Body Cavities, Mesenteries & Diaphragm Peritoneal cavity y Pleural cavity Pericardial cavity 3 week paraxial mesoderm extraembryonic coelom chorionic h i i cavity it lateral mesoderm ectoderm * 18 day embryo lateral mesoderm * intraembryonic coelom: cardiogenic g area & lateral mesoderm * * 20 day iintraembryonic t b i coelom *Intraembryonic coelom horseshoe-shaped cavity -Curve Curve future pericardial cavity -Limbs Limbs future pleural & peritoneal cavities * intraembryonic coelom * Distal part of each limb -- at the lateral edges of the embryonic b i disc di -extraembryonic coelom * early in the 4th week Folding of the embryo Tail fold Head fold pericardial coelom Lateral fold Lateral fold * 22 d Intraembyonic coelom & E b Embryonic i F Foldings ldi ~26 26 days * * dorsal mesentery ventral mesentery except where it is attached to caudal foregut (future stomach & proximal duodenum) ~28 days 19 D 20 D End of 4 week Embryonic body cavity Somatic mesoderm parietal wall future parietal layer of peritoneum Splanchnic mesoderm visceral wall y of p peritoneum future visceral layer ~24 days Pericardioperitoneal Canals ~24 days -- Each lies lateral to foregut (future esophagus) and dorsal to septum transversum (primordial central tendon of diaphragm). • In lateral wall of each pericardioperitoneal canal: - cranial ridge: pleuropericardial fold pleuropericardial membrane (contain common cardinal veins) - caudal ridge: pleuroperitoneal fold pleuroperitoneal membrane 5 wks 6 wks s • During the 7th week, pleuropericardial membranes fuse with the mesenchyme ventral to esophagus -- Forming F i primordial mediastinum. -- Separating pericardial cavity from pleural cavities. --extend into body wall, splitting the mesenchyme into: outer layer thoracic wall inner layer fibrous pericardium 7 wks 8 wks Beginning of 5th W Diaphragm Head Fold septum transversum Pleuroperitoneal Membranes Separates the pleural cavities from peritoneal cavity. cavity • End of 5th wk Ventral End of 6th wk 12th wk Dorsal mesentery off esophagus Muscular ingrowth from l lateral l body b d walls Body wall tissue is added peripherally to the diaphragm as the lungs and pleural cavities enlarge Positional Changes & Innervation off th the Diaphragm Di h • phrenic nerves nerves- ventral rami of the 3rd, 4th, & 5th cervical spinal nerves. phrenic nerves -30 30 cm long in adults. adults the beginning g g of the 8th week 4th week 6th week CONGENITAL DIAPHRAGMATIC HERNIA (CDH, 疝) Prenatal diagnosis: Ultrasound & magnetic g resonance imaging g g of abdominal organs in thorax. Posterolateral defect Defective muscular development Herniation of liver Herniation of stomach and bowel Summary (I) 1. the end of the 3rd 1 week: Intraembryonic coelom begins to develop. 2. By the 4th week: 2 a horse-shoe-shaped y in cardiogenic g & cavity lateral mesoderm. The right & left part of the i t intraembryonic b i coelom l peritoneal cavity. 3 the 7th week: pericardial 3. cavity paired pericardioperitoneal canals peritoneal it l cavity it Summary (II) 3. During the 5th & 6th weeks, folds (later membranes) form near the cranial & caudal ends of these canals. 4. By the end of the 6th week, week fusion of the caudal pleuroperitoneal membranes d i during formation f ti off th the di diaphragm h p the p pleural cavities from separates the peritoneal cavity. Summary (III) 5. By 5 B th the 7th week, k Fusion of the cranial pleuropericardial membranes with mesoderm ventral to the esophagus separates the pericardial cavity p y from the pleural cavities. 6 The 6. Th diaphragm di h d develops l from f 4 structures.
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