Financing with New Markets Tax Credits George F. Nagle, Esq. Nagle Law, LLC Radnor Financial Center Suite F200 150 N. Radnor-Chester Road Radnor, PA 19087 484-362-2627 [email protected] New Markets Tax Credit Program Enacted as part of the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000 Administered through Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund Provides Federal tax credits for private equity investments in Community Development Entities (“CDEs”) Promotes economic development in distressed communities – Through 2013 round, $40 Billion NMTCs authorized Amount of Credit NMTCs are available for Qualified Equity Investments (“QEIs”) in a CDE Credits equal 39% of QEI, claimed in 7 installments over 6 years 5% of QEI at closing, and 1st and 2nd anniversaries 6% of QEI each year on the 3rd to 6th anniversaries QEI must remain invested for 7 years QEI Investor $10 million QEI $3.9 million NMTCs CDE CDE To qualify as a CDE, an entity must be a domestic corporation or partnership that: has a primary mission of serving, or providing investment capital for low-income communities or low-income persons; maintains accountability to residents of low-income communities through their representation on any governing board of the entity or on any advisory board; and is certified by the CDFI Fund as a CDE QLICI CDEs must use “substantially all” of the QEI proceeds within 12 months to make a Qualified Low-Income Community Investment (“QLICI”) in a Qualified Active Low-Income Community Business (“QALICB”) located in a Low-Income Community “Substantially all” – 85% (75% in year 7) invested every year for 7year period – Allocation Agreement may require higher percentage QLICIs include: (i) any capital or equity investment or loan to a QALICB, (ii) equity investments or loans to other CDEs, (iii) the purchase of qualifying loans from other CDEs, and (iv) counseling to low-income community businesses or residents. QLICIs do not include: (i) lease of property to lessee who conducts “sin business,” or (ii) proceeds included in eligible basis of LIHTC project. QLICI Investor $10 million QEI $3.9 million NMTCs, CDE $10 million QLICI loan 7-yrs. Interest - only QALICB (Developer Entity) Low-Income Community Generally, census tract where: Poverty rate exceeds 20%, or Median family income does not exceed 80% of greater of statewide median income or Metropolitan area median income (for metro areas only) CDFI Mapping System – Non-designated areas can qualify: Targeted Populations Certain low-population tracts Certain rural areas with high out-migration Low-Income Community Areas of Higher Distress: The competitive allocation process has required winning allocatees to agree to target their investments to areas of higher distress than minimally required by the statute: 1 of the following: Areas with poverty rate greater than 30%; Areas with median income of less than 60% of the greater of state or metro area median income (metropolitan area); Areas with unemployment rates at least 1.5x the national average; Areas in counties not contained within a Metropolitan Statistical Area; Projects serving targeted populations meeting certain requirements. Or, 2 of the following: Areas with one of the following: (a) poverty rate greater than 25%, or (b) median income that does not exceed 70% of greater of statewide or metropolitan area median family income (for metropolitan areas), or (c) unemployment rates at least 1.25X the national average; SBA designated HUB Zones; Brownfields redevelopment areas; Areas encompassed by a HOPE VI redevelopment plan; Areas designated as Native American or Alaskan Native areas, or Hawaiian Homelands Areas designated as distressed by the Appalachian Regional Commission or Delta Regional Authority; Colonias areas designated by HUD; Federally designated medically underserved areas; State enterprise zone programs, or other similar state/local programs targeting economically distressed communities; Certain counties for which FEMA has issued a major disaster declaration; Business eligible for assistance under the TAA Program; Certain Census tracts identified as a Food Desert. QALICB A corporation (including nonprofit), partnership or proprietorship engaged in the active conduct of a qualified business and satisfies 5 requirements: Gross Income Use of Tangible Property Services Performed Collectibles Nonqualified Financial Property QALICB Reasonable Expectations on Status: QALICB will continue to be treated as such for entire term of QLICI if CDE reasonably expects at the time it makes the QLICI that the business will satisfy the requirements for the entire term. Generally, if CDE controls or obtains control of the QALICB during the 7-year credit period, the QALICB must satisfy the tests for the entire period that CDE controls QALICB. QALICB – Active Test For-profit business will be considered “active” if the CDE reasonably expects that the QALICB will generate revenues within 3 years of its investment. Non-profits will be considered “active” if the CDE reasonably expects that the QALICB will engage in an activity that furthers its purpose as a nonprofit corporation within 3 years of its investment. QALICB – Qualified Business Generally, any business except: Rental of real property with no substantial improvements; Residential rental property (80% or more of gross rental income from dwelling units); Developing or holding intangibles for sale or license; “Sin” Businesses – private or commercial golf course, country club, massage parlor, hot tub facility, suntan facility, racetrack or other facility used for gambling, or any store the principal business of which is the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off premises (lessees of property also cannot be “sin” businesses); or A farming business if assets exceed $500,000. Recapture NMTC is recaptured in its entirety if, at any time during the sevenyear credit period, a recapture event occurs. Recapture Events: the CDE ceases to be a qualified community development entity; or less than substantially all of the proceeds from purchase of the QEI continue to be invested in QLICIs; or the QEI is redeemed. Leveraged NMTCs Investor forms Investment Fund – typically a single-member limited liability company. Investment Fund receives tax credit equity from Investor and combines it with nonrecourse borrowing to make QEI and generate additional tax credits. Leverage Lender gets 100% of cash flow from Investment Fund to pay debt service, but is not allocated tax credits or profits and losses. Investor gets 100% ownership of Investment Fund and 100% of the tax credits, profits and losses. Leverage Lender can be affiliate of QALICB or 3rd party source. NMTC STRUCTURE EXAMPLE - $10 MILLION NMTC ALLOCATION LEVERAGE LENDER $6.8 million loan INVESTOR $3.2 million equity (82¢) 7 yrs. Interest-only $3.9 million NMTCs INVESTMENT FUND $10 million Qualified Equity Investment Allocatee 5% Suballocation Fee ($500,000) -$3.9 million NMTCs -Distributions to pay Leverage Lender interest CDE $6.8 million senior loan $2.7 million subordinate loan 7 yrs. Interest-only PROJECT/BORROWER (QALICB)
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