WOOTTON ACADEMY TRUST Chairman: Mr S. G. O’Toole Hall End Road, Wootton, Beds, MK43 9HT Tel: 01234 767123 Fax: 01234 765203 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.wootton.beds.sch.uk Friday 27th March 2015 Dear Sir/Madam Kimberley 16 - 19 STEM College Admissions Criteria for 2016 Kimberley 16-19 STEM College is a Free School operated by Wootton Academy Trust. Wootton Academy Trust determined its admissions criteria for applications for students to join Kimberley 16-19 STEM College from September 2016 at its meeting on Thursday 26th March 2015. Wootton Academy Trust has not proposed any changes to the current admissions criteria for Kimberley College. Therefore these criteria are the same criteria as those used this year. These determined admissions arrangements will be placed on the school’s website in accordance with current practice. Yours sincerely, Mrs. L. Gray, Executive Secretary Copied to: Bedford Borough Council Central Bedfordshire Borough Council Milton Keynes Council All Bedford Borough Schools: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Kimberley College Admissions Policy Kimberley College is a 16-19 STEM College operated by Wootton Academy Trust; it has free school status. Kimberley College is a selective (Level 2 & Level 3), co-educational and non‐denominational Sixth Form College. Kimberley provides sixth-form education for male and female students in National Curriculum Years 12 and 13. Kimberley will first admit students in September 2013. The Published Admission Number of intended admissions for the forthcoming school years is: School year beginning Year 12 admissions September 2013 September 2014 September 2015 September 2016 300 350 350 350 Total number of students in Kimberley 300 650 700 700 In this policy, “applicant” means a pupil currently in Year 11 and preparing for GCSE (or equivalent) examinations who is applying for a Year 12 place at Kimberley. (Parent includes any person who is not a parent of the student but who has parental responsibility, or who has care of the student.) Applicants who decide to apply for a place at Kimberley and their parents/carers should read this policy carefully, so that they understand the admissions process and timeline, and the selection criteria. Any enquiries should be raised with Linda Gray by telephone on 01234 767123 or by email to [email protected] Admission criteria Kimberley is academically selective and ambitious, and so places will only be offered to those assessed as being most likely to benefit from following the rigorous curriculum that it provides. Level 3 students - the minimum qualification requirements are as follows: Applicants wishing to join Year 12 A Level programmes must have: At least seven A* - C GCSE grades, including GCSE Mathematics and GCSE English Language or GCSE English; At least a GCSE Grade B in the A level subjects they wish to study at Kimberley. Applicants wishing to join Year 12 BTEC National programmes must have: At least five A* - C GCSE grades, including GCSE Mathematics or GCSE English Language or GCSE English; At least a GCSE Grade C (or equivalent, e.g. BTEC Level 2 Pass) in the subject(s) they wish to study at Kimberley. Applicants should note that: If offered, a place will be conditional on the applicant achieving at least required A* - C GCSE grades, including GCSE Mathematics and/or GCSE English Language or GCSE English. Level 2 students - the minimum qualification requirements are as follows: Applicants wishing to join Year 12 Level two programmes must have: At least five D – E GCSE grades (or equivalent), including GCSE Mathematics and GCSE English Language or GCSE English. Applicants should note that: If offered, a place will be conditional on the applicant achieving at least 5 D – E GCSE grades, including GCSE Mathematics and GCSE English Language or GCSE English All Level 2 and Level 3 applicants who wish to apply to enter Kimberley in Year 12 must: Complete the Wootton Academy Trust application form and return it online, by post, or in person at a Kimberley Open Event by the deadline 15th March. Kimberley intends to offer 50% of places to pupils who are currently studying at a Wootton Academy Trust school and the remaining places to students at other schools. It is not intended to offer places to students to join the college in Year 13. Applicants with Disabilities All places at Kimberley College are offered on the basis of academic ability and aptitude. Wootton Academy Trust is keen to ensure that no applicant who has a learning or physical disability, or has a registered Special Educational Need, or who has previously had a Statement of Need, is dissuaded from making an application to Kimberley if he or she meets the admission criteria. Kimberley undertakes to fulfil its anticipatory duty to make reasonable adjustments to avoid substantial disadvantage to any applicant. Oversubscription Criteria If there are more eligible applications received than places available at Kimberley College then places will be allocated in accordance with the following priority order: Students with disabilities and/or learning difficulties1 Looked after children, [and previously looked after children] or young people; Students who present from the local community (judged by proximity to Kimberley College); Students who were most recently entitled to free school meals. i. ii. iii. iv. In the event where more than one pupil is assessed equally using the above criteria, the following process will be used for selection of pupil: Place(s) allocated by random computerised lottery. Once all places have been allocated, prospective students will be advised to join the Kimberley 16-19 STEM College Waiting List. Kimberley College may also refer unsuccessful applicants to other schools/institutions within the community and/or other opportunities such as Apprenticeships. Post-GCSE All applicants offered conditional places at Kimberley must provide evidence of their GCSE results between 10:30a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on one of the next three working days immediately following the publication of GCSE results. All students are required to meet both the generic and specific entry requirements for their courses. 1 As defined by Disability and the Equality Act 2010 or an individual with a transition plan (i.e. who had a statement of special educational needs while at school) Waiting list Kimberley College will operate an internal waiting list. If any vacancies arise within the same year, first priority will be given to those on the waiting list managed by Kimberley College. The following process will be used for allocation of places from the Kimberley College waiting list in accordance with the following priority order: Students with disabilities and/or learning difficulties2 Looked after children, [and previously looked after] or young people; Students who present from the local community (judged by proximity to Kimberley College; Students who were most recently entitled to free school meals. i. ii. iii. iv. In the event where more than one pupil is assessed equally using the above criteria, the following process will be used for selection of pupil: Place(s) allocated by random computerised lottery. Appeals against non-admission Parents / carers of applicants who have not been offered a place are able, if they wish, to appeal to an independent Appeals Panel established by Wootton Academy Trust. Parents / carers wishing to appeal should put their request in writing to the Clerk to the Appeals Panel, care of Kimberley. Details of appeal arrangements and procedures will be sent to parents / carers who request them in writing. Withdrawal of Places Applicants and their parents / carers should be aware that checks may be undertaken to ensure that an applicant offered a place at Kimberley is the applicant who is named on the Application Form. If there is reasonable suspicion that this is not the case, the applicant’s place may be withdrawn at any point during the academic year, even after the applicant has joined Kimberley. Annual policy review This policy and the process will both be reviewed annually by Wootton Academy Trust. 2 As defined by Disability and the Equality Act 2010 or an individual with a transition plan (i.e. who had a statement of special educational needs while at school) Appendix 1 - Selection process for entry from September 2013 The following table summarises the information that is taken into account about each applicant when it is being decided if an offer should be made. All Applicants: Level 2 and Level 3 Information Past GCSE performance Predicted GCSE performance % of pupils at the applicants’ current schools achieving five or more A*-C grades including English and Mathematics in the most recent set of summer GCSE examinations Knowledge of Kimberley’s ethos Commitment to Kimberley’s academic ethos Commitment to Kimberley’s wider ethos Skills and commitment required for KS5 study Personal context How this is assessed Grades achieved in examinations already taken Grades predicted by current school for GCSE examinations still to be taken Data from DfE School Performance Tables Each applicant will have a 15 minute interview as part of the application process. The interview is an opportunity to explore these areas with each applicant to ensure that she/ he Is making an informed choice to come to Kimberley. It is not per se an academic selection interview. Interview and evidence from the application form. If there are causes for concern (for example, a poor attendance record without mitigating circumstances, or a poor behaviour record),permission will be sought from the applicant for further information to be requested from the applicant’s current school. All Level 3 applicants are given scores, according to the following table: Information GCSE score. This is the mean average point score for predicted or achieved GCSE grades. In this calculation, an A* grade is worth 8 points, an A grade 7 points, etc Interview score (Recorded on Assessment Day) % of pupils at the applicants’ current schools achieving five or more A* - C grades including English and Mathematics Because Kimberley is seeking to help its students to overcome educational disadvantage, a higher number of points is given to applicants from lower-achieving schools, as measured by these data taken from the DfE website. Personal context †An applicant who is looked after at the time of application or who has been looked after within the two preceding years by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 Data range Points 7< G ≤ 8 6 < G≤ 7 5< G≤ 6 5 3 1 9 or 10 7 or 8 5 or 6 4 or less F ≤50% 50% < G≤ 60% 60%< G≤ 70% 70%< G≤ 80% F > 80% 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Looked-after child† Eligible for Free School Meals Young Carer 3 2 2 All Level 2 applicants are given scores, according to the following table: Information GCSE score. This is the mean average point score for predicted or achieved GCSE grades. In this calculation, an A* grade is worth 8 points, an A grade 7 points, etc Interview score (Recorded on Assessment Day) % of pupils at the applicants’ current schools achieving five or more A* - C grades including English and Mathematics Because Kimberley is seeking to help its students to overcome educational disadvantage, a higher number of points is given to applicants from lower-achieving schools, as measured by these data taken from the DfE website. Personal context †An applicant who is looked after at the time of application or who has been looked after within the two preceding years by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 Data range Points 4.51< G ≤ 5 4.01 < G≤4.50 3.51< G≤ 4.00 3.01< G≤ 3.50 4 3 2 1 9 or 10 7 or 8 5 or 6 4 or less F ≤50% 50% < G≤ 60% 60%< G≤ 70% 70%< G≤ 80% F > 80% 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Looked-after child† 3 Eligible for Free School meals Young Carer 2 2 How offers are made †† Each applicant is given a score in each of the categories and then a total score is calculated. The overall number of Level 3 offers compared to Level 2 offers will be in the ratio of 5:1 The list of applicants is divided into two: those currently studying in Wootton Academy Trust schools, and those currently studying elsewhere. Both lists are put into rank order by the applicants’ total scores. At least 150†† places are offered to the highest-ranking applicants from Wootton Academy Trust Schools. At least 150†† places are offered to the highest-ranking applicants from elsewhere. If fewer than 150 applicants qualify for a place at the College in one list, then those places may be vied to the other list. Where there are more applications than places available, unsuccessful applicants will be kept on a waiting list ranked in accordance with the oversubscription criteria. The waiting list will be maintained until the third Monday in September in the year the place has been sought. If a place becomes available from the waiting list it will go to the applicant with the highest score. it is expected that some offers will be declined, and so more than 150 (in total) offers may be made. Some applicants may be put on a waiting list; this list will be in rank order according to the applicants’ total scores. Outcome letters for all applications will be posted on the last working day of the Spring Term once all interviews have been completed. Appendix 2 -Stages of the application process and timeline WHAT WHEN Informal information events for Wootton Academy Trust and other students November -December Production of prospectus with available courses Last school day of Autumn Term Formal Open evenings Second week of Spring Term Deadline for return of Application Forms March 15th Individual Interviews Between the last week in February and the last week in March Outcome letters to applicants issued Last day of Spring Term Acceptance of conditional offers Friday preceding May Day Bank Holiday Parents Information Evening for students with conditional offers Last Thursday in June Sixth Form Induction for all students with conditional offers First Monday and Tuesday in July Pre Registration – students must provide written evidence of their GCSE results to confirm their places. Any one of the three working days (10:30 – 14:30) after the publication of GCSE results.
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