Catalyst Catalyst ST ANDREW’S CHURCH 75 Simcoe Street, Toronto, Ontario M5J 1W9 (416) 593-5600 “The people of St Andrew’s are called by God to serve in faith, hope and love in the core of Toronto.” Autumn 2007 From the desk of George C. Vais BEGINNINGS I always loved beginnings. You see, it’s one thing to end something, it’s something else to be in between; but there’s nothing like starting out. As we stand on the threshold of a new venture, a new undertaking, a new chapter, there’s plenty of excitement, and lots of anticipation. At the same time, there’s also fear, apprehension and a question behind it all—will it work out, and will the unfolding of this new thing be beneficial to all concerned? That’s natural. According to Dr. William Bridges, before we can experience a new beginning, we need to have an ending; which is usually followed by a period of what he calls “a neutral zone”, and then, and only then are we ready to celebrate the new beginning. “Only after going through each of these first two phases of transition can people deal successfully with the third phase; beginning over again, with new energy, a new sense of purpose, a new outlook, and a new image of themselves.” [“Getting them through the wilderness: A leader’s guide to transition” p. 2]. By the way, this process applies to individuals, to institutions as well as to organizations. In April of 2006, St. Andrew’s completed a chapter with the retirement of Dr. Cameron Brett as senior minister. As the saying goes, “all good things come to an end”. For the past 17 months we found ourselves in that “neutral zone”. Thanks to your many prayers, your faithful presence and your enthusiastic participation we came through this period with our heads high. On September 16th we began a new chapter in the life of this great congregation with the Rev. Will Ingram as our senior minister. What an opportunity we have TO BE THE CHURCH on the corner of King and Simcoe Streets and beyond. Let us not be afraid to make the adjustments or even those changes in the way we do things. The message we have is the same, as it has always been, it’s the way we deliver it, the way we package it that needs to be adjusted or changed from time to time in order that it may cause “chords that are broken to vibrate once more”, as an old hymn puts it. Let us be willing to look for more ways, and provide the ambience for St. Andrew’s to continue “ serve in faith, hope and love in the core of Toronto”. George C. Vais, Associate Minister for Adult Ministries 2 Catalyst Catalyst THANK YOU, GEORGE! At our annual meeting this spring we were shocked to realize that within a short period of time we had lost Cameron Brett, our Sr. Minister of 16 years, Douglas Bodle, our Director of Music of 40 years, as well as Wendy Pearson, Church Administrator, and Alan House, Church Officer—all of whom seemed irreplaceable. Fortunately, though, George Vais, along with Faith, agreed to stay on as our leader through this time of transition. George has educated us that a period of transition is a time of reflection— and a time of opportunity. Rather than stagnate while looking for replacements, St. Andrew’s has thrived. Through George’s wise counsel, organizational skills, good humour, and compelling sermons, St. An- drew’s is bursting with service and Christian activity as we have celebrated and shared our joys and sorrows. Through God’s will, Dan Bickle, our Interim Director of Music, July Neal, Administrative Assistant, and Jim Callan, Church Custodian, as seamlessly as possible, and with skill and charm, have replaced the irreplaceable. George has not only shepherded us through this time but much of the coming year is planned and organized. It is difficult to express how truly grateful we are, George, to you and Faith. From all of us at St. Andrews: “Thank you!” By Grant Farrow CATALYST Catalyst is published four times annually for members and friends of St. Andrew’s Church. The next issue is the Advent /Christmas issue and the deadline for submitting articles is Sunday, November 4,2007. If possible, articles should be emailed or submitted on disc in Microsoft Word format. All discs will be returned. Catalyst Editor: Pat Reynolds — [email protected] Design and Production: Judy Neal — [email protected] Comments, Questions, Suggestions or Articles: Please contact the Editor or any minister: Reverend Will Ingram, Senior Minister Reverend Dr. George C. Vais, Associate Minister for Adult Ministries Reverend Rodger Hunter, Minister in Association Reverend Dr. Iain Nicol, Minister in Association Website: Email: [email protected] Catalyst 3 Catalyst Boarding Homes Ministry By David Olenic for Phyllis Matheson, Patricia Garnett-Smith, Joan Charlton and Elisabeth Paradis "Weak and fragile is a kingdom with one language and custom" - Stephen I of Hungary (977 - 1038) Each member of the St. Andrew's team take turns leading the devotion when we make our visit to our boarding home. We have an older copy of the Lectionary to help us plan how we can proceed. Additionally, we might use the message that was given on the Sunday just past by the minister, if it happened to inspire the leader for that week. Sometimes however, both the Lectionary and the past service do not inspire, or perhaps some event and or thought has directed the choice of lesson to go off in a different direction. Today I want to briefly tell about one such event. One of the other members of our team decided to lead using passages from the Book of Job. This would not have been a choice that I would have made. Job, in a nutshell, presents the problem of why bad things happen to good people. Not a topic I would choose for a boarding home visit. It is also one that I personally feel is difficult to do. The residents of these homes have had such difficult times themselves and I can't see where I would want to take the discussion after the reading was completed. The other team member did the topic surprisingly well. She talked about what it's like from God's perspective, and gave me a different look on the passages we all discussed, and she did it while engaging the residents in a good discussion! It's a wonder how each member of the team brings a different perspective, and obviously different strengths and weaknesses, and we all learn from one another, residents, students and team members, and in the process we are traveling together with our Lord, making our journey blessed. St. Andrew's team makes a biweekly visit on a Wednesday evening. A few weeks ago, I had to work late, and could not take part in the regular visit. I contacted some of the other team members, and they did fine, but I missed not being there. Yes we extend ourselves outside the walls of St. Andrew's, but we also get so much back in return. If you want to contact Boarding Homes Ministry you can telephone Rev. Roger Hunter at 416992-4987, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. 4 Catalyst Catalyst fàA TÇwÜxãËá jxÄvÉÅxá Clockwise, from top left: The Rev. Dr. Rick Fee delivers the sermon; Presbytery of East Toronto Moderator The Rev. Ferne Reeve delivers the Preamble; Dr. Grant Farrow presents the congregation’s gift to the Ingram family; The Rev. Ferne Reeve and The Rev. Rick Fee congratulate our newly inducted Senior Minister. Photos by Tom Kovats. It was with great enthusiasm and anticipation that we approached the Service of Induction of the Rev. William G. Ingram as Senior Minister to St. Andrew's Church on Sunday, September 16, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. We warmly welcome Will, his wife Karen and their three children Kate, Madeline and Spencer, to the St. Andrew’s family and celebrate their presence with us. Our diverse downtown congregation of all ages and backgrounds has a wonderful tradition of hospitality and encouragement to our clergy. I am therefore confident that Will and his family will quickly be encompassed by your love and support as together we begin this new stage of spiritual growth and service to Christ in this caring Christian community. By Grant Farrow Catalyst Catalyst T axã fxÇ|ÉÜ `|Ç|áàxÜ 5 6 Catalyst Catalyst Cornerstones of Parish Nursing Ministry In the previous edition of the Catalyst, we looked at confidentiality as one of the cornerstones of parish nursing ministry. What about the other three cornerstones? Of what significance are they to this avenue of service at St. Andrew’s? In this article, let us look at the second cornerstone, caring. When discussing care in the context of parish nursing, it is important to understand that the heart of parish nursing ministry is the provision of spiritual care for the individual. In fact, spiritual care is what sets parish nursing apart from other aspects of professional nursing care. All nursing paradigms place the individual at the center of their structure. Parish nursing, however, puts God at the center. There is respect for the uniqueness of the person being cared for. There is appreciation for the sacredness of life, and recognition of the deep need in every person to be in relationship with the Living God. To demonstrate care as a parish nurse is to practice parish nursing. What more can be done? Can we all contribute to a caring Christian community? How is care demonstrated in a faith community? Very simply, in order for people who are part of the community to feel cared for, there needs to be a sense of belonging. Members of this faith community can show care for each other in diverse ways. There is no one way to demonstrate care, just as individuals display unique characteristics and personality traits. The parish nurse may demonstrate care by sending an email, a personal note, a card, or by a telephone call. Prayer with and for those in her care is also part of care. Visitation has been, to date, a regular part of this ministry. To the homebound, acutely ill patient in hospital, or the resident in a long term care facility, the visit is a means of demonstrating care, and reminding the person that she or he is not alone and forgotten. It is not the parish nurse exclusively who can demonstrate care. Care is something everyone can demonstrate in some measure. Frequently people think: “I don’t need to call: they have a family who are involved”, or, “I am too busy, or tired or stressed to call, what could I offer them?” Before making these or similar pronouncements, stop to think how the early Christian church demonstrated care for its members. Ask for wisdom, grace, and insight as to how you can demonstrate care in this community. Ponder Romans 12:6 “Having then gifts that differ according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.” Direction will come to you as you do so. By Maureen McNeish Advance Notice Parish Nursing will be the theme of a Sunday Forum on November 25, 2007 in the boardroom in St. Andrew’s Centre following the morning service. The speaker is Ruth Ann Fraser, Parish Nurse at Bayview Glen Church, and the title of her presentation is: Parish Nursing: Promoting Congregational Health, Healing, and Wholeness at the Grass Roots Level. In addition to working as a Parish Nurse, Ruth Ann is a member of the board of the InterChurch Health Ministries. We look forward to a very interesting and informative session. Catalyst 7 Catalyst Church School News Teen painters Katie Goodwin, Alice Treen and Oliver Treen redecorate after painting the Church School rooms. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To everyone who painted, cleaned and redecorated our school this summer: Peter and Darlene Treen, Stewart, Betsy, Mary, George Vais, Ken Maiden, Wendy Misener, Tom Kovats, Louise Goodwin, Brian Birdsell Bev Graham, Erica Cooke Youth: Katie Goodwin, Michelle Goodwin, Stuart and Leslie Maiden, Andrew Birdsell, Alice and Harold Treen, Arthur Cooke. It looks great and the kids and teachers started this fall with a big smile on their faces. The children, youth and adults are invited to participate in an Art Exhibition in the church school. Submissions are to have a biblical theme and will be accepted anytime and mounted on the walls throughout the school. A new curriculum was started this fall. The primary and junior classes will use Walk with Me while the senior class will follow the lectionary based Seasons of the Spirit. Our teen group will meet at 10:30am in the boardroom most Sundays with Brian Birdsell and Justice Agyemang sharing the leadership. Our youth group meets Sunday, September 23 at the Goodwins’ home for a “meet the minister” and pool party. Kate Agnew will be coordinating their activities this year. We look forward to a vibrant and educational year. Anyone wishing to assist in the school should contact Mary Maiden at 416-425-0861. Notice Re Bursary Applications: The St. Andrew’s Church 175th Anniversary Bursary is available to a student or students enrolled in or embarking on a full-time or part-time course of post-secondary education at a recognized college, community college, university or trade school. Christian Education Committee is ready to receive applications for bursaries and the deadline is November 1, 2007. Anyone who is interested should contact Judy Neal in St. Andrew’s office for a copy of the guidelines for applications. Call 416-593-5600 or email [email protected]. 8 Catalyst Catalyst Election of Elders During the service on Sunday, June 10, 2007, Justice Agyemang, Cynthia Humphries and Nora Lever were ordained and admitted to the Session. In addition to these new elders, four elders who were previously ordained, Sandy Aird, Susan Goodwin, David Olenic and Peter Price, were also admitted to the Session for a six year term of service. Elders continuing on the Session for a further six year term are Heather Dalzell, Grant Farrow, Lenore Goodwin, Lorraine Irvine, Thomas Kovats and Hugh Lloyd. Justice Agyemang The past five years have been happy and eventful for Justice Agyemang and his wife Lorraine. After their wedding in 2002 at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church on Main Street, Markham, Justice and Lorraine moved to Toronto and became members of our St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church here in downtown Toronto. Justice immediately became active, teaching in the Church School. In 2006, their daughter Liberty was born. Justice and Lorraine are both lawyers. Lorraine is presently on maternity leave from the Department of Justice. Justice, formerly at the law firm of McCarthy Tetrault, has recently accepted a position of Senior Counsel at Wells Fargo Financial. In spite of a busy family life and a new job, Justice makes time to play his favourite sport of basketball. Justice is humbled and honoured to be elected to the Session where he hopes to learn and grow, and to be of help where he is needed. He looks forward to working with our new senior minister, Will Ingram, who he met at Camp Iona some years ago. By Eric Reynolds Sandy Aird A number of years ago, the Airds moved back to Toronto after having spent 14 years living on a farm in Caledon. Sandy is welcomed back as an active elder to the Session on which he had previously served for several years. Sandy was part of the group that organized the St. Andrew’s Heritage Trust and he served on its Board of Directors for several years. He has also been a member of the Board of Managers of St. Andrew’s Church and served on two search committees which resulted in calls to Dr. James Evans and Dr. Cameron Brett. Sandy is a retired management consultant and a past chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hospital for Sick Children. By Carol Wishart Susan Goodwin Susan joined St. Andrew's Church in 1990 and is active on our Worship Committee and our Health Cabinet. Susan studied Anthropology at the University of Toronto and now works as a Health and Safety Inspector for the Ontario Government. She even gets to wear a hard hat and boots when she visits a construction site to investigate an injury or accident! As a lifetime Torontonian, she loves the city and spending time with her Westie named Lizzy. In addition to her involvement with St. Andrew's she has been a volunteer at the ROM for many years. Susan is a past Assistant Treasurer/Treasurer of St. Andrew's and first became an Elder in 1997. St. Andrew's is an important part of her life and she finds our Church to be a very warm and friendly place. By Philip Holloway Cynthia Humphries Cynthia Humphries was born in New York City. She became a teacher and taught elementary and ESL classes until her retirement a few years ago. She continues to substitute in elementary classes. She was married to Dr. Raymond Humphries and came to Toronto with him when he began teaching at Knox College in 1979. Cynthia joined St. Andrew’s in 1986 and has been involved in many activities of the church. (Continued on page 9) Catalyst 9 Catalyst She has taught Sunday School and serves on the Pastoral Care Committee. She especially appreciates the Sunday morning Bible study class and feels a special closeness to the members of the group. Cynthia’s family includes a son Robin and a daughter Natalie and four grandchildren who keep her busy with babysitting and visiting. Cynthia brings a lot of energy, insight and great sense of humour with her. She will be a real asset to the session. By Nancy Mathewson Nora Lever Nora Lever brings considerable achievements and life experience to the St. Andrew’s Session and as such to the congregation. Nora and her husband, Allan, came to St Andrew’s about 10 years ago after spending considerable time abroad, lastly in Chicago where Allan headed up the World Trade Center and where he is still actively involved. They settled in downtown Toronto and became involved in St. Andrew’s congregation. Last year they transferred their membership from Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago and have come fully home to us. While in Ottawa Nora was Principal Clerk at the Table in the House of Commons, giving procedural advice to the Speaker of the House and Members of Parliament from all political parties. Allan and Nora spent four years in Saudi Arabia where Allan served an Ambassador for our country. In Toronto, Nora became actively involved with the Toronto Symphony and served as President of the volunteer committee. Nora served our congregation on the Board of Managers and was a member of the recent search committee for a Senior Minister. Nora and Allan have three sons and a daughter and nine lively grandchildren, who give them much joy and pleasure. Besides walking their dog every day, Nora enjoys sailing with the family on their boat. We are indeed privileged to welcome Nora to the session and wish her the Lord’s blessings in her eldership. By Marc Buist for Boarding Homes Ministry, where he is a member of the Staff Relations Committee, and has just added the duties of Secretary. David’s hobbies include gardening. He's converted one of the rooms in his apartment into a plant room which includes over a hundred orchids along with many other plants. He also plays bridge, getting together regularly with his three brothers on the internet. By Eric Reynolds Peter Price David Olenic David came to St. Andrew's from Montreal seven years ago, where he was an elder at the church of St. Andrew and St. Paul. There, David was involved with the student lunch program, served on the Ushering Committee, and was vice-chair on the Outreach Committee. Additionally, he was treasurer for Refugee Action Montreal, a non-profit organization set up by the Anglican and Presbyterian churches, and received an appointment by the Montreal Presbytery to be their church representative on the board of directors for this group. David continues to be active in church life with his involvement with the Tuesday morning community breakfast program and as a team member for our Boarding Homes Ministry which he has written about in Catalyst. He attends the Sunday morning bible study when he's not greeting at the front door, and serves on the Budget Committee. David has also made use of his past board experience to become a director Peter Price comes to St. Andrew’s Church from VictoriaRoyce Presbyterian Church where he was Clerk of Session as well as being involved with many activities of church life. Unfortunately, Victoria-Royce closed its doors last year. Peter is an electrical specialist who came to Canada from Glasgow in 1971. When looking for a new church home, more than one factor led to his choosing St. Andrew’s. A close friend of his now deceased wife is a member of St. Andrew’s. He learned that Cameron Brett’s reputation for preaching had not been exaggerated. And when Will Ingram was called to St. Andrew’s, Peter already knew Will through Evangel Hall and as the minister who presided at the closing service of VictoriaRoyce. Peter was a founding member of the Sunday morning Bible Study group and is now poised to serve on Session. Welcome Peter! By Eric Reynolds 10 Catalyst Catalyst The View from the Office…. I’ve been the administrative assistant at St. Andrew's Church for about nine months now, and what an incredible nine months they’ve been! I feel so blessed to be working here, where I see God’s love in action all the time, every day brings something different, and where my labour is rewarded with so much more than a salary. I meet and work with so many wonderful people. People like the Rev. Dr. George Vais, who has been so patient with me while I scrambled up the steep learning curve. I love watching George’s face light up when he’s in “minister mode”! He is such a wise, gentle and loving pastor, and I’ve learned so much from him. And the inimitable Rev. Rodger Hunter, with whom I enjoy having such fascinating discussions about social and theological issues. Then there’s our new organist, Dan Bickle, with his fine sense of humour and attention to detail. I marvel at how he selects music to clothe the liturgy so well every week. I also appreciate so much the guidance our Church Manager Doug Pearson gives me, as well as the help extended by Jim Callan and Arnaldo dos Santos. Also included in this group, too, are the amazing volunteers who contribute so much to the life and work of this congregation. I’m truly amazed at the tremendous dedication and hard work of our Out of the Cold and Church School volunteers. My job would be so much harder without Eric & Pat Reynolds and Hugh Lloyd, who usually have the answers to my questions about how things work; or without Lenore Goodwin, who helps so much with the Christian Education seminars. And I can always turn to Board members John Matheson & Gordon Taylor, Retiring Clerk of Session, Dr. Grant Farrow, and new Clerk, Lori Ransom, for wise counsel and support when needed. There are several parts of my work that touch me in a special way. One task I truly enjoy is typing the hymns in large print every week for members of the congregation who have difficulty reading our hymn books. I get to immerse myself in every word of those beautiful musical tributes! I also enjoy working with brides and grooms to help each couple create the wedding day of their dreams. I feel especially honoured to be able, in a small way, to help bereaved families navigate the process of planning and organizing funeral and memorial services. It’s so heart-warming to see how members of the congregation lovingly rally to support one of their own during these difficult times—whether by answering the phones, assembling programs, making sandwiches or serving tea—and to see pastoral support extended to families of those whose connections to St. Andrew’s stretch across many miles or far back through time. As we go to press with this issue of the Catalyst I’m looking forward to becoming a member of the congregation. My connection to St. Andrew’s began in August, 2004 when my son, David Washburn, married Suzanne Dicerni, daughter of Ruth Dicerni, a former Out of the Cold coordinator. At the time, I marveled at what a beautiful church this is. It was Ruth who told me about the vacancy in the church office (over a bottle of good wine and some delicious maki balls). The intervening months have provided the opportunity for me to get to know the wonderful people of St. Andrew’s and to see your loving care in action. I delight at how warmly you welcome all newcomers. It is this warmth and caring that helped me to really understand that a church is not just a lovely building and nice worship services—it’s a big, loving family in Christ. That warmth and caring is what convinced me to join the St. Andrew’s family. Special thanks to George and Session for making it possible for me to join you on September 16th. I’m looking forward to working with our newly inducted Senior Minister, The Rev. Will Ingram. If the many e-mails we have traded back and forth are any indication, he has a great sense of humour and a good dose of compassion—not to mention a lot of energy! It looks like the view from the office will be interesting, indeed, over the next year! - Judy Neal, Administrative Assistant 11 Catalyst Catalyst St. Andrew’s Welcomes Dan Bickle, Director of Music by Jack Reynolds Dan Bickle, left, and Hugh Lloyd, convener of the Worship Committee. Dan’s mentor, our former Director of Music, Douglas Bodle, plays while Dan waits to play the next piece. We are very pleased to extend an official welcome to Dan Bickle, who succeeds Douglas Bodle as Director of Music. Dan hardly needs an introduction as he has played during summer services at St. Andrew’s for several years and has been our interim organist over the past eight months. Among many degrees, Dan has a Mus. Bac. from the University of Toronto in Music Education and an M. Mus. from the University of Illinois in Choral Conducting. He has been organist and choir director for many churches and schools in Toronto and pianist for the University of Illinois where he had a teaching assistantship in piano accompanying. Dan is a member of several professional associations including the Royal Canadian College of Organists and the American Choral Directors Association. He enjoys conducting choirs of professional singers, such as St. Andrew’s choir, as well as teaching and conducting young peoples’ choirs. Dan is presently Principal of Manhattan Park Jr. Public School. Dan’s family is rather heavily into music. His wife, Barbara, is a nurse by profession but plays the violin and likes to sing. Daughter Leslie, a soprano, is in her first year at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Music, studying voice. Son Scott is in the last year of high school and plays the trumpet. Welcome Dan! 12 Catalyst Catalyst St. Andrew’s Church Library By Elisabeth Paradis The library has moved! It is now located in the main floor Board Room and it is hoped that this move will make it more accessible. September has arrived and after the summer hiatus the adult study groups and children’s church school are once again meeting regularly. As you prepare for your study groups, remember to take advantage of the resources available in the library. A series of 10 books from the Layman’s Theological Library (legacy of Robert Mathewson), cover a wide range of topics. These include the following: Believing in God by Daniel Jenkins, - “a candid discussion with all persons for whom believing in God is difficult” Prayer and Personal Religion by John B. Coburn - to help us to move from academic knowl edge to a personal relationship with God The Protestant and Politics by William Lee Miller - how Christian faith can affect political activity. Making Ethical Decisions by Howard Clark Kee - how to first see issues clearly and then relate the Christian faith to them. To sign out a library book, simply take the card out of the pocket in the back cover, write the date and your name on the card and leave it in the box on the top shelf. There is no ‘due date’ – you may keep the book for as long as you need it. Please take a moment to visit the Boardroom and browse through the books while enjoying a cup of coffee, tea or juice after the Sunday morning church service. Catalyst Catalyst 13 Congregational Meeting Re Residence for the Ingrams At a special congregational meeting held on Sunday, September 9, 2007, the congregation was given details of the purchase and financing of a home for our new Senior Minister, the Rev. Will Ingram and his wife Karen. The home, at 404 Quebec Avenue near High Park, is co-owned by Will and Karen (55%), and by the trustees of St. Andrew’s Church (45%). The congregation approved the acquisition of this 45% interest financed by loans from the St. Andrew’s Heritage Trust. They also approved the actions of the directors and officers of St. An- From the Treasurer… Pool Party in June: About a year ago the Board of Managers set up the Pre-Authorized Remittance Plan, also known as PAR, for the convenience of those members who want to ensure regular payments of church contributions through pre-authorized withdrawals from their bank accounts. This plan so far has worked well for those involved, and participation is growing. If you think you want to make use of this convenient way to contribute, please contact me or our Church Manager, Doug Pearson, to get started. By Marc Buist drew’s Heritage Trust in making a loan to the trustees and granting a mortgage to Will and Karen. Copies of the background and Resolution which passed are available through the church office. The Church School again enjoyed the annual pool party at the home of Bev and Jack Reynolds. Michael Barnes, former student at St. Andrew’s Church, is Minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, Bracebridge. Janice and Michael Barnes participated in a local art show in Bracebridge. Photos by Lori Ransom 14 Catalyst Catalyst Transitions… Grant Farrow, our faithful Clerk of Session for several years, is retiring and Lori Ransom will be assuming that position as we begin a new era with the induction of Rev. Will Ingram. Lori needs no introduction to St. Andrew’s congregation having participated in numerous programmes and activities over many years. Currently, Lori is working for the Presbyterian Church in Canada as Healing and Reconciliation Animator, which position she described in the Summer issue of Catalyst. Congratulations to Faith and George Vais who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 17, 2007 in Bracebridge. The Vais’ children organized an ‘at home’ event with a guest list of 200 family and friends. Congratulations Faith and George and may you celebrate many more! Stevie Cameron, elder of St. Andrew’s Church, has published a book on the Robert Pickton case, The Pickton File. Stevie continues to audit the trial of Robert Pickton. Erin Maureen Nolte and Roger Wardell were married in St. Andrew’s Church on May 26, 2007. Isabella Mary Rankin Durno, daughter of Don and Jane Durno was baptized in St. Andrew’s Church on Sunday, May 13, 2007. Also baptized was Jaime Dorothy Ionson Taylor, daughter of John and Kimberley Taylor. Both babies are the grandchildren of delighted grandparents Ginger and Gordon Taylor. Erin Marie Birdsell was born August 3, 2007 to proud parents Brian and Sarah-Anne Birdsell. Erin is a sister for Matthew. Congratulations to Matthew Ruttan, a member of St. Andrew’s Church and a theological student at Knox College, who won the following prizes at his Convocation: Bonar-Burns Prize, Dr. Donald Corbett Memorial Prize (Reformed Theology/Theologian), Mar Presbyterian Church Prize (Music and Spirituality), R.J. Stanley Glen Memorial Prize (Pastoral Care), Brydon Prize (Church History, Reformation) Matthew also recently won the Armour Heights Rev. Dr. DeCourcey H. Rayner Bursury. The essay that won this latter prize is printed in the September, 2007 issue of the Presbyterian Record. Catalyst Catalyst 15 Mileposts... Georgina Berry, a long time member of St. Andrew’s Church, died on June 21, 2007. The funeral service was held at Turner & Porter Memorial Chapel, North York. Conrad Dutchin, a long time member and elder of St. Andrew’s Church died on September 10, 2007, in Toronto. Conrad’s funeral was conducted by the Rev. Will Ingram at Glendale Memorial Gardens in Etobicoke. A Heartfelt “Thank You” from Grant Farrow Dear Family of St. Andrew’s: The following excerpt is from a thank you letter written after Jill’s service. This statement of thanksgiving truly applies to the entire St. Andrew’s family and is submitted to the Catalyst with great respect and gratitude: Although we had a long and at times difficult journey, Jill—with unwavering trust and confidence in the support of her loved ones and her abiding faith— traveled this journey with the grace and dignity characteristic of her during our long and wonderful life together. There were innumerable and very moving emotional experiences, of both sadness and beauty, bringing tears to our eyes. These tears were never of anguish or anger, but rather of gratitude and wonder at just how thoughtful and supportive so many people could be. As Susan noted in her expression of thanksgiving at Jill’s service, “We have been surrounded by your love in its many forms: your comforting thoughts and prayers; your visits and calls; your cooking and flowers”; and by the generous and compassionate medical and spiritual care that Jill received. It was also a re- markable time as our own relationships rapidly matured—developing a mutual, almost spiritual bond that allowed Susan and Trevor, as well as Jill and me, to have a heightened awareness of this generosity of spirit. For all of this we will be forever thankful to you. Hopefully time’s inexorable erosion will smooth the harsher edges, leaving beautiful memories, numerous as the stars that when, like Wordsworth: “…In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills….” With appreciation & love, Grant 16 Catalyst Catalyst CALENDAR OF EVENTS Morning Worship Douglas Bodle Recognition Youth Group Annual Pool Party Sunday, Sept. 23 at 10:30 a.m. 12 noon, following worship Following Bide-A-Wee Church Sanctuary Great Hall Home of Katie Goodwin (Louise & Bob) Board of Managers Wednesday, Sept. 26 at 6:00 p.m. Boardroom SAGA Friday, Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m. Great Hall (pot luck dinner at 6 p.m.) Morning Worship Sunday, Sept. 30 at 10:30 a.m. Church Sanctuary Morning Worship, Thanksgiving, World Wide Communion Sunday Sunday, Oct. 7 at 10:30 a.m. Church Sanctuary Fall Supper Seminars Wed. Oct. 10, 17 and 24; Supper at 5 p.m., Seminar 6 to 7:15 p.m. Great Hall (see enclosed brochure) Morning Worship Sunday, Oct. 14 at 10:30 a.m. Church Sanctuary Chris Vais Memorial Event Presenter: Dr. Cameron Brett Saturday, October 20 at 10 a.m. Knox College Morning Worship, Chancel Communion Sunday, October 21 at 10:30 a.m. Church Sanctuary SAGA Friday, Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m. Great Hall (pot luck dinner at 6 p.m.) Morning Worship, Reformation Sunday Sunday Forum: Matthew Ruttan Sunday, Oct. 28 at 10:30 a.m. 12 noon following worship Church Sanctuary Boardroom – “Opening Strange Doors” Board of Managers Wednesday, Oct. 31 at 6:00 p.m. Boardroom Annual Congregational Retreat Saturday, November 3 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Old Mill Inn, Leader: Rev. Will Ingram Morning Worship, Holy Communion Sunday, November 4 at 10:30 a.m. Church Sanctuary Catalyst Advent/Christmas Issue Deadline for articles Sunday, November 4 Church office or Pat Reynolds Out of the Cold commences Monday, November 5 Great Hall Morning Worship, Remembrance Day Service Sunday, Nov. 11 at 10:30 a.m. Church Sanctuary Morning Worship, Holy Communion, St. Andrew’s Day Society Sunday, Nov. 18 at 10:30 a.m. Church Sanctuary Session Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 20 at 7:00 p.m. Boardroom-refreshments 6:30 p.m. SAGA Friday, Nov. 23 at 7:30 p.m. Great Hall (pot luck dinner at 6 p.m.) Advance Notice: Sunday Forum, November 25, 2007. See page 6 for details.
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