HEARTLAND LINK….. KEEPING US ALL WELL CONNECTED!! March 24 2015 Not too long ago the health system in Saskatchewan carried out a staff engagement survey. There was quite low par cipa on in the survey and many of those who par cipated did not report a high level of "engagement" in the system. There are lots of ways to interpret the data, but there were a couple of things that stuck out for me. One was that people either don't feel like they know the senior leadership team well enough to iden fy us and talk to us if there are concerns and another was that people actually do feel engaged in the work they do at a local level. As a long me health care worker it was a big relief to me that people are engaged where it ma ers most ‐ in your interac ons with pa ents and their families. As a leader in the system, it was disheartening to know that people don't feel that they know or have access to senior leaders. As a person who regularly travels around this large region, I a ribute some of that issue to our size, complexity, and geography. I am also commi ed to improving on these measures. Last week I experienced a regional event in Kindersley that demonstrated for me that we have very engaged and enthusias c people working at the Heartland Regional Health Authority, We also have people who are interested and engaged in Lean methodologies. The event was a gathering of EMS staff with senior leaders, pa ent representa ves, and knowledgeable people from the Ministry and other region's. The event is called a 3P ‐ produc on prepara on process. The purpose of the event was to share ideas, data, and knowledge in a very organized and deliberate way so that we could come up with a plan to ensure a sustainable EMS service in Heartland for the future. So, in this context, what did engagement actually look like? It looked like a large group of people from diverse backgrounds coming together with a shared purpose and a commitment to see a process through. It looked like people showing up early in the morning and giving generously of their knowledge and ideas un l late in the day or even into the evening. It looked like people taking risks, stepping out of their daily rou nes to look at new ways of doing things even if that could lead to uncertainty about what the familiar way of doing things could look like in a new future. It looked like people proudly wearing their uniforms and job tles while leaving their personal agendas at the door or pu ng them out to the larger group for discussion and change. It looked like colleagues caring and sharing with each other without worrying about our places on the organiza onal chart. Since we got the results of the engagement survey I have done a lot of thinking about what "engagement" means and what we can do as individuals and as an organiza on to make it happen. I think it is quite different from "sa sfac on". Perhaps that is why we were surprised by the results. In the past the results on sa sfac on surveys appeared to be substan ally be er. When I was looking at defini ons, once I got past the ones about marriage proposals the most compelling one was "in gear". I can relate to that. The people who par cipated in the EMS strategic deployment event last week were "in gear" and ready to roll out a sustainable EMS plan for Heartland communi es. Stay tuned for more informa on about the ideas 3P Team and strategies they came up with for future considera on and implementa on. HEARTLAND LINK….. KEEPING US ALL WELL CONNECTED!! Page 2 Doctor’s Apprecia on Day Dr. Alfred Ernst Dr. Dave Ledding On March 30th when you have an opportunity, Dr. Dan Ledding please take a moment to express your thanks Dr. Amrish Ramiah and apprecia on to your local doctor(s) in Dr. Franklin recogni on of the work they do. Doctor’s Dr. Sumeet Dhillon Apprecia on Day is interna onally recognized Dr. Linda Bloem and held annually around the world. In Canada, Dr. Coetzee Doctor’s Day is on March 30th. In India it is Dr. Lyle Williams celebrated on July 1, in Cuba on Dec. 3, and in Canada and the U.S.A. on March 30, each Dr. David Kemp year. Dr. Hein Mynhardt Dr. Nelini Reddy The first Doctors’ Day observance was March 30, 1933, in Winder, Ga. The idea came Dr. Karan Ralhan from Eudora Brown Almond, wife of Dr. Charles B. Almond, and the date was the Dr. Johann Wentzel anniversary of the first use of general anesthe c in surgery. (On March 30, 1842, in Dr. Anton Muller Jefferson, Ga., Dr. Crawford Long used ether to remove a tumor from a pa ent’s neck.) Dr. Neville Crane The purpose of se ng aside this day is to recognize and show apprecia on to our Dr. Alison McKee Dr. J.C. Cooper physicians for their dedica on and work in our society. We would like to express our thanks and apprecia on to you for serving our communi es within Heartland Health Dr. Francisco (Lang Bayona) Dr. Ola Bamigboje Region. We recognize the work you do and thank you for having chosen to work in our Dr. Jimenez region. Dr. Lynda Keaveney Dr. Ha m Kheir Dr. Bisayo Olabiyi Dr. Michael Olabiyi Dr. Harjeet Nanda Dr. Dan Johnson Missing from the photos is Dr. Anton Muller HEARTLAND LINK….. KEEPING US ALL WELL CONNECTED!! Page 3 To the new hires in Heartland Health Region Welcome to the new hires in Heartland Health Region who took Regional Orientation in both the Rosetown and Kindersley Hospital boardrooms in March. Please welcome your new colleagues to the region and your facilities. Outlook Primary Health Services Area Facility Barb Atkinson - EMR Outlook Health Centre Betty Lou Dutertre - LPN Dinsmore Health Centre Rosetown Primary Health Services Area Facility Kiley Briscoe - ESW/LSW Rosetown Health Centre Sheila Foyston - FSW Kyle Health Centre Maricrish Apostol - ESW Rosetown Health Centre Kindersley Primary Health Services Area Facility Barb Lainey - ESW Kindersley Health Centre Monica Gomez Sandoval - CCA Eston Health Centre Grace Melosantos - FSW Kindersley Health Centre Ashley Bartlett - LPN Eston Health Centre Sammanta Sander - CCA Kerrobert Health Centre Ria Cordita - ESW/LSW Kerrobert Health Centre Mrudul Keezhethu Vijayan - CCA Kindersley Health Centre Kristine Manlosa - CCA Kindersley Health Centre Unity Primary Health Services Area Tara Henderson - ESW Facility Wilkie Health Centre HEARTLAND LINK….. KEEPING US ALL WELL CONNECTED!! Page 4 HEARTLAND LINK….. 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