Parish of Iver Other information and dates for your diary……

Parish of Iver
Oct 26th
We wish you a warm welcome to our services today
If you are new to our church please make yourself known to our welcomers
Verse for the week
As the body without the Spirit is dead, so Faith without deeds is dead.....James 2: 26
Collect for the week
Blessed Lord, who caused all holy scriptures to be written for our learning: help us so to hear
them, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them, that, through patience and the comfort
of your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting life, which
you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
Prayer topics for this week
● A Christian response to Hallowe’en / The Bible Society
● Those who live in Poynings, Ridings, Nortumberland Walk
● All who help with church services / Motorway travellers within our Parish
Monthly Mission Focus This Month we are focusing on CCIS (Wayne Dixon)
Please Pray for:
All members of our fellowship who are unwell or housebound, amongst whom are:
Nigel Gravette, Peter Hinde & Joan Johnson (a friend of Mavis Davis) and please continue to
pray for the family of Sam Green, following the sudden death of her mother Jean recently.
Names will appear on the news sheet for one month and then removed. If someone wishes, after one
month, for their name to continue to be included for a further month, then please let Sue (Tel 653017)
know and we would be happy to do this. Please ensure you have the permission of the person concerned
before you ask for their name to be added / re-added.
Thanks this week go to those who lead intercessions in services
Services for next Sunday, November 2ⁿ� 2014
St Peter’s
St Leonard’s
10am: Morning Worship
with Holy Communion
6pm: Compline
Holy Communion (BCP)
9.15am: Morning Worship
11am: Family Praise
There is also a Communion Service every Thursday at 12 noon at St Peters
Other information and dates for your diary……
Pledges - an update
Many thanks to those who have already returned their Pledge Forms and for the generous
way that you have supported our new vision "to seek, to serve and to share Jesus Christ
daily". I understand that we have so far received forms pledging additional giving for 2015 of
approximately £14,000 (incl gift aid). In the light of these pledges, we decided at our PCC
meeting on Monday (20th Oct) to go ahead in a step of faith with appointing a part time
administrator (more details to follow). This is very encouraging but there is still a long way to
go to reach our goal of £30,000 to achieve our four fold target to:● Pay our Parish Share in full
● Appoint an experienced and qualified part time Parish Administrator
● Increase our missionary giving to previous levels
● Break‐even financially.
If you have not already done so, please return your Pledge forms as soon as possible!!
St Leonard's Day Service - Special Patronal Day Service at St Leonard's at 6pm on Thursday
6th November.
Saturday November 8th - 10.30am to 12 noon at St Leonard's
Training Morning for all those who currently lead intercessions,
or would be interested in leading our intercessions (prayers) in church
Remembrance Sunday (9th November):
Services will be at 10.50am at St Peter's (no 9.15 service) and at 10am at St Leonard's.
Food & Friends! Lunch Club is on November 9th
Wycliffe Bible Translators have a Frontline Prayer Event in Iver - Saturday 22nd November
from 10am to 1pm at the St Peter's Centre. Join us to pray for what is happening on the
frontline of mission and be encouraged by hearing what God is doing through Bible
translation and the prayers of ordinary people. Frontline Prayer is an inspiring and upbeat
event. It's fast-paced and interesting with the opportunity to worship God and make a
difference by praying.
Multi Coloured quiz night on Saturday 29�� November at the St Peters centre at 7pm.
Yes, a Quiz night with a difference! Wear your brightest clothes to our multi coloured quiz
night and enter teams of six (or you can join a team on the night). £10 per ticket to include a
fish, sausage & chip (or veggie option) supper - bring your own drinks. Tickets are available
from Rachel on 01753 650820 or email: [email protected]
Thank you from Brian & Jackie. “Thank you so much for your gift of a weekend break - we will
look forward to enjoying that very much indeed. Thank you also to those who kindly arranged
our farewell lunch and to all those who came and shared the occasion. We will miss you all.”
Spring Harvest 2015: The small group which went to Spring Harvest this year had a great time
and came back spiritually refreshed. So far 10 people have booked to go next year from
Monday 6th (Easter Monday) - Friday 10th April, and are looking forward to taking a much
larger group. If you are interested in going, please speak to Robert and Carole Gooding or
Maureen and Mike James as soon as possible. More information is on the Spring Harvest