the Voice June 2015 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church From the Pastor … guests. Sunday morning worship is usually the first contact someone has with us…let’s make our first impression a great and long lasting one. How about parking farther away from the main entrance on Sunday mornings? This would free up space in front for our guests as well as the elderly. Be a silent greeter! If someone looks lost offer to help direct him or her with a smile. If someone you do not recognize sits near you…introduce yourself by saying, “Hello, I’m [name].” Do not say, “You new here?”… Murphy’s law will then guarantee that you will be speaking to a Charter Member of Hosanna who you may never have met. Instead say, “We’ve never met.” This will cover both scenarios, and in the process process you may have a new friend! PLEASE! PLEASE…if at any time you notice an unfamiliar face sitting alone or standing near the door by themselves…MAKE Contact! Do not assume someone else will do it. Every little bit counts! Beloved People of God, if we are to be better at being Ambassadors for Christ to o those who enter our doors here at Hosanna, we need to think hard about the following: A Visitor’s Experience: The First 5 Minutes Make All the Difference For most of us it’s been a long time since we put ourselves in the place of a visitor. After a church church becomes so familiar it’s hard to even remember how intimidating it can be to walk onto the campus of a new church. “Am I early?” “Am I late?” “Will my children be comfortable and safe?” “Will I know what to do in the service?” “Will there be people here like me?” While it is difficult to quantify, outreach experts believe that visitors may determine whether they will return to a church based on the experience they have in the first five minutes. This is before they hear the wonderful choir or praise band band, see the multi-media, media, or experience the moving sermon. Peace, Pastor Bret Does anything stand in the way of guests having a positive experience at your church? Copyright by Outreach Marketing. All rights reserved. Used by permission Hosanna is a welcoming congregation, but that does not mean we should become slack at being proactive with 1 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church June 2015 Please keep these names near at your times of prayer and hold them before God who knows our every need:, John Kohn, Rick Dodsworth, Eloise Kagey, Sherry Ferrell, Molly Nye, Pat Scarmack, Liberty Carey, Harry Siebert, Joyce Klinger, Shawn Garrett, John Keller, Ryan Varnum, Jonathon Buzzard, Elaine Willey, Sharon Bauerle, Wanda Quay, Darla Spring & Family, John Stockdale, and all those who continue to suffer from illness. For all those who risk their lives for the sake of freedom from oppression especially men and women in uniform. We are reminded of entering the long season of Pentecost June 7 by the green paraments and banners displayed in the sanctuary. It continues through November 26th, Thanksgiving with 3 other principal festivals being observed toward the end of the period. (Reformation, All Saints Day and Christ the King Sunday) Pentecost was the end of a 50-day period starting with Passover. According to author David E. O’Brien in Today’s Handbook for Solving Bible Difficulties, pp. 359-360, “Pentecost was on of 3 great pilgrim feasts in Judaism…Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. God chose the Day of Pentecost for the birth of the church for the same reason He chose Passover for the crucifixion – because of the meaning it held for the Jewish people… As the church was born, it was born in the hearts of people who would take the Gospel of Jesus back to villages and cities around their world… the seed of the modern missions movement…” Altar Guild’s next meeting is Monday June 8th at 7pm in the church library with a baked potato potluck. No meetings are held in July and August. Please call Donna Roberts at (740) 927-6857 or Pat Crawford at (740) 927-6857 for more information.. If you are not presently part of Hosanna’s prayer team and you would like to join this ministry, please contact Sandy Bricker at [email protected] or (740) 9277422. Every time a prayer request is received, Sandy sends the request to you by e-mail. You don’t have to contact anyone else—just pray for the person in need. If you don’t have access to e-mail, a list will periodically be mailed to you. Presently there are 83 of us on the team. We’d love to have your help in this vital ministry. The Newsletter Deadline is the third Sunday of each month. The “Hosanna Happenings” Sunday Announcement Page Deadline is every Wednesday by Noon. Please email your articles to: [email protected] Our Shut-ins: John Stockdale, Wanda Quay, Kenny King, Eloise Kagey, and Virginia Leiter 2 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church June 2015 The Men’s Group is meeting on the first and third Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm. Please call Fred Kaufman at (740) 927-1193. “Gideon” By Priscilla Shirer It’s that time again ladies…When we hear the name Gideon, most of us think about his 300 soldiers or the fleece he laid out under the evening sky. But Gideon's story is so much bigger than that—bigger than any one man and his mark on Israel's history. Like everything else in the Bible, this is a story about God and His people. His love for them, as well as His strength operating in spite of their weakness—even through their weakness. And because God's people includes you and me, Gideon's s tory is also about us—our lives, our doubts, our struggles, and our possibilities as believers. From a state of fear, weakness, and insecurity, Gideon emerged as Israel's hero, filled with God's presence and His passion for deliverance. This study will encourage you to recognize your weakness as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life. In what ways do you feel insufficient? Those places create the greatest opportunity to experience the sufficiency of God. Instead of ignoring, neglecting, or trying to escape your weaknesses, see them as the gifts that they are, given specifically and strategically by God to unlock the door of God's strength. Please join me in the 7 week study starting Monday June 8 through July 20. We will viewing a DVD and have discussion starting at 10 am or 6:30 pm each Monday. Bring a friend with you. The books will cost $13.00 each. The DVD is being borrowed from Reynoldsburg United Methodist Church. If you have questions, please contact Rhea Mathias [email protected] or 614-3976790. What would interest Hosanna adults in attending Sunday School? Would it include a different time/day schedule or specific topics or change in format? A survey is being planned to gain your input. All opinions are welcome in re-examining this resource for more participation. If you are interested in a Fall Women’s Retreat please talk to Tina Blackburn or Rhea Mathias about your ideas and notify them of your interest. Warmer weather is coming back so if you are interested in being a part of the Young Adult planning team please contact Ali at [email protected] with your ideas and interests. She is looking for someone to be the leader on this project so please let her know if you would be interested. WELCA GATHER FOR FAITH AND ACTION: WELCA Bible Study will be held on Wednesday June 10th in the Windsor Room at Amber Park, 401 Hill Rd. N in Pickerington from 10:00am-12:00pm. It will be followed by lunch in the dining room at 12:30pm lunch will cost $6.00. Please call Nancy Sander at (740) 739-8381 to let her know if you will be attending and/or staying for lunch that afternoon. 3 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church June 2015 VBS 2015 What: Games, Music, Bible, Science and more Who: Four years old to completed 2nd grade Where: Hosanna Lutheran Church When: July 20-24 24 Time: 9 to Noon Director: Angie Kennedy [email protected] Register now at Kids' Klub had a wonderful end-of-the end the year picnic. Since it was rainy, we had our celebration at the church, and a good time was had by all. We had almost 60 people people attend. The children enjoyed jumping in the bounce house in the sanctuary along with a variety of other games. Thank you to all of our families and volunteers for another successful year! Online sign ups available, please sign up now. We need volunteers and donations, look for more information in upcoming emails and newsletters. Lutheran Memorial “Confirmation” Summer Camp Jr. Church: Jr. Church will begin on Sunday, June 14th at the late service. In the fall, we hope to offer it at both services. Jr. Church is where young children can go to a separate classroom following the children's sermon for activities related to the day's service. They return for communion and the remainder o of the service. Look for more information in the upcoming weeks. Contact Melissa Fettrow if you are interested in helping at [email protected] or 740-739-2257. 740 June 21st – 26th, 2015 Register online: Hosanna pays $200 for each camper Camp is fun with Pastor Bret attending. You receive many points for attendance. A big thank you to all of our youth who participated in our Youth Sunday. We also appreciated everyone who attended the worship service in support of our youth and volunteers. We collected $320.18 in the Noisy Offering for the National Youth Gathering this summer. Thank you! 4 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church June 2015 The youth Sunday School has put together 24 "Chemo Care Kits." Supplies were purchased through Sunday School offerings and through donations. Thank you to all who donated items for this cause. The kits will be available at the service on May 3 (Youth Sunday). If you know someone who would benefit from a kit, please feel to take one. . Hosanna will be having a Rummage Sale on June 11th, 12th and 13th, so start looking through your homes for items you no longer need. Drop-off times will be May 29th, 6-8 p.m.; May 30th, 10-Noon; May 31st, before or after church; June 5th 6-8 p.m., June 6th 10-Noon; June 7th before or after church. If you need to arrange a pick-up, contact Melissa Fettrow. Furniture, household items, clothing, holiday items, books, DVDs, kids' toys, and other miscellaneous treasures are all welcome. If you have a TV, only flatscreen TVs! Look for the volunteer sign-up sheet in the narthex. We will need many volunteers the entire week of June 7th. You can help in various ways, and even a small amount of time is appreciated. All of the proceeds go towards Day Camp. Contact Melissa Fettrow with questions [email protected] or 740-739-2257. May 17 will be the final Sunday School class for this school year. A big thank you goes out to those who have volunteered with Sunday School this year: Christine Bricker, Helen Mock, Sheri Cox, Nancy Imes, Jim Southard, Fred McLeod, Joan Connors and Seth Newland. CARE COMMITTEE RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE The Next Blood drive is scheduled for June 15th. The drive will be held within the church. Current coordinators, Butch and Kathy Sims are resigning this year. Care Committee is currently seeking an individual or a couple who would like to coordinate the blood drive. We hope to have the position filled by the Fall of this year. The Blood Drive is held every eight weeks. Coordinator(s) responsibilities are available through contacting, Darlene A Gillenwater, by email or by phone: [email protected]; 614-329 -4790. The position offers a great way to meet your church and community neighbors. Day Camp is July 27th through 31st from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Counselors from LOMO lead the camp each day. Children who have completed kindergarten through 6th grade are eligible to attend. We have reserved 50 spots and currently have 45 pre-registered! Sign up soon! The cost for families is $25 per child. The rest of the money is raised through the Rummage Sale fundraiser. We need volunteers to help host the counselors for dinner one night or help prepare the daily lunches for all the campers. If you would like to help, please contact Melissa Fettrow 740-739-2257 or [email protected]. Sunday School Update: 5 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church June 2015 LARGE COMMUNITY GARDEN HOSANNA LUTHERAN CHURCH FREE 12X15 GARDEN PLOTS Space Limited…call soon to reserve your spot(s)! If weather cooperates, we should be ready by mid-May! Hosanna Lutheran is providing an opportunity for anyone in the community to grow fresh produce. This is part of Hosanna’s DO SOMETHING! Contact Ali at (740) 927-3548 927 FAITH ON 8th: Hosanna served another great nutritional meal at Faith Mission, Sunday, May 3rd. Problems occurred when those who had signed-up up to donate food or volunteer volunteer their time did not do so. This type of problem has occurred several times over in the past. Care Committee will be providing a reminder call to those who sigh-up up to donate. We want to thank those who provided the food and who took time out of th their busy day to help work in the Hosanna kitchen and who served the meal to the hungry at Faith Mission. Diane Arps, who has served as the Faith on 8th coordinator for the past twenty years, is resigning. Care Committee is seeking an individual or a couple couple to coordinate the meal beginning Spring of 2016. Anyone who loves to coordinate and provide great meals to their families and/or holiday gatherings qualify! Coordinator(s) responsibilities are available by sending an email or placing a phone call to Darlene A Gillenwater: 614 329 4790 [email protected] WE LOVE BABIES! The Do Something Committee would like to proclaim the month of May “WE LOVE BABIES” month at Hosanna! We are collecting baby wipes, diapers, baby soap/shampoo-all soap/shampoo those items for babies that food stamps do not cover (baby food IS covered and NOT needed). All donations will go to LEADS. Our goal goal is to fill the nursery playpen to capacity! Let’s help sustain our Licking County babies and families! There is definitely a great need. SCHOOL SUPPLIES: At the end of June, Sunday the 26th, the Care Committee will be setting out the RED box used to collect school supplies for the upcoming new school year. Just a reminder for you to enjoy the HOT summer days as you can! SAVE THE DATE Friday, July 31, from 4 to 8 pm. We will be showing open class cars. If you have a car, or know someone who has a car to show, come and register that night. If you just want to have a fun evening looking at cool cars come join us…we need spectators, too! There will be trophies awarded at 8 pm for the cars. Tickets for raffle prizes will be drawn periodically periodically during the evening. Join us for a fun event! 6 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church June 2015 LEADS DONATIONS: A Big thank-you you to each and everyone who donated food and/or personal items to the LEADS food pantry from April 28th through May 12th. Your items were picked up, counted and stocked on your behalf once a week. Some of the items included within your donations were: candy, canned meats, fruits, veggies, beans; boxed sideside-dishes of potatoes, rice and mac/cheese; peanut butter and jelly; spaghetti sauce and noodles; Ravioli, cans of soup large and small; body lotion; shampoo/conditioner; pencils and pens; kleenex. For those who stock your generous donations it is a pleasure to meet some of the other donators within the community. One such ch occasion happened May 12th. An elderly lady came into the pantry with a cart filled with dented and marked markeddown items. When asked for her name and address so that a thank-you thank you note could be sent she stated that Jeannie, the director, knows her. She also also stated that she goes to the store during each month looking for her special items and delivers once a month. She also stated she had been doing so since “way-back-when.” “way As a stocker it is noted, on occasion, that an anonymous note was entered into the he notebook of donors. We now know the donor – Mrs. R, a lovely, kind, and smiling lady with a generous heart! Thank you ever so much, your FP representatives NEW BEGINNINGS Another month gone by – time really flies when having fun! It is fun and a pleasure for your NB representatives to pick-up pick up and deliver the items you so generously donate. Those who receive the bags at the front desk are so grateful for your donations. Time and time again as the donations are taken into the building building and opened the first bags which are holding canisters and instant coffee bring on the cheers. Your donation of coffee helps those who come into the facility day and night, to settle and focus on their plans for the future. All the items you donate such such as new blankets and towels; body lotions; shampoo/conditioner; liquid and bars of soap; blow dryers and curling irons; note pads and pencil/pens help comfort those seeking refuge from domestic violence. Your generosity provides moments of peace to those those who enter the facility day and night. We all enjoy a hot cup of coffee, a hot shower with fragrant soaps and lotions, a soft warm blanket and a clean towel. All of these pleasures are amplified by those escaping a world of pain and frustration. THANK THANK YOU! Your NB representatives 7 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church June 2015 Three-Thirds Thirds in Three Years Campaign The Do Something Committee is at it again! Kevin Ely, Tina Blackburn’s nephew, is running in marathons in every state to support the Free Wheelchair Mission. He will be here on June 7th at both services to present information information about this humanitarian, faith- based organization. A sneak preview: Free Wheelchair Mission provides wheelchairs at no cost to people with disabilities in developing nations. Their mission is to provide the transforming gift of mobility to the physically physically disabled poor in developing countries as motivated by Jesus Christ. Their vision is to be a worldworld-class provider of mobility, transforming the lives of 100 million people around the world today. ( On May 31st, there will be a video shown that explains this important mission. Please carefully consider helping Hosanna purchase wheelchairs for those that cannot afford them. One wheelchair costs $77.91. One wheel is $10.00! We will have wheelchair collection on Sunday, June 7th. Bring your change to make a change!! The 2015 goal for the first third of the parking lot is $43,000.00. Based on the Quick Books reports, it shows a total of $10,282.11 as of the end of March 2015. If Hosanna can reach the goal of $43,000.00 by the end of August 2015, it is possible we could start the work in the early ear fall. Thank you to all who have contributed to this worthwhile cause; it is greatly appreciated. We are continually accepting donations to the Parking Lot fund. Please ensure you note how much of your offering is specifically for the Parking Lot fund d so it can be deposited into the correct account. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call: 740-927 927-5541. Thank you. Stewardship Chair Person, Mary Seal April 2015 April YTD 2015 Total Budgeted Income $22,376 $89,504 Actual Income Received $19,276 $77,183 Below Budget(not Budget(not good) - $3,100 - $12,321 Service times are changing beginning on June 7th. The Traditional Service will begin at 9:00am and Contemporary Service will begin at 10:30am. Total Budgeted Budgeted Expenses $24,100 $96,400 Actual Expenses Payed $25,018 $93,505 Below Budget YTD(good) $918 - $2,895 Income Received $19,276 $77,183 Expenses Payed $25,018 $93,505 Net Position(not Po good) - $5,742 - $16,322 8 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church 2 5 6 7 10 11 16 16 16 17 19 20 20 24 26 26 29 29 June 2015 John & Annette Krebs Pat & Betty-Brown Rose Jason & Tamar Truett Brent & Wendy Storm Fred & Cindy Kaufman Dale & Susan Pugh Jeff & Kathy Konkler Bruce & Donna VerWeire Ted & Sandi Walters Jason & Cheryl Phillips Fred & Sue McLeod Ed & Jackie Roach Wayne & Susie Zavotka Matt & Amy Mohler John & Terrie Baker Karl & Angela Kennedy Don & Karen Shollenberger Dan & Valerie Wills 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 7 9 9 10 12 14 17 18 18 19 20 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 30 There are many dates open for flower donations throughout the year. Stop by the bulletin board in the Narthex and sign up today. You will need to make arrangements with a florist of your choice to order and have your flowers delivered. Altar Flowers 7 14 21 28 9 Haylee Cross Grace Ellis Rudolf Wiegerig Pat Scarmack Georgiann Taylor Sharon Gwilym Roger Lansing Bonnie Babbert Ruth Mauger Katie Siebert Ed Terry Tim Connor Ashley Hockstok Matt Taylor Lillian Hahn Matt Konkler Tom Eitel Mark Carberry Cindie Mollenkopf Sarah Lansing Cathy Konkler Patricia Roush Donna Riegel Bob Lochmeyer Bill Steinmetz Teresa Alfred The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church June 2015 10 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church June 2015 “Like Father, Like Child” As we celebrate Father’s Day, we likely see traits in our dads (or other father figures) that we hope to be known for ourselves: integrity, gentleness, a great sense of humor, a love of learning, a humble spirit. Amy Grant’s song “Father’s Eyes” tells of a young girl who wants nothing more than for others to recognize her father – and her heavenly father – in her. “When people look inside my life, I want to hear them say, ‘She’s got her father’s eyes.” What characteristics of God your Father are reflected in your eyes, heart and life? And what godly qualities would you like to cultivate? May others see our heavenly Father in us! “Fatherly Reflection” Renowned actor Sidney Poitier once said, “I Decided in my life that I would do nothing that did not reflect positively on my father’s life.” If you’re blessed with a dad you admire and respect, how would it affect your life to make such a decision? Would you be inspired to set sound priorities, live with integrity, be a positive role model to the young people you influence? For all of us – children of the only perfect Father – may our prayer and intent be: God, while earthly fathers are a mix of strengths and flaws, you give yourself to us as our heavenly Father, wholly loving, kind and passionate about our best interests. May we, in turn, seek to reflect positively on you. May my life spread far and wide your love, kindness and passion for the best interests of all, and may others see you in me. Amen. “Thank You, Dad” Thank you for the laughter, For the good times that we share, Thanks for always listening, For trying to be fair. Thank you for your comfort, When things are going bad, Thank you for the shoulder, To cry on when I’m sad. This poem’s a reminder that All my life through, I’ll be thanking heaven For a special dad like you. “Only a Dad” By: Edgar A. Guest Only a dad, but he gives his all To smooth the way for his children small, Doing, with courage stern and grim, The deeds that his father did for him. This is the line that for him I pen, Only a dad, but the best of men. “My Hero” My hero is the quiet type, No marching bands, no media hype, But through my eyes its plain to see A hero, God has sent to me. With gentle strength and quiet pride, All self-concern is set aside, To reach out to his fellow man, And be there with a helping hand. “A Father’s Love” In all that you do, a dad’s love plays a part. There’s always a place for him deep in your heart. And each year that passes, you’re even more glad, More grateful and proud just to call him your dad! Heroes are a rarity, A blessing to humanity. With all they give and all they do, I’ll bet the thing you never knew, My hero has always been you. 11 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church June 2015 NON-PROFIT ORG. HOSANNA LUTHERAN CHURCH U.S. POSTAGE 7714 HAZELTON-ETNA ROAD PAID PATASKALA OHIO PATASKALA, OHIO 43062 PERMIT NO. 3 Office hours are 9:00 am-3:00pm Monday-Friday Pastor Bret is out of the office on Friday’s. If you are calling after hours and need to get in touch with him Please call (330) 559-1846 12
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