URGENT. IMMEDIATE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA -171 00l. {Forwarding Letter) No.HHC/JUDLlF.AO. No Dated: ........................................................................................... Appcllant( s) Subject: Versus ........................................................................................ Respondent( s) To Sir In the above noted case, I am directed to forward herewith a copy of order dated information passed by this Court 011 the stay application and necessary action. Please acknowledge receipt. Yours faithfully, Section Officer(Judicial) Encls:As above. Ref: for URGENT IMMEDIATE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESHAT SHIMLA No. HHC/JUDLIF.AO. Dated Day of . To Subject: Submission of record in Case No titled . versus , . Sir The following relevant sent record of the above mentioned to this Court, well before the date of hearing 1. Case No 2. Other connected ( ). titled as versus case may please be . decided on . record, if any Yours faithfully, Section Officer (Judicial) v;/ HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA - 171 OOL No.HHC/JUDLlF.AO. Dated: Subject: Filing of P.F/Reply/Rejoinder titled as No . . in Case No. FA9 Vs . returned in original for removing the objection with in 7 days. Objection No.> 2 1. It is not filed in due time. May be refilled with application condonation of delay 2. Copies------------------------------ 3. Correct Case Number have not been given. Cover 4. It has not been filed in duplicate/Triplicate. 5. To Sh H.P.High for Advocate. Court,Shimla. not attached with it. HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA-171 001. NO.HHClJUDLlCMP(M) / FAO. Dated Shimla the _ _ To CASE NO. CMP(M) FAO. Appellant. _ Respondents. _ Versus Pending in the High Court and fixed for _ Sir, I am directed to request you will be good enough to cause the accompanying notice(s) to be served upon the person(s) named therein and leaving one copy with him/them and to return the other to this Court with an endorsement that the notice(s) has/have been duly served: Yours faithfully Section 0 fficer (J udicial) Ends: _ IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA-l. FILED IN F.A.O. No CMP. No Appellant(s) Versus Respondent(s) Notice to: , Upon motion made to this Court by the Petitioner(s) under order 41 rule 5 read with section 151 CPC and upon hearing the counsel for the petitioner(s) (parties) this DOTf-l ORDER that the aforesaid respondent(s) be restrained. from, Till further orders, the Operation of the impugned award is stayed subject the appellant depositing the entire halance awarded amount in the registry of this Court within twelve weeks. till further order/till the disposal FURTHER of the above mentioned TAKE NOTICE case by this Court. that the above mentioned hearing before this Court on the any subsequent will come up for at lO.A.M. Or . day at the same time, if it can not be taken upon that day. You should appear before this Court on the said date order be not made absolute under my to show cause as to why Stay( Injunction) till the disposal petition will be heard and determined Given petition hand of case by this Court, failing which, the in your absence. and the seal this Court, this...... ... of Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of Himachal Pradesh. ShimJa-17l00l Encls: Copy of CMP attached. Note:- You are hereby informed Authorities, that the free legal services from the State Legal Services_ High Court Legal Services Committees ,District Legal Services Authorities Talul<a Legal Services Committees, as per eligibility criteria, are available alld to YOll and in case you are eligible and desire to avail of the free legal service ,you may contact any of the above Legal Services Authorities /Committees. 1 I ~ IN THE I-IIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA-l. (Order 41, Rule 14 of Act No.V of 1908, Chapter XVIll Rule 1 & 2) (APPELLATE CIVIL JURISDICTION) FAO. No. Appellantts) Versus Respondent(s) Appeal from the Judgment/Order dated of DJIMACTIWCA . . Notice to: Take notice that an appeal from the award dated presented by Advocate the in the G1Sehas been and registered in this Court that has been fixed by this Court, for hearing of the appeal and that the case will be laid before the Court on such date or on any subsequent day. 'If you do not engage counsel, notice of any alternation appeal will be given to you by Registered in the date fixed for the hearing of this post. You should inform Deputy Registrar, of this Court, within one month of the receipt of this notice of appeal, of your address for service during this appeal. If you fail to furnish such address, your address, as contained in this notice of appeal which is the address given in the Memo of appeal will be deemed to be your correct address and all further notice posted to the latter addresses by Registered post will be deemed to be sufficient for the purpose of the appeal. If no appearance authorized is made on your behalf by yourself, your counselor by someone by law to act for you in this appeal, it will be heard and decided exparte in your absence. Given under the seal of the Court this day of 2012 Section Officer (Judicial) Ends: Copy of appeal attached. Note:You are hereby informed that the free legal services from the State Legal Services Authorities, High Court Legal Services Committees ,District Legal Services Authorities and Taluka Legal Services Committees, as per eligibility criteria, are available to you and in case you are eligible and desire to avail the free legal services ,you may contact any of the above Legal Services Authorities /Cornrnittees. HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA . SUMMONS TO LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF A DECEASED DEFENDANT(S) IRESPONDENT(S) (Order XXII, rule 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure: Schedule 1, Appendix B, Form 6) CMP (M) ---------------------------- filed in FAO ------------------ Applicant ---- Appellant. Vs. Non-applicant- Respondenus) To Proposed LR,s 1(a) Whereas the Appellant.. through counsel . Advocate has instituted an appeal in the Court on .. , against the respondent who has/have since deceased and whereas the said plaintiff(s)/appellants has/have made an application to this Court alleging that you are the legal representative of the said Res. No. -----------------------------deceased and desiring that you be made the defendanusj/respondenus) in his stead. You are hereby summoned to attend in the Court on the_ . (. ) at l 0 A.M to defend the said suit, and in default of your appearance on the day speci lied, the said suit/appeal will be heard and determined in your absence. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court.this . Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of Himachal Pradesh. Shimla-l NOTE:- You are hereby informed that the free legal services [rom the Stale Legal Services Authorilies,High Court Legal Service Committees, District Legal Services Authorities and Taluka Legal Services Committees, as per eligibility criteria, are available to you and in case you are eligible and desire to avail of the free legal Services, you may contact any of the above Legal Services Authori ties/Committees. v IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA filed on 10.12.2013 EA.O. No 4233/2013 Appellant(s) Versus Respondent(s) Notice to : Take notice that ....•.••••••........•...........•..... (s)on behalf of Appellant above named has filed an appeal in the above mentioned case, under section 173 of MVA and that the appeal has been fixed for hearing on the .•. ..•.................•.... before the HOll'ble Court at 10 A.M Therefore, Notice is hereby given to you to show cause in this Court said date as, to why the above case not be admitted, 011 the If no appearance is made on your behalf .either by you or your pleader, or by some one by law authorized to act for you in this case, it will be hear and decided in your absence Given under my hand and the seal the Court,this Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of Himachal Pradesh. Shimla-171001 Enc1s: Copy of appeal attached. Note:- You ,are hereby informed that the free legal services from the State Legal Services Authorities, High Court Legal Services Services Committees eligible and desire Committees ,District Legal , as per to avail eligibility criteria, are available of the free legal services Services Authorities ICommittee. Services ,YOll Authorities to you and Taluka Legal and in case YOll are may contact any of the above Legal · ( - IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA CMP/CMP(M) filed in F.A.O. No. No. Appellant( 5) Versus Respondent(s) To Take notice that Advocate(s)on behalf of Applicant/Petitioner named above has filed an application on the above mentioned case, of Code of Civil Procedure and that the application has been fixed for hearing on the day of 20 I0 C J or on any other subsequent date at the same time, and the case (C.M.P) will be laid before the Court on the that day or on any other subsequent day. Notice is hereby given to you to show cause in this Court on the said date as to why the prayer made in the application be not allowed. If no appearance by some one by law authorized Given under my ........................... 2010 is made on your behalf by yourself, your pleader, or to act for you in this application, hand and the seal it will be hear and decided in your absence the Court,this. day of Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of Himachal Pradesh. Shil11la-171001 encls: (copy of cmp (111) NOTE:-You are hereby Authorities.High Services Authorities informed Court that Legal the free legal services Service and Taluka Legal Services from Committees, the State District Committees, as per eligibility criteria, Legal Services legal are available to you and in case you are eligible and desire to avail of the free Legal Services, you may contact any of the above Legal Services Authorities/Committees. Registered Parcel IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH SHIMLA-l No. HHC/JudlfFAO Dated Shimla the. No _ _ From The Registrar General, High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-171001. To Return of Record in Case FAO No Subject:- titled as _ Versus _ Sir, In the above noted case, I am directed to return herewith the records of the case noted in the margin together with a copy of the Hon'ble Court's Judgment and decree action. The dated records -', for information were received in this Registry and further Vide No your _ Please acknowledge receipt. Encls:- necessary Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of Himachal Pradesh Shimla. letter
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