HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH HOPE HIGHLIGHTS JUNE 2015 Issue No. 05-15 PASTOR NIETING’S LAST PAGE Inside this issue: Vacation Bible School 2 VOTERS MEETING 2 Volunteer Opportunities 2 Summer Camp 2 Retirement Party 3 Language Classes 3 Summer Sunday School 4 More Opportunities! 4 Leisure Lutherans 4 Youth News 5 Our Confirmands 2015 5 Concert & Sundae Social 6 Social Ministry 6 Treasurer’s Report 6 After 9 years of articles, how do I say “goodbye, thank you and….remain faithful?” Just like that, I suppose. My retirement has finally arrived, and with it, the opportunity to say those things one more time. As I have said earlier, there have been a lot of “lasts” recently: last chapel service (May 17), last Bingo at Luther Manor (May 27), last Council meeting (March 10), last sermon (June 7) and many others. I’ve said goodbye to previous ministries, but I was always moving on to other congregations. This time there is a greater sense of finality about it all, one that is tougher for me to wrap my arms….and my heart around. And as my dear Pam would tell you, I tend to “diffuse” my emotions with humor. So…. Did you hear about the pastor who announced he would soon retire? After worship, an elderly saint approached him with tears in her eyes saying, “Oh Pastor, I’m sorry you’re leaving. Things will never be the same here again.” Flattered, the pastor rose to the occasion with the perfect, Godly, pastoral response. He tenderly held her hand and said, “Bless you, dear Myrtle, but I am sure God will send you a new pastor even better than I.” Myrtle choked back the tears…..and as she walked away, she could be heard to say, “That’s what they always say, but it just keeps getting worse!” While you enjoy that, let me reflect on a few numbers, all of which represent real people who matter to God. While here at Hope, I have had the privilege of welcoming 115 people into God’s family through Holy Baptism, 19 being adults. Given that half of the LCMS congregations don’t baptize one adult a year, we can all praise God that HOPE is welcoming not just children, but all ages into the faith! No matter what our culture says, Christian marriage as God ordained it and as we define it will always be important. I have had the privilege of joining 41 couples here, with His blessing. Lately it’s been a joy to watch a number of these couples producing baptisms! My ministry motto has always been “Helping people get home safely.” There have been 40 funerals during my tenure here as God continues to call His people Home. I rejoice that death has not only separated, but RE-UNITED (Continued on page 5) Birthdays/Anniversaries 7 Lighting Project Update 7 June Calendar 8 VBS Registration Form 9 Happy Father’s Day June 21 1 ANNUAL VOTERS MEETING June 7, 2015 (Sunday) 9:45am The agenda items are: 2015-2016 Budget Presentation for approval 2015—2016 Church Council Slate Presentation for approval Call Committee-Presentation for approval Change in scope for the Music Coordinator Ministry Team Lead Discussion of the Call Process Get Ready For a BLAST at SonSpark Labs! VBS June 22-26 9am-Noon God’s Plan 4 U = Jesus! By: Carolyn Powell HOPE SUMMER CAMP 2015 By: Jennifer Rauch It’s time for Hope’s Summer Camp! It will be from June 22 thru Aug. 21 for ages 2½ to 10! Weekly themes include America the Beautiful, Aloha, The Artic, Pyramids & Pharaohs, Deep in the Jungle, The High Seas, Wild Weather, Back to School with Dr. Suess. Also, there will be weekly sports class with STARZ. Sign up for one week or the whole summer. For more info, contact Jennifer Rauch (424-4894 or [email protected]). VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES By: Martha West There are volunteer opportunities in the church office you may be interested in on a temporary or a long term basis. Come on Friday mornings about 9:15am each week and help the bulletin folding crew prepare the Sunday worship bulletins. This takes about 1 hour. Coffee and good conversation provided! Smiling phone voices are needed on Tuesday mornings. This volunteer answers phones and greets guests during staff meetings from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Each volunteer works as little or as much as they like. Coffee provided. For more info, contact Martha: (424-4848 or [email protected] ) 2 At our amazing SonSpark Labs, children will explore God’s life changing plan for them as they find out the answers to life’s most important questions. They will discover that God loves them and through Jesus they can be members of God’s family and personally experience God’s plan for each of us. There will be 5 sessions during the week: Session 1 God’s Plan: 2 MAKE US! Session 2 God’s Plan: 2 BE WITH US! Session 3 God’s Plan: 4 US 2 KNOW HIM! Session 4 God’s Plan: 2 SAVE US! Session 5 God’s Plan: 2 LOVE US 4 - EVER! At SonSpark Labs, all of our friends will enjoy great Skits and Music by Captive Free!! Kids will be invited to visit each day in the following centers: Great Bible Stories, Yummy Snacks, Fun Games, Awesome Crafts, and this year , we are featuring our COOL Science Lab. Our VBS is designed for children who will be at least 4 years of age or will have finished 5th grade by June 30. Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to be guides and assistants! Registration begins after Easter Sunday. Call the church office @ 424-4848 or the school office @ 424-4894 to find out more info. Registration Form is included in this newsletter. We will also send a form home with all the children from our Sunday School and Day School, too! See you in the science lab!! INVITATION TO PASTOR NIETING’S RETIREMENT PARTY All are warmly invited to a picnic-style luncheon in the fellowship hall following our worship service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 14 for Pastor Nieting's retirement. Please join us as we celebrate Pastor Nieting's 30 years of ministry. Please note that there will be only ONE worship service at 10:30am. 3 SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE May 31-August 30 9:45-10:45am By: Carolyn Powell, Director of Children’s Ministries Our Summer Sunday School schedule for the kids will be very relaxed. We will meet in the Kids Kingdom from 9:45 – 10:45am. Please dress your child in play clothes, as each week we will enjoy a Bible story, followed by outside time on the playground! Occasionally, we will enjoy a craft activity! Children, ages 4 years–those who have completed 4th grade are invited to join this summer group. Children, ages 2 and 3 years, meet in the nursery. Kids who have completed 5th grade move up to join the Youth Group, as they get ready to start Confirmation I classes in the fall. Summer classes will meet every week from May 31-August 30 for children, youth and adults. Whenever there is an exception, you will be notified in advance. Steve and I will take the responsibility of providing a fun Sunday morning experience for the kids during the summer months. We believe the regular teaching staff needs time to be in Bible studies with the other adults from our congregation. However, we could use a break now and again to be free from responsibility as well, so I will have a sign-up sheet available each week. In order to keep the summer running smoothly, adult volunteers will be needed, so I am asking parents to consider taking a turn this year. It is so easy and very rewarding! Your child will love having you as the teacher for the day! SUNDAY MORNING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR PASTOR’S RETIREMENT PARTY By: Dawn Oswald We are still looking for the following help for Pastor Nieting’s retirement party: Ted would like more kitchen help on Saturday, June 13 Volunteers needed to help with cleanup after the luncheon on June 14. We still need a lot more pictures for the slideshow! Please check your albums, etc. for photos that include Pastor Nieting performing or assisting in an event. Please send them to Shawn White ([email protected]). He needs them in digital form (JPEG). Jim Hoeft or the church office can scan regular pictures into that format, if needed. If you can help with any of the above, please contact Dawn Oswald at [email protected] or 233-2506. Desperately need some help to serve Tasty Fellowship on Sunday mornings. Please see Rex Bayman or Dawn Oswald for details. We are very shorthanded and any help would be greatly appreciated. By: Carroll Bains & Linda Chappell On Monday, May 18, twenty-four Leisure Lutherans met for lunch at Waterman's Restaurant (Atlantic Avenue location at the Beach)! What a great variety of delicious seafood entrees were served up! We highly recommend the place for its congenial and prompt service and excellent food quality. We enjoyed some fine fellowship and conversations, as well as the pleasure of the company of Mal and Nancy O'Neal's daughter, Jennifer, and her handsome 4 month old son, Reed. Sorta changed the relative average age of our group for the day! Our June and final luncheon for the spring season will be held at El Camino Restaurant, June 15, at 11:30am. It is located next to Walgreens on the corner of Kempsville and Indian River Roads. A word to the wise, if you pick up a business card from them, you will receive a discount on your luncheon! Looking forward to seeing each of you at the luncheon. One serious piece of business for this last meeting is to choose a replacement Treasurer for the group, as Paul Johnson has expressed a desire to take a rest from that job. Volunteers are solicited. We are also inviting any senior in the congregation, who has not tried out our company to come to this meeting and meal--you may want to join in full time, come September! 4 Youth Group News By: Linda Muth Summer Sunday school has started. Our high schoolers will meet in the TRUTH room at the end of the green hallway. Our middle schoolers (including rising 6th graders) will meet in the Loft (up the stairs by green hallway). Our summer classes are very discussion based and really help our youth to get to know each other and their teachers in a way that will build friendships within the group while exploring their faith and how God intersects into their lives. When you’re in town, please make a commitment not to take a “vacation” from Sunday school! TRUTH (including our new freshman!) will be having a fun day at Northwest River Park in Chesapeake on Saturday, June 27. Meet at Hope at 2:30 and return at 8:00 (or you can meet at the NW River Park at 3:00). Join us for water games, hiking, picnic and just a great day to hang out. Bring a friend! After late service on June 28, BODY will hold a swim party to welcome our new 6 th graders to Youth Group. We will meet at the Dyers’ house (5444 Todd St., VB, just down from church) at 12:30pm and end at 4pm. Bring a drink or dessert to share. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided. In case of rain, we will have a game day in the Loft. Our May car wash was a huge success! Thanks to all who came. Our next one is scheduled for July 11. We are already gearing up for next summer’s National Youth Gathering! Grab your tents and sleeping bags for the TRUTH camping trip July 24-26 to James River State Park. We will leave Friday morning and return Sunday afternoon. The cost will be $40. Sign up soon in the TRUTH room. Activities at a Glance May 31 Summer Sunday school begins (Everyone) June 27 Day at NW River Park (TRUTH) June 28 Swim party (BODY) July 11 Car Wash (TRUTH) July 24-26 Camping (TRUTH) Congratulations to our Confirmands of 2015 Alea Barry Milena Brown Christian Eid Douglas Flora Lauren Hughes Andrew Kumley James Lee, V Gracey Motley Justin Spurlock (Continued from page 1-Pastor Nieting’s Last Page) three Hope couples at Jesus’ feet: Bill and Sandy Lee, Tom and Jeanette Brown, and Dave and Millie Sullivan. I also rejoice that we have been able to construct a wonderful Columbarium to better serve our church family. Daniel Shahayda, who went home at age 15, occupies the very center of the cross there, and was the youngest member I buried. There have been a number of other highlights I will always remember, foremost being our work with the Laborers for Christ as we greatly expanded our facilities for ministry. The lunch bell they used to ring should remain in our “archives” for perpetuity, as they called together all the faithful volunteer church members for over a year. Our school, formerly morning only, now is able to serve working parents with all-day care. And who could forget our year-long walk through the Bible through The Story! Your strong commitment to adult classes on Sunday morning is a true blessing to us all. I continue to be impressed by the young families, military and not, who come to Hope and jump right in! Young and old alike, I thank God for each person at Hope who uses their time, talent and treasure to make this a special place. It’s up to you to keep it this way. Dear friends, we have shared a lot of our life stories and experiences over the past nine years. I have been honored and humbled. I have been blessed by the best, as my neighbor says, and I thank God for you. Now it is time to say the last six things we all need to hear: I love you. Thank you. I’m sorry. I forgive you. Goodbye. See you around the throne of Christ! 5 CONCERT AT HOPE—June 7 @ 6pm By: Matthew Chadwick Join us for an inspiring evening of great music—a Gospel Concert by the PromisedLand Quartet. The concert is Sunday, June 7, at 6pm. No tickets required. Freewill offering only. After the concert, enjoy a Sunday Sundae! Bring your favorite topping to share. Ice cream will be provided. Formed in January 2000, the PromisedLand Quartet has enjoyed radio and chart success with songs like: Brand New Heart, In the Morning, Crown Him King, God’s Word Will Stand and Carved in Stone. In 2008 PromisedLand was honored with a Dove Award consideration in the category of Southern Gospel album of the year for their project entitled "Carved in Stone". Most recently the group has appeared on Christian TV via the Daystar Network NRB Network, World Harvest, and Gospel Music Television, making multiple appearances on “Great American Gospel” and “Great American Gospel Onstage”. TREASURER’S REPORT Total Income: Total Expense: Income Less Expense: SOCIAL MINISTRY By: Colleen Riley As our Food Pantry continues, the need to provide food is ever increasing. Many pantries in the area are closed or work on reduced hors. Thanks to the support of all of you we are able to remain open and NEVER have had turn anyone away! Currently, the pantry needs are: Peanut butter & jelly Box dinners Can dinners Can meats Can veggies Pasta & pasta sauce Cereal Pancake mix & syrup Donations can be left in the big yellow wagon in the narthex. We accept monetary donations as well. Please make a note on your check: For Food Pantry. Any monetary donations need to be left in the church office. Thank you! (April of Fiscal Year 2014-2015) By: Linda Taylor Actual Year-to-Date Actual $82,896.89 $759,389.76 -72,305.12 -719,274.12 $10,591.77 $ 40,115.64 For a more complete Financial Report, please pick up a copy in the church office. 6 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: Articles for the July issue of Highlights are due Sunday, June 21. Email: [email protected] or leave a copy in Martha’s box in the office. June Birthdays 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 18 20 21 22 23 Delaney Anderson David Kern Chris Knoepfel Nicole Jakimjuk Leo Wiltshire Michael Mallett Matthew Chadwick Stephanie Plummer Paula Sexton Hanna Vess Michael Ziegler Jean Harleman Larry Larkin Miriam Larkin Krista Walz Lake Gobble Britta Rinehard William Logan Bob Brauer Stephanie Hoppe Evan Sweet Christian Kaczmarek Tom Knoepfel Steven Stancy Allen Sokolik Michelle Walz Dick Chipchak Michaela Elmore Madison Butler Nancy Harrell Lauren Hughes Marlee Rauch Jeff Vargas Alexandra Harrell Jack Hughes Jennifer Schmidt JoAnn Blaser Ernie Hernandez Mary Gebhardt Nancy Monger Suzanne Lung Betty Leal Susan Wydler Tara Young 24 Doug Dugroo 25 David Hoppe Emily Hughes 26 Anthony Doherty Logan Holien Kristen Johnson 27 Spencer Werner 29 Alexander Jakimjuk Karyn Stancy 30 Nathaniel Brown LIGHTING PROJECT By: Ken Carter, Property Chair ANNIVERSARIES 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 11 12 15 16 17 19 22 24 25 27 28 29 30 Thank you to all who donated blood at our last Red Cross Blood Drive on May 20. We ended up with 24 units! Rex & Sandra Bayman Pastor Mark & Pam Nieting Shawn & Sarah White Mike & Christina Davis Tom & Jean Harleman Zachary & Emily Johnson Rick & Linda Muth Fred & Sharon Small Ken & Tamy Carter Carl & Marjorie Mallett Rollie & Sally Soderholm Jim & Karen Bleam Rob & Rachael Dean Rod & Paula Friedmann Greg & Janet Swenson Vince & Amy Riccio Tim & Theresa Meinhardt Bill & Sue Cashman Carroll & Charlotte Bains Dick & Holly Chipchak Gus & Jean Hauser Matthew & Nina Chadwick Kenneth & Suzanne Lung Stephen & Carri Folwaczny Bob & Rivers Brauer Justin & Natali Shultz Casey & Sarah Smith Jeff & Wendy Vargas Ed & Claire Klavenski Pete & Lynda Saia Steve & Jodi Wroblewski 7 Hope Lutheran Church Lighting project has been moving forward in putting new parking lot lights, entrance bollard lights and other infrastructure lighting and receptacles. The project is approximately 80% complete with the completion expected around the end of June. So far the men of Hope have laid all the required outside conduit, completed the light pole foundations and the bollard lights foundations, replaced the sidewalk that was removed for construction and have setup a patio by the kitchen for an outside grill. This project will provide a well-lit parking lot, along with keeping receptacles for RVs, adding receptacles for the youth car wash services, keeping the lighting for the Memorial Garden lights along with their sprinkler system and will also add power to the new shed for lighting and receptacles. Along with these services it will bring our property up to city codes with the removal of the outside lighting panel, removal of the overhanging electric cables (also provides safety to the playground) and centralizing all of the outside lights and receptacles to a new designated lighting panel which will be located in the auxiliary food pantry storage room. If your birthday/anniversary is missing or incorrect, contact Martha at: 424-4848 or [email protected] Hope Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School Registration June 22-26, 2015 Ages 4 years thru rising 6th graders 9am to 12noon Please complete one form per child. PLEASE PRINT. Thank you! Last Name_____________________________________ First Name_________________________________ Age ________ Date of Birth: Month _________________________ Day __________________ Year _______ Child’s Grade (Completed 2015) _______________________________Male _____ Female ______ Child’s Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City / State __________________________________________________ Zip ______________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Name _______________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________ Cell Phone ____________________________ Persons to be contacted in case of emergency: 1. Name _______________________________ Phone ________________ Relationship to Child: _____________ 2. Name _______________________________ Phone ________________ Relationship to Child: _____________ Does your child have any medical condition(s) that we should be aware of? YES (allergies, medications, etc.) If YES, please explain. _______________________________________________________ NO _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Siblings who will also attend VBS at Hope ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I would like to volunteer to help with ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a home church? YES ___ NO___ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……… Cost: $10 per child or $15 for 2 children in the same family, or $20 for 3 or more from the same family. Paid by: Cash_____________________ Church) 8 Check_______________________ (Payable to Hope Lutheran 9 Hope Summer Camp 8:15am:Worship Service 9:45 Summer Sunday School 11am: Blended Praise Service with Holy Communion 12:30pm BODY Swim Party 29 28 5thSunday after Pentecost Articles for July Highlights are due! 5pm French Language Class Hope Summer Camp (VBS week-special rates) 8:15am: Worship Service-HC 9:45 Summer Sunday School 11am: Worship Service HAPPY FATHER’S DAY 22 VBS 9am to Noon 5pm French Language Class 11:30 Leisure Lutherans Luncheon (El Camino) 15 5pm French Language Class 8 5pm French Language Class 1 Hope School MONDAY 21 4th Sunday after Pentecost 10:30am One Service of Farewell to Pastor & Pam Nieting Luncheon after service Mite Sunday 14 3rdSunday after Pentecost 6pm Concert & Sundae Social The Promised Land Quartet 2nd Sunday after Pentecost 8:15am: Worship Service-HC 9:45 Summer Sunday School 9:45am VOTERS MEETING 11am: Blended Praise Service 7 SUNDAY JUNE 2015 9::30am-Noon Staff Devotions & Meeting Hope Summer Camp 30 6pm Arabic Language Class Hope Summer Camp VBS 9am to Noon 23 6pm Arabic Language Class 9::30am-Noon Staff Devotions & Meeting 16 6pm Arabic Language Class 10am Bible Study VBS 9am to Noon 6:30pm Oasis –Worship & Bible Study 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew Church & School Offices closed Hope Summer Camp 10am Bible Study July 3 July 2 12:30pm Bulletin Folding Crew Hope Summer Camp VBS 9am to Noon 26 10:30am French Class 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew 19 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew 12 10:30am French Class 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew (Last Day – No After Care) 5 Hope School FRIDAY Hope Summer Camp 6pm French Class Hope Summer Camp VBS 9am to Noon 25 6pm French Class 18 7pm Adult Bell Choir Rehearsal 6pm French Class 11 6pm French Class 6pm Board of Worship Meeting 4 Hope School THURSDAY July 1 5:30pm Arabic Class 6-7:30pm Food Pantry Open 6:30pm Oasis –Worship & Bible Study 10:30am Luther Manor Hope Summer Camp 24 6:30pm Oasis –Worship & Bible Study 5:30pm Arabic Class 10am Bible Study 17 6:30pm Oasis –Worship & Bible Study 6-7:30pm Food Pantry Open 5:30pm Arabic Class 10 9::30am-Noon Staff Devotions & Meeting 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal 5:30pm Arabic Class 6:30pm Oasis –Worship & Bible Study Hope School 10am Bible Study 3 WEDNESDAY 9 6pm Arabic Language Class 6:30pm Council Meeting 9:30am Staff Devotions & Meeting 2 Hope School TUESDAY July 4 2:30pm TRUTH at NW River Park 10am Arabic Class 10-11:30am Food Pantry Open 27 10am Arabic Class 20 10am Arabic Class 10-11:30 Food Pantry Open 13 10am Arabic Class 6 SATURDAY HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH-Missouri Synod 5350 Providence Road Virginia Beach, VA 23464 HOPE HIGHLIGHTS NEWSLETTER June 2015 No. 05-15 Published Monthly Hope Lutheran Church 5350 Providence Road Virginia Beach, VA 23464 10
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