6th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2005, Barcelona), Extended Abstracts: 773-775 Fe-rich silicates 'in the Cobquecura pluton: An indicator of a-type granitoids in the Triassic magmatism of south-central Chile Paulina S. Vésquez 1. 1, Gerhard Franz 1, & Klaus Wemmer Z 1 Fachgebiet Mineralogie, Petrologie & Experimentelle Geochemie, Technische universttât Berlin, ErnstReuter- Platz 1, D 10587 Berlin. [email protected]. 2 Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum der Universitât Gôttingen, Goldschmidtstrasse 3, D 37077 Gôttingen. Introduction The tectonomagmatic evolution of the south western margin of South-America is characterized by significant changes between the Late Paleozoic and Andine (Late Jurassic- Recent) Cycles . These changes have been attributed to a pause of subduction, with generation of extensional sedimentary basins with associated magmatism (i .e., Charrier, 1979; Mpodozis & Kay, 1992) . However, recent studies at 40 0S dated the activity of the accretionary prism as Carboniferous to Late Triassic (Willner et al., 2004), opening the discussion about the dominant tectonic regime during this time. The Late Triassic magmatism south of 33°S, at the southwestern margin of South-America, is exposed in small and discontinuous outcrops around Pichilemu , Constituci én, and HuaJpén (Hervé et al ., J988; Fig . J). They are located at the western side of the Coastal Cordillera and intruded the Western Series of the metamorphic basement. Predominant rocks are monzogranites with associated mafic dikes. New K/Ar ages in amphibole (ferroedenite and Mg-hornblende) (Table J) reveal that the Cobquecura Pluton is another Lare Triassic body west of the Coastal Cordillera. However, it has important compositional differences to the other Triassic bodies in this segment. Geological Setting The Cobquecura Pluton crops out discontinuously along the coast between Tregualemu and Santa Rita (35°57' to 36° 12'S) . Its lithology is predominantly gabbroic with minor amounts of tonalite, quartz- monzodiorite, granodiorite and granite. Il intruded into slates and metapsammites of the 'Serie 1 Curepto' defined by GonzâlezBonorino & Aguirre (1970), which is equivalent to the low grade zone of the Eastern Series (Iow Pff) (Aguirre et al., 1972) . On the contrary, the compositions of the Constituci6n Granite and the Pichilemu Granite are mainJy granitic, and they intruded slates and metabasites of the Western high Pff Series (Hervé et al., 1988). Partially, the Cobquecura Pluton is covered by Quaternary and Tertiary sediments. Table 1: KlAr ages of intrusive rocks from Cobquecura. Sample 03-08 03-27 Rock Fayalite granodiorite Gabbro Mineral Spike (No.) KzO (wt%) 4°Ar * (nUg STP) 4°Ar * (0/0) Age (Ma) 20'-Error (Ma) Ferroedenite 3331 0 ,88 6,372 87,87 211,6 4,5 Mg-Hornblende 3329 0,63 4,584 88,01 212,6 4,9 773 6th International Symposi um o n Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2005, Barcelona), Extended Abstracts: 773-775 Petrography and Min eral C he mistry The most interesting rock among the diffe rent litho logies is a fayalite - g ranodiorite . Il crops out aro und Igles ia de la Piedra, north of Cobquecura. Ils tex ture is phaneriti c medium- g rai ned, wi th a co lor index c lose to 30. Il is composed princ ipally by pla gioclase , quartz, a mphi bole, olivine and pyroxene. Associated wi th thi s g rano dio rite are intrusive brecc ias, gabbros and mon zodi orites. ~ t] \ Cerro El Aguila Cerro Los Coipo s CS Vichuquen 35" <: ~ ~ Curepto ê§ \....J a ~ I.....J ç;:: a Batuco Talca ~ ~ \.. . ~~ pocilla~ .. V Lege nd .1 Cerro Coip ln lB Pluton ie rocks • • Volcanicrock Rad iometrie Ages (Ma) a • • o o 36 ' 1$ 36' Cerros de Hl!a lve • Cerro Ouella K·Ar Whole rock K' Ar Biotite K·Ar Amphibole Rb-Sr Whol. rock 25 50 Km 72' 37" Figure 1: Left : Geol ogie map of Co bqueeura with new K/Ar ages. Right : Distributio n of Upper T riassie - Lo wer Jur ass ie magmatism in the Coastal Cordillera between 34° and 37"S; after Godoy ( 1970), Corval àn ( 1976), Hervé & Mun izaga ( 1978), Dévila el al. (1979), Gajardo (1981 ), and Gana & Herv é ( 1983). Radiom etrie ages are taken from He rvé & Munizaga «(978), Davi la el a l. (1979 ), Gana & He rvé «(983 ), Hervé el a l. ( 1988), and Cre ixell el a l. (2002 ). Elec tro n microprob e ana lysis of mafic si lica tes of the o livi ne g ranod io rite show a pred ominantly Fe-rich composition of faya lite (Fa 94-Fa9S)' hed enberg ite ( Wo4sEn7Fe47), amphibole with m ainl y ferroedenitic composition (Fe/Mg- Fe between 0 ,85 and 0,92), and b iotite (A nn90 - An 96 ) . T he co mpos itio n of mafic minerals in the faya lite gra nod ior ite co ntras ts wi th the co mpos itio n in the mafic lith ol og ies, w hic h are rich er in Mg. 774 6th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2005, Barcelona), Extended Abstracts: 773-775 The feld spars are plag ioclase and K-feldspar. The plagioclase has normal zonat ion with compositions of An))An ., with patche s in the core richer in Na (Anis)' Th e feldspar is sanidine with a compos ition of Or69Ab)QAnl, which occasionally changes to K-r icher co mpos ition. Discussion The mineraJogical association of fayalite, quartz and ilmenite have been related to redu cing conditions that occur below the FMQ buffer with low H20 activity (Stephenson & Hensel, 1978; Mücke, 2003 ) and its occurrence is frequently cited for Precambrian anorogenic granites (e.g., Stephenson & Hensel , 1978; Frost el al., 1999). These condition s, togethe r with low contents of Eu and Sr and high contents of Ga ( 15 to 26 ppm) are typical for A-type granitoid s (Whalen el al., 1987). Our first geochemical results indicate a transitional environment between volcanic arc and anoro genic granites in Pearces Diagrarn (Pearce el al ., 1984). Other Iate Tri assic to early Jura ssic A-type to transitional A-Type granitoids were described from 28°-33°S, where they arc assoc iated with I-Type granitoids (Gana, 1991; Parada el al ., 1991 ; Mpodozis & Kay, 1992). Ackoowledgements. This investigation was financed by SFB- 267 "Deformation Processes in the Andes" of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The authors thank François Galber! for assistance with the electronic microprobe. The first author thanks Sven Niel sen for improving the English of an earlier version of this abstract, References Aguirre, L; Hervé , F, & Godoy, E. ( 1972): Distribution of rnetarnorphi c facies in Chile: An o utline. Krystalinikum, 9: 7- 19. Charrier, R. ( 1979): El Triasico en Chile y regiones adyacente s de Argent ina: Una recon strucci6n paleogeogràfica y paleoclirn âtica. Comunicaciones, 26: 1-37. Corvalàn, 1. (1976): El Tri àsico y Jurasico de Vi chuquen -Tilicura y de Hualafi é. Prov. De C uric é: I mpli caci ones paleogeograficas. 1° Congreso Geolôgico Chil eno. A 136-A 153. 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