CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Lunenburg, Nova Scotia The United Church of Canada Sunday, March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday Minister: Guest Minister: Minister of Music: Lay Reader: Rev. Grace Caines-Corkum Rev. David Lutes Heather Kristenson Graham Pearson **Please note: When we hear the chimes being played, it is to tell us to return to our seats and quietly prepare ourselves for worship. Scent-free Policy at Central United We encourage everyone to recognize that some members of our Church family are very sensitive to strong odours. There is a designated seating area for this purpose. The music for the weekly sung responses (e.g. Gathering, Offering) is available on laminated sheets which are located in the Narthex. THE APPROACH Prelude: “All Glory, Laud and Honour” (arr. Jan Sanborn) Greetings Gathering Music: “Spirit Open My Heart” (Chorus only) Spirit, open my heart to the joy and pain of living. As you love may I love, in receiving and in giving, Spirit, open my heart. Central United – Used with Permission LicenSing 610384 One License A-717003 CCLI 308623 MV 79 2 Hymn: “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” VU 123 Invitation: All: This morning we are invited to celebrate Palm Sunday, a day of rejoicing and great celebration. God is with us in this place, thanks be to God. Amen. Welcome Gathering Prayer: All: O God, this morning we gather with hearts filled with joy and great expectations. The Prince of Peace will ride once more among us in humility. May we recognize his presence in this place. Amen. The Prayer of Jesus Time with the Children THE WORD Traditional Reading: Mark 11: 1 – 11 May we but wait upon Love’s word. Knowing our prayer is heard. (Sing twice) Hymn: “When They Heard That Jesus Was Coming” (Insert) (vss. 1, 2, 6, 8 & 11) (Copies of MV #128 music available in the Narthex) Sermon: “Great Expectations” MV 128 3 THE RESPONSE Offering Our Gifts Choral Dedication: Here We Bring, Small Or Great” Here we bring, small or great, gifts to offer on this plate, what we’ve earned, what we own, tithe or token, bread or stone, Jesus said, “Have a care – your heart will always be where your riches are, where your riches are.” (Please stand, as you are able, when the Greeters/Elders bring forward the Offering) Wild flowers grow, birds find seed, God attends to each one’s need; as we share, all can live, as we love, we learn to give, Jesus said, “Have a care – your heart will always be where your riches are, where your riches are.” Minute for Mission Ministry of Music: “You Are Mine” (David Haas/Mark Hayes) Senior Choir with Shelley Mann - flute Prayers of the People Hymn: “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” VU 670 4 Benediction One: Let us now go out into the world, knowing that we are loved by God. May God’s Spirit guide and direct us that we may share God’s love with those in need. Amen. Sending Us Out: “Friends, Let Us Love Each Other” (verse 2 only) Love is what Christ commanded. Love lived day by day. Love bears another’s burden Love walks a tender way. Friends let us love each other Love is the gift God gives. Friends, by the love within us, our world will know God lives. Postlude: “J.S. Bach – BWV 622” A Note about the Postlude: For the duration of Lent, as I have done for the past two years, I will be playing postludes of a more intimate nature. I have chosen to play some of my favourite Chorale Preludes by Bach this year. Because the texts of the pieces are from an out-dated theology prevalent 200 years ago, I have chosen to leave out the titles. The music itself is still inspiring, and far from out-dated. I will leave you to find your own personal meaning in each piece. Today’s setting is another of the rare examples of an ornamented solo melody in Bach’s chorale settings. I find these ornamented settings especially beautiful. The mood of the piece is expressing Christ’s passion from our point-of-view. It is one of gentleness, love, yearning and ‘com-passion’. It is ‘with passion’ that we ourselves think of Jesus’ last week on earth, and perhaps of the last days of others in our lives as well. Minister of Music: Heather Kristenson 5 WELCOME Welcome to our Sunday Service. If you are a guest with us, please sign the “Guest Book” at the back of the sanctuary and introduce yourself to our Minister. ELDERS Christy Corkum Peggy Greek GREETERS Carolyn Tanner & Donna Hartlen A warm welcome to Rev. David Lutes and Dorothy Lutes who are with us today for our Sunday Service. TODAY - CELEBRATION SUNDAY – Best wishes to everyone who celebrated a birthday in the month of March. Everyone is invited to stay after service for Celebration Cake (regular and gluten-free). Celebration names are printed on an insert in the bulletin. SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS to the family of Charles Edwin Tanner who died on March 21st. A celebration of his life will be announced at a later date. SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS to the family of Marguerite Cleversey who died on March 16th, 2015. EASTER FLOWERS – If you wish to place flowers in the church sanctuary for Easter, please have your dedication into the church office no later than Wednesday, April 1st. Please have flowers delivered to the Church no later than 4:00 pm on Thursday, April 2nd. 6 Storm Cancellation Notification Notification about cancelled church services due to inclement weather can be found: 1. By listening to the CKBW radio station (on your dial at 98.1) although announcements will only be read once an hour. Cancellations are also posted on the CKBW website: www.ckbw.ca 2. Cancellation of our church service can also be found on our church website: www.centralunitedlunenburg.ca 3. You can also phone the church office on the Sunday when it storms: (902-634-4035) for information. COMING WEEK WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1ST 11:30 – 1:30 – Soup Lunch – Central United Church Hall Hosted by: Central United U.C.W. Cost: $8.00 FRIDAY, APRIL 3RD – GOOD FRIDAY 11:30 am – Ecumenical outdoor “Walk with the Cross” Starts at St. John’s Anglican Church SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH – EASTER SUNDAY 10:30 am – Easter Celebration Celebration of Communion Benevolent Fund Offering LOOKING AHEAD MONDAY, APRIL 6TH 7:00 pm – Steward’s Meeting – Fellowship Room THURSDAY, APRIL 9TH 7:00 pm – Board Meeting – Fellowship Room 7 SATURDAY, APRIL 11TH 6:00 pm – Men’s Social Supper – Central United Church Hall All men of the congregation are welcome! Please see the sign-up sheet! SUNDAY, APRIL 12TH – Easter II 10:30 am – Regular Service Holy Humour Sunday CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT PRESENTATION This presentation, specifically for Seniors, will take place in Central United Church Hall on Thursday, April 16th from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. Information concerning fall buttons, personal emergency buttons and other equipment used by Seniors will be discussed. No charge. ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH IN LUNENBURG announces: LENTEN MUSIC AND MEDITATION SERIES FOR 2015 Music and Meditation for Lent, 2015, begins on Wednesday, February 18th at noon at St. John’s Anglican Church, 81 Cumberland Street in Lunenburg. Each half-hour presentation features musical friends of St. John’s music program. The series will contain seven presentations, ending on Wednesday, April 1st. The public is cordially invited to attend. Wednesday, April 1st at noon – Sharon Gow-Knickle, piano Information: [email protected] or the church office: 634-4994. COMMUNITY EVENTS St. John’s Anglican Church – Seder Supper – Tuesday, March 31st – 6:00 pm (Parish Hall) Everyone is invited. Please call 902-634-4994 if you plan to attend. 8 MV 128 When They Heard That Jesus Was Coming Verse 1: When they heard that Jesus was coming, Sing hosanna to the chosen one! All the people went out to meet him. Sing hosanna to the chosen one! Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, sing hosanna to the chosen one! Verse 2: Spread their cloaks and branches before him Sing hosanna to the chosen one! Children sang with palm branches waving. Sing hosanna to the chosen one! Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, sing hosanna to the chosen one! Verse 6: Vision blest, and hope for the future, Sing hosanna to the chosen one! God’s beloved, radiant with glory Sing hosanna ….. Verse 8: Eye of God, who sees to the heart of us, Sing hosanna to the chosen one! Healing touch, the sight in our blindness Sing hosanna ……. Verse 11: Friend in death, who wakes us to new life Sing hosanna to the chosen one! Friend in life, we sing glad hosannas Sing hosanna ……
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