Electronics Capstone Project: Final Report Guidelines ORAL REPORT (Last day of classes: 10.10am – 12.10pm, Thursday, April 09, 2015) Each team will present and oral report, approximately 15 min in length, followed by about 10 min for questions. The presentation should cover in succinct format the same 4 main pillars described below for the written report. It should also include a live demo. The order/schedule is TBD. WRITTEN REPORT (Due end of Finals Week: 5pm, Friday, April 17, 2015) Each project group will submit a single written report. All reports should be submitted electronically with a filename containing the last names of project group members. See also What to Submit: Checklist below. You are invited (read: strongly encouraged) to submit a rough draft for review and feedback on or before Apr 14, 2015. The final report should be written in “pop science” DIY magazine format, targeted for an audience competent with Electronics --i.e., your classmates! This means the format is flexible in terms of how you wish to best communicate the following main points. INTRODUCTION What are building and why? What is your system designed to do? What are the real world applications? DESIGN AND COMPONENT SELECTION What is the theory of operation of your system? Technical details (a and b below) should be provided on two levels (just as it was in the original capstone proposal…funny how that works ) (a) System Overview: This is the “block diagram” level, the overarching big picture how multiple components and/or modules (such as filter, amplifier, switching/routing) are connected and work together to achieve the aims specified in the intro. How does the user interact with/control the system? Refer to specific 1 modules and/or circuit components. For instance, you might write something like “Frequencies of notes played is tuned with the pots R1v, R2v)” etc. (b) Technical details--Circuit Design and Component Selection: Diagram actual circuitry and design rationale for what’s inside each block/module. Component selection should be based on electronics principles and quantitatively justified. For instance, you might say something like “The active high pass filter serves to block any dc offset coming from the microphone. It is an inverting amplifier configuration with single supply op-amp. Output signals are referenced to virtual ground to allow both positive and negative swings. The resistors Rf = 10k and Ri = 1k were chosen to give a max gain (=-Rf/Ri) of 10. The capacitor is Ci = 1.6 uF chosen to set a cutoff frequency of 100 Hz (fo = 1/(2piRiCi)).” Similarly, for digital circuitry you might have a statement such as “The 4017 sequencer chip output is used to drive the max333 analog switches, selecting which note is played on each beat. The frequency of the note is set by choosing the resistor Ro and Co connected to the LM555 (see Figure X). The manufacturer datasheet specifies a frequency of….{give equation with Ro and Co}.” a. Include complete circuit schematic. One common practice is to highlight modules/sections in different colored boxes and annotated as such. For instance, put a red rectangle around the microphone input section and label it “Microphone input”; and put a blue box around active filters and label accordingly. b. Include photo of finished (and/or breadboard prototype) with arrows annotating various pieces is also very helpful. c. Bill of Materials. Make a detailed list of all parts used. Column heading should include: Description | Part Number | Quantity. For instance: Quad Single-supply, rail to rail op-amp | MCP33204 | 2. If possible, estimate total cost. (c) Signal processing and communication protocols: Describe the essential ideas and features of any signal processing methods as well as a brief overview of how it was implemented1. Provide relevant Arduino code (electronically submitted), accompanied by an overview of how the code works (in the main body of written report). 1 Spike burst detection to identify the echo, for the sonar folk; SPI communication for the Synthesampler and wireless gut activity detection groups. Freekeys is happily Arduino and signal processing free (check out their monster switchyard instead). 2 PERFORMANCE TESTS AND RESULTS This is basically a proof-of-concept of the complete system. Show proof of concept data where applicable. For instance, for active sonar, you could present figures demonstrating sound output and echo with time delay, including distance calculation. For a synthesizer system, you might report VCO control voltages output from your voltage dividers, measure actual frequencies output by a 555 or counter/divider in relation to what you had tuned them to be. You do NOT need to show transfer functions for individual filtering and amplifying stages (by now, we are all comfortable with them from experience in 207 and 208 thus far!). Please include a video demo for posterity, i.e., to impress and inspire future generations of Electronics students. DISCUSSION How well did your final product meet the design objectives outlined in the Introduction? Were there any particular nice design features (toot your own horn)? Were there any features which could be improved (this is almost always the case)? Make specific suggestions of future work and improvement. WHAT TO SUBMIT: CHECKLIST Please be sure to check all of these boxes for your final submission in electronic format. You may create a single .zip file for convenience, if you wish. Please make sure all file names contain last names of project group members. Oral presentation visuals (typically powerpoint slides) Final written report in .docx or .pdf format Live demo/walk-through video (for large files, might need to upload this to youtube or drop in the shared L: drive) Microcontroller (e.g., Arduino) code either .ino “native” sketch format or code copied and pasted as plain text into a word document. Lab station thoroughly cleaned up, all parts put back in proper location. If you have extra parts that have no permanent home in the lab, please return them in plastic project box labeled with names of project members. Please, please, please, do your part. 3 GRADING SCHEME and CRITERIA The final report (oral + written) counts for 60% of your total grade in the course (per course syllabus). The grading scheme will be as follows: The final report will be assigned an overall grade, max being 100 pts. The total number of points to be distributed amongst your group members is equal to Final Report Points x Number of Group Members = 200 points, max. Each group must submit a joint statement of each group member’s contributions and apportion the points as deemed fit. For example, let’s say you write an awesome report which receives a score of 100. If you all agree you did an equal amount of work, everyone gets a 100, hooray! Another example: Let’s say one group member was really outstanding and went out of his/her way to make the project really happen. You might decide to award them a bonus 10 points, sacrificing 10 points from other team member, so the scores would be 110 and 90, respectively. If the final report of this group had received a score of, say, 90, then the final points awarded to each student would be 90 and 90 or 100 and 90, respectively, for the examples above. Grading will be based on the following criteria: Is design based on proper electronics principles? Is design properly executed? Is design properly documented and described? That is, has full justification for design been provided demonstrating full mastery of electronics knowledge? 4
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