Dates for the Diary ‐ Parish events Today: The end of a Week of Prayer for Chris an Unity. A service marking the end of the week Prayer and Reflec on on Sunday 25th January 6.00pm at St John’s Church, Fareham. All are welcome. Thursday, 29th January 4.00pm—6.00pm, Messy Church ‘Candlemas’ ‐ What is Candlemas? Come and find out about candles in the middle of winter! With cra s, songs, stories and other messy fun. Dinner included. Open to all ages. Cost £1 per person. Sunday 1st February, Congrega onal Mee ng a er 9.30 am service in the hall. Please look at drawings of the glass doors, which will be one of the things discussed at the mee ng. High Time Prayer for this week: We give thanks for comedian Mar n Smith who is giving his me free for our High Time for a Laugh. Date for your Diary: Sunday 15th February 2015 ‐ High Time for a Laugh! Comedy evening with Comedian Mar n Smith, music from Fareham College and buffet supper 7pm at the Slug and Le uce, West Street Fareham. Tickets £15 to include entertainment, supper and complimentary drink. Tickets now on sale at the Parish Office. There will be a raffle. Can you help with prizes to the value of £20 and more? Contact: Sally Davenport or Daphne Armstrong. Prayca on: Saturday 7th February at St John's, Fareham in place of the parishes weekend, and is for Holy Trinity, St Columba, St John’s and St Peter & St Paul churches. Come and share in a day of prayer and ac vi es. Open to all ages! Put the date in your new diary and see Ruth or Sally for more details. Raise funds for the Holy Trinity High Time Project for FREE Electoral Roll Please consider registering with and nomina ng Holy Trinity Church Fareham as your chosen charity. Just an advisory no ce to let you know the update season will soon be upon us. Please watch no ce sheets for the start of the process. Any queries contact Bridget Rollo No ces High Time update Do you shop online? Please see leaflet at back of church. Sunday 1st February, 7.30pm Recharge – Fareham! Community Church invite us to an inter‐church evening service. On the first Sunday of the month. For further informa on: Lois [email protected] Thursday 26th February, 12 noon, Lent lunches. and every Thursday through Lent, we will be sharing prayer and lunch in the Parish Centre . If you can help making soup please talk to Sally. Good News! The local Poppy Appeal around Fareham Shopping Centre and West Street raised just over £29,000. URGENTLY NEEDED—Church Weekday Welcomers for the 4th Tuesday and 5th Friday of the month. Please contact Judy Jacobs on 232855. Humility Course, star ng on Tuesday 27th January—24th February at Fareham Community Church. See leaflet at back of church The Floodligh ng this week is sponsored in loving memory of Margaret and Syd Grant, in our thoughts Love Sally, Ray and their families Prayers for the week People with special concerns: Leslie, David J, Audrey, Doreen, Kate, Dorothy, Stanley, Brenda, Eric Those that have died: Lilo Hall, May Gibson, Stuart Sandford, Hilda Daysh. Prayers for the people of the Parish who live in: Priory Road, Prive Road, Queens Road. Collect Almighty God, who caused the light of the gospel to shine throughout the world through the preaching of your servant Saint Paul: grant that we who celebrate his wonderful conversion may follow him in bearing witness to your truth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Anniversaries of Death—January/February 25th Eric Evans, Graham Mead 26th Joan Brook, Win Darby, Anthony Gates, Margaret Grant, Laura Hackney, Brian Jackson, Mary Wills 27th Dorothy Johns, George Tee, Norman Wi on 28th Frederick Ingram, Wilfred Jones, Harold Thatcher 29th Elsie Thatcher, John Webb 30th Agnes Smith 31st Phyllis Tomlin, Len Reeve FAREHAM DEANERY WEEKLY CYCLE OF PRAYER: The parish of St Mary’s, Hook with Warsash gives thanks for: God's presence among us in many inspiring ways. their House Group Leaders the young people in the Sunday School and their Leaders We pray for: Their worship through services and service for their House Groups as they read 'Fire in Coventry' for new Sunday School leaders to join them THIS WEEK’S DIARY Monday 26th January 9.15am Morning Prayer HT Church Tuesday 27th January Church open 11am‐3pm 9.30am Prayer Group HT Church Wednesday 28th January Church open 11am‐3pm 8.30am Morning Prayer HT Church 9.30am Li le Fishes HT Hall 10.30am Holy Communion HT Church Hebrews 10.11‐18: Mark 4.1‐20 Thursday 29th January Church open 11am‐1pm 4.00pm Messy Church HT Church 7.00pm PCC HT Hall Friday 30th January Church open 11am‐ 3pm 6.30pm Choir Prac ce HT Church Saturday 31th January Church open 11am‐1pm Please Note: The Contempla ve Prayer Group will restart in the Spring. INFORMATION Rector: Revd Sally Davenport; Tel: 07500 775926 Email: [email protected] Asst. Curate: Revd Keith Wickert; Tel: 07717 312426; Email : [email protected] Asst. Curate: Revd Garry Roberts; Tel: 07554 142729 Email: [email protected] No ce Sheet 25th January 2015 Conversion of Paul SERVICES TODAY 8.00am Holy Communion Preacher: Revd Garry Roberts Celebrant: Revd Sally Davenport Reader: Kath Rugg Intercessor: Sue Cra Offertory: John Lee and Sue Cra 9.30am Holy Communion Preacher: Revd Garry Roberts Celebrant: Revd Sally Davenport 11.30am Bap sm of Scarle Miller 3.00pm Bap sm of Millie, Harvey and Lee Bradbury Readings Today Acts 9.1‐22; Ma hew 19.27‐end Revd Keith Wickert at St Columba Prayer Ministry will be offered a er the service at the front of the church. Services next Sunday, 1st February 2015 Epiphany 4 Holy Trinity 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Family Communion St Columba 8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Holy Communion Readings next Sunday Malachi 3.1‐5: Luke 2.22‐40 Churchwardens at Holy Trinity Church: Mrs Sheila Holliday ‐ Tel: 01329 310277 Mrs Daphne Armstrong Tel: 01329 280869 Team Vicar at St Columba Church: Revd Ruth Schofield Tel: 01329 842300 Parish Office: Tel 01329 232688. Parish Office, Holy Trinity Church, West Street, Fareham, PO16 0EL Opening Times: 9am‐12n Mon‐Fri. Email: offi[email protected] Subscribe to news sheets via the Parish Website. Website:
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