We are glad you are worshipping with us today! March 29, 2015 8

Welcome Hosts: 8:30 am: June and Don Stroop
God has called you! See what amazing things God will do through you!
Need volunteers for Hosting.
Audio Tech:
Refreshment Hosts:
Counting Team: #1 Sheree & Lee Horn and Geof Rader
We are glad you are worshipping with us today!
March 29, 2015
8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. 8:30
Children Church Leaders
Nursery: 8:30am: Mary Phillips
Children’s Church: 8:30am:
11am: Prudence Zorrilla and Mary Phillips
God has called you! See what amazing things God will do through you!
Volunteer Now!
10 am Sunday School Leaders
Preschool & Primary Rm 6: Jen Choudhry
Intermediate Rm 5: Marisel Smith
Youth Rm 2: Brian Bergey & Shelly Sobel
GSP Rm 4: Nancy Hartman and Gerry Hawk
MENS Bible Study, Doug Franks Leads: Discussion Format
NEW! Library Rm 3: SHARE & PRAY HOUR –
Share your ideas with the Pastor!
Exodus Bible Study Rm 1: Steve Young & Mike Sobel
Attendance from 3/22/15
Sunday School 32
8:30am Worship 60
11am Worship 59
Total Worship 119
Rev. Dr. Sharon Barley, Lead Pastor
Kim Simcox, Administrative Secretary
ALL Members, Ministers
117 North Monocacy Creek Rd. Douglassville PA
610-385-7141 www.HopeChurchAmity.org
Please check all ministry happenings on Face Book
Wednesdays: Meal at 6:30 p.m; Study at 7:00 p.m.
HOPE United Methodist Church
117 N. Monocacy Creek Road, Douglassville Pa
Sixth Sunday of Lent/Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday
March 29, 2015 8:30 & 11 AM – Divine Worship
Service Leader Today: Bob Simcox, Lay Leader
Worship Leader Today: Janine Gonyea
*congregation may stand
Led by Simcox, Lay Leader
Loving God, today we remember the glad Hosannas of those who
welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem. We happily welcome and praise Jesus
too. Yet, we too can praise him this morning and curse him by our
attitudes and actions this week! Free us from whatever hinders us in
following you. Humble us, as Jesus was humbled. Empower us and equip
us to bring the witness of Christ’s love and compassion to our private
and public activities. Help us to live in unity and in peace through faith
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Bob Simcox, Lay Leader
PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE: “The Lord’s Prayer”
Hosanna Praise is Rising!
Kids Enter with Palms, please take one and celebrate Jesus!
THE PALM LITANY: Bob Simcox and Lauren Young
1s Today we recall the events of the first Holy Week so many years ago.
2 We remember how it started with Jesus entering the Holy City.
1st As he approached Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent
two of his disciples, saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and as
you enter it you will find a colt tied there which no one has ever ridden.
Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ tell
him, ‘The Lord needs it.’”
2 They found this colt, just as Jesus told them. As they were taking it,
the owner asked, “Why are you untying my colt?” They
replied, “The Lord needs it.”
1st They brought the colt to Jesus, threw their cloaks it and Jesus road toward
Jerusalem. As he went along, people spread their coats on the road to make
the path easier for him. When he came near the place where the road goes
down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to
praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen, saying:
2 “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!
Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”VI
1st Some of the Pharisees in the crowd yelled to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke
your disciples! Stop this nonsense!”
2 Jesus replied, “I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”
Please feel free to sit or stand
during the extended worship time.
READING of the Psalms (Palms): Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
THE PASSION – P: The Congregation Reads L: Bob Simcox Reads
L It is true that we welcome Jesus into our midst. We sing today loud
hosannas and call upon him as a Savior, a mighty king.
P We hoped that the he would fight those who cast us away and put us
in camps like dogs in a pen. We wanted justice! We wanted Jesus to
bring us out of this place just like King David before him.
L But Jesus walked a different path to glory and worked in a different
way to bring God's salvation to all people, but it is a difficult path –
To chose love in the face of hate, forgiveness even when despised
and rejected. This is the path to be a follower of Jesus.
P We did not understand this way - and when Jesus was
betrayed into the hands of the authorities and did not fight, we
turned on him, seeing him as a failure. Jesus let us down. We
wanted him to fight, for himself, and, for us.
L When he did not fight and without a word of defense, he endured
torture, ridicule and even those closest to him fled in fear.
P Even Peter, he called him a “rock upon which the church is built”
didn’t want to go there, so he ran away.
L Today, we know the rest of the story. In the comfort of your life,
You too must answer, “will you follow the path of Jesus?” Will you
give up your needs for the sake of another’s needs?
SERMON: Via Dolorosa
Rev. Dr. Sharon Barley
* CLOSING SONG: Holy Week services on Thursday at 7 & Easter
HOPE’S Happenings This Week
Sunday, March 29
8:15 am
8:30 am
9:45 am
10 am S.S.
11 am
Pre-service Prayer Time
Celebration Worship Service
Refreshments and Fellowship – Kitchen to Classes
A Sunday School for everyone! Please join
Celebration Worship Service
Couple’s Bible Study in room 1
Monday, March 30
Celebration Team meeting in room 3
1 – 4; 6-9
Pastor meeting; Pastor in office 6-9
Tuesday, March 31
9 am -1 pm
Church office OPEN
Wednesday, April 1
9 am – 1 pm
Church office OPEN
Lenten Study in room 3
Knotty Knitters Class room 4
Youth Group in rooms 1 & 2
Praise Team Practice in Worship Center
Maundy Thursday, April 2
9 am -1 pm
Church office OPEN
Zumba Class tonight
Maundy Thursday Service in Worship Center
Good Friday, April 3
All Day
Pastoral Visitation & Counseling
Prayer Journey meeting outside at the Prayer Cross
Saturday, April 4
Sunday, April 5
8:30 am
9:30 am
10:45 am
A Sunday School for everyone! Please join.
Celebration Worship Service
Refreshments and Fellowship
Couple’s Bible Study in room 1
OR IN ANY EMERGENCY: 717-917-7066 or email [email protected]
Hope Builders
Love Inc.
Red Bird Mission Testimony
Salvation Army
St Paul’s Food Pantry
Cooking for Jesus Ministry
Need Coordinators for:
• Hope Church Kitchen Team
to organize and care for our
• Hope Church “Care Team”
to organize food, and support to
shut-ins and those in the
Hospital or recently ill and need
• Hospitality Team to organize
Welcome events, visitor
mentors and follow-up of new
and old members.
• Outreach Team to organize
sporting events, and all efforts
to reach our neighbors for
• UM Men’s Ministry Team at
Hope Church
Keith Golembiewski
Joan Kulas
June & Don Stroop
Chick Carey
Tracy Harris
Leonard Gresh
Betty Siebert
Ken Rhoads
Evelyn Davidheiser
Dorothy Christman
Pastor Sharon’s Mom
Donna Shaw
Megan Coffelt
Steve Danzig
Rosemary Claycomb
Nancy Oakley
Sharon Specht
Pastor Sharon
My Dad came home from Rehab
For Pastor’s Sharon’s service to
Thank God for more praises on
the praise and prayer lists.
Angie Parker, good health results
God’s blessings
I praise God for coming into my
life and changing who I am!
(week of 3/22/15)
Pastor Sharon
Healing for Eyes
Claudette Levi-Farnem life struggles
For my wife as she
continues to recover from
a heart attack. Prayers
for me as I continue my
journey with God.
*Please Note: For any prayer to be published, please obtain permission.
Long-term prayer contact: 610-582-7646 or [email protected]
H.O.P.E. 100%
AT 9:30 A.M. Invite someone new
8:30am is Sunday School for Everyone!
During Holy Week, services will be held at Hope Church
on Thursday evening with communion, special music on guitar,
worship and scripture readings and a pastoral reflection.
Service time is 7-8 pm.
On Good Friday, please gather friends and family for prayer at the
cross outside the church, and for a special prayer journey in silence as
you walk through the stations of the cross. There will be information
at each station for your prayerful reflections. Let this time be a
special time of personal reflection and renewal.
Easter Sunday morning we will be hosting an "Easter Treat" potluck during the
Refreshment time. Just as we celebrate Christmas together by everyone bringing in
cookies, this year we will celebrate Easter by everyone contributing a favorite Easter
treat to share during the fellowship time between services.
Hospitality Ministry Leader,
Outreach Ministry Leader
Prayer Ministry Leader, and a
Small Group Ministries Leader
These are all NEW ministry initiatives to focus 2015 on
CHIILDRENS MINISTRY TEAM: is seeking volunteers to serve in the Sunday School,
Children’s Church and Nursery. NO experience is necessary…just a love for children! See Jen
Choudhry for more information!
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE PASTOR: Pastor Sharon will be in the library
between services for coffee and conversation. This is a time for you to express or receive
support, for prayer together, and to grow together in Christ.
Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. in room 1. Co-led by Mike Sobel
and Steve Young. This Bible study will take you on an incredible journey into the historic text
of Jewish history. Have you seen the movie? What is real and what is false? Is the movie a
good portrayal of the biblical text or just another sensational rendition of Hollywood’s
dreams? Come learn about some key insights and truths about the EXODUS!
Spring is here!
Time to join the Mowing Team!
See sign-up sheet outside of room 3!
Stepping-stones to church growth and spiritual renewal:
H. Hospitality: APRIL 18TH . Cooking for Jesus class begins 9 am. Come
Saturday morning and help cook up some dinners to freeze. Bring in your recipes for
O. Outreach: Have an idea? A neighbor in need? Hope Builder’s Ministry needs
your help. Please put in your name for your interest to be contacted as outreach
ministry projects are made known. Please contact the Church Office or send us an
P. Purpose: That’s why we praise Him, that’s why we sing…. If you are in need of
private spiritual direction and prayer, please call Pastor Sharon directly.
E. Engagement & Education Use your spiritual gifts to bring glory to GOD!!
Exodus Bible Study Class, Grief Care, Youth Ministries, Small Groups more to come.
District Conference will be held on April 12th (Sunday) at 3pm.
Location: First UMC of Phoenixville (865 Main St., Phoenixville, PA)
Upcoming Central District Trainings
Finance Intensive Training - April 25th
Time: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Location: Haven Peniel UMC
Nominations Intensive Training - April 25th
Time 8:30am - 12:30pm
Location: Evans burg UMC
prayer, reflection and worship we walk a Lenten journey together every Wednesday
to Maundy Thursday, our Seder Meal here at Hope Church. Lent is a time of
preparation, repentance, celebration, and rejoicing, Deepen your faith and sense
God’s care and love for you along the journey.
The Christian Gospel is framed in this one core value that brings
salvation to millions throughout history and every day. We have an
upward mobility, yet God continues to call us to a downward
mentality. Is joy and love gained by outward success or is there
something more. Come learn about the GREAT PARADOX of
Scripture and a way to total freedom NOW>
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Church’s observance of the
HOLY WEEK Sunday, March 29th – Saturday April 4th
Lenten season—six weeks set apart for the purpose of drawing closer to God
and seeking him with greater intensity.
Maundy Thursday, April 2nd 7pm Service
TOGETHER. Join Pastor Sharon for a supper of delicious, warm
soup and bread as we study and walk in the shadow of the cross
together. Begins this Wed. Feb. 25th at 7 p.m. Through Bible study,
ASH Wednesday As we received the symbolic gesture of the imposition of
ashes on our foreheads, we acknowledge our human finiteness and mortality.
No matter who we think we are, receiving the ashes reminds us that, “You
are dust and to dust you will return” (Genesis 3:19). Invite a Friend to
journey with you throughout our Lenten Study together in the library.
Resurrection EASTER Sunday, April 5th
“‘And yet even now,’ says the Lord, ‘return to me with all your heart . . .’”
—Joel 2:12
Feb. 25th - Growing in the Gift of Joy through LOVE
Lent begins with an invitation to honesty and clarity. We can receive God’s
gift of Joy when our hearts and minds are pure before him. What gracious
gift awaits us if we are willing to heed, hear, and obey His Word.
“Where in my life have I gotten away from God, and what are the
disciplines that will enable me to find my way back?”
March 4th - Servanthood, Breaking the ME-first MIND-set
Honest to God As we prepare for Lent, we are called to be as honest as we
are able about the ways we have “left” God and slipped into spiritual
mediocrity. “You desire truth in the inward being,” Psalm 51 points
out. “Therefore, teach me wisdom in my secret heart.”
As God gives us wisdom and insight about our true condition we can
choose spiritual practices that are uniquely suited to help us return to God in
the places where we have strayed or to renew our passion where our hearts
have grown cold.
The season of Lent is not a simple rearranging of outside priorities, or
breaking old habits, or giving up ‘stuff.’ It is a whole new, fully renewed
mindset. Let’s break bread together and eat soup and let God change us!
March 11th – The Foolishness of the Cross – What is Faithful
Suffering is a path and journey we all must take at some point in our life.
We avoid suffering, fight against suffering, withdraw from suffering in all
circumstances and in particular – when we suffer a wrong, or offense, or
being misunderstood. Jesus chose to suffer. WHY?!
March 18th – SURRENDER. The Moment of Letting Go.
Surrender. We hate that word. We want our rights, privileges and freedom.
Surrender is not in our vocabulary God! God has made a way for us to find
true freedom in our life, it is not through resistance or withdrawal – but
uniquely and wholly through surrender. Struggling with letting go of
something or someone? Come find true freedom in simple words of grace.
March 25th – True Humility. Can We Find is Anywhere Anymore?
God’s Steadfast Love Serious as the Lenten season is, it is also a time of
great hope as we experience God’s steadfast love for us, even in the midst of
whatever sin we are acknowledging. With confidence we pray, Have mercy
on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant
mercy blot out my transgressions.
In the shadow of Christ’s cross and impending resurrection we are
assured that there is forgiveness and cleansing for all who turn to him. In
Christ there is the power to pass from death unto life in the places where we
ourselves are in need of resurrection.
2nd Reader: At dawn's first light, the high priests, with the religious leaders and
scholars, arranged a conference with the entire Jewish Council. After tying Jesus
securely, they took him out and presented him to Pilate. Pilate asked him,
1st Reader: "Are you the 'King of the Jews'?"
Jesus voice “If that is who you say I am.”
1st Reader: Then the high priests let loose a barrage of accusations.
Pilate asked again,
Aren’t you going to answer anything? That’s quite a list of accusations.”
Narrator: Still, he said nothing. Pilate was impressed, really impressed. It was
a custom at the Feast to release a prisoner, anyone the people asked for. There
one prisoner called Barabbas, locked up with the insurrectionists who had
committed murder during the uprising against Rome. As the crowd came up and
began to
present its petition for him to release a prisoner, Pilate anticipated them:
2nd Reader:
“Do you want me to release the King of the Jews to you?”
Narrator: Pilate knew by this time that it was through sheer spite that the high
priests had turned Jesus over to him. But the high priests by then had worked up
the crowd to ask for the release of Barabbas. Pilate came back,
1st Reader:
“So what do I do with this man you call King of the Jews?”
CROWD: “Nail him to a cross!”
1st Reader: Pilate objected, "But for what crime?” But they yelled all the louder,
Shouting in a loud voice at once:
CROWD: "Nail him to a cross!"
2nd Reader: Pilate gave the crowd what it wanted, set Barabbas free and turned
Jesus over for whipping and crucifixion. The soldiers took Jesus into the palace
and called together the entire soldier brigade. They dressed him up in purple and
put a crown plaited from a thorn bush on his head. Then they began their
CROWD: “Hail, Hail, King of the Jews?"
1st Reader: They hit him on the head with clubs, spit on him, and pulled his
hair as his bloody body stood before them, with their torn purple cape they knelt
down in mockery pretending to worship. They put a heavy cross on his back and
made him walk the long path to Golgotha, facing crowds who continued to mock
him. When he stumbled, a man named Simon carried Jesus' cross. The soldiers
threw him on the hard wood and stretched out his hands. The scene so brutal,
many fled when the first nail pounded through his weak hand. They offered him
wine mixed with myrrh, but he refused it. The soldiers divided up his clothes and
threw dice to see who would get them. The sign above his head read - THE
2nd Reader: Along with him, they crucified two criminals, one to his right, the
other to his left. Some people returned to see this horror scene not daring to
complain or fight for Jesus who had touched and love so many. Where were
those whom he healed? Those who were fed? Those who followed him? Only his
mother and John sat by weeping and crying out in anguish for his suffering and
this senseless act of violence against and innocent man. Some people who passed
along the road looked up at Jesus and mocked him too…
CROWD: "You bragged that you could tear down the Temple and then
rebuild it in three days - so do it! Save yourself, If you're really God's Son,
come down from that cross!"
2nd Reader: The high priests, along with the religious scholars, were right there
mocking and watching with the rest of them,
CROWD: "He saved others - but he can't save himself! Messiah, is he?
King of Israel? Then let him climb down from that cross. We'll ALL
become believers then!"
2nd Reader: As if it wasn’t enough, one of the men crucified alongside him
joined in the mockery. Suddenly at exactly high noon, the sky became dark, pitch
black. The darkness lasted three hours. If was as if God had enough of their
mockery and shielded his Son from their eyes! At three o'clock, Jesus groaned in
anguish and suddenly cried out in a loud voice:
Jesus voice:
"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"
1 Reader: Which means, "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?"
Some bystanders who heard him said, "Listen, he's calling for Elijah." Someone
ran off, soaked a sponge in sour wine, put it on a stick, and gave it to him to
drink, saying,
CROWD: "Let's see if Elijah comes to take him down."
2nd Reader:
But Jesus suddenly gasped his last breath. At that very moment
the thick, heavy Temple curtain, separated the altar from the people, ripped right
down the middle.
1st Reader: When the Roman captain standing guard in front of him saw that he
had quit breathing, he said,
CROWD: "This has to be the Son of God!"