W AKE G R AY LY N FOREST UNIVERSITY POOL & TENNIS CLUB 2 0 1 5 G E N E R A L P U B LI C A P P L I C AT I O N Type of Membership Desired ( Please choose one) Due on\after April 10, 2015 to be considered Member $500 non-refundable Employee Name: ______________________________________ Spouse/Partner: _______________________________________ Number of Adults:_____________________________________ Number of Children: ___________________________________ Names of Children: ____________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ City: ___________________ State: ______ Zip: _________ Reynolda Campus Health Sciences Department Name: ____________________________________ Telephone (Home): ____________________________________ Telephone (Work): ____________________________________ Contact Email: ________________________________________ POOL IS OPEN SATURDAY MAY 23, 2015 MONDAY—SATURDAY 11:00AM—8:30PM SUNDAY 12:00PM—8:30PM The last day to enjoy the pool is Tuesday, September 1, 2015 (336) 727-9378 POOLSIDE TELEPHONE **** Graylyn Conference Center may close daily swim due to private parties during peak conference season. Members will be notified by email regarding changes. **** To be considered for membership, please return Membership Fees and Completed/Signed Application to: MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: MAILING ADDRESS: G R A Y L Y N P O O L & T E N N I S C L U B M EM B E R S H I P HOSPITALITY & CONFERENCE SERVICES PO BOX 6125 | REYNOLDA HALL, ROOM 20 WINSTON—SALEM, NC 27109 Membership is not approved without a signature, completed application and membership fees. If enough spaces are available, all applications will be accepted until membership is full. If the number of applications exceeds the availability, memberships will be selected by date received. I certify that I have read and understand the Graylyn Pool & Tennis Club Rules and Regulations. I also understand that there are certain dangers that are inherent in the operation of a pool which include, but are not limited to slipping, falling, drowning, insect bites and the like. Release and Assumption Risk I assume the risk of such injury for myself, my children and guests, and I release Graylyn Pool, Wake Forest University, WFU Health Sciences, their members, officers, trustees and employees from liability for such injury unless caused by gross negligence of the party seeking enforcement of this release. ___________________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date W A K E F O R E S T U N IV E R S I TY G R AY LY N P O O L & T E N NI S C L U B 2 0 15 G E N E R A L P UB L I C M E MB E R AP P LI C A T IO N hospitality.wfu.edu/graylynpool GR AY LY N P O O L & T ENNI S C LUB RU LE S AN D REG U LAT I ON S The rules and regulations of Graylyn Pool & Tennis Club are designed to assure the safe and sanitary operation of the pool, and for the protection and benefit of all users of the pool and tennis court facilities. The responsibility of parents and/or adult members who accompany children to the pool continues while children are in or near the pool. All family members and guests shall observe all rules and obey instructions of the Lifeguards. 1. Membership check-in required at each pool visit. 2. Parking is available on the side and behind the Management House only. Violators will be ticketed and towed. 3. Members may bring up to 4 guests to the pool at each visit. Adult children are welcome at the pool when accompanied by a member as a guest. Guests fees are $5/per guest. No guests will be admitted into the pool area without the presence of a member. 4. All members will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. Running, wrestling, dunking, horseplay and dangerous use of the diving board is prohibited. 5. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at the pool and tennis court. 6. Swim diapers are required for children in diapers. Diaper changing is to be done on the changing table in the Women’s dressing room or on personal blankets, not on pool deck or picnic tables. 7. To swim in deep water, any swimmer of questionable ability must pass a test administered by the Lifeguard. A swimmer who cannot pass this test is allowed in deep water only if accompanied in the water by a parent/guardian and is not allowed to use the diving board. 8. Floats and inflated devices are permitted at the discretion of the Lifeguard. 9. There will be a 10 minute break every hour. No one will be allowed in the pool during this time. 10. Thunder/Lightning Policy: When thunder is heard, or lightning seen, the pool must be completely evacuated for a period of 30 minutes. Members may be asked to leave the pool area. We realize this is an inconvenience, but we need the cooperation of the membership to follow this very important safety rule. 11. Food and drinks are allowed only in designated picnic and grassy areas. No gum is allowed inside the pool gates. Members are responsible for their own clean-up. No grills or open flames are allowed within the pool gates at any time. 12. Glass containers, including baby bottles, are not permitted in the pool area. 13. Parents and /or guardians are also responsible for their children outside of the fenced in pool area. This area is under the authority of Graylyn Conference Center. 14. No smoking around or inside the fenced pool area. 15. Graylyn Pool Association and Tennis Club accepts no responsibility for lost or damaged personal effects. 16. In all matters of conduct and safety, the decision of the lifeguard is final. 17. Tennis court time cannot be reserved. Limit play to 1 hour when other players are waiting for the court. Rackets and balls are supplied by the member. 18. Appropriate tennis attire is required, including shirt and shoes. Repeated failure to comply with these rules shall be considered cause for suspension or revocation of membership and forfeiture of fees upon recommendation of the pool manager and the approval of the pool advisors.
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