Dates for the Diary ‐ Parish events TODAY Sunday 5th July 4pm Informal service for families with young children. This 25 minute service includes singing, a story, prayers and a craft activity, followed by tea and cake. TODAY Sunday 5th July 6.30 pm Iona Service at St Columba Church. Sunday 19th July Our good friends Duo Kyiv Classic Accordion will be visi ng our area again, and giving a concert at Holy Rood Church, Stubbington at 3.00pm. Admission is free with re ring collec on for Hippokrat, suppor ng families affected by the Chernobyl Nuclear accident. Saturday 25th July, Men’s Group Breakfast 8.30am HT Hall. This month will be Table Talk ‐ an exercise where we can have fun exploring the things going on in the world and on our minds. Wednesday 29th July, 10.30am Li le Fishes Goes Big Our wonderful world. Cra s, songs, stories and snack box lunch. Children up to age 9. Older siblings welcome to help. Booking advisable (see poster) cost £1.50 per family. Contribu ons towards materials, etc. are welcome. Year’s Mind All funerals handled in the Parish are remembered for 2 years on the anniversary of death. Therea er, next of kin need to inform the office if they would like them to stay on the list for a maximum of 5 years. Forms are available from the office to have them included in the Book of Remembrance with a charge of £5. No ces High Time update High Time Prayer for this week: We give thanks for the proceeds from “the Madding Crowd” and lunch me concerts. Combined total was more than £500.00. We pray for the Fareham Borough Council Execu ve Commi ee mee ng on 13 July as they consider our applica on for funding. Councillor Sean Woodward has kindly agreed to fund the flagpole and flags for the tower from the County Councillor Grant. A big thank you to all involved in the Madding Crowd £319.98 with all proceeds to the High Time Appeal. Saturday 11th July, 8.30am, High Time Prayer Breakfast in Holy Trinity Hall. Come and support your Church’s cause. The Floodligh ng this week is for: Revd Garry Roberts in celebra on of his ordina on. Save the Date: Saturday 11th July Music for a summer evening at St Columba Church. Musicians include Allen Cole, Peter Hallam and harpist Fiona Thompson. In aid of the Development Fund of St Columba. Details to follow. Just enough… A short course on Wednesday evenings this summer at the Highlands Hub Wednesday 8th July 7.30pm‐9.00pm This short series of talks and discussion con nues looking at “just enough” Bible background to help us to make sense of what we hear and read in the scriptures. This week led by Revd Keith Wickert on Paul and the Early Church. Tools For Self Reliance Time to declu er your shed and garage! Collec on of good tools, sewing machines and tex les for tradesmen/ women on behalf of TFSR will be made during July and August at both Churches. For details see Church No ce board or contact Maurice on 01329 288916. Collec on possible St Columba is adver sing for a Community worker to work with families with children at the Church, St Columba Academy and the Highlands Hub. The post is paid, limited at first for one year, and for 7 hours per week. If you are interested, please contact the Parish office for details and an applica on form. Closing date for applica ons is Thursday 16th July. Prayers for the week People with special concerns: Leslie, Kate, Jean, Muriel, Julia, Sheila. Those that have died: Margaret Dibbins Thanksgiving for the 1st Wedding Anniversary of: Adam and Katherine Lee. Prayers for the people of the Parish who live in: Ca sfield Lane, Charfield Close, Chatsworth Close. Collect Almighty and everlas ng God, by whose Spirit the whole body of the church is governed and sanc fied: hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people, that in their voca on and ministry they may serve you in holiness and truth to the glory of your name; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen Anniversaries of Death—June/July 29th June Patricia Waterman 5th July George Stone 6th Joseph Hyde, Dennis Leach, Mabel Mar n, Peter Pennell, Phylis Warner 7th Patricia Cleak, Hilton Heaseman, Bernard Kemp 8th Megan Coomes, Michael Godwin, Rosemary Tighe 9th Geoff Burr, Gordon Hester 11th Ada Jacobs, John Lait, Walter Wellman FAREHAM DEANERY WEEKLY CYCLE OF PRAYER Holy Rood Church, Cro on We give thanks for: all who are taking on extra responsibili es during our vacancy, including visi ng and re red ministers. the many visitors to St Edmund’s Church during the recent flower fes val, and for the hard work and crea vity of everyone who helped to make it such a wonderful event. We pray for: Church Wardens Jim Nolan and Karyl Lewis, the PCC and Gavin our Archdeacon, as they guide the church through the process of appoin ng our next Vicar. our parish picnic today (5 July), and for a real sense of shared community and fun. No ce Sheet 5th July 2015 Fi h Sunday A er Trinity THIS WEEK’S DIARY Monday 6th July Church open 11am‐3pm 9.15am Morning Prayer HT Church 9.30am Yr1 Harrison School Visit HT Church Tuesday 7th July Church open 11am‐3pm 9.30am Prayer Group Highlands Hub Wednesday 8th July Church open 11am‐3pm 8.30am Morning Prayer HT Church 9.30am Li le Fishes HT Hall 10.30am Holy Communion HT Church Genesis 41.55‐end, 42.5‐7 17‐end; Ma hew 10.1‐7 7.30pm “Just Enough” course Highlands Hub Thursday 9th July Church open 11am‐1pm 9.15am Morning Prayer Highlands Hub 9.30am Yr 1 Harrison School Visit HT Church 7.30pm CTiF Holiday Club Mee ng HT Hall Friday 10th July Church open 11am‐ 3pm 6.30pm Choir Prac ce HT Church Saturday 11 July Church open 11am‐1pm 8.30am High Time Prayer and Breakfast HT Church 7.00pm Music for a summer evening St Columba Parish Office: Tel 01329 232688. Parish Office, Holy Trinity Church, West Street, Fareham, PO16 0EL Opening Times: 9am‐12noon Mon‐Fri. Email: offi[email protected] Subscribe to news sheets via the Parish Website. Website: INFORMATION Rector: Revd Sally Davenport; Tel: 07500 775926 Email: [email protected] Asst. Curate: Revd Keith Wickert; Tel: 07717 312426; Email : [email protected] Asst. Curate: Revd Garry Roberts; Tel: 07554 142729 Email: [email protected] Churchwardens at Holy Trinity Church: Mrs Sheila Holliday ‐ Tel: 01329 310277 Mrs Daphne Armstrong Tel: 01329 280869 Team Vicar at St Columba Church: Revd Ruth Schofield Tel: 01329 842300 or 07738 858909 SERVICES TODAY 8.00am 9.30am 4.00pm Holy Communion: Preacher: Revd Sally Davenport Holy Communion: Preacher: Revd Stephen Hudson Celebrant: Revd Garry Roberts Reader: Colin Hayward Intercessor: Revd Keith Wickert Offertory: Jenny Hellyer and Kath Rugg Praisemakers Revd Sally Davenport Readings Today: 2 Corinthians 12.2‐10; Mark 6.1‐13 Prayer Ministry will be offered a er the service at the front of the church Susan Healey and Katharine Lancey Services next Sunday, 12th July 2015 6th Sunday a er Trinity Holy Trinity 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Holy Communion 11.30am Bap sm of Tyler Joe Alfie Reeds and Sian Reeds St Columba 8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Holy Communion Readings for next Sunday Ephesians 1.3‐14; Mark 6.14‐29
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