the Voice May 2015 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church and accept the promise of eternal life through our faith in Jesus Christ, we know that we are forgiven and deeply loved. Because of our faith, we, too, are prepared to be sent out for the Father’s sake. Being present in that room that day must have been an astonishing moment, an astonishing revelation that Jesus is all about moving forward, not reliving the past. Never does Jesus remind them of failure. Instead, he brings peace and offers hope. Our hope is that, through our wounds and pains, we discover who we are and move beyond ourselves to share the good news. Jesus brings “shalom,” peace to you. He reminds the disciples, and each of us, that he is peace among us, the children of God. He brings us wholeness, justice and blessing; a wholeness that provides healing, justice that helps us transform, and blessings that take death away. As we receive these gifts and the breath of the Holy Spirit, Jesus tells us that we cannot stay behind locked doors. We are called to bring the power of God’s Spirit and forgiveness to the world. Make a difference by the way you live. Be filled with grace that spills over to others. Be “shalom” in your corner of the world. That is how we can make a difference for God and be transformed like the disciples, filled with Jesus’ peace, God’s grace, and the power to make a difference. From the Pastor … The disciples are hiding in the upper room, fearing arrest by the Jewish leaders. Can you imagine what is going through their heads? They follow Jesus for three years, they run scared when he’s imprisoned, they watch him die, they bury him, and now the body is gone. Isn’t it amazing that they, like us, can listen, learn, hear, and try to apply all they’ve been told regarding Jesus Christ, and yet they do not fully grasp it? Then Jesus appears, and says to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” He offers his pierced hands as proof of his true identity and gently nudges, through the presence of the Holy Spirit, the disciples back to the joy of the truth of his resurrection. Though still full of fear, they are now also filled with hope, and empowered to share God’s grace. But that's not all. Now, Jesus encourages the real work of the disciples. And, like the disciples, once we get beyond our past, and believe Peace, Love, Joy, Pastor Bret 1 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 Please keep these names near at your times of prayer and hold them before God who knows our every need:, John Kohn, Rick Dodsworth, Eloise Kagey, Sherry Ferrell, Molly Nye, Pat Scarmack, Liberty Carey, Harry Siebert, Joyce Klinger, Shawn Garrett, John Keller, Ryan Varnum, Jonathon Buzzard, Elaine Willey, Sharon Bauerle, Wanda Quay, Darla Spring & Family, John Stockdale, and all those who continue to suffer from illness. For all those who risk their lives for the sake of freedom from oppression especially men and women in uniform. Many thanks to the Altar Guild members, their families, the youth and others who pitched in to assist in getting ready for the Holy Week services. The setting for each day was clearly established and felt through their preparation. Frank Crawford once again baked the sweet breads for Easter, and Pat Crawford ordered and arranged the Easter flowers and palms in the sanctuary. We are truly blessed with all the efforts shared by Hosanna members. Thanks to Pastor Bret and George Priest for the Lenten videos in which they and various animal guests gave us revelations about Jesus. Their portrayal of professor and visitor with animal friends helped us to see anew familiar scripture, as well as seeing the connection between the Seder and the Lord’s Supper. We are grateful too for the baptism of Ethan Robert Weekley, son of Ashley and Robert Weekley, at the Easter Vigil. For 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus appeared to hundreds of people and helped them solidify their belief. To help us along on our faith journey, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. He reminds us of Jesus’ lessons and encourages us in our service to others. When we miss the mark, the Holy Spirit helps us to remember that we are forgiven. We observe the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, this year on Sunday, May 24th. Altar Guild’s next meeting is May 11th at 7pm in the church library. Please call Donna Roberts at (740) 927-6857 or Pat Crawford at (740) 927-6857 for more information.. If you are not presently part of Hosanna’s prayer team and you would like to join this ministry, please contact Sandy Bricker at [email protected] or (740) 9277422. Every time a prayer request is received, Sandy sends the request to you by e-mail. You don’t have to contact anyone else—just pray for the person in need. If you don’t have access to e-mail, a list will periodically be mailed to you. Presently there are 83 of us on the team. We’d love to have your help in this vital ministry. The Newsletter Deadline is the third Sunday of each month. The “Hosanna Happenings” Sunday Announcement Page Deadline is every Wednesday by Noon. Please email your articles to: [email protected] Our Shut-ins: John Stockdale, Wanda Quay, Kenny King, Eloise Kagey, and Virginia Leiter 2 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 WELCA GATHER FOR FAITH AND ACTION: WELCA Bible Study will be held at a different time of the month—the 1st Wednesday, May 6th in the Windsor Room at Amber Park, 401 Hill Rd. N in Pickerington from 10:00am12:00pm. It will be followed by lunch in the dining room at 12:30pm lunch will cost $6.00. Our theme for this week is The ChurchTransforming and Reforming. Scripture references are from Acts, Corinthians, and Romans. Please call Nancy Sander at (740) 739-8381 to let her know if you will be attending and/or staying for lunch that afternoon. In the adult Sunday School sessions, Karl Von Ahn is leading discussion of The Circle Maker, a book by Mark Batterson. It offers various perspectives on prayer. There are a couple of meetings left before summer break. The Men’s Group meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. See Fred Kaufman for more information. (740-9271193) We hope the new Christ in Our Home has arrived. If so, 20 free copies of this devotional booklet will be on the table in the Narthex near the ushers’ stand. The monthly scripture list that appears in the newsletter is a gift from one of our members. Please let Pastor Bret, Rhea Mathias, Sandy Bricker, Fred Kaufman or Charlotte Kurt know if you rely on it and if you want it to be continued. What: Games, Music, Bible, Science and more Who: Four years old to completed 2nd grade Where: Hosanna Lutheran Church When: July 20-24 Time: 9 to Noon Director: Angie Kennedy [email protected] To help Hosanna adults see what is available in the libraries, Adult Ministry is looking for a volunteer carpenter to build a book cart for the Narthex. We would use it to bring a sample of the library contents out to the members of Hosanna. Please contact one of the team members if you are interested in helping with this project. Online sign ups available soon please go to for more information. We need volunteers and donations, look for more information in upcoming emails and newsletters. 3 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 Catechism/Promise Seekers Advisory Board Pastor Bret Rizzo: Teacher Jeff & Cathy Konkler: Discussion Leaders JoAnn Fettrow: Administration Angela Kennedy: Points/Data Collection Jr. LYO Suzanne Dressel Denny DeHaven Lutheran Memorial “Confirmation” Summer Camp Sr. LYO Lisa Piso Sharon Mull Joan Connor June 21st – 26th, 2015 Register online: Hosanna pays $200 for each camper Camp is fun with Pastor Bret attending. You receive many points for attendance. Day Camp Melissa Fettrow VBS Angela Kennedy Website and Brochures Angela Kennedy Melissa Fettrow Youth Sunday is May 3rd at 10:00am. We would like to thank the following people for helping the youth this year: HLCC/ Preschool Director Lori Butts HLCC Teachers: Janet Hilliard Karen Wiegerig Alena Davis Laura Fout Trish Johnston Andrea Botts Susan Downs Jennifer McCauley Youth Chair JoAnn Fettrow Cradle Roll Nancy Sander Sunday School: Co-Superintendents Traci & Eric Brandt Sunday School Teachers: Christine Bricker Nancy Imes Sheri Cox Jim Southard Fred McLeod HLCC Board Donna Landis –President Penny Kililea – Vice-President Maureen Harmon Secretary Katie Bernal - Treasurer Brandy Daniels - Bookkeeper JoAnn Fettrow – HLC/HLCC Liaison Christine Bricker – Performance Review Set-Up Seth Newland Please thank these faithful volunteers for their time and service to our children and youth at Hosanna and the Pataskala Community. On May 3rd, they will all be recognized with a reception following the YOUTH SUNDAY SERVICE. We appreciate everything they have done all year for the youth committee! You are all AWESOME!!! Kids’ Klub - Melissa Fettrow Group Leaders: Lori Nolan, Elaine Willey, Penny Killilea, Crafts – JoAnn Fettrow Games – Penny & Lori & Melissa Service Projects: Susan Downs Special Music: Traci Brandt Aron Berona Ruth Mauger 4 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 student council. He was a member of the National Honor Society. Doug also plays baseball on the Pickerington Post 283 American Legion Team. Doug has been a member of Hosanna since his baptism as a baby. He has been active in Sr. LYO and Sunday School. Doug has been a part of Youth Sundays and Trunk or Treat. He has attended Jacob’s Porch with the Synod as well as Camp Oty’Okwa retreats. Doug has worked in the sound booth and is often seen ushering at the second service. Doug will be attending Capital University in the fall, majoring in environmental science and pre-law. He was also awarded the Martin Luther Scholar award from Wittenberg, but is attending Capital University. Rebekah Beach is the daughter of Jennifer Beach and the granddaughter of Rita Beach. Rebekah has three sisters, Katie, Sarah and Elizabeth. She is graduating from Watkins Memorial High School on Sunday, May 24th, 2015. Billy Hoskinson is the son of Bill and Vicki Hoskinson, brother to Tommy, and the grandson of Carole Gischel. He is a graduating senior at Watkins Memorial High School. Billy has been involved in drag racing since he was 8 years old. He began racing a junior dragster in the NHRA Junior Drag Racing League up until he was 16, and then he moved up to racing his dad's 71 Nova. Billy and his dad recently built a V8 S-10 truck together, and they are anxious to race it this summer. The racing season will be spent at either National Trail Raceway in Hebron or at Pacemakers in Mount Vernon, and the family also enjoys traveling to other tracks in the state as well. During her high school, years, Rebekah lettered in Varsity Track. Among other things, she did the shot put, discus and javelin. She was a member of the National Honor Society, her junior and senior year. Throughout the last four years, Rebekah, had several part-time jobs. She also assisted her grandma, Rita Beach, with the “Kids Eat Free” program at the Pataskala United Methodist Church. Sarah is a provost Scholar and a Martin Luther Scholar. She received the Martin Luther Scholar award from Wittenberg, nominated by Pastor Bret. This is an $80,000 scholarship for four years at Wittenberg University. Rebekah will attend Wittenberg in the fall, majoring in accounting. Billy works for his dad at Hoskinson's Property Services. He has become very knowledgeable about excavating, trucking, running a track hoe, skid steer, and other excavation equipment. He also helps perform all the maintenance and repairs on the equipment. They also do snow removal in the winter. His dad is very excited to have full-time help after graduation. Billy is a hard working young man and already knows so much at an early age making his parents very proud. Jacob Hawker is the son of Tonya and Kevin Norman. He has three sisters, Cassie and Brittasha King, and Savannah Hawker. Jacob has studied digital design and interactive media at c-Tec his last 2 years. Jacob participates in Skills USA and has participated in competitions over the 2 years. Billy loves his lifted Chevy truck, going mudding, fishing, having bon fires, and spending time with all of his friends. Jacob plans to attend Wright state in the fall. He will attend the College of liberal arts where he will be part of their motion picture program. Kelsey Mull is graduating from Granville High School on May 31st. Kelsey has participated in cheerleading at GHS for all four years of high school. She cheers for the football and basketball teams and is a member of the competition team. As a member of the competition team, Kelsey has competed twice in Doug Connor is the son of Tim and Joan Connor. He has two brothers, Matt and Ben. He is graduating from Watkins Memorial High School where he played baseball all four years. Doug has been active on the 5 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 National Championships in Florida, and won at the Arnold Fitness Expo this past March. She has also participated in track, competing in the 100 meter dash, high jump, and pole vault. Kelsey is a member of the women’s chorus at GHS, was a charter member of the female a cappella group, Ace-appellas, and is currently a member of the co-ed a cappella group, Blue Notes. She has sung at Hosanna several times for Christmas services and youth services. Kelsey hopes to study music business in college. Kids' Klub had a great year. A big thank you to all of our families for attending each week and all of our wonderful volunteers. Kids' Klub will celebrate the end of the year with a Family Picnic at JoAnn Fettrow's house on Sunday, May, 17th at 4:30 p.m. As a member of Senior LYO at Hosanna. Kelsey has emceed the annual Easter Egg Hunt with her mom for the last several years. She’s frequently recruited to do face painting at events for Hosanna’s younger members. Date Night/Lock-In: We had wonderful lock-ins in March and April. In March, we had 37 children attend. We collected $394 in donations. In April, we had 31 children attend and collected $260. Our next lock-in is June 26th. Kelsey is the daughter of Brent and Sharon Mull, and the granddaughter of Bev and Larry Ferneau. Colton Piso will be graduating from Granville High School on May 31st, 2015. He is the son of Lisa and Tony Piso and has an older sister, Jessica. Colton’s activities during high school include Track and Field and the Granville Running Team. He has performed in seven plays for the theater department. He is a member of the Men’s Chorus, Symphonic Choir, Chamber Choir and Blue Notes which is a 12 member a cappella group. Colton has been a counselor at Art Camp. He is also a member of Key Club. Colton has participated in Sr. LYO activities. He has been a part of Youth Sundays and Trunk or Treat as well as fellowship events. Jr. Church: We will be starting a Jr. Church this summer during the late service. Jr. Church is where young children can go to a separate classroom following the children's sermon for activities related to the day's service. They return for communion and the remainder of the service. Look for more information in the upcoming weeks. Contact Melissa Fettrow if you are interested in helping. [email protected] or 740-7392257 Colton took college level classes at the Savannah College of Art and Design throughout his senior year at Granville. He plans to attend the Savannah College of Art and Design where he will take a double major in animation and Game Design. Congratulations to all of our wonderful high school graduating seniors. Hosanna will be honoring the Class of 2015 on May 17th at each of the church services with a slide show and special gift for them. 6 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 one, feel free to stop by the office and pick one up. We are still accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. Be sure to stop by the office or send me an email containing your registration information so that we can secure your spot for next year. If you have family or friends that are interested, please have them call me at 740-964-6333 for a tour. HLCC NEWS I can’t believe we are in our final month of this school year. The children have grown so much. It seems like they just walked through the door for the first time and we are now preparing them to either return for our Pre-K program or saying good bye before they enter kindergarten. This time of the year is filled with mixed feelings of joy and sadness for us as we wish some of our friend’s farewell. This will also be a bittersweet moment for HLCC as Ms. Janet will be retiring after 16 years of service here at HLCC. As she has touched many lives, we would like to wish her lots of love through a showering of cards. You may either bring in a card or send them to the school at 7714 HazeltonEtna Road, Pataskala, Ohio 43062, and we will make sure that she gets them. Our annual Read-a-thon was once again a huge success! All the classes together read a total of 3,332 books!! Our annual Family Fun Day will take place on Sunday, May 3rd from 6pm to 8pm. This is a great time for all the families to come together and enjoy food, face painting, crafts, games, and tons of raffle items. We need a lot of volunteer help in order to make this a success. If you have an item that you would like to donate to the event, please contact me. If you would like to volunteer, please send me an email at [email protected], or call me. Summer Shorts is a great refresher for those children going to kindergarten or for those new to HLCC. It is a two week program in July that runs Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 12:00pm. The cost is $75.00 per week or $125.00 for both weeks if paid on the first day of the first week. Summer shorts will run the weeks of July 6th and July 13th. Flyers were sent home during the last week of April. If you did not receive 5/3- Family Fun Day at HLCC from 6pm to 8pm – note this date has changed from the originally scheduled date. Please feel free to invite your friends and family as we celebrate another awesome year at Hosanna Lutheran Childhood Center! 5/7 – Beach Day for Preschool students (weather permitting) 5/8 – Beach Day for Pre-K students (weather permitting) 5/15 – Last day of school for 3 day Pre-K students. 5/20 – Last day of school for 5 day Pre-K students and 2 day Preschool students. Preschool students will attend Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as their makeup days July 6th – 10th – Summer Shorts July 13th – 17th – Summer Shorts To sign up for Summer Shorts, contact Ms. Lori in the HLCC office (740-964-6333). Cost is $75.00 per week or $125.00 for both weeks 7 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 Sunday School Update: . The youth Sunday School has put together 24 "Chemo Care Kits." Supplies were purchased through Sunday School offerings and through donations. Thank you to all who donated items for this cause. The kits will be available at the service on May 3 (Youth Sunday). If you know someone who would benefit from a kit, please feel to take one. Hosanna will be having a Rummage Sale on June 11th, 12th and 13th, so throughout Spring start looking through your homes for items you no longer need. Once HLCC has completed their classes at the end of May, we will start collecting items in the classrooms. Furniture, household items, clothing, holiday items, books, DVDs, kids' toys, etc. are all welcome. If you have a TV, only flat-screen TVs! As the sale gets closer, we'll need many volunteers to help set-up and work the sale. All of the proceeds go towards Day Camp. May 17 will be the final Sunday School class for this school year. A big thank you goes out to those who have volunteered with Sunday School this year: Christine Bricker, Helen Mock, Sheri Cox, Nancy Imes, Jim Southard, Fred McLeod, Joan Connors and Seth Newland. Three-Thirds in Three Years Campaign Counselors from LOMO (Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Ohio) will come to Hosanna Lutheran Church in Pataskala to share the love of Jesus through games, songs, crafts, and other activities. This year's theme is "A Love That Never Ends." Day Camp will be July 27th - 31st from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost is only $25 per child. We have reserved spots for 50 children. We already have over 33 signed up! Please contact Melissa Fettrow for more information. 740-739-2257 or [email protected] The 2015 goal for the first third of the parking lot is $43,000.00. Based on the Quick Books reports, it shows a total of $10,282.11 as of the end of March 2015. If Hosanna can reach the goal of $43,000.00 by the end of August 2015, it is possible we could start the work in the early fall. Thank you to all who have contributed to this worthwhile cause; it is greatly appreciated. We are continually accepting donations to the Parking Lot fund. Please ensure you note how much of your offering is specifically for the Parking Lot fund so it can be deposited into the correct account. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call: 740-927-5541. Thank you. Stewardship Chair Person, Mary Seal 8 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE A huge thank you to all who helped with the April blood drive we were blessed to collect 32 pints of blood at this event. The next blood drive is scheduled for June 15th from 1-7 pm at Hosanna Lutheran Church. To donate, please call 1-800Red Cross for an appointment time. Volunteers for the registration desk are also needed. Hosanna is looking for someone to coordinate these events. If you are interested please let Ali in the office or Kathy Sims know. The Do Something Committee is at it again! Kevin Ely, Tina Blackburn’s nephew, is running in marathons in every state to support the Free Wheelchair Mission. He will be here on June 7th at both services to present information about this humanitarian, faith- based organization. A sneak preview: Free Wheelchair Mission provides wheelchairs at no cost to people with disabilities in developing nations. Their mission is to provide the transforming gift of mobility to the physically disabled poor in developing countries as motivated by Jesus Christ. Their vision is to be a world-class provider of mobility, transforming the lives of 100 million people around the world today. ( On May 31st, there will be a video shown that explains this important mission. Please carefully consider helping Hosanna purchase wheelchairs for those that cannot afford them. One wheelchair costs $77.91. One wheel is $10.00! We will have wheelchair collection on Sunday, June 7th. Bring your change to make a change!! Hosanna House Event Center Update The Hosanna House Event Center had their monthly meeting on Wednesday April 15th. Marissa and Ali have been working hard to keep the bookings coming and reported that we are booked every Saturday and Sunday starting April 25 till the beginning of July. We also recently added a New Churches Bible Study who is meeting every Monday evening. Word of mouth is traveling fast and we are all so excited to see what God has in store for this amazing ministry. If you would like to join our team of planning and give input on how to better outreach to the community please feel free to contact any of the team members or join us at our next meeting on Tuesday May 5th at 6:00pm in the upstairs classroom at Hosanna House! The team would like to thank the support that Hosanna has given this facility and our mission. Without all of the support the rentals and relationships we are forming would not have been possible. Thank You Hosanna! If you are interested in booking the Hosanna House Event Center for any events please make sure to call the office or Marissa Priest to get your booking on the calendar. It is first come first serve and we cannot guarantee that your date will be available for much longer. LARGE COMMUNITY GARDEN HOSANNA LUTHERAN CHURCH FREE 12X15 GARDEN PLOTS Space Limited…call soon to reserve your spot(s)! If weather cooperates, we should be ready by mid-May! Hosanna Lutheran is providing an opportunity for anyone in the community to grow fresh produce. This is part of Hosanna’s DO SOMETHING! Contact Ali at (740) 927-3548 9 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 It also has been brought to our attention that some of the phone numbers in the new directories are incorrect! In the bulletins we will announce whose need edited each week. Pastor Bret’s is incorrect in the directory. The number should be (330) 559-1846. WE LOVE BABIES! The Do Something Committee would like to proclaim the month of May “WE LOVE BABIES” month at Hosanna! We are collecting baby wipes, diapers, baby soap/shampoo-all those items for babies that food stamps do not cover (baby food IS covered and NOT needed). All donations will go to LEADS. Our goal is to fill the nursery playpen to capacity! Let’s help sustain our Licking County babies and families! There is definitely a great need. LEADS DONATIONS: Thank you once again Hosanna for your generous donations to the LEADS food pantry which have been picked up and stocked from March 34th through April 14th as of this writing. The total amount of items from these collections equals Two-hundred-eleven food and personal items. Your donations included large and small cans of soup; large and small cans of tuna and chicken; cereals; veggies and fruits; Ravioli, cans and bags of beans; spaghetti sauce and noodles; rice and noodle dinner packets and bags; tea and coffee; boxes of max/cheese, potatoes, and dressing; dog and cat food; jello; peanut butter and jelly; and more! Plus personal items consisting of hair shampoo and conditioner; body wash; toothbrushes and paste; body wash; laundry soap and softener; and more! You would be surprised what one large can of soup with meat, and a bag of rice will do for a family of 4 to 6!!! You may be surprised that dinners often consist of cereal. You may be surprised that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich may be all the lunch some youngsters have to eat. There are many surprises one finds while working within a food pantry! Every can and bagged food items and every personal item helps those within our community, who are experiencing difficult times, to eat and take care of their bodies and pets… each and every item lights- up someone’s life – especially the children! Thank you so very much for your generosity! Your food pantry representatives Let us rejoice in the baptisms of: Nathaniel Edward DiCerbo, son of Dan and Renee (Seal) DiCerbo and grandson of Steve and Mary Seal. Nathaniel was baptized April 19, 2015 at the Upper Arlington Lutheran Church at Mill Run in Hilliard. Ethan Robert Weekley, son of Ashley and Robert Weekley and brother to Laken Weekley. Ethan was baptized on April 4th, 2015 at Hosanna Lutheran Church Easter Vigil service. FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Directories are available for pick up in the Narthex at the church. (Please sign for it when you pick yours up!) 10 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church Total Budgeted Income Actual Income Received Below Budget YTD(not good) March $22,376 $22,436 $60 March YTD $67,128 $56,572 - $10,556 Total Budgeted Expenses Actual Expenses Payed Below Budget(good) $24,100 $23,409 - $691 $72,300 $68,058 - $4,242 Income Received Expenses Paid Net Position (not good) $22,436 $23,409 - $973 $56,572 $68,058 - $11,486 April 2015 1 1 1 2 4 5 5 6 8 9 9 10 11 14 15 15 15 15 16 17 17 18 18 18 20 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 31 Altar Flowers 3 Wills Family in celebration of Brynn’s Baptism 4 11 12 21 22 24 27 27 28 28 Todd & Susan Downs Brent & Sharon Mull Bob Adams & Cristi Lemaster Bill & Vicki Hoskinson Mark & Jan Raymond Ed & Rowena Terry Tim & Joan Connor Charles & Evelyn Wharton Jerry & Nancy Althoff Richard & Darla King There are many dates open for flower donations throughout the year. Stop by the bulletin board in the Narthex and sign up today. You will need to make arrangements with a florist of your choice to order and have your flowers delivered. 11 Andrew King Tim McLeod Josh Roslan Lisa Piso Bobbie Cady Suzanne Dressel Debbie Faust Logan Storm Ritva Buzzard Mark Raymond Nick Taylor Rowena Terry Liz Ellis Brooke Linihan Philip Bulderbergs Bill Cady Amanda Teague Lynne White Eric Cross Lynn Cross Charlie Mollenkopf Erv Babbert Ray Mauger James Scarmack Janet Hilliard Roger Hilliard Holly Bowman Julie Teague Joan Connor Marilyn Sick Pam Shoaf Sarah Beach Jason Kroonemeyer Taylor White Christopher Hockstok Ted Walters Jack Pugh Jeff Konkler The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 “does anyone want to volunteer for this” I don’t feel God’s touch raising my hand, or whispering into my ear saying “Ali, this is what I want.. Share your love.” The disbelief people have in others, the comments people say like “Stop volunteering” they cut so deep in the heart it hurts. Do you not get that GOD, MY GOD! YOUR GOD, THE ONE THAT GIVES US SOOO MUCH….Wants them to do it… why can’t you understand that this isn’t what we want… I know some people, including myself, might even have the conversation of Do you ever wake up in the mornings and ask yourself: What does Jesus want me to accomplish today? Do you ever wake up and think to yourself… What the heck I am going to have to go through? Who’s going to bother me? Jesus doesn’t care about me… He has put me through Hell… If he cared I wouldn’t have to deal with this… Nope. No way. Pick Someone else Go on… go whisper in someone else’s ear There ain’t no way. Seriously? Why! I can’t do that. No! I am not suited for that Lord. Go pick someone else… I MEAN IT!!! The truth is... we all do, It’s part of being a Christian… its part of your faith growing, your relationship forming, the love of Jesus being there when you don’t even realize. Every day I wake up and I don’t ask the questions above… I wake up and say… “Well Lord who are you going to bless me with to help today?” “Whose life am I going to walk into and be blessed?” I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around… and I also believe that the moment I get to meet our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ face to face he is going to give me the biggest hug in the world (people say I give the best ones but we will see about that) and all I am going to do is cry in his arms. I envision the talk we are going to have… the times when he was proud of me… the times he was a smidge disappointed and the times he smacked his head into his palm and said “no no no… what the HECK are you doing”. But at the end of that conversation, at the end of our reminiscing, I will also know that He was always behind me loving me. One of my biggest Pet Peeves is when people tell others that what they are doing or what they believe isn’t right… To be honest Jesus has given all of us the abilities to do these things, He has touched our heart in ways we can’t even express. I honestly can’t think of a single time when I am sitting in a group and someone says Yet, by the time we get through all these excuses we find our hand raised and lips saying “Ok, I will do it.” Some people say “no you do too much” and some say “are you sure” and some even ignore it. The truth is that if you have Jesus Christ behind you… you can handle anything. He loves you. He puts us in difficult situations… he test our faith… he pushes us till we are uncomfortable; to prove that when we make it through those things, when we are on the other side, we have a stronger faith… we have a tie with him that no one can break. Not everyone has a relationship with Christ and I understand that, I use to be there. Not everyone believes that he is real, that he does things for a reason, that he has a map… I totally understand. At 16 my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. When I say I shut down, I don’t mean that I just stopped talking. I mean that I didn’t speak to ANYONE… very few friends... Some would beg for information, would try to coax it out of me but it just wouldn’t matter. I would go to church but 12 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 sit in the back row on our “side” and not say 1 word. I wouldn’t pass the peace, I wouldn’t sing the songs, I wouldn’t look at people. I would barely look at my mom. My thought was “stage 4 and God is taking my mom away from me. She won’t get to see my wedding, she won’t get to see me graduate, she won’t get to see my children, she won’t get to go on vacation with us…” there were so many things that I automatically thought would happen. I literally turned my back on Christ. My 2 manmaw died from cancer so I thought that’s how mom was going to die and I wouldn’t have anyone. About two months into the very difficult time a song came on during communion… “You Raise me Up” my 2manmaw absolutely loved this song... It was literally her favorite song of all time… and then I heard her… “He raised you up so you can stand on mountains… he raised you up to walk on stormy seas… You are strong when you are on our shoulders… we raise you up to more than you can be Ali.. My sweet princess, please get up. We love you” I felt a breeze on my cheek, a heaviness in my heart… and I felt at that moment THEY were speaking to me. They were there. Not everyone can have a moment like that, but it made me appreciate everything a little bit more. Each year my faith grew and grew and then about two and half years ago I gave my life to Christ, reaffirmed my faith in a lake submerged with my dad, Pastor Dan and Mr. Smith and it was at that absolute moment I KNEW Christ. My savior. My One TRUE God. He was there. He was raising me up to more than I can be. I have a big heart because that’s how God made me. I help so many people because I feel God leading me to it. A friend of mine asked how do you know when you are helping versus when you are enabling and I used the analogy of Mary Poppins Bag, I told her I believe that each and every time you are helping someone… you reach into that bag and pull out an opportunity or a means to help someone… at some point in time you will reach in and pull out nothing. It is at that point that you have to tell yourself “Ok, God must think they are ready” our job is to plant the seed of love, to nurture and care for it until the roots begin to form. It is at that point in time, when you as his gardener, sit back and watch them grow… you water occasionally with prayer and comfort but you also, when planting the soil, encourage them to grow and blossom into the flower God wants them to be. I love people… all sorts... the ones that are a challenge, the ones that are troubled, the ones that hate, the ones that are broken and the ones that are whole.. I love them all. I love to help, I love to encourage and I love to bless them. Jesus made me the way I am today for a reason and I believe that reason is because he wants me to live compassionately. SO the next time you try to tell someone they are doing too much, or they shouldn’t do that, or no you can’t handle that… think of it a different way… say to them “I am proud of you, God led you to this decision? How many people are you going to touch with this mission?” Think to yourself: What am I doing to help others? What is God’s mission for me? Who can I love on today? Who could I bless and make happier today? God just wants your love, He wants your commitment to live as He lived, love as He loves, and bless as He blesses each and every day. We are all the child of God and all he wants is for each of us to spread His love to someone else and believe in Him. I love you, God loves you and everyone in between. Much Love my friends and many blessings. Love, Ali 13 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 14 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 “Everything Mom” By Joanna Fuchs How did you find the energy, mom To do all the things you did, To be a teacher, nurse and counselor To me, when I was the kid How did you do it all, Mom, Be a chauffeur, cook and friend, Yet find to be a playmate, I just cannot comprehend. Since this month we celebrate Mothers everywhere. I thought maybe we could have some poems thanking them. Enjoy! And Thank you MOMS! We love you! I see now it was love, Mom That made you come whenever I’d call, Your inexhaustible love, mom And I thank you for it all. “My Mom” By: Ali Priest A mom is someone who takes care of us. She drives us back and forth to the bus. She wipes our tears when we are down, She never lets us think to frown. “Best & Wisest Mom” By Joann Fuchs Mom, I wish I had words to tell How much you mean to me. I am the person I am today, Because you let me be. My mom’s a hero to so many, Sometimes she acts like she’s still twenty. My mom fought cancer and won She never gave up, not till it was done. Your unconditional love Made me happy, strong, secure. Your teaching and example Made me confident and Mature. She was always at all our functions for band She took us scouting all over the land. To Girl scouts and boy scouts meeting galore, She always let us have fun and explore. She was more than a mom to us She was our friend. In all the world, there is no mother Better than my own. You’re the best and wisest person, Mom I have ever known. Thank you mom for all that you do I hope one day I can be a mom just like you! “Mother & Child” By: Carl Sandburg “I Love you,” Said a great mother. “I love you for what you are, Knowing so well what you are. And I love you more yet, child Deeper yet than ever, child, For what you are going to be, Knowing so well you are going far, Knowing your great works are ahead, Ahead and beyond, Yonder and far over yet.” 15 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 NON-PROFIT ORG. HOSANNA LUTHERAN CHURCH U.S. POSTAGE 7714 HAZELTON-ETNA ROAD PAID PATASKALA OHIO PATASKALA, OHIO 43062 PERMIT NO. 3 Office hours are 9:00 am-3:00pm Monday-Friday Pastor Bret is out of the office on Friday’s. If you are calling after hours and need to get in touch with him Please call (330) 559-1846 16
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