HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH SELDEN, NEW YORK MAY-JUNE 2015 Volume 2015 Issue No. 3 THE ANCHOR ANOTHER “QUIET “SUMMER AT HOPE Inside this issue: Teen Ministry News 2 Annual Meeting June 7 3 New Offering Envelopes 3 Summer Worship Plans 4 Diakonia Program Update 4 Summer Camp Programs 5 Hope’s Bowling League 6 “Quiet” is not a word we would normally use to describe the summer months at Hope. On the surface it may appear that activities are slowing down with the shift to a two-service Sunday worship schedule and a few weeks of “time off” for our Sunday School and our Teen Ministry staffs, but we will also be having several other activities at Hope during the weeks of summer, designed especially for children and teens who are willing to serve and ready to have fun. This summer we will still day night services at 5 p.m. instead of summer midweek services as in the past. We will offer again our Camp Hope program the last two weeks of July (20-24 and 27-31), and our Vacation Bible School and Drama Camp programs on two consecutive weeks in August (10-14, and 17-21). The Men of Hope will be having their third annual “Men’s Steakout” at the home of Pastor Hill in Coram on Tuesday, August 4th, and they hope that even more men will join them for the fellowship and fun there. During the summer we will also be getting ready for the fall season, looking towards “Back to Church Sunday” and our first Grandparents’ Day festivities including an allchurch barbecue that day, on September 13th. (By the way, “Back to Church Sunday” is meant to be a day to invite some of our non-churchgoing friends and neighbors to join us for our worship services.) TEENS PREPARE FOR THE 2015 YOUTH GATHERING Special Points of Interest Summertime is a vey active time at Hope. A new record-keeping system is now being introduced. Our summer worship schedule will change on Fathers’ Day weekend. “Rise Up” will be the theme around which some 35,000+ teens and adults will rally in Detroit this summer the week of July 15-19. Hope will be sending twelve teens and four chaperones to the National Youth Gathering in Detroit, and they will take part in an exciting event which is centered around three sub-themes: Proclaim Justice, Proclaim Community, and Proclaim Story. This tri-ennial event includes nightly large mass gatherings, music, special community service projects, and a host of activities designed to inspire and strengthen the young people who will come from all around our country and several other nations as well. Those attending from Hope will be: Sabrina Brogle, Sara Camarda, Anthony and Dominic Castiglione, John and Katie Dalrymple, Grace DeNicola, Ani Gerlach, Jon Laza, Andrew Merkler, Jeremey Raye, and Bill Wanamaker and Marrisa Brogle, Donna Haller, Pastor Hill and Laura Laza. The teens raised funds to help with expenses, and they will benefit from grants from Hope’s Mission Projects Fund and from the spring fair that they worked on. Going along with our group will be seven members from Lutheran Church of Our Savior in Patchogue as well. Thank you for your support. Page 2 Anchor Volume 2015 VISION OF HOPE This summer at Hope we will be going through a transition unlike any we have experienced before. When our congregation meets next month, we will elect the largest group of new leaders ever to serve our congregation, and they will be leading Hope for the next few years. We didn’t plan things that way. Usually we have some ongoing, experienced council members and we add a few new ones to he mix, but this year only we will have only three “veteran” council members and “Turning a New Page” we will be adding up to seven new council members and , in a sense, be starting over again. It should be interesting . . . One of the tasks I will have in coming months will be that of helping the council to develop a sense of community and get themselves organized. That’s why it is good that we are starting out in the summer. It will give us a chance to grow together before we get into the “busier” months of the church calendar when there are many decisions to make. I look forward to working with them, and I hope you will support them as they start to provide leadership and energy to our church’s mission efforts. Pray for them and look for ways you can say “Yes” when they are reaching out for help from you. Offer your ideas and suggestions, and encourage them as they get more involved in the new roles they will take on. We’re turning a new page in the story that is Hope. TEEN MINISTRY NEWS THIS FALL’S TEEN MINISTRY PROGRAM CONFIRMATION UPDATE This fall we have over 30 teenagers eligible to begin our Teen Ministry program, so we are sending out letters and forms to help us make plans in advance. All three levels will begin on Saturday, September 19th, and we will have a special worship service of blessing for teens and parents at 5 p.m. Please sign up soon . This year’s Confirmation Service was held on May 31st during the 11 a.m. service. Total attendance for the service was 119. We thank our volunteer staff: Denise Cappello, Sophia and Steven Gerlach, Linda Hill, and Leslie Rurup as group guides, Bonnie Ciavarella as Food Marshall , and Donna Haller as Drama Leader who Worked under the supervision of Laura Laza. Congratulations to all of our 2015 confirmands: Lauren Yiyun Elizabeth Cappello Christopher Howard Favale Antoinette Sophia Claire Gerlach Paige Taylor Kearns Alexa Grace Knauer Sarah Joyce Murphy Kaitlyn Devika Murphy Nicholas Calvin Smith THANKS FOR ALL YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT During recent months we have had several unusual financial challenges and we have called on members to give above and beyond their customary offerings: a roof replacement fund, two very snowy winters, and a longoverdue project to refurbish the exterior areas of our older church building. Thanks to your generous spirit, we are coming into the “home stretch” with less than 35% of our final goal to reach by the end of June. Thank you for giving so often and so freely. It is a sign of your commitment to the life of our church and a strong witness to our local community. Please help us to meet our final goal. Anchor Volume 2015 Page 3 ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Our Annual Meeting will be held this year on Sunday, June 7th at 12:30 p.m. It will begin with a brunch after the 11 a.m. service. In addition to voting on a budget for the new fiscal year starting on July 1, we ill be electing a least 8 new members to our Congregation Council, the largest group of new council members we’ve ever had. In addition to hearing some reports we will review the 50th anniversary highlights and spend some time talking about new ideas for the future of our shared ministry at Hope. All confirmed members ages 16 and older are voting members, and we need a quorum of forty voting members for the meeting. Please mark the date on your calendar. THIRD ANNUAL MEN’S STEAK-OUT– Aug. 4th Tuesday This annual event is held at the home of Pastor Hill located at 123 Wedgewood Drive in Coram. It is sponsored by the Men’s Breakfast Fellowship and there is no cost for the event, but many men bring along a pot-luck dish or dessert to share. We gather at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4th Friends are invited to come for this event, so please sign up in advance. NEW OFFERINGS AND RECORDKEEPING SYSTEM BEGINS THIS SUMMER We are taking a significant step forward in the system we use for keeping our membership and giving records at Hope. We are going to start using a “cloud-based” software that will make many parish records accessible on the internet to all members and leaders from their home computers. We will also be sending out sets of newly-designed offering envelopes for members to use. The new software will make it easier to use e-mail for communicating with church groups and sending out the ANCHOR to members electronically, thereby reducing our regular printing and mailing expenses significantly. Members will also be able to check their personal giving records and print reports for personal use. The new system will be introduced this summer. UPCOMING DATES IN SUMMER 2015 May 31 Confirmation at 11 a.m. June 7 Annual Meeting of the Congregation 12:30 p.m. June 13-14 Global Mission Weekend June 20-21 Summer Worship Schedule begins June 20 & 27 Favorite Hymns Services July 13-21 ELCA Youth Gathering July 20-24 and 27-31 Camp Hope Programs August 4 Third Annual Men’s Steakout August 10-14 Hometown Nazareth Vacation Bible School August 17-21 Drama Camp September 12-13 Back to Church Weekend Grandparents’ Sunday And All-Church barbeque “SISTER ACT” COMES TO LONG ISLAND” This summer we are looking to get a group together to see Sister Act when it plays at the Gateway Playhouse in Bellport between July 1-18. Groups of 15 or more can get tickets at a discounted rate. We will try to find a date when many can attend together. Sandy Reifel will coordinate ticket orders. Page 4 Anchor Volume 2015 EXCITING SUMMER WORSHIP PLANS Sundays Two Services at 8:30 & 10:30 am Saturdays at 5 pm Summer Worship Services Saturdays at 5 pm Sundays 8:30 & 10:30 am (Fathers’ Day through Labor Day) On Saturday, June 13 and Sunday, June 14th we celebrate our Children’s Ministries: our Kids’ Club, our Saturday Sparklers and our Sunday School with our annual Global Mission Weekend. It will be a special time for all. Beginning on Father’s Day, June 21st, every Sunday morning we will worship for the summer at 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. This schedule gives us all the opportunity to mingle with members from other services and to enjoy some fellowship between services. Our Saturday night schedule remains the same with services each weekend at 5 p.m. throughout the summer. Our Sunday summer schedule runs from Father’s Day, June 21, through Labor Day Weekend (September 6th). Then we will return to having three Sunday services on “Back to Church Sunday,” Sunday, September 13th. We will also honor grandparents that weekend at all services. FAVORITE HYMNS SUNDAYS Do you have a favorite hymn that you would like us to sing on a Sunday? The last two Sundays in June we will try to sing some of our congregations favorite hymns. On May 17th we began handing out a list of thirty favorites — please vote for your Top Ten or add another one favorite. Don’t forget to vote! HUGS—A New Music Program for Preschoolers HUGS is a new program for children ages 3 and up held on Tuesdays, from 12:15— 1:30 pm. The program already has 14 children ages 3 and 4 who are having a fun time with music, crafts, Bible stories and snacks. Parents are welcome to stay or can leave their children with Joyce Stahl and Carol Hoffman. There is no fee for the program but parents do need to register them. The program is focusing on a different Bible stories each time, such as creation, Noah, Jonah. Come and join us and invite friends and neighbors with preschool children. Diakonia Program Begins Year Two in September As June arrives, the first year of the Diakonia adult education program is coming to an end and efforts are now underway to enlist another group of adults from our local Lutheran churches for the fall. Because the program has a two-year cycle of classes, the new students will join the group of existing students and will take the Year 1 courses the following year. Diakonia has been offered for more than 30 years in the Metro New York Synod, and many of our members have taken part in the program. Pastor Hill has taught classes several times as well. Many of the students take the classes to simply grow in their faith, but some go on to become rostered deacons and serve their churches in special ways on a voluntary basis. Phil and Donna Millwater, and John Kelly have been in the classes and they will be happy to answer any of your questions and tell you more about it. Classes meet at Hope on Thursdays from 7-10 p.m. during the academic year. Anchor Volume 2015 Page 5 SUMMER CAMPS AT HOPE Camp Hope Sessions 1 and 2 in July All children 3 years old to 5th Grade are invited to attend a summer day camp, the weeks of July 20-24 and July 27—31 from 9 am to 3 p.m. Cost for the week is $125.00 per child. If two or more children attend in a family there is a $25 discount per child making the cost $100 per child. The children will be participating in various activities including arts an crafts, sports, music, Bible stories and games. All activities will be age appropriate and planned so all had fun. Children will bring their lunch daily and the meal will be shared together. Teen volunteers (6th grade and up) and adults are needed to make this week possible. Teens will help coordinate games, supervise crafts, tell stories and supervise the children. If you want to volunteer or have questions please contact Laura Laza [email protected] 642-7429 or Melissa Itara at [email protected] 987-4464 Invite friends and neighbors to join us! CAMP HOPE July 20—24 July 27—31 Vacation Bible School August 10—14 “Hometown Nazareth” Join us for Vacation Bible School August 10-14 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. We will have bible stories, crafts, games, music and fun. Children ages 3 through 5th grade are welcome. This summer’s theme is “Home town Nazareth — Where Jesus was a Kid” You can call the church office at 732-2511 or go on line at www.hopeluth.com for a registration form. Cost is only $75 per child or $50 per child for children of volunteers for the week. Volunteers will be needed to help with the program. If you wish to volunteer, please contact Melissa Itara at [email protected] or call 987-4464. Ycou can also contact Laura Laza at llaza@optonline,net or call her at 642-7429. Drama Camp August 17—21 “The Amazing Grace Race” All children ages 4—5th Grade are invited to be a part of Drama Camp. The musical “The Amazing Grace Race” is an exciting play learning out to live out God’s Word deeper in our lives with as we race or walk through life. The week includes stories, singing, acting, set and costume design, snack, lunch, fun games and crafts. Morning activities focus on rehearsals for the play with afternoon time set aside for fun outside such as lawn sprinklers, water balloons, small pools, etc. Cost is only $125 for the week. Teen volunteers an adults are always needed — just speak with Joyce Stahl if interested. Some scholarships are available for needy children. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 46 Dare Road Selden, NY 11784 Phone: (631) 732-2511 Fax: (631) 732-8369 E-mail: [email protected] A Total Life Caring Ministry We’re on the web: www.hopeluth.com www.hopespastor.blogspot.com www.sharedmin.blogspot.com REGISTER FOR ANCHOR NURSERY SCHOOL NOW 2015-16 RATES Two days per week $180 per month Three days per week $ 220 per month Classes are held from 9:15-12:15. Mondays-Thursdays Children ages 3 and 4 HOPES BOWLING LEAGUE We just finished our 21st year of Fun and Fellowship and invite you and your family and friends to join us for our 22nd season of mixed bowling. All are welcome from age 12 to whatever. We will begin this seasons fun and bowling on Friday, September 4, 2015 at Centereach Lanes on Horseblock Road from 6:50 to about 9:30 p.m. Watch for the poster in the Narthex for more details or call Rich Wolff 631-732-8828 or [email protected] BOWLING FUN NIGHT—Friday, July 31st Join us on Friday night, July 31st at 7 pm for a night of FUN BOWLING at Centereach Lanes . Cost is $10 for two hours of bowling including shoe rental. CHURCH FAIR UPDATE The Church Fair Team would like to extend heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all those in the congregation that so willingly helped make our 2nd Annual Spring Fair a huge success. Whether you donated some items towards the raffle baskets, donated soda/water, helped set up or break down the fair, attended planning sessions, gave suggestions/ comments or simply prayed for us, we THANK YOU! Without everyone’s assistance our fair would not have been as successful as it was. We look forward to another successful Spring Fair in 2016. Please consider joining our team or creating some crafty items to sell in 2016. OUR WEEKLY WORSHIP SCHEDULE: Holy Communion is celebrated every weekend On Saturdays at 5 p.m. (All summer also) On Sundays at 8, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. till June 14 On Sundays at 8:30 and 10:30 beginning June 21
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