Connect Autumn 2015 New Legislation Sues’ Snippet We need to bring to everyone’s attention two new sexual offences have been introduced as part of South Australia’s Disability Justice Plan, being led by the Attorney-General’s Department. The plan increases protection for people living with intellectual disability or cognitive impairment. Hi Everyone The new laws begin on Monday 30 March 2015 and will cover anyone – paid or not; who provides a service to someone with cognitive impairment. Service providers might include home care assistants, support workers, cleaners or nurses and extends to others such as hairdressers, bus drivers or social activity volunteers. Spouses or domestic partners of the person with cognitive impairment are not covered by the new laws. A service provider is guilty of an offence under the laws if he or she: • uses undue influence to obtain or procure sexual intercourse or indecent contact with a person with a cognitive impairment • behaves in an indecent manner in the presence of a person with a cognitive impairment without consent or having obtained that consent by undue influence. A cognitive impairment is defined as: • an intellectual disability • a developmental disorder (including autistic spectrum disorders) • a neurological disorder • dementia • mental impairment • brain injury. Penalties include imprisonment for up to 10 years. More information and resources about the new laws, including a fact sheet and easy-read English explanation, are available through the Attorney-General’s Department’s website. I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful autumn weather we have, it is certainly my favourite time of the year, wonderfully warm days and crisp cool nights. The cooler weather means the football season is just around the corner. If you would like to participate in the Association’s footy tipping competition please register on line at in accordance with the following: Competition Name: ParaquadSAHomecare Plus Password: paraquad Of course if you pick the Mighty Adelaide Crows every week you are sure to be on a winner! Good Luck! Support Worker Leave Over recent months HC+ has noticed an increase in Support Workers taking what is obviously planned leave with very little or no notice. In accordance with your Enterprise Agreement (the conditions in which you are employed): 15.4 Shift Coverage 15.4.4 . Notwithstanding the employees status as casual employees it is a requirement of their employment to advise the Employer of any planned leaves of absence at least four (4) weeks prior to leave commencing. In the best interest of clients and co-employees this allows the Employer to effectively manage staff rosters during the period of the individual employee’s absence from work. We of course understand that emergencies occur but please keep this in mind when advising HC+ of your leave to ensure a seamless continuation of service for your client’s during your period of leave. Kindest regards, Sue Houston Operations and Business Development Manager HomeCare+ New Support Workers Welcome to our new Adelaide Support Workers who recently completed their training with Paula. Please make sure to introduce yourself and make them feel part of the team. As you may all be aware by the local media, the MRI machine which has been a much needed item for this community is closer to becoming a reality, due to the hard work of our local members of parliament and the information imparted direct to the Prime Minister on this visit. This is proof that from small thing, larger things can grow, that local communities do have a voice, but to achieve new things you have to make your voice heard, I can assure you Association staff contribute to the voice being heard at every opportunity. Millicent Respite Program This year participants were provided with activity packs etc. for each day which were designed to provide an interactive, skill development experience. They were received very well and all participants enjoyed what they achieved and took home to their parents. The feedback from the families was extremely positive, resulting in children requesting to attend more days, which was a lovely outcome for them. A word from Mount Gambier We are all well into swing of the New Year, the festive season seams so far away now. We are now looking forward to the Easter family time. Office Restructure It is with great pleasure I announce that Nathalie Goodall has accepted a new position in the south east office, as the Operation Supervisor / Registered Nurse consultant. This position has been created to provide a 2nd in charge role which will support the whole local team. Please congratulate Nathalie on her new role and continue to support her to provide the professional services we undertake. Prime Minister’s Visit to Mt Gambier I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to participate in 2 events held for the Prime Minister during his visit to Mt Gambier in March; the formal dinner at the Barn on Tuesday 11th and the morning tea held at the old town hall for local volunteer groups and selected invitee’s on the 12th. The Member for Barker, the Hon Tony Pasin and the Mt Gambier City Council, hosted the Prime Minister’s visit. Well done to all of you who participated and assisted to make this program so successful, this is what it is all about and without your contribution it would not be as successful. Final Word Thank you to all of you for the wonderful and professional service you provide, our clients are all the better for having you in their lives. I am proud to manage such a dedicated group of people and to support such an inspiring client group who are trying to live their lives to their fullest potential everyday, but without you they would not achieve what they do. So hold you heads high, you are a member of the HomeCare+ team and be proud of it. Krys Howard RN / Manager HomeCare+ South East Riverland Ramblings Hi Everyone, Hard to believe that Easter has arrived, the year is certainly flying by. The days will soon be getting darker so make sure you have a torch with you for the evening shifts. Just a reminder to all Support Workers that if you are swapping shifts or getting another Support Worker to cover a shift you need to let the office know so we can keep the rosters as up to date as possible. With the cooler months approaching and we hope that we can all avoid those nasty colds and flus that can be around during this time. I did find one tip that I thought I should share about preventing colds and flu’s “Eat a bit of dark chocolate each day. Dark chocolate is not only a mood booster, but also an antioxidant. And it’s pleasant.” There were other tips but this was our favourite one! Cheers Lucy and Marie Timesheets Mid North Mutterings The Mid North Region is currently recruiting Support Workers; training is scheduled for 13-17 April. We are looking forward to expanding our support in the region. Congratulations to Deb Kropinyeri-Denmead for being nominated & elected the regional WHS officer. Deb will have regular link ups with Adelaide & the other regional offices to discuss WHS matters that affect our area. Wishing everyone a Happy Easter Cheers, Ann Yorke Peninsula Yabberings and Clare Commentary Due in no small part to the excellent work of all our Support Workers services within the region continue to expand with services now being provided as far afield as Warooka and Edithburgh across to Hamley Bridge. The vastness of the area does mean that I do spend an extended period of time driving my car and as such am unable to respond to text messages. If you need to contact me please do not send a message but rather give me a call as I can speak to you using the Bluetooth device in my car. If I am uncontactable your call will divert to the Adelaide office who will be able to respond to your enquiry. With services continuing to expand within the regions we are currently recruiting some valuable new staff. Training will be combined with new recruits from the Mid North and held in Bute the half way point between the regions. This is a testament to our Training team who are always seeking alternative options for training facilities ensuring ease of access for all. It will be great to have a number of new Support Workers to complement our existing staff. Keep up the great work everyone. Cheers, Ann Echoes from the Eyre Peninsula We welcome both our new CAO Catherine Clarke to the EP Team as well as new Support Workers Marlene Manning, Grant Heidenreich, Maxine Cooper, Monica Lamz, Tiffany Rowsell, Ryan Voight and Molly Joyce to the EP Region. Just a reminder to please ensure you are booked into any upcoming training (as per mail outs) as spots are going fast. I hope everyone has a happy and safe Easter. Cheers, Danielle The new computer system has been operational for approx. 12 months across all regions. Thank you for your patience over this implementation period. Now you have accurate timesheets each fortnight, with the exception of emergency shift, respite requests and shift changes which occur from time to time. This is just a reminder to everyone that the accurate completion of your timesheet is paramount for the following reasons: • It is a legal document; incorrect completion could result in charges of fraud. • It is the reflection of the times you were at work and when you are not, for reasons relating to WorkCover etc. • It is the means by which your fortnightly pay is calculated. If your timesheet is not accurate when it is provided to the admin team for payroll processing the following could occur • Your pay could be incorrect. • Shifts worked but not added to the timesheet. • Shifts not worked but swapped with another worker. You could be wrongly paid for shifts you did not do (this could be seen as a fraudulent claim) If you are overpaid you are required to reimburse the overpayment. Over recent months, under our Quality Assurance Management System, there has been a review of the timesheet processing and the following has been identified: • It is apparent that a number of Support Workers regularly miss shifts off their timesheet, which results in them not being paid for this service • T he admin team have been ringing staff when this is identified, however this practice cannot continue. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure the accuracy of YOUR timesheet. • A smaller number forget to cross off shift they did not attend, which could be considered a fraudulent claim of wages. This is a serious breach of process and should cease. • C laiming for Kilometers (km) when the client has no funding for km’s. If you are unsure if there is funding for km’s for your client, speak to the CSO and have this information clarified. • T imesheets are not submitted by the required time; Adelaide Tuesday and Regional Monday of Week 1, this holds up the payroll processing and could result in you not getting paid that fortnight. • C urrently the Admin team are following up with workers who are not timely with their timesheets; this will not be continuing. In the future if your timesheet is not received by your local office on time you will not be paid until the next as per your Enterprise Agreement. Remember you have an obligation to provide accurate documentation, this includes your timesheet, please be diligent ensure that you provide us with accurate information in a timely manner, to avoid the risk off pay errors and unwanted accusations. If at any time you require assistance or guidance on how to document a particular shift / service, please do not hesitate to contact your admin team for assistance and advice. Krys Howard, On behalf of HomeCare+ Management Email Usage It is wonderful that we are embracing technology as we do. The use of an email is often a very efficient means of getting information to us in a timely and effective manner. However, before sending emails please take a minute to ask yourself ‘Is it the appropriate technology to use?’ Examples of issues that have arisen: Email sent on the weekend by a Support Worker to their Client Service Officer/Team Leader, advising that they could not attend a shift at 9am Monday morning. Problem: Client Service Officers/Team Leaders do not work on weekends. This email was not read until 9am Monday morning. Outcome: Client left in bed until a worker could be sent at 11am. Email: Support Worker gave notice of leave and that they had not got their shifts covered. Problem: Email not received by CSO/Team Leader who was on sick leave. Outcome: The first the admin team was aware of the situation was when a client rang to complain that the Support Worker had not arrived for their shift. Emails are not the right tool to use for shift coverage. Continue to embrace the technology available, but ensure you do it for the right situations, sometimes a quick phone call is the most appropriate means of communication. Think about your clients. Training Department We are well and truly into the swing of 2015 in regards to training and development. Our 4th Pre-Employment course for the year will be held in April. Our focus this year is policies and procedures, interpreting support plans and documentation. Incident/Injury Reporting Hints to help you complete training successfully:- Incidents are events that occur that threaten the physical or psychological safety or health of a worker. • Refer to PQSA/HC+ policies and procedures for answers. If you haven’t kept copies refer to • Read all information sent/given to you. • Refer to the laminated cards being distributed. These are a quick reference to procedures that need to be followed. Keep them all on a lanyard and carry them with you. Injuries are anything that causes the worker harm. Documenting correctly, professionally and legally Near Miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage – but had the potential to do so. Keep it simple, who has time to write or read more than they have to? • Start with identifying the date and time you are documenting. • Use a blue or black pen. Don’t use white out. • Keep comments short and to the point. You only need to document exceptional events i.e. something that is unusual for that client. A Safe Work Place Is No Accident! • Don’t use subjective language i.e. what your thoughts/feelings are on the matter If you require us to call you, this is not an issue, this is when an email is a great form of communication. Send an email requesting someone to call you, we are happy to oblige. • If there is an incident write down what you did about it and why, the name of the person you verbally reported to, their advice and the document you completed (all verbal reports must be followed up with a form) Krys Howard On behalf of HomeCare+ Management • Finish of with you signature and writing your SURNAME in brackets. Verbally report the incident, injury or near miss immediately to a supervisor. Complete the Blue Incident/Injury/ Near Miss Form. Send the form to the HR Department. You will be expected to demonstrate this in a fictitious communication book during medication simulated assessments. Emergency + Smartphone App Smartphone apps and Triple Zero (000) Australia’s Triple Zero Awareness Working Group has developed a smartphone app for iOS and Android devices to: • Provide the caller with information about when to call Triple Zero • Provide the caller with information about who to call in various non-emergency situations • State Emergency Service (SES) (132 500) • Police Assistance Line (131 444) • Crime Stoppers (1800 333 000) • Health Direct Australia (1800 022 222) • National Relay Service • Assist the caller to dial the relevant number • Display the GPS coordinates of the phone's location that the caller can read out to the emergency operator. The app is free of charge and available for download from iTunes and Google Play Stores. Paula Rhodes, Training and Development Officer Crunchy Milk Chocolate Easter Egg Nests Ingredients • 250g Milk Chocolate Melts The HR Department enter the Incident, Injury or Near Miss onto the Register. Report to the WHS&E Committee, Management and the Board. • 2 tablespoons Crunchy Peanut Butter • 100g Fried Noodles • 125g Milk Eggs (for decorating Method 1. Melt the chocolate and peanut butter together in a bowl over gently simmering water, stirring occasionally until smooth. Remove from the heat, add the noodles and stir to combine. 2. Using two spoons make eight noodle nests on a baking paper lined tray. Allow to set and store in an airtight container until required. 3. Fill each nest with eggs before serving. HR Department work with the Supervisor/Manager to investigate the incident and implement the appropriate controls to ensure the safety of all workers in the future. HomeCare+ Training Calendar April – June 2015 April Topic Date Time Location Adelaide Medication 9th April 0915-1700 Marden Manual Hazardous tasks 10th April 0915-1245 Marden Medication 10th April 1315-1700 Marden Medication 20th April 0915-1215 Marden Manual Hazardous tasks 20th April 1245-1700 Marden Medication 13th May 1100-1230 Swan Street Manual Hazardous Tasks 13th May 1300-1600 Swan Street Medication 13th May 1600 -1700 Swan Street Manual Hazardous Tasks 14th May 0915-1215 Swan Street Medication 14th May 1245-1600 Swan Street TBA 15th May Medication 9th June 0915-1700 Marden Medication 10th June 0915-1100 Marden Manual Hazardous Tasks 10th June 1130-1500 Marden Medication 10th June 1500-1700 Marden Manual Hazardous Tasks 23rd June 0915-1245 Marden Medication 23rd June 1315-1700 Marden Medication 24th June 0915-1700 Marden Manual Hazardous Tasks 16th June 1030-1330 Locke Street Manual Hazardous Tasks 16th June 1400-1700 Locke Street Medication 17th June 0915-1300 Ripley Arcade WHS/Manual Handling Principles 17th June 1330-1700 Ripley Arcade Medication 18th June 0915-1700 Ripley Arcade Manual Hazardous Tasks 19th June 0915-1215 Locke Street Manual Hazardous Tasks 19th June 1300-1600 Locke Street May Mid North June Adelaide Mount Gambier Do you have, or know someone with a spinal cord injury or other physical or neurological condition? 28 & 29 April 2015 9:30 - 5:00pm Payneham Library 2 Turner Street, Felixstow RSVP By 10 April 2015 Places are limited so book now! Contact Annie on 8355 3500 or [email protected] For more information, visit
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