LONGSHORE AND SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN BEACH SAND, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, CALIFORNIA: IMPLICATIONS FOR BULK LONGSHORE TRANSPORT DIRECTION by Paul Bodin A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Humboldt State University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science March, 1982 LONGSHORE AND SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN BEACH SANDS FROM HUMBOLDT COUNTY, CALIFORNIA: IMPLICATIONS FOR BULK LONGSHORE TRANSPORT DIRECTION by Paul Bodin Approved by the Master's Thesis Committee Robert W. Thompson, Chairman Steven Costa Gary Carver Natural Resources Graduate Program Approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies Alba M. Gillespie What is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plaint till you see their specks dispersing?--it's the too-huge world vaulting us, and it's good-by. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies. Jack Kerouac (from On The Road) ABSTRACT Subaerial beach sediments were sampled at 80 stations along 62 kilometers of the central Humboldt County shoreline. Samples were taken during winter and summer to represent both the fully eroded and fully accreted conditions of the beach. Beach samples were analyzed for the grain size distribution parameters of mode, mean, standard deviation, and skewness. The 1.75 phi to 2.75 phi size fractions were recombined and analyzed for both heavy mineral to light mineral ratios and for heavy mineralogy. Three samples each from the Mad and Eel Rivers, which are the chief sediment contributors to the study area, were subjected to a similar petrographic analysis. Results of the grain size analyses and of the analyses of the ratio of heavy minerals to light minerals indicate that the net annual longshore drift is generally northward, and that the Eel River is the chief source of sediment in the study area. The entrance channel to Humboldt Bay appears to be selectively trapping coarse particles (>500 microns) as sediments are passed through the channel system by longshore drift. Heavy/light ratios along the beach show strong seasonal differences probably related to selective sorting associated with cross-shore sand movements. Heavy mineral comparisons i ii indicate that river iv sediments undergo a selective sorting in transport to the beach which obscures the provenance of beach materials. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS While performing this research, I was supported almost entirely by a University of California Sea Grant College Program traineeship, for which I am very grateful. Much technical support was given to my research by the Sea-Grant funded project, "A Study of the Entrance Problems at Humboldt Bay, California", and I would like to acknowledge the principal investigators: the late professor John D. Isaacs, Dr. Theodore Kerstetter, and Dr. Robert W. Thompson. Drs. Steven L. Costa and James T. Stork of the Sea-Grant project gave much of their time and of material assistance throughout the period of data collection and analysis. Mr. Phillip Buttolph enthusiastically assisted in sample collection and processing above and beyond the call of duty. Mr. Hugh Whelan, Ms. Seanna Willit, and Ms. Edna Rodrigues assisted with the technical analyses--thank you. This thesis owes its present form and readability to Dr. Robert W. Thompson, whose knowledge and experience were relied upon throughout the entire undertaking. I am grateful he was able to stick it out to the end. The staff of the Fred Telonicher Memorial Marine Laboratory were specially wonderful to work with. In particular, I would like to acknowledge Ms. Carol Mr. James Rusconi, Mr. Wardrip, Hal Genger, Mr. John Smith, and vi Mr. David Hoskins. Without their cheerful support I might still be in prison. For the ease of preparation of the final the thesis, I drafts of am grateful to Dr. Richard J. Seymour and Ms. Martha Rognon of the Nearshore Reasearch group at Scripps Institution of Oceanography for the use of their word-processor. Finally, my morale through the more difficult times was maintained only by the loving support of Joan and my parents. TABLE OF CONTENTS page ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v TABLE OF CONTENTS vii ix LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES x INTRODUCTION 1 STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION 4 Physiographic Features 4 Sediment Input to the Beach System Oceanographic Features 8 12 METHODS OF STUDY Sample Collection and Processing 12 Grain Size Analysis 15 Mineralogical Analysis 16 Statistical Analysis 17 AERIAL DISTRIBUTION OF GRAIN SIZE PARAMETERS 19 Results 19 Discussion 31 Bulk Northwards Longshore Transport Hypothesis 31 Evidence for Selective Trapping in the Bay Mouth 33 Effects of Mad River Sediment on the Beach 34 Alongshore Wave Energy Gradient 36 vii viii TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) HEAVY MINERAL-LIGHT MINERAL RATIOS page 38 Results 38 Discussion 38 HEAVY MINERALOGY 44 Results 44 Discussion 46 CONCLUSIONS 53 Bulk Northward Transport 53 Suggestions for Further Work 55 REFERENCES CITED 57 APPENDICES A. B. C. Numerical values of grain-size parameters--winter 60 Numerical values of grain-size parameters--summer 62 Numerical values of heavy mineral abundance 64 LIST OF TABLES Table page 1 Heavy mineral percentages--river samples... 45 2 Beach heavy mineral percentages--winter 47 3 Beach heavy mineral percentages--summer 48 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure page 1 Location map of study area 5 2 Beach morphology and names; River sampling sites 7 3 Wave power roses for the study area 9 4 Beach sampling south of the harbor entrance 13 Beach sampling north of the harbor entrance 14 Most common size constituent (mode) of the beach samples--winter 20 Most common size constituent (mode) of the beach samples--summer 21 8 Modal difference between seasons 22 9 Mean grain size--winter 23 10 Mean grain size--summer 24 11 Standard deviation of the grain size distributions--winter 26 Standard deviation of the grain size distributions--summer 27 Skewness of the grain size distributions--winter 29 Skewness of the grain size distributions—summer 30 Heavy mineral abundance along beach 39 Glaucophane abundance along the beach--summer 49 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 16 INTRODUCTION As a coastal area becomes economically developed, anthropogenic stresses can alter bordering beaches, with consequences varying from aesthetic irritation to large-scale economic loss. are often the result of Undesireable changes in beaches ignorance about local shore dynamics. Due to rapid economic development of coastal areas, scientific knowledge of shore processes tends to accumulate after problems arise. The magnitude of difficulties which may follow coastal development, and the uniqueness of each beach system, indicate that knowledge of beach dynamics at unstressed coastal localities is required to forestall beach degradation related to coastal development. The beaches of Humboldt County, California, have not yet been subjected to the same degree of stress as have beaches on other parts of the California coast. As developmental pressures grow, however, these relatively unscathed beaches will come under increasing stress. Investigating the dynamics of Humboldt County beaches will help isolate areas of potential problems and enhance our knowledge of unaltered beach systems. An important problem arising from earlier investigations of the study area is a controversy over the dominant direction of littoral drift. Previous investigators have noted that the prevalent longshore transport direction at any one time in the study area varied 1 2 depending on the season, being northward during the winter and southward at other times (Noble 1971, Ritter 1972, DeGraca et al. 1974). reached about which, However,no clear consensus was if any, longshore transport direction dominated in the annual cycle. I will refer to average In order to avoid confusion, longshore transport caused by a particular wave train, an instantaneous rate varying seasonally, as "net longshore transport". The overall sum of net longshore transport effects over the entire course of a year, which is the controversial value, will be referred to as "bulk longshore transport". Elucidation of the bulk longshore sediment transport direction is related to the question of which of the waves arriving obliquely at the study area, when refracted to shore, concentrates the largest longshore component of wave power on mobile beach sediments. A mathematical model of this process was used by DeGraca and Eckar (1974) to determine the potential bulk longshore transport direction north of the Humboldt Bay Jetties. Their results were inconclusive and yielded patterns of convergence and divergence of potential sediment transport for which there is no physical evidence. Noble (1971) examined changes in beach shape resulting from the emplacement of jetties at the entrance to Humboldt Bay. He interpreted greater accretion in the lee of North Jetty as evidence of the dominance of southward transport. 3 Ritter (1972) performed grain-size analyses and examined abundance of the accessory mineral garnet along the study area. He concluded that northward sediment flow in the winter was of sufficient magnitude to make the Eel River the chief contributor to the beach as far north as the Humboldt Bay Jetties. Snow's (1962) survey of beach morphology and grain-size along the Northern California coast included several stations in the study area. Snow theorized that the beach sediment south of the mouth of the Eel River was of different origin than beach sediments north of the Eel, and that the Eel's sediment may be the chief source of the northern beach. The purpose of my work was to investigate the longshore variation of beach sediment grain size and mineralogy, and to apply these to the question of the bulk longshore transport direction. My investigation was carried out as part of a Sea-Grant funded investigation of the shoaling of the entrance channel system at Humboldt Bay, California (Kerstetter 1980). My work was to be used in an effort to determine the source of sediments which comprise the entrance channel shoals. Results and conclusions of this and future work apply directly to several real-life problems in the study area. These include: harbor shoaling, coastal erosion problems, disposal of dredge spoils from Humboldt Bay, and potential consequences of dams on the Eel and Mad Rivers. STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION Physlographic Features The coast of central Humboldt County between 40°31'N and 41° 02'N is a 62 kilometer sand beach bounded by rocky headlands and containing the entrance to Humboldt Bay, a major shipping and fishing port (Figure 1). The beach is the seaward extension of two extensive flood plains composed of recent sedimentary materials (Evenson, 1959). The southern plain is the Eel River flood plain, or delta. The northern plain contains both the Humboldt Bay system, into which drain several small streams, and the Mad River flood plain. The tectonic framework which provides an underlying "skeleton" for the shoreline of the study area is somewhat unusual compared to that of many other California beaches. The majority of the California coastline strikes north-westerly and, typically, a rocky headland at the northern end of a sand beach in California extends farther west than does the southern boundary. In the study area, however, the northern boundary (Trinidad Head) is east of the southern bounding rocky promontories of False Cape (Figure 1). The overall strike of the study area shoreline is, therefore north-north-easterly. The beach, and the nature of its landward backing, 4 5 Figure 1. Location map of study area. Stippled areas are areas of Holocene sedimentation. 6 change along the study area. South of the Humboldt Bay jetties, the beach is generally steep and narrow, and is backed by either: (1) cliffs which occasionally are eroded actively by waves, or (2) a thin band of low dunes (Figure 2). North of the jetties, the beach tends to be broader and flatter than it is to the south (Snow 1962), and is backed by well developed dune systems. Where cliffs, eroded by both wave and river action, occur in the northern part of the study area, they are separated from the ocean by as much as 0.75 kilometers of vegetated dune sand (Figure 2). Sediment input, to the Beach System There are two major sediment sources to the study area at the present time, the Mad River in the north and the Eel River in the south (Figures 1 and 2). These rivers drain geologically similar terraines, and rocks of the same formations (Bailey 1966). The Eel River contributes an estimated average of 4.5X106 tons of sand per year; the Mad approximately one tenth of this amount (Ritter 1972). The Mad and Eel Rivers have the largest ratios of sediment yields to drainage areas in .North America, and carry extremely high sediment loads for their sizes (Judson et al. 1964, Karlin 1980). Most of this sediment load is carried at high flows attained in the winter months, large portion of the overall and a total is moved during major flood events with a long recurrence interval (Brown et al. 7 Wide, flat beach. Extensive dunes. "Abandoned" cliffs. Intermediate-to-wide beach. Generally very low steepness. Extensive high backing dunes. Gravel on beach in some placesdunes. Beach is seaward edge of Humboldt Bay barrier. Wide beach, low steepness. High backing dunes. Beach is seaward edge of Humboldt Bay barrier. Steep & narrow in S. to broad & flat in N. Steep beach, stable cliffs? Beach is seaward edge of Eel R. delta. Steep, narrow beach. Low backing dunes.. Verysteep, narrow beach. No dunes eroding cliffs. Figure 2. Beach morphology and names; river sampling sites. Morphological character of the shoreline is shown for seven sections of beach. River samples from the Mad River were given the identification numbers: m-20, m-30, and m-40. Eel River samples were numbered: e-20, e-30, and e-50. 8 1971, Kelsey 1980). The large amount of sediment input to the beach system is another characteristic which distinguishes the study area from other California coastal locales. Oceanographic Features More wave power arrives at the study area (and to the north) than at coastal localities to the south in California (N.M.C. 1960, D.N.O.D. The incoming 1977). wave power is distributed among three recognizable "families" of waves, each with a particular season-of-effect and average angle-of-approach (Johnson et al. 1971)(Figure 3): 1) From April through November, the dominant wave energy component at the study area is the "prevailing swell". These waves are generated by storms in the north-central and northeastern Pacific. These waves are low energy wave forms, generally not higher than three meters and averaging under one meter high, and dominate the total wave power as a result of their long season-of-effect. The tectonic structure, and the high sediment input previously discussed have allowed the beach to become oriented roughly perpendicular to the direction from which the prevailing swell arrives (another northern California beach exhibiting these characteristics is discussed by I.E.E., 1968). Therefore, these waves should not, on the average, cause net 9 Figure 3. Wave power roses for the study area. Values were obtained by averaging the results of calculations by Johnson (1971) for two deep-water stations approximately 200 kilometers north and south of the study area. 10 longshore transport. 2) The winter months, November through March, are characterized by very high energy "seas" which arrive from the south (Figure 3) (Johnson et al. 1971). These southerly waves average about three meters high and range over eight meters high. They are associated with storm fronts passing through the study area during winter. The winter storms also contribute the bulk of the annual average precipitation of about one meter (Rantz 1969). Therefore, during this season the river runoff and stream sediment contribution are high, coinciding with net northward transport engendered by the high southerly waves of the season. 3) A third group of waves arriving at the study area are seas generated by NNW winds which occur most strongly in the months of May to August. This family of waves has an average deep-water approach direction of NW to NNW (Figure 3), and an average height of one to two meters with a maximum height of five meters. Southward drift during the late spring and summer months is a result of the arrival of this group of waves. The total wave-power of this northerly group is about equal to the total wave-power of the winter southerly waves. This description of wave power in the study area is based on data hindcast for deep-water stations off the west coast (N.M.C. 1960, D.N.O.D. 1977). These data can only be used to generate a rough estimate of the actual wave 11 climate of the study area. It is hoped that wave data collections underway at the present time will provide a more detailed view of this important aspect of the local beach processes (Seymour et al. 1980). Tides in the study area are mixed semi-diurnal, with a mean tide range of about 1.5 meters, and a maximum tide range of about 3.4 meters (N.O.A.A. 1980). METHODS OF STUDY Sample Collection and Processing River sediment samples were taken at the waterline on the depositional (inside) bank of meanders. Three locations from the floodplains of the Mad and Eel Rivers were sampled (Figure 2). Samples consisted of about two kilograms of sediment, scooped by hand to a depth of 10 centimeters. Beach samples were selected from approximately one thousand samples of beach sediment taken as part of the Sea—Grant project on harbor entrance shoaling (Kerstetter 1980). Samples were taken monthly from stations located at 0.8 kilometer intervals along the beach except near the Humboldt Bay jetties where the sampling interval was 0.2 kilometers (Figures 4 and 5). Mileage along the beach was determined with the odometer of the sampling vehicle. Sampling sites were marked with stakes placed on the first line of permanent dunes, where permitted. Samples were identified by numbers corresponding to their distance from the Eel River mouth in kilometers, negative values being south of the river mouth and positive values being north of the river mouth. Samples consisted of approximately 200 cm.3 of sand. Each sample represented four sub—samples taken from the 12 13 Figure 4. Beach sampling south of the harbor entrance. Next to each sampling location there are symbols indicating which analyses were performed on that sample. See legend for meaning of symbols. 14 Figure 5. Beach sampling north of the harbor entrance. Next to each sampling location there are symbols indicating which analyses were performed on that sample. See legend for meaning of symbols. 15 corners of a two meter grid. Samples were taken from approximately mid-beach face to a depth of three centimeters to represent the most recent beach-face transport (Bascom 1951). Samples from two of the monthly sampling sets were analyzed for sedimentary properties. The set collected in late January and early February of 1979 represents the winter high-energy condition. The set taken in September of 1979 represents the prevailing low-energy summer swell condition. River samples were hand sieved to remove particles larger than -1 phi (2000 microns) and finer than 4 phi (63 microns), then treated the same as beach samples. Beach samples were rinsed in fresh water and dried for two days in an oven. 158 samples (79 each from winter and summer) were analyzed for grain size parameters (Figures 4 and 5). Of the samples analyzed for size, 41 (20 from winter, 21 from summer) were further analyzed for heavy mineral content. Samples were selected for mineralogical examination to obtain equal coverage of the study area at approximately 3.5 kilometer intervals (Figures 4 and 5). Grain Size Analysis A thirty to fifty gram subsample was obtained from each sample for grain-size analysis using a soil splitter. Samples were sieved to quarter-phi intervals by placing them 16 in a Ro—Tap mechanical sieve shaker for twelve minutes. The fraction of sample retained on each sieve was weighed to a precision of 0.005 grams. The mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis values of the grain size distributions (based on the weight percent of the sample in each size class) were calculated using central derived measures (Blatt et al. 1972). moment In addition the mode, or the most prevalent size class of the distribution by weight, was calculated. Details regarding derivation of statistical descriptors of the grain size distributions are given in Blatt et at. 1972. Mineralogical Analysis The heavy mineral fraction of the size interval between 1.75 phi and 2.75 phi was separated by gravity settling in tetrabromoethane (specific gravity=2.90). The restricted grain size was used for two reasons: 1) to facilitate petrographic grain identification by standardizing the grain thicknesses observed through the microscope, and 2) to make the results more indicative of provenance differences rather than sorting effects. The 1.75 phi to 2.75 phi size fraction was used because particles in this size range were found in nearly every sample. A two to three gram split of the sample was used in the separation. Heavy minerals were mounted on microscope slides in Canada Balsam (refractive index=1.56). 17 Prior to examination, each slide was randomly assigned a letter identification symbol in order to eliminate bias in counting. Samples were counted using a petrographic microscope which was arranged to allow reflected light examination of the grains as well transmitted light observation. in two steps: as The slide counts were made 1) counting one hundred grains of all types in order to determine the percentage of non-translucent grains, and 2) counting at least one-hundred translucent grains. Minerals were identified using standard petrographic techniques, tables, and references (Krumbein et al. 1941, Milner 1962). During mineralogical examination, grain shape and surface texture (roundness) were observed and compared to standard figures (Powers 1953). StaisclAnye I have analyzed the data for grain size trends by statistically treating the aerial distribution of modal values. Modal values were used instead of mean values because they have use in ascribing provenance (Curray 1960), and because the mean values (since they are based on logarithmically transformed weight percentage measures) have been questioned by some authorities as statistical comparison (Blatt et al. a basis for 1972). Aerial trend analyses were performed on the modal grain size values by performing linear regressions of the 18 size values on alongshore location. The coefficient of the resulting regression' was tested for significance. Unless otherwise stated, the significance level for all tests of significance was 0.01. Seasonal differences in modal grain size were tested for si g nificance by comparing samples taken in both seasons from identical (staked) sites, and applying the paired sample t-test. In order to test for separable regions in sorting and sqewness values during a single month, regime boundaries were selected visually, and, in the cases of both sorting and sqewness in winter, a two-sample t-test was used. For summer sqewness values, aerial trends were discerned by testing the significance of the regression of sqewness on alongshore location. Mineralogical results were not subjected to statistical analysis because of low precision in the results of the examination of about 100 translucent grains per slide. The mineralogical results, however, can be viewed as being indicative of major trends which may be deserving of more thorough statistical treatment in the future. The error involved in determining ratios of heavy minerals to light minerals is unknown, depending to a great extent upon the skill of the worker, the materials and methods used (Twenhoffel et al. this phase of analysis may 1941). Error involved in compound difficulties in interpreting results of the final petrographic analysis, but does so to an unknown extent. AERIAL DISTRIBUTION OF GRAIN SIZE PARAMETERS Results The most common size constituent of the beach sediments became significantly finer with distance northward in the study area during both winter and summer. Modal values ranged from 0.125 phi (875 microns) in the south to 2.625 phi (225 microns) in the north (Figures 6 and 7). During the winter high river-flow season the coarsest beach sediments were located at, or Just north of, the Eel River mouth (kilometer 0). Average and modal grain size decreased in both directions from this point. In the summer, the coarsest sediments were 8.1 and 8.9 kilometers south of the Eel River. Most of the modal values south of the Eel during the summer clustered around 1.125 phi (450 microns), with the gradual fining trend beginning Just north of the Eel River. There was more variance in modal grain size among samples south of the jetties than among samples north of them in both seasons. difference overall There was in modal not a significant grain size between seasons (Figure 8). Mean size values calculated from central moment statistics showed the same general trend of fining to the north as in the mode (Figures 9 and 10). mean values, a region of However in the lower phi values (coarser mean Figure 6. 20 Most common size constituent (mode) of the beach samples--winter. Best-fit line indicates trend of decreasing modal size toward north. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (correlation coefficient=0.8673, number of samples=79). 21 Figure 7. Most common size constituent (mode) of the beach samples--summer. Best-fit line indicates trend of decreasing modal size toward the north. Correlation is significat at the 0.01 level (correlation coefficient=0.8392, number of samples=79). 22 Figure 8. Modal difference between seasons. Open circles represent the summer value minus the winter value for sites marked with stakes. Line through data represents line of no seasonal difference. Points above the line were sites finer in summer, those below the line were sites coarser in summer. Figure 9. Mean grain size--winter. 23 Figure 10. Mean grain size--summer. 24 25 sizes) was observed Just south of the Mad River mouth, between about kilometer 32 and kilometer 42 in the winter, and between about kilometer 35 and kilometer 41 in the summer. The excursion to lower mean values implies the presence of a coarse "tail" or secondary modes on the beach in this region. In the area noted by coarser mean values, the beach was observed to include occasional patches of gravel on the surface, or an underlying layer of coarse-medium sand. Sorting of beach sediments, as reflected by the standard deviation of a sample's grain size distribution, showed distinct seasonal differences in aerial distribution (Figures 11 and 12). In the winter significantly lower values of standard deviation were evident south of the Jetties compared to north of them (Figure 11). North of the jetties, along North Spit (from kilometer fifteen to about kilometer thirty), during the winter there was generally less variability in sorting than south of the jetties in the same season, and values were low, indicating well-sorted sediment. An exceptional point was found at kilometer 23.3, which during the winter was much samples from North Spit. less sorted than other This sample was taken from a disposal site of dredge spoils materials of a generally coarser nature than the surrounding beach, and is an artifact of the active erosion of these materials onto the beach at this point during the winter cut-back of the berm. Adjacent to and south of the Mad River mouth (kilometer 32 Figure 11. 26 Standard deviation of the grain size distributions--winter. South of the.Humboldt Bay mouth (kilometer 14.5), the samples are significantly less sorted than north of the bay mouth (significance level=0.05, t=2.83, degrees of freedom=77). Figure 12. 27 Standard deviation of the grain size - distributions—summer. South of the Humboldt Bay mouth, the samples are significantly less sorted than from the same area in winter (significance level=0.01, t=4.92, degrees of freedom=36). 28 to kilometer 41), there were several poorly sorted samples. North of the Mad River mouth the samples were very well sorted. In the summer set, the same general regions of poor and well sorted sediments were observed. However, differences in the boundaries of, and values within, the regions of elevated values were evident (Figure 12). South of the Jetties during summer there was more variation among samples than during winter, with significantly higher values of standard deviation. In summer, the zone of poor sorting south of the Mad River mouth extended southward only to Kilometer 35. Skewness values in winter appear to be divided into two regimes north and south of kilometer 31 (Figure 13). For samples south of kilometer 31, the average sqewness value was a near-symmetrical -0.003, while north of this point the average sqewness value was -0.833. Significantly smaller (more negative) sqewness values from north of kilometer 31 than from south of this point showed either the presence of a coarse tail or loss of fines north of kilometer 31 compared to samples to the south. In summer a two-regime pattern was also displayed by the sqewness values. However in summer the break between the two regimes was located at the Humboldt Bay jetties (Figure 14). North of the Jetties there was a significant correlation of increasingly negative sqewness with distance northward. There was a visually observed offset between Figure 13. 29 Skewness of the grain size distributions--winter. Skewness values south of kilometer 31 average 0.003, significantly different than values north of kilometer 31, which average -.0833 (significance level=0.01, t=9.922, degrees of freedom=77). Figure 14. 30 Skewness of the grain size distributions--summer. Best-fit lines through points were tested for significance. Significant regressions of values from alongshore locations north of the bay mouth (significance level=0.01, correlation coefficient=0.735, degrees of freedom35) indicates northward trend to smaller skewness values. Offset between lines at the bay mouth is such that higher values are from just north of the jetties than just south of them. 31 south and north of the Jetties, with larger skewness values Just north of the Jetties than just south of them. A trend to smaller values of skewness may indicate the gradual loss of the finest part of the size distribution (Inman 1949). An abrupt increase in values may represent a sudden loss of coarse or gain of fine particles and a sudden decline in skewness may represent the opposite. Discussion Northward Longshore A hypothesis of northward bulk longshore transport is supported by the grain size data. The general fining of the beach to the north may reflect sorting accomplished during longshore transport. travel alongshore more Specifically, fine grains may rapidly than coarse grains, establishing a larger proportion of fines on the beach with increasing distance from the source. The literature is divided on the issue of which grain size is most readily and rapidly advected downcurrent. Inman (1949) argues on both theoretical and empirical grounds that the 2.6 phi (170 micron) size fraction is most rapidly transported in a variety of environments. Also, Ingle (1966) has assembled data which show that the 2.5 to 2.75 phi (180 to 200 micron) sizes take the least energy to move alongshore (see also: 32 Raudkivi 1967). However, in measurements obtained on a low energy beach, Komar (1977) found that the -0.25 phi (1200 micron) grain size fraction moved alongshore most rapidly, with finer grains traveling more slowly. Komar's (1977) results probably indicate the importance of rolling and saltation grain transport modes in his low energy study area. In a high energy beach, such as the present study area, suspension load becomes more important, and rolling may be only a minor mode of transport. Finer grains become suspended in the water column more easily than coarse grains, and spend more time exposed to longshore currents. Therefore, fines would probably be transported more rapidly alongshore in the study area than coarse grains because of the high wave energy level. The general improvement in sorting for samples from North Spit compared to samples from south of the Jetties indicates that the beach sediments undergo sorting with northward drift. The existence of poorly sorted samples north of kilometer 32 in winter and north of kilometer 35 in summer may indicate the addition of relatively poorly sorted Mad River materials. The rather 31-kilometer mark abrupt sqewness decrease at the in the winter distribution is indicative of a coarse tail being added to the grain size distribution north of this point, presumably by Mad River derived materials. During summer, the regions both south and north of the Humboldt Bay jetties show trends of northward 33 decrease in sqewness, which is consistent with net northward transport of material (Inman 1949). The northward bulk longshore transport hypothesis implies that the Eel River is the chief sediment supplier to the entire study area. Evidence for Selective Trapping in the Bay Mouth In addition to selective longshore transport rates, another mechanism which may produce alongshore trends in grain size parameters is selective removal of particular grain sizes by size-selective trapping. Some aspects of the grain size data indicate that the entrance to Humboldt Bay represents a size-selective littoral trap. Patchiness in grain size from south of the Humboldt Bay Jetties, as indicated by variability in modal, mean, and sorting values, is in sharp contrast to the finer and better sorted sediments along North Spit. The entrance channel may act as a "littoral sediment filter", reducing the range of grain sizes present as longshore movement passes sediment through the channel system from south to north. Since the beach is generally finer north of the harbor mouth, and since sqewness values in summer indicate a sudden loss of coarse particles at the Jetties, it must be coarse particles which are preferentially removed from littoral transport at the channel. The sediments north of the Jetties may be viewed as a fine, relatively homogeneous differentiate of a more 34 heterogeneous and generally coarser "lag" sediment from south of the harbor mouth. Effects of Mad. River Sediment on the Beach The occurrence of coarser, poorly sorted samples (presumed to be the effect of the input of Mad River materials) at about kilometer 32 to 35, Just south of the Mad River mouth appears to contradict the bulk northward drift hypothesis. However, these observations may be explained by other processes. Part of the solution to this problem may involve the northward migration of the Mad River outlet. During the two-year period November 1978 to November 1980 the mouth of the Mad River migrated 500 meters north, an average rate of 0.25 kilometers per year. This migration is apparently cyclic, with the mouth opening as far south as about kilometer 36, then migrating northward for a period of years, and finally re-opening at the southernmost point again. The observed coarse underlying sediment could represent materials deposited in the Mad River mouth when it was both farther south and at flood stages with the competence to move a coarse sand and gravel load. The coarse materials deposited under high-flow conditions might remain on the beach as a sluggish lag deposit at the site where the Mad River outlet deposited them. The lag of gravel and very coarse sand is subject to 35 seasonal burial by the onshore movement of finer particles from the surf-zone during the relatively lower energy non-winter months. The coarsening of the beach extends farther southward, and is greater in magnitude, during winter when the beach is in an eroded condition. The coarse deposits are buried during beach accretion in the southern part of the disturbed zone. However, in the northern part of the disturbed zone, beach accretion is apparently not as efficient in covering up the lag. A possible additional process in maintaining coarse particles south of the Mad River mouth is size selective trapping of littoral materials by the lower Mad River channel analagous to that proposed for Humboldt Bay. Such a littoral sediment filter would explain the nearly uniform fineness of the beach north of the Mad. Lower wave energy north of the Mad than south of it may also be a contributing factor to the maintenance of coarser samples south of the mouth than north of it. Refractive and diffractive wave energy losses in the lee of Trinidad Head, and wave energy dissipation over the generally shallower offshore waters north of the Mad River may cause the beaches north of the Mad to have a lower wave energy level. This is a complicated region which will require more detailed examination. The grain size data generally support the model of Eel River dominance of the beach sediment system and of a bulk northward longshore transport. The Mad River may only 36 become an important contributor during extremely high flows. Alongshore Wave Energy Gradient An alternative hypothesis to that of bulk northward drift as an explanation for the general northward fining -trend in the grain size data is that a wave energy gradient exists alongshore in the study area. DeGraca and Eckar (1974) suggested that a zone of wave convergence may exist in the southern half of the study area due to refraction by the Eel River delta offshore.. Convergence would cause the southern half of the study area to have a higher wave energy level than the northern sector. This suggestion has not been tested, but could lead to the observed gradation in average particle size observed in the study area because, all else being equal, beaches with low energy waves tend to be finer-grained than beaches with high energy waves (Bascom 1951). While the northward bulk longshore transport hypothesis suggests that much of the relatively unsorted material arriving at the shoreline from the rivers remains in the littoral zone and is subjected to size-sorting by longshore currents, the wave gradient hypothesis suggests that the relatively unsorted materials from the river may be immediately size-sorted by wave action upon arrival at the shore. In order to create the observed northward fining by an alongshore wave gradient mechanism, fines would have to 37 be lost (presumably to offshore) in the southern half of the study area, while fine and coarse particles would both be retained in the northern half. This process may occur to some extent, but it is difficult to perceive it as a controlling process in producing the grain size trend in the study area. Skewness values do not show truncation of the fine tail of the grain size distributions in the area of high energy hypothesized by DeGraca and Eckar (1974). Also, sorting does not become markedly and gradually poorer toward the north, which would be expected if a wider range of grain sizes were generally being maintained on the beach in the north than in the south. Instead, poor sorting is restricted to an area immediately adjacent to the Mad River mouth, as previously discussed, which indicates that the input of Mad River materials. causes a very localized disturbance unrelated to the major fining trend throughout the study area. In addition, the relative smootheness of the northward fining, showing no area in the south which appears to be the focus of wave energy by having elevated modal sizes, argues against the wave energy difference hypothesis. HEAVY MINERAL-LIGHT MINERAL RATIOS Results The ratio of heavy minerals to light minerals in the 1.75 to 2.75 phi size range, expressed as the percentage of heavy minerals in that size range, varied both seasonally and spatially in the study area (Figure 15). The winter values ranged from 1.53 percent to 5.07 percent, with a mean of 2.58 percent. during winter. pattern emerged. There were no regular longshore trends During summer, however, a three-region South of the Humboldt Bay jetties, for fifteen kilometers on either side of the Eel River mouth there were somewhat variable values with an average of 1.82 percent, and no value below one percent. From the jetties north to kilometer 32 the values were all low; none of the six adjacent samples from North Spit contain even one percent heavy minerals. From kilometer 35 to the northern end of the study area, the values were again elevated to about two percent, with the exception of a single point at kilometer 41. The anomalous sample was taken in part from a beach placer deposit and was influenced by this sampling error. Discussion Alongshore patterns in heavy mineral abundance may 38 39 Figure 15. Heavy mineral abundance along the beach. The curves display the weightpercentage of the 1.75 phi to 2.75 phi size fraction which is contributed by heavy minerals (specific gravity= 2.9). 40 express the effects not only of sedimentary source (provenance), but of sorting related to sediment movement subsequent to arrival at the shoreline (White et al. Lowright et al. 1967). (1972) noted that heavy minerals were found in higher proportion to lights near source areas. DuBois (1972) showed that cross shore movements may also be important in determining the heavy-light ratio expressed on the beach face. The relatively high concentration of heavy minerals on the beach near both the Eel and Mad River mouths during summer are probably an expression of the overall longshore spreading of sand in both directions from both sources. Within a restricted grain size such as I examined, the heavies may be less easily entrained than the lights and thus tend to lag behind them in transport. This would form a region near the source which is enriched in heavies. In addition, heavies have been found to become preferentially buried in the beach sediments, and may become removed from transport this way (Clifton 1969), also leading to decreased heavy-light mineral ratios downcurrent from the source. The elevated heavy mineral content throughout the area south of Jetties implies that the Eel River is the primary source and that heavy minerals must be transported northward from the Eel river to at least the Humboldt Bay Jetties. If lights outstrip heavies in transport, then Eel River materials must be transported north of the Jetties and along North Spit. This evidence supports the bulk northward 41 drift hypothesis proposed to explain the grain size data. The rather sudden drop off of heavy minerals during the summer north of the jetties compared to the south may be explained by the existence of a selective trap in the entrance channel system. The heavies in the analyzed sizes would be filtered out along with coarser light grains in accordance with the principle of hydraulic (Rubey 1933; Blatt et al. equivalence 1972). This selective removal process would augment the selective transport process described above in creating the observed small heavy-light mineral ratios from along North Spit. heavy The occurrence of elevated quantities of minerals south of the Mad River mouth (north of kilometer 35) coincides with the region of coarser grain sizes caused The same by the introduction of Mad River materials. processes (chiefly northward river mouth migration) responsible for the coarser grain sizes may be responsible for the elevated heavies. In the heavy mineral fraction abundance, however, unlike in the coarse grain sizes, the elevation of values extends north of the Mad River to the northern end of the study area. This elevation may represent northward mixing of Mad River materials with sorted Eel River sand. Alternatively it may be an expression of the proclivity of heavies to be concentrated in the finer sand grain sizes (Pettijohn et al. Since these fine sizes are the major 1972). sedimentary constituents north of the Mad, the elevation of heavies may 42 be an artifact of this association. More detailed analyses are needed to resolve these possibilities. The larger area of elevation in heavy mineral content around the Eel than around the Mad may be evidence of the dominance of the southern sediment source. It could, however, be the expression of more rapid transport in the southern sector, as proposed by DeGraca and Eckar (1974). I believe that it is a combination of more sediment and faster transport. The generally higher abundance of heavy minerals in the winter samples compared with summer samples reflects the seasonal effects of beach cutback in winter. Light grains have been found to move offshore more readily than heavy grains during episodes of beach cutback (Rao 1957). This process allows the beach face to become enriched in heavy mineral particles during winter. Simultaneously, the winter surf-zone becomes enriched in light particles which have been preferentially moved off of the beach face. During spring and summer, onshore movements, which build the broad summer berm, "swamp" the beach face with particles which had resided in the surf zone during winter. Therefore the summer samples are depleted in heavy minerals relative to the winter samples. The locations discussed previously which display either enrichment or depletion of heavy minerals in the summer samples, then, reflect to some extent either the enriching or the depleting .effects of sorting associated 43 with winter movement in the surf zone.. The summer samples should therefore not be interpereted as indicating the effects of longshore movement taking place during the summer months. HEAVY MINERALOGY Results The translucent fraction of the heavy mineral suite of Eel and Mad River samples was dominated by amphibole minerals including hornblende, glaucophane, and members of the tremolite-actinolite series. In both rivers, pyroxenes comprised the second most numerous class of minerals. The metamorphic mineral epidote was the next most abundant mineral in both rivers, followed by the accessory minerals sphene, garnet, and sillimanite (Table 1). Differences between the two rivers were observed in the amount of hornblende and glaucophane, which comprised a greater proportion of the translucent fraction of the Mad River (54 percent) than of the Eel (40 percent). The increase of amphiboles in the Mad relative to the Eel was apparently at the expense of garnet and sphene--both of which occured in relatively elevated percentages in the Eel samples. Substantial variations in relative percentages of some minerals occured among samples from the same river. Examples of this variation could be seen in the amount of hornblende, garnet, clino-pyroxenes, and opaques from the Eel River, and in the opaques and garnet content of the Mad River samples. The beach samples displayed mineral suites similar 44 45 Table 1. Heavy mineral percentages--river samples. Measured for one hundred grain count. T-A= tremolite-actinolite; HO=hornblende; GL=glaucophane; CPX=clinopyroxenes (augite-diopside); OPX=orthopyroxenes (enstatite-hypersthene); EP=epidote; GA=garnet; Sl=sillimanite; SPH=sphene; AP=apatite; OTH=other translucents; TNT=total non-translucents; LF=lithie fragments; OPQ=opaques.; Values given are percentage of translucent fraction, except for 0TH, LF, and OPQ, which values indicate percentage of total heavy mineral fraction. np=not present. 46 to both of the rivers sampled (Tables 2 and 3), however the data showed that important differences existed between river and beach samples. Beach samples typically contained more hornblende and less sphene and opaques than either of the stream sources. The only alongshore trend apparent in the mineralogical data was the glaucophane abundance, which showed an irregular decrease to the north (Figure 16).. South of the Jetties, summer glaucophane abundance varied North of the around an average of about fifteen percent. Jetties there was an overall decrease except for elevated values between kilometer 32 and the mouth of the Mad River at kilometer 41. Discussion Similarities between the suite of heavy minerals found in a typical beach sample during either season and the suites displayed by 'both the Mad and Eel Rivers strongly suggest that the active beach sediments are wholly contributed by these streams. Only minor contributions can be expected from sources which might have differing mineralogical character, such as material contributed by cliff erosion and by "leakage" around headlands. Although no unique tracers were detected, it is possible that the relative proportions of certain minerals in the heavy mineral suite may be different for each river. The present mineralogical data are not adequate for 47 Table 2. Beach heavy mineral percentages--winter. Measured for one hundred grain count. T-A= tremolite-actinolite; HO=hornblende; GL=glaucophane; CPX=clinopyroxenes (augite-diopside); OPX=orthopyroxenes (enstatite-hypersthene); EP=epidote; GA=garnet; Sl=sillimanite; SPH=sphene; AP=apatite; OTH=other translucents; TNT=total non-translucents; LF=lithic fragments; OPQ=opaques.; Values given are percentage of translucent fraction, except for 0TH, LF, and OPQ, which values indicate percentage of total heavy mineral fraction. np=not present. 48 Table 3. Beach heavy mineral percentages--summer. Measured for one hundred grain count. T-A= tremolite-actinolite; HO=hornblende; GL=glaucophane; CPX=clinopyroxenes (augite-diopside); OPX=orthopyroxenes (enstatite-hypersthene); EP=epidote; GA=garnet; Sl=sillimanite; SPH=sphene; AP=apatite; OTH=other translucents; TNT=total non-translucents; LF=lithic fragments; OPQ=opaques.; Values given are percentage of translucent fraction, except for 0TH, LF, and OPQ, which values indicate percentage of total heavy mineral fraction. np=not present, *=data unavailable. Figure 16. Glaucophane abundance along the beach--summer. 49 50 statistical analysis, but variations between the two rivers in the content of hornblende, garnet, and sphene may ultimately prove distinctive for each river. Variations in hydraulic properties between different locations in a river leads to variations in relative mineral abundances at the different sites, and indicates that the problem of separating the rivers mineralogically is very complex and would require extensive investigation. Differences between either river's heavy mineral suite and that of any beach sample suggests that sorting occurs between the river environment and the beach environment. The sorting acts to enrich primarily the hornblende component of the beach sediment in the analyzed size fraction while depleting the opaques and sphene. Clearly, this implies that simple mixing of the two sediment sources is not the only process operating to create the heavy mineral suite of the beaches. Sorting between river and beach environments is intervening step. an important As all mineral and unknown suites from along the beach were very similar and there were no trends or disturbances alongshore, even close to the river outlets, and as there are no trends leading away from the river mouths (with the exception of glaucophane), this initial sorting must occur prior to the arrival of sediments to the shoreline. Since all river sampling sites were located upstream of the region of tidal action in the rivers, I propose that the sorting takes place in the lower reaches, 51 or "estuary", of the rivers under the action of oscillating tidal currents. Despite differences in the relative amounts of certain minerals between the two rivers, therefore, it is not possible to ascribe absolute provenance to any beach sample. The alongshore density sorting observed in the heavy-light ratios were not, apparently, carried out to any appreciable degree among the heavy minerals themselves. This implies that the density sorting process associated with longshore transport is fairly gross and is not sensitive to small density differences between minerals. Because both rivers contained substantial amounts of glaucophane, and since the Mad river displayed if anything more glaucophane than the Eel River, the apparent general northward decrease of glaucophane is surprising. The decrease of glaucophane from near riverine abundances in the south to lower than riverine values in the north implies that glaucophane is somehow preferentially lost to the beach transport system with bulk transport northward. A plausible explanation of the trend is the restriction of glaucophane to the coarser of the analyzed sizes. Then glaucophane would- occur in lower abundances away from the source as it lags behind in transport with the rest of the coarse grains. If in the source rocks glaucophane crystals were larger than the other heavies were in their source rocks, then a size restriction ultimately result on the beaches (Briggs 1963). might 52 Restriction of glaucophane to the coarse fractions would also explain its paucity in the uniformly fine grained beach north of the Mad River. The peak in values south of the Mad may be generally associated with the coarse components which occur there. Another, although less plausible, explanation for the trend in glaucophane is its possible loss to the littoral transport system as a result of its mineral character. For example, glaucophane could conceivably be more friable, or less stable, than other minerals and be gradually removed from transport by eroding away as it spends time on the beach. The problem with this explanation is that glaucophane shares many mineralogical properties with other minerals in the heavy suite, yet no similar trend in abundance is observed for any other mineral. CONCLUSIONS Bulk Northward Transport The grain size and heavy/light mineral ratio data suggest that bulk longshore transport direction in the study area is northward. This is a response to wave energy arriving from the south during winter, at the same time that the majority of fresh sediment is mobilized to the beach by the river outflow. Apparently there is a very rapid sorting of grains by size during winter by longshore drift mechanisms in which the finer grains advect rapidly northward from the Eel River, which is the major source of beach sand to the study area. Sediments near the mouth of the Eel River represent a heterogenous lag deposit. The entrance channel to Humboldt Bay appears to filter the coarser, heavier grains out of the beach sediments, resulting in a more uniform beach along North Spit. The Mad River probably is not a very important sediment source except to the fine beach north of the Mad River mouth. Also, at extremely high flows coarse sand and gravel are deposited. These coarse deposits remain to some extent, as markers of previous river mouth locations, while the active river mouth migrates northward. Mixing of Eel River and Mad River sediments takes place near the Mad River outlet. North of the Mad River mouth, it appears that refractive, diffractive, and dissipative wave energy 53 54 losses--perhaps in concert with size selective trapping of beach sand by the lower reaches of the Mad--maintain a relatively homogeneous fine-grained beach. The bulk northward transport in the study area, in contrast to the southward transport exhibited by most other California beaches, results from differences in wave climate and shoreline orientation between the study area and other locales in California. The coastal tectonic orientation of the study area, in concert with the extremely high sediment yields of the provenance areas for the local coastal sediments, has allowed the shoreline to orient facing approximately WNW, the direction from which the greatest proportion of the wave power comes. A very high southerly component of wave power arriving during winter, the season of the largest sediment input, effects an efficient drifting of the beach sediment northward. Then, apparently, the onshore movements. associated with wave power arriving from directions more normal to the strike material which was of the beach, moves in the surf zone during winter onto the subaerial beach, with little southward drift. By contrast, the majority of California beaches to the south of the study area are forced by their tectonic skeleton to face WSW. This orientation causes a major proportion of the total annual wave power, that from west to northwest, to impinge onto the surf zone at a northerly oblique angle to the beach normal, bulk drift. engendering southward Also, on beaches to the south there is a 55 smaller proportion of southerly wave energy in the total wave climate, and these waves tend to arrive in summer, when beach sediments are less mobile (Komar 1976). The likelihood that the majority of the longshore drifting of sand takes place during winter and is directed northward should be taken into account by designers of coastal engineering projects. Disposal sites of dredge spoils, for example, might be located in such a way that they do not immediately shoal channels again. Coastal projects which would interfere with longshore drift should not be located to the south of regions which have but little beach sediment to protect the backshore from destructive wave energy. The possible starvation of already sand-poor areas should be considered prior to interfering with the downstream sediment transport of the Eel River. Projects to improve the entrance conditions at Humboldt Bay should be aware of the mechanisms which give rise to shoaling. Suggestions for Further Work This study should be regarded as preliminary. Much more knowledge is needed before a satisfactory level of assurance about beach processes in the study area can be reached. Surely the accumulation of high quality, shallow water wave data is fundamental to our further knowledge of the system. I believe that such information from at least 56 two widely-spaced stations within the study area is necessary to adequately respond to questions about alongshore wave energy variation. In addition, the acquisition of reliable and detailed bathymetry in the shallow nearshore would allow for the elaboration of a mathematical transport model including the entire study area. Sediments must be sampled from difficult surf zone locations, because we need a better understanding of the structure and composition of such a high energy surf zone. Samples from offshore of the breakers might allow for a satisfactory assessment of offshore losses. Closely spaced observations should be made of beach processes at the mouth of the Mad River, where curious things are apparently happening. Finally, carefully planned tracer studies may be used to confirm predictions about beach response in the study area. REFERENCES CITED Bailey, E.H., ed. 1966, "Geology of Northern California", Cal. Div. Min. Geol. 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APPENDICES A. Numerical values of grain-size parameters--winter. Site 49.1 48.3 47.5 46.7 45.9 45.1 44.3 43.5 42.7 41.9 41.1 40.9 40.7 39.9 39.1 38.3 37.5 36.7 35.9 35.1 34.3 33.5 32.7 31.9 31.1 30.3 29.5 28.7 27.9 27.0 26.2 25.4 24.6 23.8 23.3 23.0 22.2 21.4 20.6 19.8 19.0 18.2 17.4 Mean 2.436 2.427 2.439 2.399 2.415 2.446 2.426 2.462 2.336 2.295 2.258 2.017 2.169 1.809 2.256 2.160 1.776 1.704 2.210 2.288 2.045 2.027 1.965 1.948 2.096 2.061 2.179 2.068 2.149 2.187 2.207 1.982 1.895 1.853 1.475 1.724 2.044 1.775 1.897 1.873 1.845 1.886 1.764 MSt.Devd 2.625 2.625 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.625 2.625 2.625 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 1.875 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.125 2.125 2.375 2.125 2.125 2.375 2.125 2.125 2.125 2.375 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.625 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 St. Dev. 0.289 0.292 0.240 0.259 0.257 0.249 0.283 0.258 0.299 0.299 0.440 0.506 0.460 1.019 0.304 0.380 0.553 0.767 0.348 0.355 0.659 0.407 0.484 0.637 0.354 0.340 0.299 0.304 0.289 0.287 0.293 0.339 0.386 0.360 0.575 0.344 0.306 0.369 0.305 0.388 0.312 0.291 0.343 60 Skewness -0.984 -1.055 -0.372 -0.374 -0.494 -0.647 -0.651 -0.591 -0.658 -0.651 -1.234 -0.893 -0.985 -1.271 -0.675 -0.554 -0.376 -0.589 -0.522 -1.269 -2.309 -0.918 -0.820 -1.350 -0.909 -0.514 -0.244 -0.173 -0.078 -0.103 -0.119 -0.137 -0.037 0.174 -0.657 -0.033 0.129 -0.060 0.054 -0.118 0.163 0.080 0.042 Kurtosis 6.549 7.083 3.706 3.154 3.444 4.467 4.811 4.041 4.057 4.765 5.358 3.605 4.994 3.129 4.666 3.495 2.675 1.946 3.985 7.009 9.325 5.267 3.444 4.701 6.026 3.550 3.095 3.101 2.877 2.909 2.929 3.004 2.878 3.385 3.621 3.405 2.976 3.056 3.243 3.167 3.215 3.224 2.909 61 Values of grain-size parameters--winter (continued) Site. 16.6 16.3 16.2 15.8 15.6 15.5 15.3 15.1 14.5 14.3 14.2 14.0 13.8 13.7 10.5 9.7 8.9 8.1 7.2 6.4 5.6 4.8 4.0 3.2 2.4 1.6 0.8 0.2 -1.6 -4.8 -6.4 -8.1 -9.7 -11.3 -12.9 -13.4 Mean. 1.745 1.996 1.996 1.694 1.754 1.821 1.876 1.949 2.140 2.175 1.975 2.128 2.001 1.754 1.785 2.052 1.697 1.788 1.302 1.466 1.989 1.895 1.559 1.554 1.364 1.350 0.517 0.758 1.100 1.744 1.537 1.371 1.588 1.337 1.050 1.118 _ Mde 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.625 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 2.125 2.125 1.875 2.125 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.375 1.375 1.875 1.875 1.625 1.375 1.375 1.375 0.625 0.875 1.125 1.625 1.625 1.625 1.625 1.375 0.875 1.125 St.. Dev. 0.337 0.287 0.287 0.338 0.306 0.305 0.351 0.343 0.331 0.289 0.310 0.272 0.271 0.286 0.347 0.289 0.389 0.370 0.376 0.383 0.300 0.314 0.373 0.349 0.399 0.483 0.491 0.556 0.391 0.344 0.339 0.555 0.302 0.375 0.333 0.282 Skewness -0.139 0.011 0 011 -0.037 0.102 0.077 -0.367 -0.262 0.042 0.024 0.423 0.502 0.214 0.331 -0.062 0.321 -0.136 -0.204 -0.538 0.346 0.301 0.217 -0.081 0.077 0.077 -0.542 0.506 0.442 -0.032 0.149 -0.225 -1.273 -0.055 -0.061 0.362 0.440 Kurtosis 3.204 3.084 3.084 3.475 3.093 3.307 3.471 3.151 2.903 2.782 3.106 3.773 3.552 3.336 3.533 3.275 2.967 3.518 5.108 3.219 3.555 3.269 2.937 3.484 2.970 3.614 4.180 4.036 5.324 3.432 3.444 5.371 3.644 3.016 2.744 5.016 62 B. Numerical values of grain-size parameters--summer. Site 48.9 48.3 47.5 46.7 45.9 45.1 44.3 43.5 42.7 41.9 41.1 40.7 40.7 39.1 37.5 35.1 34.3 33.5 32.7 32.3 31.9 31.1 30.3 29.5 27.9 26.2 24.6 23.3 23.0 21.4 19.8 19.0 18.2 16.6 15.8 15.3 15.0 14.5 14.3 14.2 14.0 13.8 Mean 2.551 2.540 2.453 2.470 2.448 2.387 2.457 2.347 2.453 2.427 2.458 2.272 1.991 2.299 0.908 1.235 2.208 2.348 2.239 2.226 2.203 1.988 2.130 1.927 1.840 2.045 1.838 1.693 1.979 1.666 1.720 1.706 1.721 1.464 1.826 1.806 1.698 2.314 2.072 1.979 1.841 2.083 Mode 2.625 2.625 2.625 2.625 2.375 2.375 2.625 2.375 2.375 2.625 2.625 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.125 1.875 2.125 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.625 1.875 1.625 1.625 1.625 1.625 1.375 1.875 1.875 1.625 2.375 2.125 1.875 1.875 2.125 St.Dev 0.274 0.230 0.288 0.243 0.251 0.263 0.254 0.284 0.251 0.282 0.290 0.321 0.715 0.311 1.091 1.139 0.309 0.269 0.294 0.309 0.300 0.355 0.297 0.298 0.314 0.255 0.311 0.335 0.353 0.327 0.294 0.266 0.258 0.343 0.295 0.343 0.281 0.316 0.338 0.379 0.385 0.298 Skewness. -0.720 -0.480 -0.533 -0.432 -0.457 -0.362 -0.389 -0.426 -0.418 -0.437 -0.326 -0.349 -1.222 -0.359 0.064 -0.460 -0.171 -0.162 -0.241 -0.207 0.129 -0.101 0.014 0.312 0.032 0.321 0.101 0.288 -0.240 0.127 0.206 0.440 0.201 0.306 0.105 0.185 0.314 0.063 -0.222 -0.561 -0.506 -0.139 Kurtosis 4.371 3.689 3.652 3.245 3.450 2.957 3.193 3.175 3.448 3.106 3.389 2.905 4.408 3.025 1.733 1.820 2.692 3.495 2.860 2.895 2.905 2.984 2.831 3.020 2.982 3.102 3.525 3.353 3.140 3.352 3.456 3.817 4.512 3.239 2.922 2.960 3.697 2.554 3.334 3.729 3.553 3.059 63 Values of grain-size parameters--summer (continued). Site. 13.7 12.9 12.1 11.3 10.5 9.7 8.9 8.1 7.2 6.4 5.6 4.8 4.0 3.2 2.4 1.6 0.0 -0.8 -1.6 -2.4 -3.2 -4.0 -4.8 -5.6 -6.4. -7.2 -8.1 -8.9 -9.7 -10.5 -11.3 -12.1 -12.9 -13.7 -14.5 Mean. 1.688 1.751 2.165 1.738 1.689 1.677 1.418 1.422 1.101 1.743 0.780 1.885 1.505 1.557 1.620 1.719 1.652 0.724 1.372 1.307 1.459 1.047 0.893 0.930 0.869 0.924 0.243 0.415 1.511 1.148 0.874 1.383 1.104 1.290 1.454 Mode 1.625 1.875 2.375 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.625 1.625 1.625 1.875 1.375 1.875 1.375 1.625 1.625 1.875 1.625 0.875 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.375 0.875 1.375 0.875 0.085 0.125 0.125 1.625 1.375 0.875 1.375 0.875 1.375 1.625 St. Dev. 0.337 0.356 0.331 0.390 0.376 0.382 0.481 0.538 0.706 8.341 0.774 0.358 0.428 0.431 0.374 0.369 0.393 0.747 0.396 0.386 0.341 0.547 0.588 0.651 0.533 0.561 0.602 0.645 0.355 0.496 0.635 0.371 0.463 0.388 0.358 Skewness 0.470 -0.186 -0.120 -0.510 -0.533 -0.618 -0.991 -0.856 -0.592 -0.192 -0.335 -0.261 0.212 -0.900 -0.328 -0.058 -0.125 -0.153 0.095 -0.347 0.041 -0.678 -0.561 -0.545 -0.446 -0.603 0.189 0.029 -0.310 -0.253 -0.412 -0.028 0.202 0.018 -0.172 Kurtosis 3.307 3.572 2.873 3.552 3.991 3.731 4.813 3.867 2.897 3.345 2.250 3.445 3.090 5.605 3.893 3.150 3.567 2.382 3.366 3.627 3.249 3.706 3.174 2.803 3.050 3.132 2.657 2.382 3.368 2.724 2.602 3.044 2.287 2.725 3.127 64 C. Numerical values of heavy mineral abundances. Site 47.5 44.3 41.1 40.7 37.5 34.3 31.1 27.9 27.8 24.6 21.4 18.2 13.7 10.5 7.3 4.0 .0.8 -1.6 -4.8 -8.0 -9.7 -11.3 -14.5 Sumer 1.59 2.10 13.4 2.03 2.00 0.96 0.42 0.61 0.74 0.89 1.22 2.79 1.19 2.97 1.36 3.64 1.14 1.01 Winter 1.38 3.16 2.54 0.77 1.72 1.35 1.74 5.07 1.38 1.93 1.06 3.15 3.83 1.75 1.53 2.96 3.88 4.23 4.93
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