Amicus Curiae Brief in support of Jesus` definition of marriage on

Amicus Curiae Brief
in support of Jesus’ definition of marriage
on behalf of
presented by His servant and emissary, Rev. John Brewer
Memo Brief
GOD -- the real supreme law-giver;
the actual supreme judge; et al;
the One acknowledged by the
U.S. Declaration of Independence
His servant and emissary, Rev. John Brewer
Amicus Curiae re: marriage
I. Questions to be answered:
1) Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to license a marriage between
two people of the same sex? 2) Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to
recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage
was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-state?
Really? Perhaps it was thought to be a form of cleverness to limit the
questioning to “marriage of two people of the same sex”. Here are
just a few situations that this question still must include:
1) age and “presumably” consent: Is a young girl able to marry her
mother, grandmother, her biological sister, her aunt, another young
girl? Is a young boy...?
2) biological constraints: Can an adult woman marry her mother,
grandmother, her biological sister, her aunt...? Can an adult man...?
3) plurality: Can the newly defined marriage terminology include more
than one relationship? Could a man be married to his own wife and
also married to his neighbor’s husband? Could a woman...?
You say there are rules and boundaries. Nonsense. This is a new
frontier, and some of you would respect one thing while others would
not. This is why there is no such common codification in state law
now. But even if it was there, why should anyone care as long as
there is “love”? And don’t your own rules keep evolving?
Amicus Curiae Brief In Support Of Jesus’ Definition Of Marriage
April 28, 2015
II. Here is the counsel of God :
1) Ignore Leviticus 18:22 AND Leviticus 18:24-28 to your own
peril and to the peril of the American nation.
2) Fear God your Creator.
3) Abominations to your Creator never change.
4) Do NOT "cross the Rubicon", for God will NOT withhold His
wrath and righteous anger.
5) God assuredly judges the nations.
6) A nation is blessed or cursed according to the decisions of its
rulers (i.e.- Supreme Court Justices).
7) Yes, a nation can push a loving, merciful God too far. His
justice eventually demands punishment.
8) When shall that day of wrath come? O America, can it be far
when your government throws out the "laws of nature and
nature's God"?
9) SCOTUS, judge wisely. Their is no remedy given to the people
for treacherous leaders except that prescribed in the nation's
own Declaration of Independence. You are the last of the nation's
three branches of federal government to fully commit. The other
two have either failed to act or precipitated this debauchery.
Amicus Curiae Brief In Support Of Jesus’ Definition Of Marriage
April 28, 2015
10) People of 'We the people', God holds you accountable for your
leaders. Do not say, "I did not vote for him or her". Your leaders
are your representatives. If you do not secure their replacement
for unrighteous actions taken on your behalf,
Democratic nations are NOT immune from judgement!
11) States of "the United States", God will not hold you guiltless
for complicity with overt unrighteousness. The 'golden calf' is
being resurrected in the form of a new idolatry. The "laws of
nature and nature's God' are being torn asunder. Will you stand
with unrighteousness or stand with the God of your country's
12) This evil which is being contemplated is more than just a
trifle. It is the consummation of a back-slidden people into a
national "death spiral". This is no exaggeration. If God gives the
nation over to its evil desires and does not constrain Evil itself,
sexual immorality will not be the only demon unloosed and
And yet for a little while, there is still hope:
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name,
shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,
and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
For More Information, Please See: – – –
Jesus’ Definition of Marriage
This full amicus brief
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Amicus Curiae Brief In Support Of Jesus’ Definition Of Marriage
April 28, 2015