Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security Detention Service DEPT. REF: MHAS 192/2014 SALE ‘TALE QUALE’ OF UNSERVICEABLE ITEMS AT THE DETENTION SERVICE (2ND CALL) Date Published: Friday 27 March 2015 Closing Date: Friday 17 April 2015 at 10:00am CEST This document is free of charge Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security 201, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta. Tel: (+356) 25689000. Email: [email protected] MINISTERU GĦALL-INTERN U S-SIGURTA' NAZZJONALI MINISTRY FOR HOME AFFAIRS AND NATIONAL SECURITY MALTA 27 March 2015 MHAS 192/2014 - Sale ‘tale quale’ of Unserviceable Items at the Detention Service Dear Sir/Madam, You are cordially invited to submit a bid, for the sale 'tale quale' of Unserviceable Items marked for scrap lying at the Detention Service, Safi. Sealed bids, clearly marked as per above title, are to be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security, 201, Strait Street, Valletta, up till 10:00am (CEST) of Friday 17 April 2015. Bids received after the closing date and time will NOT be considered. In this document, words importing one gender shall also include the other gender. Robert Grixti Director (Corporate Services) Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security Conditions for sale ‘tale quale’ of Unserviceable Items at the Detention Service 1. Scope This quotation calls for the sale ‘tale quale’, without any warranty, of Unserviceable Items at the Detention Service, Safi, by authority of Article 4.3.4 (Disposal of unserviceable and surplus stock) of Treasury Circular 6/2004 in terms of the General Financial Regulations (Cap. 174.01). Public officers shall not be allowed to quote or to tender for the acquisition of any of the lots both in a direct or in an indirect manner. 2. Lots All items are comprised in one single lot. Bidders are to collect all items located in the two yards as shown during the site visit at their own expense. The items include: Water Heaters Fire extinguishers Filing cabinets Hot Plates Air Conditioners Cooker Kettles Telephones Hair Clippers Tea Urns TV Set Fridges Photo Copier Chairs Printers Drillers Power Washers Ceiling Fans Grinders Bunk Beds Inverters Tables Dust Bins Steel Lockers Table Soccer Monitors Emergency Lights Fax machine Camping Beds Detention Service officers’ Clothes 3. Tendered Price Bidders are to submit a lump price for all items. The quoted price shall be inclusive of Value Added Tax and all other charges applicable. Tenders must be for the whole of quantities indicated for the lot. Tenders will not be accepted for incomplete quantities. All taxes, fees and expenses, permits, etc, associated with the removal and transfer of the scrap shall be borne by the buyer. 4. Inspection An inspection meeting shall be convened at Safi on Wednesday 8 April 2015 at 10:00a.m. Prospective bidders are to register their attendance to this meeting by sending an email on [email protected] by not later than Monday 6 April 2015. 5. Interpretation or correction of bid documents Bidders shall promptly notify the Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security of any ambiguity in or discrepancy between any of the bid documents which they may discover upon examination of the bid documents. Bidders requiring clarification or interpretation of the bid documents shall make a written request that shall reach the Director (Corporate Services) MHAS on email [email protected] at least five (5) working days prior to the date of receipt of bids. Any request after this date will not be taken into consideration. Any interpretations, corrections or changes to the bid documents by the Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security will be made by an official addendum. Interpretations, corrections or changes made in any other manner will not be valid, and bidders shall not rely upon such interpretation, corrections and changes. The Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security may, at its own discretion, as necessary, extend the deadline for submission of bids to give bidders sufficient time to take clarification notes into account when preparing their bids. 6. Bid preparation costs Applicants shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid documents. The Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security shall not reimburse any fee associated with the preparation of bid documents in the event that any or all offer/s is/are rejected. 7. Submission of Bid (a) All bids must be submitted in one original containing the duly filled-in and signed Forms A, B and C annexed to this document. The bid must also include documentary evidence that the bidder(s) possess the relevant waste, consignment and/or Trans-frontier Shipment of Waste (TSF) permits in terms of Legal Notice 184 of 2011. (b) All bids must be received by the date and time indicated hereunder and deposited in the tender box at the Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security, 201, Strait Street, Valletta. (c) All bids’ envelopes must bear only: (i) the above address; (ii) the reference of the invitation to bid concerned; (iii) the name of the bidder. 8. Deadline of Submission of Bids Selaed bids are to be deposited in the Quotation Box situated at the Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security, 201, Strait Street, Valletta (Malta) up till 10:00am (CEST) of Friday 17 April 2015. Quotations received after the closing date and time will NOT be considered. 9. Opening of Bids The Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security will open all bids in public session, soon after the deadline for submission of bids has expired. Any bidders or representatives who are present may be asked to sign a register evidencing their attendance. 10. Award notification Prior to the expiration of the period of validity of bids, the Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security shall notify the successful bidder, in writing, that his bid has been recommended for award. Unsuccessful bidders shall be notified with the outcome of the evaluation process, and will be provided the following information: (i) the name of the successful bidder; (ii) the recommended price of the successful bidder; (iii) notification that the offer was not the highest. 11. Criteria for Award The sole award criterion will be the price. The contract will be awarded to the highest priced tender submitted as long as the price submitted is considered to be reasonable. 12. Payment to the Civil Protection Department The successful contractor/s shall pay to the Accounts Department, Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security, 201, Strait Street, Valletta, the sum he has offered to pay and that shall be accepted by the Director (Corporate Services) MHAS prior to the withdrawal of the scrap. 13. Removal of Vehicles The successful contractor shall remove all items from the two yards of the Detention Service at Safi at his own expense within 10 working days from the day of notification in writing by the Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security. If it is not removed within the above stipulated time, the contractor shall become liable to a penalty of €10 per day from the date of expiry of such a period to the last day on which the removal shall be completed. 14. Contractor's Responsibility The successful contractor shall be responsible for any damage that may be caused to the Detention Service’s property during the removal of the items. He is also to make good of any civil works that he may propose to carry out (at his own cost, and subject to the prior approval of the Detention Service), to facilitate the removal of the items. 15. Occupational Health and Safety The contractor shall assume full responsibility and accountability regarding the health and safety of his/her employees and/or sub-contractors including any third parties involved in the execution of this contract. The contractor shall be bound to conform with Act XXVII of 2000 (Occupational Health and Safety, Authority Act 2000), as well as any other national legislation, regulations, standards, and/or codes of practice in effect during the execution of the contract, regarding health and safety issues, as they apply for the contractor’s particular operating situation and nature of work activities. 16. Arbitration Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Malta Arbitration Centre as at present in force. 17. Labour Law Particular attention is drawn to the conditions concerning the employment of labour in Malta and the obligation to comply with all regulations, rules or instructions concerning the conditions of employment of any class of employee. 18. General Conditions for Work Contracts The General Conditions for Works Contracts - Version 1.05 (20 January 2015), available to view from, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the above, shall also apply. 19. Right of Refusal The Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security reserves the right to refuse any offer, even the most advantageous one. Form A – Quotation Form Sale ‘tale quale’ of Unserviceable Items at the Detention Service With reference to this request for quotation by the Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security (MHAS), and in terms of the conditions therein mentioned and those thereto, I/We: ....................................................... (MEPA Permit Number ................................) confirm that: 1. I/We have examined, and accept in full and in its entirety, the content of this quotation document (including any subsequent Clarifications Notes issued by MHAS). I/We hereby accept the contents thereto in their entirety, without reservation or restriction and, in submitting my/our offer, I/We subject myself to all the conditions involved and, in the eventuality my/our offer is accepted, bind myself/ourselves to the prevailing conditions of contract. I/We also understand that any disagreement, contradiction, alteration or deviation shall lead to my/our quotation offer not being considered any further. 2. I/We shall pay the sum/s indicated in the Financial Form within the stipulated timeframes, and remove the scrap in conformity with the attached specifications and conditions. 3. I/We undertake that this quotation shall not be retracted or withdrawn for a period of THREE calendar months from the deadline of submission of bid, inclusively but shall remain binding and may be accepted by the Government at the time during the said period of THREE calendar months. 4. I/We note that MHAS is not bound to proceed with this invitation to quote and that it reserves the right to cancel the call for quotations. It will incur no liability towards me/us should it do so. Signature ……………………………………………………… Name ……………………………………………………… (in BLOCK LETTERS) Date ……………………………………………………… Form B - Bidder’s Details Sale ‘tale quale’ of Unserviceable Items at the Detention Service Name and Surname of Bidder ________________________________________________ MEPA Permit Number ________________________________________________ I.D. Card No. ________________________________________________ Name of Company ________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Telephone No. ________________________________________________ Mobile No. ________________________________________________ Fax No. ________________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________ V.A.T. Registration No. ________________________________________________ Bidder’s Signature ________________________________________________ Date ________________________________________________ Form C - Financial Bid Sale ‘tale quale’ of Unserviceable Items at the Detention Service Subject: Sale ‘tale quale’ of Unserviceable Items at the Detention Service Reference: MHAS 192/2014 Amount tendered in Euro (€) inclusive of VAT and all other applicable charges: Amount in figures: €........................................ Amount in words: €.......................................................................................... …………………………………………. Signature of Bidder …………………………………………. MEPA Permit Number ………………………………………….. Date ANNEX 1 Pictures of unserviceable items. Image 1. Water heaters Image 2. File cabinets, water heaters, refrigerators, fire extinguishers Image 3. Water heaters Image 4. Hot plates, refrigerators Image 5. Water heaters, a cooker, a toilet sink, and a lot of footballs Image 6. Burned refrigerators Image 7. Burned refrigerators Image 8. Water heaters, television sets, chairs and miscellaneous scrap Image 9. Refrigerators (transferred from Hal Far) and bunk bed components Image 10. Burned refrigerators, shoes Image 11. Water urns Image 12. Water urns Image 13. Shoes, boots and miscellaneous clothing items Image 14. Boots Image 15. Kettles and hot plates Image 16. Monitors, television sets, miscellaneous scrap Image 17. Miscellaneous furniture items, television sets Image 18. Television sets, barbed wire rolls Image 19. Miscellaneous scrap, plastic chairs, stereo, table soccer Image 20. Table soccer Image 21. Kitchen sinks, refrigerator Image 22. Kettles Image 23. Refrigerators, bunk bed components, miscellaneous scrap Image 24. Refrigerators, television sets, partition doors Image 25. Television sets, barbed wire rolls, toilet seats Image 26. Television sets (transferred from Hal Far) Image 27. Photocopier with serial number 02115401 Image 28. Electric heater Image 29. Mattresses, sofa Image 30. Aluminium windows, plastic chairs, bunk bed components Image 31. Chairs Image 32. Fans Image 33. Kettles, boots, miscellaneous clothing Image 34. Paint rollers, miscellaneous scrap Image 35. Camping beds Image 36. Bunk bed components Image 37. Bunk bed components Image 38. Charred bunk bed components Image 39. Bunk bed components, miscellaneous scrap Image 40. Metal beds Image 41. Metal beds Image 42. Metal beds Image 43. Metal bed components Image 44. More metal beds Image 45. More metal beds Image 46. Metal beds Image 47. Rusting bed components Image 48. Bed components Image 49. Rusting metal bed components, wooden doors and frames Image 50. Wooden doors and frames Image 51. Lunch tables Image 52. Boots, kettles Image 53. Miscellaneous shirts and clothing Image 54. Hair cutters Image 55. Fax and telephone sets Image 56. Miscellaneous clothing items Image 57. Running shoes Image 58. Van seats Image 59. Another view of the van seats Image 60. Shirts, kettles Image 61. Drillers, grinders, power wash Image 62. Miscellaneous clothing items Image 63. Jackets Image 64. Telephone sets Image 65. Photocopier Image 66. Low cabinet Image 67. Toilets, barbed wire rolls Image 68. Toilet sink Image 69. Toilet sinks, barbed wire rolls Image 70. Guard booth Image 71. Aluminium doors
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