Active in Love, Growing in Christ April, 2015 Vol. 15, No. 4 the Times of Hope Holy Week Worship As you open this issue of the “Times of Hope,” Holy Week has begun. March 29 is Palm Sunday / Sunday of the Passion, and with it we begin Jesus’ inevitable journey to the cross where He died for our salvation. This year, both services on Palm Sunday / Sunday of the Passion feature a drama entitled “The Final Witness.” It’s set in a courtroom, and reviews the testimony of six witnesses before hearing the testimony of the final witness in a case to determine the fate of a group of orphans. The Sunday School children will participate in the 11:00 service with the waving of Palm Branches and the singing of a Palm Sunday song. April 2 is Maundy Thursday – the night when Jesus was betrayed and arrested. The message for this Communion service begins with a compelling true story of a mother and her child trapped under the rubble of an earthquake, and how that mother kept her child alive. The message is entitled “The Lord’s Supper: A Satisfied Thirst.” Since the 2015 Confirmands have now completed about 90% of their Confirmation instruction, they are being invited to receive the Lord’s Supper for the first time at this Maundy Thursday service. Service time is 7:30 P.M. April 3 – A Tenebrae Service of darkness will once again highlight our Good Friday remembrance of the self-sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for our sake – for our forgiveness, our salvation. Candles will be extinguished one at a time as we make our way through the seven words of Jesus from the cross. “Miniature Messengers” is the theme of the sermon, and you won’t believe who those messengers are!! Three brief monologues will drive home the point and make the service more personal. The Good Friday Tenebrae Service begins at 8:00 P.M. Sunday Worship Schedule 9:00 Traditional Worship Hope Lutheran Church and Christian School 3151 York Street, Port Coquitlam BC, V3B 4A7 Phone: 604-942-5322 - Fax: 604-942-5311 10:05 Bible Study 11:00 Contemporary Worship and Sunday School 2 (Holy Week Worship continued from page 1) resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. These Communion services will develop the sermon’s theme: “The Stone was Moved for ??” The Sunday School children will again participate by singing a song at the 11:00 service. Everyone is invited to join in the Easter breakfast, which begins at 9:30. (11:00 worshipers are encouraged to come at 9:30 so that the 9:00 worshipers can join the breakfast at 10:00.) Celebrate the central message of our Christian faith during Holy Week. Hear about Jesus’ sacrifice, suffering, death and resurrection and what it means for Churches. If you haven’t already met and welcomed these people, please make an effort to meet and get to know: Melvin, Crystal, Ana and Philip Mayfield Lyndsey (and Dan) and Adelyn Johnson Caitlin (and Dan) Stiles We praise God for their partnership with us in God’s mission here at Hope Lutheran. News from the LWML you! Easter Breakfast On Easter Sunday, April 5, some of the men of our congregation will be serving breakfast of pancakes, Hash browns and sausages. To serve such a breakfast we will need some of you men to help out. You are being called upon to cook the food, serve the food and clean up after the food (is cooked and served). The cooking starts at 7:00 am. The servers start at 9:00 am. The cleanup starts at 9:30 am. (The cleanup people are the hardest to find) Please contact Bruce Forrieter at 604 589 1543 to tell me what you want to do. Our mission project for March and April is the assembling of Care Kits…..personal care items for people in need. These kits will be taken to United Gospel Mission for distribution. Any donations by congregation members will be gratefully received. There is a box in the narthex for contributed items. See separate article for items needed. Fraser Valley Zone of LWMLC is holding their Spring Renewal on April 18/15 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Abbotsford. The topic is “Decide to DeClutter”. Registration and coffee at 9 a.m. Cost is $10.00 which includes lunch. Al l ladies are welcome to come and join your sisters in Christ for fel- For those of you who want to eat this great breakfast, we will start serving at 9:30 am. lowship and fun! from the church. We will carpool See you there. Submitted by Frances Loughton Union Gospel Mission Care Kits The Elders New Disciples We were happy to welcome to our fellowship at Hope Lutheran some followers of Jesus Christ who have come to us from other Lutheran Do you brush your teeth, wash your hair or use antiperspirant each day? To many struggling folk in the Greater Vancouver area, these basic personal care items are an unaffordable luxury. The LWML is supporting the Union Gospel Mission's "Care Kits" campaign by collecting personal hygiene items until Sunday, April 10. A list of Care Kit items follows. 3 The personal care items go a long way in restoring God-given hope and dignity for those with basic (continued on page 3) (Union Gospel Mission Care Kits continued from page 2) needs. Over the past 75 years, Union Gospel Mission has been meeting the immediate needs of their community guests with warmth and welcome. A warm nutritious meal, shelter and basic hygiene are stepping stones towards change and transformation in a person's life. Please be generous! General Needs: Shampoo, Soap, Emergency blankets, Reusable water bottles, Reusable coffee mugs with lids, Tootbrushes, Toothpaste For men: Razor, Shaving cream, Deodorant, Dark socks, Underwear For women: Lady’s razor, Deodorant, socks, Underwear, Feminine hygiene products White Submitted by Deanna Hautz Fellowship Opportunity: Fraser Valley Tulip, Coffee, and Cheese Tour Would you like to see some beautiful tulip fields in bloom? No, you don’t have to go to LaConnor, Washington – we have our own 40 acre tulip field right here in Agassiz. Why not check it out? On Saturday, April 11th, 2015, we will meet at the church at 10:00 a.m. to car pool out to Agassiz. The tulip fields are located behind the Seabird Island Gas Bar, just off Highway 7 slightly east of Agassiz. Parking is available at the Seabird Island Gas bar, (weekends $10.00 per vehicle, cash only). From the Gas bar we will take a shuttle down to the field entrance, and weather permitting, we will be able to walk around the perimeter of the entire field. Admission to the tulip field is $5.00 for adults, $2.50 for seniors, (cash only) and children under 12 are free. If we have a group of 10 or more, we pay $4.00 each. Potted tulips will be available for purchase. Following the walk around the tulip field, we will proceed back to Agassiz for lunch at Jack’s Restaurant. After lunch, we will head to The Back Porch, a coffee roastery and pottery shop located on Golf Road, on the way to Harrison Hot Springs. We will have an opportunity to check out the pottery items, sample some wonderful organic coffee, (coffee and pottery items are available for purchase), purchase fresh eggs, and check out some antiques in the shed. You can also feed the chickens and goats for $.25. From the Back Porch, we will take a short drive down the road to the Farmhouse Natural Cheese store. Here we will have an opportunity to sample and purchase artisan cheeses made right on the premises from milk from the farm’s cows and goats. Then we will travel home. Be sure to bring your camera to take some pictures. Please sign up on the sheet posted in the Narthex if you plan on coming. It should be an interesting and fun outing. For more information, please contact Joyce Gillespie at 604 944-1305. It’s soon time to dig out those wonderful fashions of yesteryear! “A Walk Through Memory Lane” Fashion Show and High Tea May 2 - watch for sign up sheet to be posted shortly. Church Worker Input Sessions In January of this year, Marcus Todd, our Director of Youth and Worship announced that he will be returning to school to continue his University education for the purpose of obtaining his Teacher’s Certificate. He will be working until the end of August, and in September and October be on Paternity leave and then returning for a little time in November. This will leave a hole in our church worker ministry and this has been recognized by the voters at the last Voters’ meeting on March 1. There was much discussion about a church worker position and the Elders were tasked with finding out what that church worker position will be in the future. Now, we are asking for your help and insight into what gifts and skills you are looking for in a Church 4 (Church Worker Input Sessions continued from page 3) for our congregation’s ministry. We will be tallying a list of those gifts and skills you give to us. To start you thinking before you attend one of the Input Sessions, we have compiled a list of roles to consider for that person/position. This is our starting list of those roles: Parish Administration; Preaching; Leading worship; Bible teaching; Confirmation teaching; Worship planning; Member visitation; Pastoral Counseling; Hospital/ Home-bound visitation; Leadership/ Vision Casting; Community outreach/ Evangelism; Training people (for Evangelism or ??); Children’s ministry; Pastor to the School teachers; Outreach to School families; Outreach to School children; Marriage/ Premarriage Counseling; Family ministry; Youth ministry; Music leadership; Ministry to inactive members; Follow-up to worship visitors; Church planting; Small Group ministry; Social ministry (community). Also, some Church Worker positions that are available for us to discuss at the sessions are: Second Pastor (Half-time or Full-time), Director of Parish Services, Director of Christian Education (U.S. trained), or Director of Christian Outreach (U.S. trained). We want to see and feel your presence at these sessions. Please plan to attend one of them. The Elders Ladies’ Book Club LADIES BOOK CLUB meets Monday, April 20th from 7 to 8:30 PM, at the home of Bernice Ulmer #10-19044118B Ave, Pitt Meadows. New ladies are welcome. We will be discussing “The Constantine Codex” a fast-paced novel by Dr. Paul L. Maier. “A few pieces of centuries-old parchment tucked inside a tattered book lead archaeologists to what could possibly be the greatest find in church history.” YOUTH NEWS !! The Youth of Hope have continued to meet on an approximately weekly basis, with a wide variety of interesting and fun-filled events. Weekly attendance has been about 21, in the Grade 7 – 10 age-group, with the majority from Grade 7. Attendance by youth who are Grades 11 – 12 is sporadic and only a handful in number. Our main leaders have continued to be Marcus Todd and Kaitlyn Horton, with a few other individuals helping in various roles from time-totime. If you are one of these, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your help and caring. Unfortunately, though, Hope's youth program still lacks the support of consistent volunteers, who will commit to forming regular relationships with the youth by being there more than just once in awhile. This is our most difficult and ongoing issue with running the youth programs effectively. With so few willing to help consistently, our leaders are constantly teetering on the edge of burn-out. I see this in my own daughter all the time – she loves to work with the youth, but the constant pressure of knowing that, even though she is just a volunteer, there is no one to take her place if she needs a night off, leaves her feeling frustrated and over-burdened. To date, despite countless hours of brainstorming, we have been unable to find a good solution for this problem. We pray that God will lead us in a constructive direction so that the program can move forward more effectively for our youth. Perhaps He is calling YOU or someone you know ... Anyway, you know all those hotdogs you have been enjoying with after-service meetings? Think of them as your contribution to the youth fund-raising efforts to attend the District Youth Gathering this summer! This event is hosted by the ABC District every 3 years, and is themed “MARVELous” this time, based on Psalm 98:1. The gathering is focused on building up and encouraging young people and youth leaders in our church through amazing speakers, worship, drama, art, sports, and choir opportunities. It is being held at Trinity Western University in Langley from July 2 – July 5, 2015. The cost of the gathering is $300 per person, if registered before April 1. The District needs 120 registrants by May 7 to make the gathering a “go”. Let's work as a congregation to send as many of our youth as possible! This is an investment not only in their future, but in ours as a congregation! There will also be a National Youth gathering to look forward to in 2016, to be held at Brock University in St. Catherines, Ontario, from July 8 – 12, 2016. It will be themed “Living H2O”, 5 based on Jesus' words in John 4. Stay tuned for more info about THIS one by fall of this year. By the way, these youth gatherings are awesome and life(Youth News continued from page 4) impacting! Pastor and I both attended one in Ottawa called “Faith to Be”, in about 1976 – which we still talk about! And that's how many years later . . . please don't calculate! Our Young Adults group is currently being led by Pastor Hautz, going through the basics of the Lutheran faith over about a 10-week stretch, and we look forward to the Baptism and Confirmation on Easter Sunday of one of our participants! Attendance has varied from 7 – 13 over the past 6 months, and many relationships are forming between this group of individuals in our church. Pastor has also been hosting once-monthly “pub nights” at a local establishment, where young adults meet informally for conversation and discussion of spiritual topics. This offers a non-threatening “connection point” for those young adults who might not feel comfortable being in a church building. Our final bit of news is that we will be losing Marcus as a key youth leader by December of this year, when he leaves his position to further his studies full -time. This will be a devastating loss for both the youth and contemporary worship, and we pray for God's guidance in finding a suitable replacement for him. Brenda Horton, Co-Director of Board of Youth School News: I caught some students lamenting over where the year had gone and was somewhat surprised as I thought that "time flying past" was simply a condition of adulthood. They were remembering the fun that they had had playing soccer last Fall as if it had happened last month. It was a good opportunity to have them share what they were most excited about as they entered the last few months of school. With a pleura of excitement the group started to share a variety of activities that were at the top of their list. Playing badminton, participating in track and field, joining the softball team were on their list with Ultimate Frisbee topping the chart of excited anticipation. The opportunity to experience team play is a highlight, but this group of grade 6's were zealous in their enthusiasm for the opportunity to be a part of performing in the musical, "Annie". The entire elementary school is singing about the sun coming out tomorrow and want to extend an invitation to the congregation to join us for our May 13 and 14th's performances. We are looking forward to showcasing the work of our students who have researched an aspect of Canada's history or geography for a Heritage Fair on the evening of April 14. It is sure to be a time of learning and sharing about this amazing country where we are blessed to live. Some of the high school students and staff had an amazing adventure traversing Canadian battlefields in Europe during spring break. Looking forward, the grade 8 and 9's prepare for their own mission journey to Oregon at the beginning of May. Whether it is planting Easter gardens in Kindergarten or writing mid-terms in high school, our student body of 310 students is pointed to live and fulfill the unique purpose that God intends for their lives. Particularly during the month of April and season of Easter we give thanks for the many opportunities we have to teach important truths and to proclaim the triumphant risen Saviour to the families that Hope ministers to through our school. With Easter Joy, Susan Eisner Food Bank Fund “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.” Matt. 25:35. Our deliveries of potatoes during March took place as planned with a third shipment scheduled for March 30th. The price per 50 lbs. has remained at $8.00. The balance in our Food Bank Fund stands at $1,098 as of March 23rd. Funds permitting, April deliveries are scheduled for April 13th and 27th. 6 (Food Bank Fund continued from page 5) Total deliveries for this year (to March 23rd) amount to 8,000 lbs. of potatoes plus 91 lbs. of nonperishable food items from the Narthex. You may find special Food Bank envelopes in the bottom right hand corner of the mail boxes in the Narthex. A big thank you from our needy neighbours, the SHARE food bank people and yours truly for your abiding, faithful support. “Jesus said, ‘the king will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” We are hoping that invitations will be out sometime in April. In the meantime, please inform friends and former members of the plans, and invite them to join us in “Giving God Glory” for 60 years of His blessing on Hope Lutheran Church. If you have any questions, or if you would like to volunteer in some way for the Anniversary weekend (or preparations), please contact one of the committee members: Taura Berg, Jean Gettle, Pastor Laverne Hautz, Brenda Horton, Francis Loughton, Linda Schiefke, Vince Todd, Bernice Ulmer. Thoughts for Holy Week Yours gratefully, The Son of David Ascends His Throne and Reigns in Love from His Cross Claus Schultz th 60 Anniversary Celebrations The 60th Anniversary Committee met recently and finalized some of the details for our May celebrations. The committee decided to limit the Anniversary to a single day rather than expand it to two or three days (which would have included a banquet and/or music evening). The day set aside for the Anniversary celebration is Sunday, May 17, 2015, and it will look like this: 10:00 – (**ONLY ONE) morning Communion service (preacher: Pastor Andrew Craig) 12:00 – (chili) Lunch and fellowship at the church (for any and all) 1:00 – Church and School Open House, with displays, photos, tours, etc. 3:00 – afternoon Anniversary service (preacher: Pastor Harry Ruf) 4:30 – Anniversary cake and fellowship The committee decided to designate the offering at the afternoon service to youth ministry at Hope, especially going toward subsidizing youth for upcoming Youth Gatherings. The Son of David comes in gentle humility, "sitting on a donkey's colt," yet as the King of Israel "in the name of the Lord" (John 12:13-15). He comes to be lifted up in glory on the cross in order to cast out "the ruler of this world" and draw all people to Himself (John 12:23-32). The Church is thus called to "rejoice greatly," because her King comes with salvation, and "he shall speak peace to the nations" (Zech. 9:9-10). As He is anointed "beforehand for burial" (Mark 14:8), He also ascends His royal throne as "the King of the Jews" by way of His Passion (Mark 15:2, 17-19, 26). He goes "as it is written of him," wherefore "you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power" (Mark 14:21, 62). For the glory of God is love, which crescendos in the humble obedience and voluntary self-sacrifice of the Son of God for the salvation of sinners. So God the Father has "highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name" (Phil. 2:9), that He might reign with the forcross. over us in love giveness of His (taken Connect, Vol. 5, #12) from ABC 7 26 Ethan Gillis 27 30 Margaret Dushenko Jane Harcus Marianne Sauer Aaron Beaune David Besler Bertha Herndier 19 21 25 26 27 29 Richard and Jean Gettle Bob and Leslie Cherry Mark and Tina Pettie Michael and Kate Grummisch Curtis and Jennifer Mepham Brent and Caroline Rieu 28 29 April 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Pandora Bishop Erin Fast James Lynn Steven Fast David Schendel Jenna Bassani Amanda Terris Kayla Lyall Nicholas Fishcer Norman Richards Daryl Eisner Madison Harmston Sarah Koutsouropoulos Jacob Ryznar Michael Eisner Cara Koehler Victor Playdon Paula Purdon Nina White Jasmine Mepham Ed Olsen Heather Paine Lauri Tuomisto (Jr.) Evan Reilly Brenda Horton Toni MacKinnon Ray Ojansivu Andy Gillespie Han Waidelich Bob Cherry Wyatt Grummisch Christopher Fahlke Matthew Koehler Robert Lukasik Jennifer Nydokus Sean Paul Matthew Townend Sarah Gillis Bob Harcus Pam Schiemann Adam Short Neal Snider Rod Grummisch Nicole Torng Barb Olsen April 8 Hope Lutheran Church and School Ministry Staff Rev. Laverne Hautz Marcus Todd Susan Eisner Luke Adam Janice Klassen Gail Hind Clare Wood Pastor Director of Youth and Worship Elementary School Principal High School Principal Secretary Accountant School Office Manager/Registrar [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Parish Planning Council Roger Fast Rob Brett Roger Fast Suzanne Playdon Interim Executive Director Assistant Executive Director Treasurer Secretary 604 941 2540 604 941 8486 604 941 2540 778 387 5525 Ed Olsen _____ Shirley Fast Joyce Gillespie Emily Reilly Kaitlyn Horton Brenda Horton Martin Pedersen Mai Pedersen _____ Director, Church Properties Director, Evangelism Director, Parish Fellowship Director, Parish Fellowship Director, Christian Education Director, Youth Director, Youth Director, Public Relations Director, Stewardship Director, Lay Ministry 604 944 4979 Doug Niblock Bruce Forrieter Interim Chairperson, School Board Chairperson, Elders 604 552 2785 604 589 1543 Elders Richard Gettle Ron Berg George Intile Bruce Forrieter Mike Yee Dennis Friesen 604 941 2540 604 939 4731 604 941 3506 604 941 3506 604 936 0333 604 936 0333 —— School Board 604 939 4731 604 944 9726 604 945 9777 604 589 1543 778 385 1528 604 945 7315 Paula Purdon Jean Gettle Fred Malmberg Doug Niblock Tina Pettie Mike Eisner Murdoch Coe Joan Fulton Vicki Brett Mike Goetz 604 463 0858 604 939 4731 604 944 4634 604 552 2785 604 941 6680 604 465 3923 604 469 0956 604 460 0576 604 941 8486 604 475 7944
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