At Crescent This Week: Monday Church Office hours: Tuesday -Thursday 9am - 4:30pm Band of Brothers 7:30pm - hosted by Steve T. Tuesday Tuesday Night Foundations Dinner 5:30pm Pioneer Club, Junior Youth, Adult Class & Prayer meeting 6pm Board of Elders meeting 7:30pm Wednesday CHBC Christian Playgroup 9:30am - 11:30am P31 Quilting Group 7pm - 9pm Thursday Harris House Bible Study 10am Property & Finance meeting 5:30pm Worship Team 7pm Friday Saturday 1212 Family Movie Night - Doors open at 6pm Friday Night Youth 6:30pm CHBC Baptism & Membership Class 10am - 1pm “A Loving, Serving, Family of God” April 12, 2015 “Gloom Turned Into Glory” John 20:19-31 SAVE THE DATE!! SEASONS BUS TRIP to SYLVAN LAKE, Saturday, May 30th The cost will be $60 (includes lunch and a tour of a famous creamery) YOUTH WORSHIP NIGHT Friday, April 24th 6pm - 9pm Food, games, worship OPEN TO ALL (Ages 12+) Pastor Cornel van Eyk Crescent Heights Baptist Church 1212 – 1st Street NW Calgary, AB T2M 2S3 Email: [email protected] Ph: (403) 277-1831 Stan Haugan…………Senior Pastor Cornel van Eyk……..Associate Pastor Daphne Masih……...Associate Pastor CANADIAN BAPTISTS OF WESTERN CANADA A Member of THE EVANGELICAL FELLOWSHIP OF CANADA WELCOME...we are glad you are here! Please join us for coffee in the Fireside Room following the service Sunday, April 12, 2015 HI NEIGHBOUR!! Crescent Heights Baptist Church offers a multitude of opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to connect. Please pick up a Community Brochure from our foyer. Welcome to our new custodian, BRIAN, who has recently joined our CHBC Staff Team. We are glad you are here! 1212 FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Friday, April 17th. Disney’s “Robin Hood”. Doors open at 6pm; Showtime at 6:30pm. Admission is FREE! BAPTISM/MEMBERSHIP CLASS Plan to attend a 3-hour class on Saturday, April 18th at 10am. Childcare, coffee & snacks will be provided. Please speak to Pastor Stan to register. PLEASE PRAY FOR Our homebound elderly Grieving families who have suffered the loss of a loved one Musical Prelude Invitation to Worship #283 Be Thou My Vision Open the Eyes of My Heart Welcome & Announcements Worship Through Song #89 Our Great Saviour Take My Life (Holiness) He Knows My Name Children’s Moment Scripture Reading John 20:19-31 Tithes & Offerings Church Family Prayer Message Pastor Cornel van Eyk “Gloom Turned Into Glory” Closing Song #220 He Lives Benediction Heather & Louise - please pray for continued healing Jim B. - receiving palliative care at home Jud - was laid off last week; searching for a new job Lisa - being referred to a spinal specialist Susan - please pray for continued healing Vicki - will be having reconstructive knee surgery Adult Foundations: Sunday Join us on Sundays at 9:30am Come join Jim W. as he leads a special Adult Sunday School class today!
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