hmbf2015_final - Horicon Marsh Bird Club

18th Annual
Come join us for a celebration of birds!
Come and experience springtime wonders at a “Wetland of International Importance” and a
“Globally Important Bird Area” – Horicon Marsh and the communities surrounding it. Horicon
Marsh covers 33,000 acres in Dodge County, WI. Management of the marsh is split between two
government agencies. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge
manages the northern two-thirds, while the southern third is managed by the State of Wisconsin as
the Horicon Marsh State Wildlife Area.
While the marsh is enchanting at any time of year, spring is truly spectacular. Over 300 species of
birds have been sighted at Horicon Marsh. The Bird Festival offers numerous opportunities to see the
abundant wildlife in a wide variety of habitats with a Festival bird list standing at 235 species. This
event will offer walking, boat and bus tours of the marsh with expert leaders, demonstrations on bird
banding, live presentations with hawks and owls, night sound hikes, youth programs, and much more.
To help support the Bird Festival and Horicon Marsh Bird Club’s project goals, the Festival holds
a Big Sit as their major funding event. Money raised from the event has helped fund a bird feeding
station and bird friendly landscape around the Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center and
other club projects. The Purple Martin houses at the Palmatory St. Overlook were built with your
help. Thank you in advance for your generous support. Bird Festival pins (a few pins from past
festivals are available), hats and shirts will give participants a chance to show others their attendance at
this event. Proceeds from sales help to support future festivals.
The Horicon Marsh Bird Festival holds the distinction of being “Wisconsin’s Oldest Bird Festival”.
Come join us for this celebration of birds. The birds will be there, the question is will you?
Your Festival Tour Guides
Jack Bartholmai
Jeff is a lifelong resident of Dodge County, WI. He
has been an avid waterfowler for nearly 40 years.
He has vast knowledge of the Horicon Marsh where
he works part time for the Wisconsin DNR. Jeff has
been a Member of Horicon Marsh Bird club for the
past 15 years and is the current president.
Jack has been photographing birds in and around
the Horicon Marsh for the last 15 years. Jack has also
been doing frog surveys for the Horicon National
Wildlife Refuge for the last 7 years. This has given
him the opportunity to be in the marsh after dark
and become familiar with not only the sounds of
frogs and toads calling, but also the birds that call
from dusk into dark.
Holly became interested in birding when she and
her husband Jack moved to 22 acres of varied
habitat in rural Beaver Dam; a place they call
Hickory Springs where they began feeding the birds
in their yard. She has assisted Jack in monitoring
their nest box trails. They are avid backyard birders
with a list of 170 some species of birds that have
visited their Hickory Springs home over the years.
Brochure photography by Jack Bartholmai,
Laura Congdon, and Stacy Krueger
Daryl Tessen
Barbara has been a licensed bird rehabilitator who
has specialized in raptors for over 17 years. She is
an active speaker and educator with her focus being
the life cycle and protection of all birds of prey. She
has given programs and talks to schools, groups and
events and is one of the most sought after raptor
speakers in this part of Wisconsin.
Member of Wisconsin Society of Ornithology for
over 50 years where he was past president. 24 years
Western Great Lakes regional editor for North
American Birds. Author of the book "Wisconsin
Favorite Bird Haunts". Co-Author of the field guide
"Birds of Minnesota and Wisconsin" . Daryl has a
Wisconsin life list over 400 species.
Liz Herzmann
Joel Trick
Liz Herzmann is a Wildlife Educator for the DNR
at the Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center.
She is responsible for the educational programming
and special events held at the Education Center.
Previous to working at the Education Center, Liz
worked for Northern Illinois University teaching
outdoor education at a field campus to 4th-8th
grade students.
Joel worked as a Biologist for USFWS for 27 years
(retired) all of it in Wisconsin. He worked with
Whooping Cranes, Piping Plovers and Kirtlands
warbler. Joel is now on the Board of Directors of
the Western Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory.
Dennis Gustafson
Dennis holds a PhD in biology. He was a Biology
teacher at Rufus King High School in Milwaukee
for 35 years. He has birded for 48 years, primarily in
southern Wisconsin.
Erin Railsback
Erin works for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
as a Visitor Services Specialist at Horicon
National Wildlife Refuge. She is responsible for
the environmental education, interpretive, and
volunteer programs at the refuge.
Greg Seegert
Jeff Bahls
Holly Bartholmai
Barbara Harvey
Marty Evanson
Marty has been interested in bird watching since
the early 1980s. He has participated in various bird
surveys throughout Wisconsin since the early 1990’s.
He participated in the Wisconsin bird atlas project,
led numerous bird hikes for youth groups, co-lead
bird walks for the Friends of the Nature Lakeshore
Preserve (Picnic Point), and led trips for the
Madison Audubon Society. Marty has accumulated a
Wisconsin life list of over 315 bird species.
Greg birds extensively and typically sees 550-600
birds in the ABA area each year, Greg has an ABA
life list of over 700 birds in North America. He grew
up in Beaver Dam, owns a farm in the area, and has
birded for many years throughout Horicon Marsh
and the surrounding area. He enjoys working with
and mentoring birders of all levels.
Sharon Stiteler
Sharon runs the popular birding blog, Birdchick.
com and has been in The Wall Street Journal, The
New York Times and on NBC Nightly News as
well as making regular appearances on Twin Cities’
TV and radio stations. Her writing can has been
found in several publications including WildBird
Magazine, Outdoor News, Birds & Blooms, 10,000
Birds and Birding Business. She wrote the books
City Birds/Country Birds and 1001 Secrets Every
Birder Should Know and works as a National Park
Lawrence Vine
Lawrence worked for the Wisconsin DNR as a
Wildlife Research Technician at Horicon Marsh
since 1975. He was the Master Bird Bander for the
DNR for five years at the time of his retirement. In
1984 he founded & designed Marsh Haven Nature
Center with the help of numerous volunteers.
Brad Webb
Brad started birding several years ago and it quickly
became a passion. He is a founding member
and tour leader of a new group scheduling bird
walks in Dodge and Jefferson Counties. Brad
enjoys introducing new members to the pleasures
of birding and sharing birding moments with
experienced birders as well.
Marc Zuelsdorf
Marc’s family has owned and operated Horicon
Marsh Boat Tours since 1994. Marc, who purchased
the business from his father, Roland, (founder
of the business in 1963) has been guiding tours
since the age of eleven. Marc enjoys leading and
educating visitors through the marsh in an effort
to preserve the natural state of Horicon Marsh. In
March of 2007 the business received a Travel Green
certification from the WI Deptartment of Tourism
and WI Environmental Initiative for their effort in
environmentally sustainable business practices.
Friday May 8
Event requiring payment
Registration online at
Call to register. See event description for information.
Event Title
Habitat Birding Bus and Boat Tour
6:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sightseeing Tour by Boat
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Sounds and Dances- Dusk Into Dark
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Saturday May 9
Event Title
Big Sit At Horicon Marsh
4:00 am - 6:30 pm
First Light Birding Bus Tour
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sunday May 10
6:30 am - 12:00 pm
Event Title
6:30 am - 5:00 pm
First Light Birding Bus Tour - Birdchick
Horicon NWR "Loop of the refuge" Bus Tour
and Hike
Bird Banding Demo - NEW for 2015
Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center
and Festival Information
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
6:30 am - 12:00 pm
6:30 am - 5:00 pm
Birding Adventure Boat Tour
7:00 am - 9:00 am
Horicon Marsh Bird Hike
7:00 am - 9:15 am
Birding By Bicycle
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Birding Adventure Boat Tour
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Horicon NWR “Loop of the refuge” Bus Tour
and Hike
Bird Banding Demonstration - NEW for 2015
Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center
and Festival Information
NEW! Bird Lab - Kids Bird Area
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Birding Adventure Boat Tour
7:00 am - 9:00 am
Operation Migration
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Horicon Marsh Bird Hike
7:00 am - 9:15 am
Crafter Bird Houses And Feeders
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Birding Adventure Boat Tour
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Horicon National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center
and Federal Junior Duck Stamp Exhibit
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Operation Migration
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Horicon Marsh Bird Hike
9:30 am - 11:45 am
Horicon National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center
and Federal Duck Stamp Exhibit
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Birdy Scavenger Hunt
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Crafter Bird Houses and Feeders
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
BIRDcamp At Marsh Haven Nature Center
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Horicon Marsh Bird Hike
9:30 am - 11:45 am
Wetland Water Bugs
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Birdy Scavenger Hunt
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sightseeing Tour By Boat
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Sightseeing Tour By Boat
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Wild Birds Of Prey
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Wild Birds of Prey
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
BirdChick - Smart Phone Birding
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
NEW! Waterfowl Banding Demonstration
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Birding: Beyond The Backyard
2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Birding Adventure Boat Tour
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
NEW! Avian Art
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Mom And Me, Birding Together
2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Birding Adventure Boat Tour
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Tune In … Birding By Ear
2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
WI Federal Jr. Duck Stamp Contest Reception
4:15 pm - 5:00 pm
Hot Spot Birding
4:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Hot Spot Birding
4:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Birding Adventure Boat Tour
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Monday May 11
Sounds and Dances- Dusk Into Dark
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Event Title
Birds and Beers
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Habitat Birding Bus and Boat Tour
6:00 am - 5:00 pm
Screeches, Squawks, And Squeals Of The Marsh
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Sightseeing Tour by Boat
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Register online at
Event Descriptions (in alphabetical order by title name)
Avian Art - New!
Saturday, May 9; 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Local art instructor Gerri Buteyn will share
her signature style of painting birds as well
as overall tips for improving your artwork.
Location: B - Horicon NWR Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Big Sit at Horicon Marsh
Saturday, May 9; 4:00 am - 6:30 pm
Join Horicon Marsh Bird Club members
for a unique way to bird watch! From 4 AM
to 6:30 PM we will identify as many bird
species as possible from a 17-foot circle on
the Observation Deck at the Palmatory St.
Overlook. Come and join us for all or part
of this annual event as we try to ID every
bird seen and or heard from this location.
Location: D - Palmatory St. Overlook
Fee: Free
No registration required
Bird Banding Demonstration NEW for 2015 Hummingbirds
Saturday, May 9; 6:30 am - 12:00 pm
Sunday, May 10; 6:30 am - 12:00 pm
Join Mickey O'Connor, Wisconsin's only
licensed Hummingbird bander, and her
banding volunteers to see our migrating
songbirds close up and in the hand as they
are captured, banded and released for study.
Our festival is at the very leading edge of
the Hummingbird migration so it's up
to the birds if any are caught but Mickey
and crew will be ready. Meanwhile enjoy
warblers, catbirds and sparrows. This is a
public demonstration where visitors will
be able to see how and why bird banding is
conducted. It also provides one of the best
opportunities to observe these amazing
migrants up close. Meet at the Palmatory St.
Overlook, North Palmatory St. in Horicon.
Location: D - Palmatory St. Overlook
Fee: Free
No registration required
Bird Lab - Kids Bird Area - New!
Saturday, May 9; 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Bring the whole family and explore the
amazing world of birds. From helping to
build a true to size eagle nest, to seeing how
you would measure up if you were a bird,
there will be something for everyone. But
before you leave make sure you get banded!
Held on the outdoor patio of the education
center or the lower lobby if inclement
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Over 300 species of birds have been sighted at Horicon Marsh.
BIRDcamp at Marsh Haven
Nature Center
Saturday, May 9; 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Youth ages 6-12 are invited to join us for
our fourth annual BIRDcamp. This unique
environmental, bird-themed day camp
strives to foster a love and respect for the
earth that lasts a lifetime. In conjunction
with the Horicon Marsh Bird Festival,
BIRDcamp offers science, games, art, drama
and music all with a bird-themed focus.
This curriculum is designed to inspire care
and concern for the earth, in addition to
helping campers learn more about our
feathered friends. BIRDcamp is presented
in an atmosphere of fun and camaraderie.
$25 Registration fee includes “Birds For
Kids” book. Limit 20 children/day. Preregistration required or call 920-318-9518.
Location: E - Marsh Haven Nature Center
Fee: $20 per person
Registration form at www.marshhaven.
com or call 920-318-9518. Registration
deadline May 1, 2015
Birding Adventure Boat Tour
Saturday, May 9; 7:00 am - 9:00 am
Saturday, May 9; 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Saturday, May 9; 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Saturday, May 9; 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Sunday, May 10; 7:00 am - 9:00 am
Sunday, May 10; 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Sunday, May 10; 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Join your guide on a two-hour narrated
birding adventure into the heart of the
marsh by pontoon boat. Observe the birds
and animals in their natural habitat. Tours
depart from Blue Heron Landing, Hwy 33.
at the bridge in downtown Horicon.
Location: C - Horicon Marsh Boat Tours
Fee: Adults $20, ages 4-13 $10.50.
To register, call Blue Heron Boat Landing
@ 920-485-4663
Birding by Bicycle
Saturday, May 9; 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Bigby (Big, green, bird year). Green birding
is birding done without the use of fossil
fuels and/or the internal combustion
engine. Green birders are self-propelled
birders, e.g., walking, riding a bicycle,
paddling a canoe or kayak, or using skis or
snowshoes. Join Wisconsin's reigning Bigby
record holder Dan Scheinder on a bike ride
of about 10-15 leisurely miles to some local
birding spots around Horicon. Bring your
bike, biking stuff, (helmet, gloves, water
bottles, etc.) and binoculars. Dan will cover
basic rules of the road, then set-off on a
ride to several spots around Horicon. We'll
start at 8 am and end about noon.
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: $20 per person
Register online
Birding: Beyond The Backyard
Saturday, May 9; 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Your hike leader will be Liz Herzmann.
This program will introduce binocular
and field guide use and bird identification.
A short bird hike will accompany the
program. The hike may be on uneven trails
but they are rated easy. This is for ALL ages
that want to learn more about birding.
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Register online at
Birds and Beers
Saturday, May 9; 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Join your fellow festival goers and bird
buddies at "The Rock". Compare sightings
and celebrate life birds. Rock River Tap has
been a local hangout for decades. It features
a nice deck along the shores of the Rock
River, 6 beers on tap and a great food menu.
Location: G - Rock River Tap
Fee: Free
No registration required
Birdy Scavenger Hunt
Saturday, May 9; 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday, May 10; 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Kid and Family Event: Pick up your
scavenger hunt at the Horicon Marsh
Education Center and let your birdy
adventure begin! Travel through the center
and its surrounding trails to learn about
extinct birds, where to look for birds, and
how you can make a difference for birds.
Once finished, return your paper and
receive a cool bird prize!
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Crafter Bird Houses and Feeders
Saturday, May 9; 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday, May 10; 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Bill Amidon of Into the Woods Woodcraft
will be displaying his beautiful selection of
cedar bird houses and bird feeders, along
with sharing his birding knowledge and
experience. A skilled wood worker from
Campbellsport, Mr. Amidon will feature his
finely crafted bluebird, kestrel, owl, wren
and bat houses. In addition, he will also
have on display his suet, oriole and tray
feeders—all at Marsh Haven.
Location: E - Marsh Haven Nature Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Featured Speaker - Birdchick Smart Phone Birding
Saturday, May 9; 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Join Sharon Stiteler, the Birdchick, at the
Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor
Center as she presents Smartphone Birding
– Just about everything you need in the
field apart from binoculars and a bottle
of water can be on an smartphone. This
covers the many ways a birder might use
a smartphone in the field from maps, to
field guides, submitting sightings to eBird,
alerting others to rare birds and even taking
fantastic photos. Sharon Stiteler was given
a Peterson Field Guide to Birds when she
was seven years old and it snapped, she
loves birds. Since 1997, she has made it her
goal to get paid to go birding. She runs the
popular birding blog, and
has been in The Wall Street Journal, The
New York Times and on NBC Nightly News
as well as making regular appearances on
Twin Cities’ TV and radio stations. She’s
an international professional speaker and
storyteller and her writing has been found
in several publications including WildBird
Magazine, Outdoor News, Birds and
Blooms, 10,000 Birds and Birding Business.
She wrote the books City Birds/Country
Birds and 1001 Secrets Every Birder Should
Know and is #32 in the Geek A Week
Trading Card set and works as a National
Park Ranger. When she’s not digiscoping
or banding birds, she’s an award-winning
beekeeper. Follow her on Twitter @
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
The Horicon Marsh Bird Festival is “Wisconsin’s Oldest Bird Festival”.
First Light Birding Bus Tour Saturday
Habitat Birding Bus and Boat
Tour - Friday
Saturday, May 9; 6:00 am - 12:00 pm
Trip leaders are Darryl Tessen, Dennis
Gustafson and Brad Webb. This is a field
trip designed for birders who want to add
as many species as possible to their bird
lists. Be prepared to move by bus from
location to location in search of migratory
hot spots. There will be some walking but
it is rated easy. We try our best to finish
on time, but in the world of birding, bird
activity is the deciding factor. Meet at the
Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor
Center, off of Hwy. 28 between Mayville
and Horicon. Please use the entrance on the
south side of the building. Bus departs at
6:00 AM SHARP. Bring your own snacks.
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: $30 per person
Register online
Friday, May 8; 6:00 am - 5:00 pm
This is an all-day, two-part tour by bus
and pontoon boat. Trip leaders are Dennis
Gustafson, Darryl Tessen and Jeff Bahls.
We will start at the south entrance of the
Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor
Center (Location A) and board a bus at
6 am SHARP where we will bird some of
the better habitat locations in and around
Horicon Marsh. In the afternoon, we will
"walk the plank" boarding at Blue Heron
Landing "location C", Hwy 33 at the bridge
in downtown Horicon. Captains Marc
Zuelsdorf and Jerry Genzmer will be your
guides for this part of the tour. The boat
departs at 3:00 PM SHARP from Blue
Heron Landing. Our main objective is to
ID as many bird species as possible. Short
hikes will provide easy walking and we will
"try" to stay on dry ground. A box lunch
and drink are included in the cost of this
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: $85 per person
Register online
First Light Birding Bus Tour Sunday - Birdchick
Sunday, May 10; 6:00 am - 12:00 pm
Trip leaders are Brad Webb, along with
Birdchick Sharon Stiteler. The Sunday
Tour is designed for beginning and
intermediate birders who want to see as
many species as possible. Emphasis will be
on ensuring everyone has an opportunity
to see the birds we encounter. We will be
traveling from birding hot spot to hot spot
throughout the tour in search of migratory
and resident species. There will be some
walking but it will be rated easy. Wear good
walking shoes. Binoculars will be necessary
to see most of the birds. Bring your spotting
scope if you have one. Bus departs at 6:00
AM SHARP. Bring your own snacks.
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: $30 per person
Register online
Register online at
Habitat Birding Bus and Boat
Tour - Monday
Monday, May 11; 6:00 am - 5:00 pm
This is an all-day two-part tour by pontoon
boat and bus. Monday trip we will start
with a pontoon boat tour, at 6 am SHARP
we will "walk the plank" boarding at Blue
Heron Landing "location C", Hwy. 33 at
the bridge in downtown Horicon. Captains
Marc Zuelsdorf and Jerry Genzmer will be
your guides for this part of the tour. After
the boat tour we will gather at the Horicon
Marsh Education Center (Location A)
and board a bus for the rest of our tour,
we will bird some of the better habitat
locations in and around Horicon Marsh.
Trip leaders will be Joel Trick and Jeff Bahls.
Our main objective is to ID as many bird
species as possible. Short hikes will provide
easy walking and we will "try" to stay on
dry ground. A box lunch and drink are
included in the cost of this tour.
Location: C - Horicon Marsh Boat Tours
Fee: $85 per person
Register online
Horicon Marsh Bird Hike
Saturday, May 9; 7:00 am - 9:15 am
Saturday, May 9; 9:30 am - 11:45 am
Sunday, May 10; 7:00 am - 9:15 am
Sunday, May 10; 9:30 am - 11:45 am
Join leaders for a hike that will focus on
bird species along our newest addition to
the Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor
Center trail system; a new boardwalk
reaching out to Indermuhle Island through
the marsh and covering a variety of
habitats. Walking on uneven trails and in
damp foliage is a possibility. Meet at the
Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor, off
of Hwy. 28 between Mayville and Horicon.
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Horicon Marsh Education and
Visitor Center and Festival
Saturday, May 9; 6:30 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday, May 10; 6:30 am - 5:00 pm
Many of the Bird Festival events will
begin at the Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center. This center is a $4.8
million project made possible largely due
to tremendous local support. The center
features an auditorium, two classrooms,
traveling exhibit area, gift shop and a
tremendous view of Horicon Marsh.
Brand new exhibits will be completed this
summer and the grand opening will be in
August of 2015. We hope you come back
to see the exciting, interactive displays!
Volunteers will be on hand to provide
information and direct visitors to the many
events. Maps, Festival Booklets and other
handouts will be available. Bird Festival
pins, hats and shirts will be on sale and the
gift shop will be open for those interested
in purchasing something to remind them of
their experience. We have a few festival pins
available from previous years for those who
forgot to purchase one at the time or for
collectors. The Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center is located off of Hwy. 28
between Mayville and Horicon.
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Horicon Marsh is a “Wetland of International Importance”.
Horicon National Wildlife Refuge
Visitor Center
Saturday, May 9; 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday, May 10; 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Watch a Refuge video, view interactive
displays, observe the marsh from the
viewing deck with spotting scopes and
visit the Refuge gift shop. Opportunity to
view the Wisconsin Federal Junior Duck
Stamp Exhibit. No charge for programs or
activities. The Horicon National Wildlife
Refuge Visitor Center, is located at: W4279
Headquarters Rd. off Cty. Rd. Z on the east
side of the marsh.
Location: B - Horicon NWR Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Horicon NWR “Loop of the
Refuge” Bus Tour and Hike
Saturday, May 9; 6:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sunday, May 10; 6:00 am - 12:00 pm
Guides will be Greg Seegert (Sat.), Marty
Evenson (Sun.) and Jeff Bahls (Sat. and
Sun.) along with USFWS staff. We will
start at Horicon NWR headquaters, head
out to Dike Rd, travel all the way across
Dike Rd to the west side of the marsh.
Hitting some grassland, marsh and forested
sections along the way. A stroll along the
Wild Goose trail at Chester Bridge and
stops along Hwy. 49 are possible. Wear
good walking shoes. Meet at Horicon NWR
headquarters. Dike Road, for those who
are unfamiliar with Horicon Marsh is near
the dividing line or border between the
southern 1/3 of the marsh that is managed
by the Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources and the northern 2/3, which
is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. With the cooperation of the
USFWS, a portion of each registration fee
is being donated to the Friends of Horicon
National Wildlife Refuge. While the eastern
half is made up of mostly cattail marsh and
open water, the western part is primarily
a mixture of trees/shrub and edge habitat.
Meet at the Horicon National Wildlife
Refuge Visitor Center, W4279 Headquarters
Rd. off Cty. Rd. Z on the east side of the
marsh. The bus will depart at 6:00 AM
SHARP. Bring your own snacks. The same
locations may be covered on both days of
the event.
Location: B - Horicon NWR Visitor Center
Fee: $35 per person
Register online
Hot Spot Birding
Saturday, May 9; 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Sunday, May 10; 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Trip leader Jeff Bahls will be using the
knowledge obtained from other festival
field trips in finding various birding
locations (Hot Spots) in hopes of adding as
many species as we can in the time allotted.
We may even strike out on our own to
a new birding spot not included in this
year's festival! Walking on uneven trails
is possible. Meet at the Horicon Marsh
Education and Visitor Center, off of Hwy.
28 between Mayville and Horicon. Please
use the entrance on the south side of the
building. Bus departs at 4:30 PM SHARP.
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: $20 per person
Register online
Mom And Me, Birding Together
Sunday, May 10; 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Your leader will be Beth Haffenbredl.
Discover the joys of bird watching as a
family. Learn basic birding skills, how to set
up your backyard as a birding hotspot, and
work together to make a bird feeder. This
is a great activity to get the whole family
hooked on bird watching. A short bird hike
will accompany the program. The hike may
be on uneven trails but rated easy. This is
for ALL ages that want to learn how to bird.
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Register online at
Operation Migration
Saturday, May 9; 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday, May 10; 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Meet with field handlers of Operation
Migration, those that work with endangered
Whooping Cranes here in Wisconsin. See
the tools and costumes that they use in their
effort to restore this great bird. Operation
Migration has played a lead role in the
reintroduction of endangered Whooping
cranes into eastern North America since
2001. In the 1940s the species was reduced
to just 15 birds. Using ultralight aircraft,
Operation Migration pilots act as surrogate
parents and guide captive-hatched and
imprinted Whooping cranes along a planned
migration route beginning in Wisconsin and
ending in Florida.
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education and
Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Screeches, Squawks, And Squeals
Of The Marsh
Saturday, May 9; 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
During the day, Horicon Marsh is a relaxing
and tranquil place to enjoy nature. But the
dark mysteries of the marsh at night can be
"chilling" to those not accustomed to the
sounds of nocturnal creatures. Hike leader
Liz Herzmann will dispel the myths of the
night as she helps you identify the many
nocturnal sounds that come from within
the cattails. This program will be conducted
outside with easy walking but possible
uneven terrain so remember to dress warm
and bring a low powered flashlight. Please
use the lower entrance on the south side of
the building.
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education and
Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Sightseeing Tour by Boat
Wetland Water Bugs
Friday, May 8; 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Saturday, May 9; 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Sunday, May 10; 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Monday, May 11; 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
A 1 hour narrated pontoon boat tour of the
inner Horicon Marsh, observing the birds
and animals in their natural habitat. Tours
depart from Blue Heron Landing, Hwy. 33
at the bridge in downtown Horicon.
Location: C - Horicon Marsh Boat Tours
Fee: Adults $12, ages 4-13 $6.25.
To register, call Blue Heron Boat Landing
@ 920-485-4663
Saturday, May 9; 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
For young explorers of all ages. Join us to
collect aquatic creatures from the marsh
and learn how they adapt to survive. Meet
at the boardwalk at the Horicon National
Wildlife Refuge auto tour route, off of Hwy.
49. For more information, call 920-3872658.
Location: F - NWR Auto Tour/Boardwalk
Fee: Free
No registration required
Sounds and Dances- Dusk Into
Saturday, May 9; 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Sunday, May 10; 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Have you ever wondered what it takes to
work with injured birds of prey? Have you
ever wanted to see them close up? Come
and listen to the popular Barbara Harvey
as she gives an introduction to Wisconsin's
hawks and owls. She uses slides, mounted
specimens and LIVE birds in her
presentation. The particular live birds may
vary each day but have included a Redtailed Hawk, Snowy Owl, Kestrels, Great
Horned Owl and others.
Location: E - Marsh Haven Nature Center
Fee: Nature center special event entrance
fee is $3.00/adults/day, $2.00/child under
No registration required
Friday, May 8; 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Saturday, May 9; 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Join Jack and Holly Bartholmai, Erin
Railsback, Jon Krapfl and Marc Zuelsdorf
for this unique dusk into dark tour of
critters that sing, call and dance as the sun
sets and night falls on Horicon Marsh. The
tour begins in the Marsh Haven Nature
Center's Theater with a multi-media
introduction to the critters that call and
dance in the night. With special permission
from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
we will be on the Auto Tour loop and
boardwalk at dusk and stay AFTER DARK.
The bus will stop to hear and see the
Woodcock dance and to listen to songs and
calls of our marsh's nocturnal birds and
amphibians. Conditions permitting we will
take a short walk down Old Marsh Road to
enjoy the night sky and experience a new
perspective of the marsh at night. Long
pants and sleeves are recommended as well
as closed toed shoes. Bring a flashlight if
you wish. Meet in Marsh Haven Nature
Center's theater at 7 PM.
Location: E - Marsh Haven Nature Center
Fee: $20 per person
Register online
Horicon Marsh covers 33,000 acres in Dodge County, WI.
Wild Birds of Prey
Tune In … Birding By Ear
Sunday, May 10; 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Just as it sounds...pun intended. Join
educator Liz Herzmann to practice
identifying birds by their song. All skill
levels are welcome.
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Waterfowl Banding
Demonstration - New!
Sunday, May 10; 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Join us for a waterfowl banding
demonstration. DNR staff will set-up a
mock banding station to show how ducks
are caught for banding. Ducks are aged
and sexed by wing plumage then released.
See all the equipment used for a rocket
net capture. The display will be outside of
the Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor
Location: A - Horicon Marsh Education
and Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Wisconsin Federal Junior Duck
Stamp Contest Reception
Saturday, May 9; 4:15 pm - 5:00 pm
This is a recognition reception for local
K-12th grade winners and their families.
This reception is open to the public and
you will have the opportunity to view
the Junior Duck Stamp Contest exhibit.
Sponsored by Friends of Horicon NWR.
Location: B - Horicon NWR Visitor Center
Fee: Free
No registration required
Register online at
Marsh Haven
Nature Center
Rock River Tap
Horicon Marsh
Education and
Visitor Center
NWR Visitor’s
Palmatory St.
NWR Auto Tour/
Blue Heron
110 W. Lake St.
Horicon WI 53032
G Rock River Tap
3 miles east of Waupun, Hwy 49
F NWR Auto Tour/Boardwalk
W10145 Hwy 49
Waupun WI 53963
E Marsh Haven Nature Center
1210 N. Palmatory St.
Horicon WI 53032
D Palmatory St. Overlook
311B Mill St.
Horicon WI 53032
C Blue Heron Landing
W4279 Headquarters Road
Mayville WI 53050
B NWR Visitor’s Center
N7725 Hwy 28
Horicon WI 53032
and Visitor Center
A Horicon Marsh Education
Horicon Marsh Bird Festival
Event Locations
May 8–11, 2015
Pack up your binoculars and join us!
If you’re a birder or a naturalist or just someone
who enjoys the beauty of nature, come visit
Horicon Marsh at the peak of spring migration.
18th Annual
Horicon Marsh Bird Festival
PO Box 6
Horicon, WI 53032-0006