Potential Short Answer Questions for Test #3 ANTH 101

Potential Short Answer Questions for Test #3
ANTH 101: Introduction to Anthropology; Professor Brad R. Huber
Revised, Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Instructions: You'll be asked to answer one (1) of the following three (3) Short Answer
Questions on Test #3. Only one (1) will appear on the test. It will be worth 10 points on a
100 point test.
1. How do biological anthropologists use the concept of natural selection to explain the
following? Please give details.
a. People from populations adapted to live far from the equator tend to have
relatively little of the skin pigment melanin.
b. People from populations adapted to living close to the equator tend to have
relatively more of the skin pigment melanin.
2. What are the basic principles of stratigraphy, dendrochronology, and radiocarbon
dating? Please give details.
3. What are four characteristics that primates share? Please give examples of primates
with these characteristics.