Chad Connection Facts About Hunger in Chad 1. Chad ranks 73rd out of 78 countries on the Global Hunger Index which measures the global fight against hunger. 2. 87 percent of the rural population lives below the poverty line. 3. In 2015, more than 2.4 million rural Chadians have become food insecure. 4. In several regions, farmers will face an unusually longer and leaner season this year - Instead of the traditional June through September period, it is expected last from February to September. 5. Highly unpredictable rains, periodic droughts, locust infestations and unsustainable farming practices negatively affect cereal production across the country. . 6. 360,000 Sudanese refugees, 100,000 Central African Republic returnees and refugees, and 20,000 Nigerian refugees have fled their homes to Chad. 7. Lack of infrastructure and limited human resources, as well as, aggravated by structural food insecurity has hampered access to basic education in a country where only one third of the adults are literate and two thirds of school age children are enrolled. 8. With a budget of 28 million dollars USD, 580.000 recipients will receive food assistance through food vouchers in 2015. Prayer Notes PRAY.... THAT OUR UNITY AND LOVE WILL ALWAYS BE GENUINE. THAT EVERYTHING WE DO WILL BRING GLORY TO GOD. THAT WE WILL REACH THE LOST FOR CHRIST AND MAKE DISCIPLES. THAT WE WILL GROW IN SPIRITUAL MATURITY THAT WE LIVE IN THE LORD'S PROTECTION FROM SELFSERVING SIN. THAT OUR FAMILIES AND MARRIAGES WILL BE STRENGTHENED. The Mission of Hope Lutheran Brethren Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by: Experiencing God’s presence through worship, THAT WE WILL TREASURE JESUS MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. Communicating God’s Word through evangelism, Encouraging God’s family through fellowship, Strengthening God’s people through discipleship, THAT THE LORD WILL USE OUR HOPE AS A MEANS TO DRAW OTHERS TO HIMSELF. Demonstrating God’s love through service. Office Hours Pastor Kevin: Monday 6-8 pm Wednesday 6-9pm, Friday 9-11am & 1-5pm Church office hours Monday Wednesday, Friday 8:30 am—3:30 pm Photo submitted by Doug Roise “The Road Less Traveled” I Peter 2:1-12 “You are a royal priesthood, God’s own chosen people.” April 26, 2015 807 5th St. SE, Barnesville MN, 56514// Office 218-354-7466//[email protected] Pastor Kevin Skaret, cell: 701-526-6539//[email protected] “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and steadfast…” Hebrews 6:19 Life at Hope Worship Service Welcome to Hope Welcome & Announcements Thank you for coming to church today. God has gathered us together and it is no accident that you are here. It is a profound joy that we are able to worship our God along with you. Let us look forward together to what God has for us on this special morning. - Pastor Kevin Call to Worship - Psalm 72:1-2,12-20 Praise & Worship Worship with our Offering Scripture Reading – Luke 8:4-15 Connection Cards are found in the pews. Please Gideon presentation: Lyle Westrom fill one out and place it in the offering plate. These cards are a good way for us to get to know you, visitors and regular attenders alike, and to connect you with the ministries of Hope Lutheran Brethren Church. Prayer Time Sermon “The Road Less Traveled ”** I Peter 2:1-12 Song of Response Do you need prayer? Please put your prayer request on the connection card. You may also share your request during our prayer time this morning. There are people who would be happy to pray for you or with you. Child Care is available during our worship service for children up to 36 months of age. Children must be dropped off and picked up by a parent or an approved adult. Audio of our sermons and copies of past bulletins are available on line at: Our Worship Service is broadcast on Barnesville cable TV Chanel 12 every Sunday and Wednesday at 3:00 & 8:00 pm. **This sermon series borrows titles from classic literature that evoke the image the sermon is trying to convey. This week’s title is from a 2004 novel by Andre Brink . Mr Brink got the inspiration for his title from the 1872 George Elliot novel Middlemarch. Life at Hope This Week Today Congregational Meeting Wed 4/22 7:00 pm Bible Study & Prayer Time 7:00 pm Confirmation Thurs 4/23 7:30 pm Women’s Bible Study Looking Ahead May 3 Confirmation Sunday May 17 Mother’s Day Tea May 24 Sunday School Party on the Lawn Announcements Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Ps 127:1 tells us that we labor in vain if we don’t labor according to God’s plan. Please join us on Wed nights from 7-8pm for a time of prayer and Bible study about prayer Hope LBC Seniors. The Hope LBC Seniors meet the first Thurs of the month at 2 pm at the church. The next meeting is May 7, Mark Rustad, Administrator of ClayCo Care Center, will be the guest speaker. Everyone is welcome! Mother’s Day Tea. Please join us on Sunday, May 17 at 2:00 pm as we “Spring into Fashion”. Please RSVP by signing up in the foyer or on the Facebook event page. Food Pantry. The Barnesville Area Food Pantry is asking for help! The use of the Food Pantry is increasing. They are asking for help to restock the shelves. Currently they are in need of the following items: Soda Crackers, small bags of flour, coffee (1lb can), small bottles of vegetable oil, ketchup, boxed potatoes & nonperishable food. Collection boxes are in the front and back entryways. Congregational Meeting. There will be a short Congregational Meeting TODAY after our Worship Service, all members are encouraged to attend. Confirmation Sunday. Confirmation Sunday is next Sunday, May 3. Please join us before our morning worship service for a special Confirmation reception from 9:15 –10:15am to honor our confirmants! Ministry Opportunities Worship Team. Do you sing or play an instrument? The Praise & Worship team would like to welcome those who are interested in participating in this ministry to join them. Contact Matt Perkins or Mark Vold for more information. Photos needed! Attention photographers! The church office is looking for photos to use on the cover of the bulletin (and other areas of the church.). We are currently looking for spring/summer themed photos. Please email your photos to the church office at: [email protected] Children's Ministries Kids Sunday School. Classes are available for kids ages 3-6th grade at 9:15 am each Sunday. For questions, please speak to Stacia Sytsma. Party on the Lawn. Join us on May 24th as we celebrate another great year of Sunday School with a party on the greenspace. Youth Ministries HLBC Youth Group. The Youth Group meets twice a month. All who are entering 7th— 12th grade are encouraged to attend and invite a friend. For more information, please speak to Randy Erickson. Women of Hope Bible Study. There are several Bible studies currently meeting. Check out the foyer bulletin board for more information.
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