SEVERE SEPSISもしくはSEPTIC SHOCKの患者において 血清アルブミン値 > 3.0 G/DLを維持することで 死亡率の改善に寄与するか Albumin Replacement in Patients with Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock N Engl J Med 2014; 370:1412-1421 飯塚病院 総合診療科 PGY 5 坂井 正弘 監修:吉野 俊平 J HOSPITALIST network Journal club 症例 入院前はADLは自立していた81歳男性 数日前より腰痛を自覚していた 悪寒戦慄と全身の脱力感を主訴に救急搬送 来院時、血圧 128/68mmHg、脈拍 110/min、整、体温 39.2℃ 呼吸数 28/min、SpO2 93%(RA) 右尿管結石による複雑性尿路感染症と診断し、入院 入院6時間後、血圧低下、腎障害が出現し、大量補液および 昇圧剤の投与を開始した 経過 腎瘻造設を試みるも成功せず、第2病日も血圧低下は持続 大量補液は継続 TP 4.2 g/dl、Alb 2.1 g/dlと低アルブミン血症が増悪し、全身の 浮腫が増悪傾向であった その後、再度施行した腎瘻造設術が成功 体液バランス調整目的に、一時的に晶質液に代えてアルブミ ン製剤を使用 その後、血圧は安定化し、第4病日にはショック期を離脱 CLINICAL QUESTION ✴ショック期に一時的にアルブミン製剤を使用したが、アル ブミン投与による血清Alb値の目標値は示されていない ✴血清Alb値を上昇させ、浮腫の原因となる低アルブミン血 症を改善させることで、血管内ボリュームの適正化を図れ ないのか Septic shockの患者において、ショック期にアルブミンを投与 する際に、予後を改善しうる血清Alb値の目標値は存在するか EBMの5STEP STEP1 疑問の定式化 (PICO) STEP2 論文の検索 STEP3 論文の批判的吟味 STEP4 症例への適応 STEP5 STEP1∼4の見直し EBMの5STEP STEP1 疑問の定式化 (PICO) STEP2 論文の検索 STEP3 論文の批判的吟味 STEP4 症例への適応 STEP5 STEP1∼4の見直し STEP1 疑問の定式化 P:Severe sepsisもしくはSeptic shockの患者 I:ある血清アルブミン値を目標に、アルブミン 投与を行う群 C:アルブミン投与を行わない群 O:死亡率 EBMの5STEP STEP1 疑問の定式化 (PICO) STEP2 論文の検索 STEP3 論文の批判的吟味 STEP4 症例への適応 STEP5 STEP1∼4の見直し STEP2 論文の検索 ✤PubMed “Severe sepsis’’ “Septic shock” “Albumin concentration” で検索を行った 論文の選定 HOME ARTICLES & MULTIMEDIA ISSUES SPECIALTIES & TOPICS FOR AUTHORS CME ORIGINAL ARTICLE Albumin Replacement in Patients with Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock Pietro Caironi, M.D., Gianni Tognoni, M.D., Serge Masson, Ph.D., Roberto Fumagalli, M.D., Antonio Pesenti, M.D., Marilena Romero, Ph.D., Caterina Fanizza, M.Stat., Luisa Caspani, M.D., Stefano Faenza, M.D., Giacomo Grasselli, M.D., Gaetano Iapichino, M.D., Massimo Antonelli, M.D., Vieri Parrini, M.D., Gilberto Fiore, M.D., Roberto Latini, M.D., and Luciano Gattinoni, M.D. for the ALBIOS Study Investigators N Engl J Med 2014; 370:14121421 April 10, 2014 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1305727 Share: Abstract Article References Citing Articles (52) Letters BACKGROUND Although previous studies have suggested the potential advantages of albumin administration in patients with severe sepsis, its efficacy MEDIA IN THIS ARTICLE FIGURE 1 K EBMの5STEP STEP1 疑問の定式化 (PICO) STEP2 論文の検索 STEP3 論文の批判的吟味 STEP4 症例への適応 STEP5 STEP1∼4の見直し 論文の背景 ✴アルブミンの体内での働きとして… - 膠質浸透圧を維持し、様々な内因性・外因性物質の キャリアとしての働き Mol Pharmacol 1975;11:824-32. - 抗酸化・抗炎症作用 - 活性酸素や窒素化合物に対するスカベンジャー作用 J Biol Chem 1961;236:PC5. Clin Sci (Lond) 1998;95:459-65. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1992;89:7674-7. - 酸塩基平衡でのバッファー作用 J Appl Physiol 1976;40:762-7. 論文の背景 ✴集中治療領域でのアルブミンに関する話題… - Critical illnessの患者において4%アルブミンの投与は安全 - Severe sepsisの患者では有意ではないが、死亡率が低い 傾向があった N Engl J Med. 2004; 350: 2247-56. (SAFE study) - Critical illnessの患者において、Alb 3.0 g/dl以上に保つこと が有用である可能性あり Crit Care Med. 2006; 34: 2536-40. PATIENT: INCLUSION ✤イタリアにある100施設のICU ✤呼吸器、腹腔、尿路、その他に少なくとも1つ感染が 証明された、もしくは疑う所見がある ✤SIRS基準を2つ以上満たす ✤SOFA scoreのいずれかを満たす respiratory score>1、hematologic score>1 hepatic score>1、cardiovascular score equal to 1、3 or4 renal score>1 SOFA SCORE THE SEQUENTIAL ORGAN FAILURE ASSESSMENT SCORE PATIENT: EXCLUSION ✤ 18歳以下 ✤ 終末期の患者 ✤ アルブミン投与に対する既知の有害事象を有する患者 ✤ アクティブな状態の頭部外傷後を有する患者に生じた Severe sepsis or septic shock ✤ うっ血性心不全(New York Heart Association class of 3 or 4) ✤ 肝硬変、吸収不良症候群、ネフローゼ症候群、熱傷 ✤ Inclusion criteriaを満たしてから24時間以上経過した症例 ✤ 宗教上の問題 ✤ 他の研究に登録された患者 INTERVENTION Day28もしくはICU退室まで、20%アルブミン+晶質液を Alb 3.0 g/dlを維持するように投与 COMPARISON Day28もしくはICU退室まで、晶質液のみを投与 OUTCOME ✴Primary outcome:28日死亡率 ✴Secondary outcome:90日死亡率、臓器不全を有する 患者数、臓器障害の程度、ICU入室期間、入院期間 ✴Tertiary outcome:腎代替療法の実施、AKIの発症率 人工呼吸器装着の期間、昇圧剤・強心剤の投与中止 までの期間 論文のPICO P:ICUに入室している18歳以上の患者で、Severe Sepsis の診断基準を満たしたもの I:Day28もしくはICU退室まで、20%アルブミン+晶質液 をAlb 3.0 g/dlを維持するように投与 C:Day28もしくはICU退室まで、晶質液のみを投与 O:28日死亡率 統計学的分析方法 P < 0.05であれば、統計的有意差ありと判断 power 80%、28日死亡率を45%、ARR 7.5%を想定 サンプルサイズ 1350人と算出 倫理的配慮 ✤全ての患者に対して、研究登録の前に書面を含めたイン フォームドコンセントを行った ✤インフォームドコンセントの手続きや研究プロトコール は、研究を行った各施設の倫理委員会で承認された 介入群と対照群は同じ予後で開始したか ✤患者はランダム割り付けされていたか - ランダム割り付けされている ✤ランダム割り付けは隠 化(concealment)されていたか - 中央割り付け方式であり、隠 化されている from 0 to 163 and higher scores indicating more severe illness.16 Organ function was assessed daily with the use of the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score,17 which ranges from 0 to 4 for each of five components (respiratory, coagulation, liver, cardiovascular, and renal components), with higher scores indicating more severe organ dysfunction (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). New organ failures were defined as a change in a component score during the study from a baseline score of 0, 1, or 2 to a score of 3 or 4.5,18,19 Tertiary outcomes, which were assessed in post hoc analyses, included the All the analyses were conducted on an intention-to-treat basis. Binary outcomes were compared with the use of the chi-square test, and continuous outcomes with the use of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Comparisons of fluid volumes and physiological data over time were performed with the use of a two-factor analysis of variance for repeated measurements. We calculated survival estimates according to the Kaplan–Meier method and compared them using a log-rank test. We performed an adjusted analysis using robust Poisson regression for binary outcomes. In a post hoc analysis, the primary and principal 介入群と対照群は同じ予後で開始したか ✤既知の予後因子は群間で似ていたか→Base-lineは同等か Table 1. Characteristics of the Patients at Baseline.* Characteristic Albumin Group (N = 903) Crystalloid Group (N = 907) 70 57–77 360 (39.9) 27±6 69 59–77 357 (39.4) 27±6 511 (56.6) 69 (7.6) 323 (35.8) 518 (57.1) 58 (6.4) 331 (36.5) 13 (1.4) 113 (12.5) 44 (4.9) 115 (12.7) 149 (16.5) 14 (1.5) 108 (11.9) 32 (3.5) 128 (14.1) 165 (18.2) 48 37–59 48 37–60 Age — yr Median Interquartile range Female sex — no. (%) Body-mass index† Reason for ICU admission — no. (%) Medical Elective surgery Emergency surgery Preexisting condition — no. (%)‡ Liver disease COPD Chronic renal failure Immunodeficiency Congestive or ischemic heart disease SAPS II score§ Median Interquartile range 1414 n engl j med 370;15 april 10, 2014 介入群と対照群は同じ予後で開始したか ✤既知の予後因子は群間で似ていたか→Base-lineは同等か Albumin Replacement in Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock Table 1. (Continued.) Characteristic Physiological variable¶ Heart rate — beats/min Mean arterial pressure — mm Hg Central venous pressure — mm Hg Urine output — ml/hr Median Interquartile range Lactate — mmol/liter Median Interquartile range Serum albumin — g/liter Hemoglobin — g/dl Central venous oxygen saturation — % Median Interquartile range SOFA score∥ Median Interquartile range Organ dysfunction — no. (%)** 1 organ 2 organs 3 organs 4 organs 5 organs Shock — no. (%)†† Mechanical ventilation — no. (%) Fluid administration in previous 24 hr — no. (%) Albumin Synthetic colloids 臓器障害を有する患者数 やScvO2の値にわずかな 差があるほかはほぼ同等 * Albumin Group (N = 903) Crystalloid Group (N = 907) 105±22 74±16 10.0±4.9 106±20 73±15 9.8±4.7 50 20–100 50 25–100 2.3 1.4–4.2 24.1±6.3 10.9±2.1 2.5 1.6–4.3 24.2±6.2 11.0±2.0 73 65–79 73 68–80 8 6–10 8 5–10 188 (20.8) 361 (40.0) 236 (26.1) 89 (9.9) 29 (3.2) 565 (62.6) 709 (78.5) 208 (22.9) 303 (33.4) 248 (27.3) 115 (12.7) 33 (3.6) 570 (62.8) 737 (81.3) 153 (16.9) 452 (50.1) 176 (19.4) 479 (52.8) Plus–minus values are means ±SD. There were no significant differences between the two groups except with respect to central venous oxygen saturation (P = 0.02) and number of patients with organ dysfunction (P = 0.04). COPD denotes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and ICU intensive care unit. † The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters. 研究はどの程度盲検化されていたか ✤Open labelingのため盲検化なし →治療者や評価者によるバイアスが入る可能性あり 研究完了時点で両群は 予後のバランスがとれていたか Supplementary Appendix – Caironi et al., pag. 7 Figure S1 1818 Patients underwent randomization ✤追跡は完了しているか →追跡率、脱落率はどうか 追跡率 98.3% vs 98.5% 脱落率 1.7% vs 1.6% ✤Intention to treat(ITT)解析され ているか 910 Were assigned to receive Albumin 289 Underwent randomization within 6 hours 621 Underwent randomization between 6 and 24 hours 7 Were excluded 5 Were randomized twice 2 Withdrew consent for the use of their data 5 Were treated as Crystalloids 19 Discontinued trial fluid 2 Underwent randomization without inclusion criteria 6 Were withdrawn owing to violation of exclusion criteria 8 Were withdrawn owing to the occurence of exclusion criteria during the trial 2 Were withdrawn for medical reasons 1 Withdrew consent for receiving trial fluid 903 Were included in the analysis →ITT解析である ✤試験の早期中止はない 8 (0.9%) Were lost to follow-up 895 (99.1%) Were included in the analysis at 28 day 7 (0.8%) Were lost to follow-up 888 (98.3%) Were included in the analysis at 90 day 908 Were assigned to receive Crystalloids 290 Underwent randomization within 6 hours 618 Underwent randomization between 6 and 24 hours 1 Was excluded 1 Was randomized twice 23 Discontinued trial fluid 6 Underwent randomization without inclusion criteria 6 Were withdrawn owing to violation of exclusion criteria 6 Were withdrawn owing to the occurence of exclusion criteria during the trial 4 Were withdrawn for medical reasons 1 Withdrew consent for receiving trial fluid 907 Were included in the analysis 7 (0.8%) Were lost to follow-up 900 (99.2% Were included in the analysis at 28 day 7 (0.8%) Were lost to follow-up 893 (98.5%) Were included in the analysis at 90 day Figure S1. Randomization, Stratification, and Follow-up of Study Patients. Serum Al 20 18 16 14 P<0.001 治療介入は適切に行われたか Albumin Crystalloids 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 198 159 148 130 107 104 Study Day The at Risk n e w e ng l a n d j o uNo. r na l o f m e dic i n e Albumin Crystalloids 821 813 677 663 483 464 335 303 239 217 B Figure 1. Serum Albumin Levels through Day 28 A and Net Fluid 5000 Balance through Day 7. 34 32 Net Fluid Balance (ml) 30 Serum Albumin (g/liter) 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 Albumin Crystalloids P<0.001 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 198 159 148 130 107 104 Study Day No. at Risk Albumin Crystalloids 821 813 677 663 483 464 335 303 239 217 B 5000 Albumin Panel A shows the serum albumin concentration Crystalloids 400028 in patients receiving albumin and crysthrough day talloids or crystalloids alone. Day 0 was defined as the 3000 time of randomization. Data are medians, with I bars indicating2000 interquartile ranges. The P value is for the between-group comparison performed with the use 1000 analysis of variance for repeated meaof a two-factor surements to test time (29 days for serum albumin, including day0 0) and group effects. Panel B shows the net fluid−1000 balance through day 7 for patients receiving albumin and crystalloids or crystalloids alone. The daily net−2000 fluid balance was calculated as the difference between the totalP<0.001 amount of administered fluid (in−3000albumin; crystalloids; other blood prodcluding 20% 4 1 2 3 5 6 7 ucts, such as packed red cells, fresh-frozen plasma, or Dayof platelets; and other fluids) and the total Study amount excreted No. at Riskfluid each day (including urinary output and other removed639 Albuminfluid losses, such 742 586 542 840 as fluids 789 potentially 701 Crystalloids 735 587 529 635 844 795 685 with continuous renal-replacement therapy, fluids lost as feces, aspirated gastric content, drainage fluids, and insensible perspiration). For day 1, the net fluid balance was computed from the time of randomizasecondary outcomes were assessed in patients tion to day 1, which averaged 16 hours in the two had septic shock study groups. Thewho horizontal line in the boxes and indi- those who did not septic shockof the at box the the time of enrollment. cates the median,have the top and bottom interquartile range, and I bars the 5th 95th per- effects among subHeterogeneity of and treatment centile range. Thegroups P value is for the between-group was assessed with the use of the test for comparison performed with the use of the two-factor a common relative risk. SAS software, version analysis of variance for repeated measurements to test (SAS Institute), was used for all the analyses. time (7 days) and9.2 group effects. Albumin Crystalloids ✤ Day 1∼28まで有意に介入群で血清アルブミン値が高い ✤ 1日あたりの輸液バランスは介入群の方が低い(p < 0.001) Net Fluid Balance (ml) 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 surements to including day net fluid balan albumin and c daily net fluid between the t cluding 20% a ucts, such as platelets; and excreted fluid other fluid los with continuo as feces, aspir and insensible balance was c tion to day 1, study groups. cates the med interquartile r centile range. comparison p analysis of var time (7 days) ly assigned to loid solution alone (908) f patient enrol the interval the clinical cr ization: 6 ho versus more t of 8 patients (2 patients in drawal of co and 1 in the domization e Appendix). After follo were available the albumin The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l The findings in our trial may appear to contradict those of the predefined subgroup analysis from the SAFE study,5 which suggested a survival advantage with an albumin-based strategy during severe sepsis. The plausibility of this hypothesis was supported by the significant hemodynamic advantages observed23 and by further investigations showing that the correction of hypoalbuminemia reduced the severity of organ サンプルサイズは十分か of m e dic i n e dysfunction.4,6 Similar beneficial effects were also suggested by a large meta-analysis, which concluded that the use of albumin-containing solutions could be associated with lower mortality than that seen with other fluid regimens.24 Our results confirm that administration of albumin produces small but significant hemodynamic advantages. A significantly greater proportion of patients in the albumin group than in Table 2. Outcomes. Crystalloid Group Relative Risk (95% CI) P Value 285/895 (31.8) 288/900 (32.0) 1.00 (0.87–1.14) 0.94 365/888 (41.1) 389/893 (43.6) 0.94 (0.85–1.05) 0.29 None 372/836 (44.5) 383/841 (45.5) 1 organ 283/836 (33.9) 287/841 (34.1) 2 organs 130/836 (15.6) 123/841 (14.6) 3 organs 40/836 (4.8) 36/841 (4.3) 4 organs 10/836 (1.2) 11/841 (1.3) 5 organs 1/836 (0.1) 1/841 (0.1) 6.00 5.62 4.00–8.50 3.92–8.28 1.20 1.42 0.46–2.31 0.60–2.50 2.00 2.00 1.56–2.48 1.57–2.50 0.83 0.75 0.14–2.14 0.07–2.00 0.64 0.50 0.00–1.62 0.00–1.59 0.28 0.20 0.00–1.00 0.00–0.92 9 9 4–18 4–17 20 20 10–36 9–38 Outcome Albumin Group Primary outcome: death at 28 days — no./total no. (%) Secondary outcomes Death at 90 days — no./total no. (%) New organ failures — no./total no. (%)* ✤ 目標の症例数は集められた ✤ ただ、結果には有意差は つかなかった ✤ 28日時点で観察された死亡 率が予想より低く、そのた SOFA score† Median Interquartile range Cardiovascular Median Interquartile range Respiratory Median Interquartile range Renal Interquartile range Coagulation Median Interquartile range なった可能性がある — 0.23 — 0.03 — 0.63 — 0.15 — 0.04 — 0.02 — 0.42 — 0.65 SOFA subscore† Median め研究がUnderpowerと 0.99 Liver Median Interquartile range Length of stay — days In ICU Median Interquartile range In hospital‡ Median Interquartile range RRR、ARR、NNTはそれぞれいくらか 32.0% 31.8% 0.63% 0.2% 500 28日死亡率には有意差は認めなかった SECONDARY/TERTIARY OUTCOMEの評価 The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l 1.0 0.9 ✤90日死亡率も有意に改善 Probability of Survival 0.8 することはできなかった 0.7 Albumin 0.6 Crystalloids 0.5 0.4 0.3 P=0.39 (41.1% vs 43.6%、p = 0.29) 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 535 521 529 511 523 504 Days since Randomization No. at Risk Albumin Crystalloids 903 907 733 729 647 652 597 598 567 676 556 551 545 538 Figure 2. Probability of Survival from Randomization through Day 90. The graph shows the Kaplan–Meier estimates for the probability of survival among patients receiving albumin and crystalloids and among those receiving crystalloids alone. The P value was calculated with the use of the log-rank test. of data from the 1121 patients with septic shock of edly lower study, sinc minemia a lar volume. days was lo increasing derpowered of the patien of severe se In concl to crystallo compared patients wi the ICU did or 90 days, variables. T was seen in of patients confirmati Supported b Disclosure f the full text of We thank Davide Chium Chiara, M.D., Mauro Paniga M.D., Alberto the residency Emma Vecla, F Scientifico (IR SECONDARY/TERTIARY OUTCOMEの評価 ✤介入群では、心血管系のSOFA subscore (1.20 vs 1.42、p = 0.03) が低く、凝固系 (0.64 vs 0.50、p = 0.04) と肝 (0.28 vs 0.20、P = 0.02) のSOFA subscoreが高かった ✤介入群で、昇圧剤・強心剤投与中止までの期間が短かっ た (3 vs 4、p = 0.007) ✤その他のSecondary/Tertiary outcome(臓器不全を有する 患者数、ICU入室期間、入院期間、腎代替療法の実施、 AKIの発症率、人工呼吸器装着の期間)には有意差はな かった OTHERS ✤割り当て当初にSeptic shockを合併している患者は、介入 群で90日死亡率が低かった(43.6% vs 49.9%、p = 0.03) ✤介入群で、ランダム化後6時間以内にターゲットのMAP により早く到達し、初めの7日間はMAPはより高く、 一方脈拍数はより低かった STEP3のまとめ ✤ ベースの2群間にはわずかな差はあるものの、極端にどちら かに有利・不利をもたらすものではなさそう ✤ Open labelingのため、治療者や評価者などのバイアスが入る 可能性あり ✤ 20%アルブミンの投与を行い、血清アルブミン値を3.0 g/dl以 上に保つことは、Severe sepsisやSeptic shock患者の90日まで の死亡率を改善させることはできなかった ✤ ただ、限定的な血行動態上の利点はありそう ✤ 発症早期にSeptic shockを合併した患者にとって、20%アル ブミンの投与はもしかしたら有用であるかもしれない EBMの5STEP STEP1 疑問の定式化 (PICO) STEP2 論文の検索 STEP3 論文の批判的吟味 STEP4 症例への適応 STEP5 STEP1∼4の見直し STEP4 症例への適応 ✴研究患者は自身の診療における患者と似ていたか - 本症例はInclusion criteiriaを満たし、Exclusion criteriaの該当項目はなかった - Baseline characteristicsの患者群と大きな相違はない ✴患者にとって重要なアウトカムはすべて考慮された か - 考慮されている STEP4 症例への適応 ✴見込まれる治療の利益は、考えられる害やコストに 見合うか - Primary outcomeに有意差なく、利益が乏しい印象 - 発症早期にSeptic shockを合併した患者においては 90日死亡率を改善するかもしれないが、あくまで Post hoc subgroup解析の結果 本症例で、血清アルブミン値を3.0 g/dl以上に 保つことの意義は乏しいか EBMの5STEP STEP1 疑問の定式化 (PICO) STEP2 論文の検索 STEP3 論文の批判的吟味 STEP4 症例への適応 STEP5 STEP1∼4の見直し STEP5 STEP1∼4の見直し STEP1 問題の定式化 - Severe sepsisもしくはSeptic shockの患者における、血清アルブミン値 の目標値に疑問を抱いた STEP2 論文の検索 - PubMedを用いて短時間で検索できた STEP3 論文の批判的吟味 - JAMA user’s guideを用いて論文の内的妥当性を検討した STEP4 情報の患者への適応 - 批判的吟味の結果、血清アルブミン値を3.0 g/dl以上に保つことの 意義は乏しいと判断 まとめ ✴20%アルブミンの投与を行い、血清アルブミン値を3.0 g/dl以上に保つことは、Severe sepsisやSeptic shock患者 の90日までの死亡率を改善させることはできなかった ✴現時点では、上記の患者群において血清アルブミン値 を3.0 g/dl以上に保つ意義は乏しそう ✴発症早期にSeptic shockを合併した患者においては90日 死亡率を改善するかもしれないが、今後の研究が待た れる
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