assistance Coordinator: call Deborah Housel at 1-800-388-7177 ext: 1555 [email protected] Mass Intentions: 2015 Week of March 30 - April 5 Monday - Monday of Holy Week 6:30 am. Morning Prayer/With Communion 9:00 am. Francis Stiner, req. Jack and Clare Springer Tuesday - Tuesday of Holy Week 6:30 am. For the People of Holy Trinity, Living and Deceased 9:00 am. Morning Prayer/With Communion Wednesday - Wednesday of Holy Week 6:30 am. Morning Prayer/With Communion 9:00 am. Special Intentions of Jean & Dave Wolf, req. Theresa 11:00 am. - 12:00 pm. Confessions HOLY THURSDAY 9:00 am. Triduum Morning Prayer 4:00 - 5:00 pm. Confessions 7:00 pm. MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER GOOD FRIDAY (Passion of the Lord) 9:00 am. Triduum/Morning Prayer 3:00 pm. Passion of the Lord 4:30 - 5:30 pm. Confessions 7:00 pm. Stations of the Cross HOLY SATURDAY 9:00 am. Triduum/Morning Prayer 3:00 - 4:00 pm. Confessions 8:00 pm. (VIGIL) Easter Vigil - For the People of Holy Trinity, Living and Deceased EASTER SUNDAY 8:30 am. For the People of Holy Trinity, Living and Deceased 10:30 am. For the People of Holy Trinity, Living and Deceased This Week At Holy Trinity Monday, March 30 10:00 - 11:00 am Legion of Mary - Marian Room 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Scouts - Parish Hall Tuesday, March 31 6:00 - 8:30 pm. Cub Scouts Wednesday, April 1 9:00 - 11:00 am. Women’s Faith Sharing - Gathering Space 1:30 - 3:00 pm. Stitching Group - Wing Room 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Choir 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Debrief. Mtg. Discussion Grp. Wing Room Thursday, April 2 8:30 - 11:00 pm Adoration - Church Reconciliation Extra Confessions Wednesday, April 1, 11:00 -12:00 pm. Thursday, April 2, 4:00 – 5:00 pm. Friday, April 3, 4:30 -5:30 pm Saturday, April 4, 3:00 – 4:00 pm. Easter Vigil We want to warmly invite everyone to our Easter Vigil on April 4 at 8:00 pm. If you decide to attend, we want to remind you that the services may last close to two hours. It is a beautiful and joyful Mass to attend, especially when the RCIA candidates become fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Holy Trinity Church Webster, New York 06-077 Pam Schultz 585-265-1616 Comments:
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